898 resultados para multidisciplinary teams


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Introdução: O Bem-Estar Subjetivo, enquadrado no âmbito da intervenção da Psicologia positiva, refere-se à experiência individual e subjetiva da avaliação da vida, e inclui variáveis como a satisfação com a vida e a vivência de afetos positivos em detrimento dos afetos negativos. Considerando que o bem-estar subjetivo está associado à saúde e longevidade, o objetivo central deste estudo consiste em analisar o modo como determinadas variáveis de contexto sociodemográfico, familiar, clínico e psicossocial se revelam preditoras do bem-estar subjectivo em idosos institucionalizados versus não institucionalizados. Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo de natureza quantitativa, descritivo-correlacional e transversal, com recurso a uma amostra não probabilística, acidental e por conveniência, composta por 116 idosos, 58 não institucionalizados e 58 institucionalizados, maioritariamente do género feminino (60,3%), viúvos (42,3%), com uma média de idades de 77,73 anos (Dp=9,276). O instrumento de colheita de dados incorporou uma ficha de caraterização sociodemográfica, situacional, familiar (Escala de Apgar Familiar), clínico – funcional (Índice de Barthel) e a avaliação do Bem-Estar Subjetivo (Escala de Satisfação com a vida e a Escala de Afetos Positivos e Negativos). Resultados: Constatamos que, os idosos não institucionalizados apresentam níveis de BES mais elevados face aos idosos institucionalizados (p=0,023), com maior significância estatística na dimensão afetiva. Em relação aos determinantes do BES objetivou-se que, são os idosos “mais jovens” (p=0,015), do género masculino (p=0,000), com nível de escolaridade mais elevado (p=0,032), inseridos em famílias funcionais (p=0,010), que percecionam melhor estado de saúde (p=0,000) e que são mais autónomos na realização das suas ABVD’s (p=0,000) a apresentar níveis de bem-estar subjetivo mais elevado. Conclusão: As evidências encontradas neste estudo revelaram a existência de fatores determinantes na perceção do BES pela pessoa idosa daí a importância de planeamento e implementação de projetos direcionados à manutenção da autonomia, à diminuição das limitações, à maximização de potencialidades individuais, à promoção de relações interpessoais. Neste sentido, atendendo às competências do enfermeiro especialista de enfermagem de reabilitação, seria de extrema importância a incorporação deste profissional especializado nas Instituições e em equipas multidisciplinares de apoio a idosos na Comunidade. Palavras-chave: idoso, Bem – Estar Subjetivo, satisfação com a vida, afetos, determinantes.


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O presente trabalho pretende descrever o percurso de estágio realizado na Unidade de Acidentes Vasculares Cerebrais no Hospital do Espirito Santo de Évora, EPE sob orientação pedagógica do Professor Doutor Raul Cordeiro, que decorreu no período compreendido entre 1 de Novembro de 2015 a 30 de Abril de 2016. A metodologia utilizada para a concretização do relatório foi a metodologia descritiva, analítica e reflexiva que me permitiu, através de um carácter narrativo, de forma detalhada e objetiva, descrever as experiências vividas, as situações-problema encontradas, as soluções propostas e as dificuldades sentidas durante a concretização do Estágio. Este documento tem como finalidade relatar e descrever as experiências vividas na prática de cuidados, as atividades desenvolvidas e os contextos em que estas foram praticadas, analisá-las e refletir de que forma contribuíram para o desenvolvimento de saberes e competências especializadas em Enfermagem Médico-Cirúrgica nos cuidados à pessoa em situação crítica com o diagnóstico de AVC na área de Gestão de Unidades de Saúde. Os ganhos em saúde foram obtidos pela concretização do estágio repercutindo-se ao nível das equipas multidisciplinares com as quais tive contacto, através da partilha e troca de experiências e saberes, aquisição e aperfeiçoamento de competências, objetivando-se a melhoria dos cuidados de enfermagem prestados


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This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


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PROBLEMÁTICA: Com o aumento da população e comummente com o aumento de doenças crónicas, leva a um crescimento de doentes que necessitam de cuidados paliativos. A intervenção em cuidados paliativos visa o alívio do sofrimento e melhorar a qualidade de vida do doente e sua família, respeitando as suas preferências e desejos. Os profissionais de saúde necessitam de formação em Cuidados Paliativos, respeitando as expetativas dos doentes e permitir que a pessoa seja cuidada no seu local preferido de cuidados e não recorrer consecutivamente a urgências e internamentos de agudos. OBJETIVOS: Demonstrar a importância da identificação da preferência do local de cuidados dos doentes em fim-de-vida, compreender a importância do planeamento de cuidados e Diretivas antecipadas de vontade (DAV), relacionar a escolha do local de cuidados com o local de morte, identificar os fatores que influenciam e condicionam a escolha do local de cuidados dos doentes em fim-de-vida e por fim, perceber a organização e qualidade dos serviços. DESENHO: Revisão sistemática da literatura que inclui estudos de natureza qualitativa. METODOLOGIA: Foram incluídos oito estudos, publicados entre 1 de Janeiro de 2016 e 31 de Agosto 2016, pesquisados em bases de dados de referência e com acesso ao texto integral. RESULTADOS: Este estudo demonstra a importância das preferências dos doentes e serem registadas, a importância das Diretivas Antecipadas de Vontade, bem como o planeamento do cuidado de forma antecipada. É fundamental ter em conta os fatores que influenciam e condicionam a escolha do local de cuidados. CONCLUSÃO: Deve dar-se importância às preferências do local de cuidado dos doentes em fim-de-vida. Os doentes em fim-de-vida na sua globalidade preferem ser cuidados e morrerem em casa. As equipas multidisciplinares desenvolvem um papel preponderante no cuidado aos doentes em fim-de-vida. Quando os cuidados prestados são de alta qualidade, permite ao doente ser cuidado e morrer no seu local preferido.


