989 resultados para molecule reactions


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Time-resolved studies of chlorosilylene, CISiH, generated by the 193 nm laser flash photolysis of 1-chloro-1-silacyclopent-3-ene, have been carried out to obtain rate constants for its bimolecular reaction with trimethylsilane, Me3SiH, in the gas phase. The reaction was studied at total pressures up to 100 torr (with and without added SF6) over the temperature range 297-407 K. The rate constants were found to be pressure independent and gave the following Arrhenius equation: log(k/cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1)) = (-13.97 +/- 0.25) + (12.57 +/- 1.64) kJ mol(-1)/RT In 10. The Arrhenius parameters are consistent with a mechanism involving an intermediate complex, whose rearrangement is the rate-determining step. Quantum chemical calculations of the potential energy surface for this reaction and also the