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Palaces, as an architectural typology, can be found in recreation Quintas that surrounded the main cities in Portugal, which preserved its rural character since the 16th century until the middle of the 19th century. Consisting of cultivated land and farm buildings, the palace of the Quinta was the owner´s temporary residence, for summer holidays and festive events, with gardens, pavilions, fountains and lakes for recreational purposes and leisure. The focus on palaces, as a historic building and as in need of new uses, clearly shows how current the debate on contemporary interventions in this heritage typology is. Interventions in architectural heritage require multidisciplinary teams to identify conservation strategies which enable a qualified use of its spaces, such as for example the experience of security and well-being, which can contribute to a better quality of life and simultaneously to the quality of the urban environment. This paper presents the Palace of Quinta Alegre and its rehabilitation project for contemporary use and public esteem, both of which are considered fundamental prerequisites for its sustainable maintenance in space, in time and in memory. [versão Portuguesa] Sob a denominação de tipologia arquitectónica, o edifício Palácio pode ser encontrado nas Quintas de Recreio que rodeavam as principais cidades Portuguesas, tendo preservado o seu carácter rural, desde o século XVI até metade do século XIX. Consistindo as Quintas em terra cultivada e edifícios rurais, o Palácio da Quinta consistia na residência temporária do proprietário, para férias de verão e eventos comemorativos, dispondo de jardins, pavilhões, fontes e lagos para recreação e lazer. O tema dos Palácios, entendido como edifício histórico que procura novos usos, demonstra como é actual o debate sobre intervenções contemporâneas nesta tipologia de valor patrimonial. A intervenção em património arquitectónico requer a definição de estratégias de conservação por equipas multidisciplinares que permitam estabelecer um uso qualificado dos seus espaços, proporcionando experiências sensoriais de bem-estar e segurança, contribuindo para uma melhor qualidade de vida e, simultaneamente, para a qualidade do ambiente urbano em que se insere. Este artigo tem por objectivo apresentar o Palácio da Quinta Alegre e o projecto de reabilitação, devolvendo-o a um uso contemporâneo e à estima pública, factores fundamentais para a sua manutenção sustentável no espaço, no tempo e na memória.


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This paper describes the collaboration among students and professors in four different subjects, to develop multidisciplinary projects. The objective is to simulate the conditions in a company environment. A new methodology based on student interaction and content development in a Wiki environment has been developed. The collaborative server created an ‘out of the classroom’ discussion forum for students of different subjects, and allowed them to compile a ‘project work’ portfolio. Students and professors participated with enthusiasm, due to the correct well-distributed work and the easiness of use of the selected platform in which only an internet connected computer is needed to create and to discuss the multidisciplinary projects. Quality of developed projects has been dramatically improved due to integration of results provided from the different teams.


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This paper aims to address the knowledge gap in regards to the potential intermediary role tertiary institutions can play in developing generic design thinking/design led innovation capabilities in non-designers. Specifically, it investigates the value derived from the contribution of postgraduate design students as facilitators/educators for undergraduate non-design student cohorts. It examines a design immersion workshop designed to encourage the use of design thinking capabilities for project brief development for undergraduate multi-disciplinary student teams involved in a community service learning project for a social enterprise. The workshop was facilitated by design led innovation masters students embedded in industry organisations to research the integration of design led innovation capabilities in business. Data was collected from participating non-design students and postgraduate facilitators’ in the form of reflective journals and semi-structured interviews. The thematic analysis provided insight into the value of design thinking/design led innovation immersion programs for both the postgraduate facilitators and the undergraduate non-design students. The research results will inform a tentative foundation prototype framework to allow for ongoing program developments and research in design thinking/design led innovation integration in higher education, facilitating the development of generic capabilities required to empower future generations for business innovation and active citizenship in the 21st century knowledge economy.


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Nontechnical skills relating to team functioning are vital to the effective delivery of patient care and safety. In this study, we develop a reliable behavioral marker tool for assessing nontechnical skills that are critical to the success of ward-based multidisciplinary healthcare teams. The Team Functioning Assessment Tool (TFAT) was developed and refined using a literature review, focus groups, card-sorting exercise, field observations, and final questionnaire evaluation and refinement process. Results demonstrated that Clinical Planning, Executive Tasks, and Team Relations are important facets of effective multidisciplinary healthcare team functioning. The TFAT was also shown to yield acceptable inter-rater agreement.


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The team functioning assessment tool (TFAT) has been shown to be a reliable behavioral marker tool for assessing nontechnical skills that are critical to the success of ward-based healthcare teams. This paper aims to refine and shorten the length of the TFAT to improve usability, and establish its reliability and construct validity. Psychometric testing based on 110 multidisciplinary healthcare teams demonstrated that the TFAT is a reliable and valid tool for measuring team members’ nontechnical skills in regards to Clinical Planning, Executive Tasks, and Team Functioning. Providing support for concurrent validity, high TFAT ratings were predicted by low levels of organizational constraints and high levels of group potency. There was also partial support for the negative relationships between time pressure, leadership ambiguity, and TFAT ratings. The paper provides a discussion on the applicability of the tool for assessing multidisciplinary healthcare team functioning in the context of improving team effectiveness and patient safety for ward-based hospital teams.


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With the intention of introducing unique and value-added products to the market, organizations have become more conscious of how to best create knowledge as reported by Ganesh Bhatt in 2000 in 'Information dynamics, learning and knowledge creation in organizations'. Knowledge creation is recognized as having an important role in generating and sustaining a competitive advantage as well as in meeting organizational goals, as reported by Aleda Roth and her colleagues in 1994 in 'The knowledge factory for accelerated learning practices.' One of the successful ingredients of value management (VM) is its utilization of diverse knowledge resources, drawing upon different organizational functions, professional disciplines, and stakeholders, in a facilitated team process. Multidisciplinary VM study teams are viewed as having high potential to innovate due to their heterogeneous nature. This paper looks at one of the VM workshop's major benefits, namely, knowledge creation. A case study approach was used to explore the nature, processes, and issues associated with fostering a dynamic knowledge creation capability within VM teams. The results indicate that the dynamic knowledge creating process is embedded in and influenced by managing team constellation, creating shared awareness, developing shared understanding, and producing aligned action. The catalysts that can speed up the processes are open dialogue and discussion among participants. This process is enhanced by the use of facilitators, skilled at extracting knowledge.


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This paper reports a learning experience related to the acquisition of project management competences. Students from three different universities and backgrounds, cooperate in a common project that drives the learning-teaching process. Previous related works on this initiative have already evaluated the goodness of this multidisciplinary, project-based learning approach in the context of a new educative paradigm. Yet the innovative experience has allowed the authors to define a rubric in order to measure specific competences in project management. The study shows the rubric’s main aspects as well as competence acquisition evaluation alternatives, based in the metrics defined. Key indicators and specific reports obtained from data base fields in the web tool will support this work. As a result, new competences can be assessed, such ones like teamwork, problem solving, communication and leadership. Final goal is to provide an overall competence map to the students at the same time they improve their skills.


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Solar Decathlon Europe is an international competition among universities which promotes interdisciplinary learning in engineering and architecture. Students from different disciplines participate in teams guided by several professors during a 29 month preparation period plus five weeks of on-site contest. The educational project involves designing, building and testing a solar energy house connected to the electrical grid with the strategy of maximizing self-consumption, supported by bioclimatic technologies and maintaining a low environmental footprint. It culminates in a on-site contest in which teams must assembly the house themselves, test it with ordinary real life tasks and finally disassembly it. The event has also a divulgative aim, trying to make students and visitors get interested in discovering the problems presented by real engineering and architecture applications. In addition, SDE covers R&D aspects in different fields such as energy efficiency, solar energy and bioclimatic architecture. This article presents the methodology followed during the SDE 2012 edition, in which more than 850 students participated. The obtained results show that the educational competition was a success according to the technical and professional ambitions of the students, most of them considering that their knowledge had increased in areas related to technical and multidisciplinary aspects.


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Objective: To investigate the feasibility of improving screening for carriers of haemoglobin disorders in general practice by using a nurse facilitator to work with primary care teams and the relevant haematology laboratories; to identify problems in communication between all those involved in delivering the service, and to implement solutions.


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According to Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) theory, leaders develop different quaUt}' reladonships with the employees they supervise. To date, Utde research has invesdgated the impact of such differendadon by the leader on workplace outcomes. The current research proposes a novel way to capture the extent of LMX variabiUt}' within a single work team, and subsequently investigates the impact of perceived LMX variability on workplace outcomes. Across multiple employed samples, participants reported poorer team relations (as indicated by low team cohesion and high conflict) when they perceived LMX variability to be high. Perceptions of poor team relations further impacted negatively upon individual affect variables. The findings suggest that leaders may need to exercise caution when developing different quality relationships amongst individuals within the same work team.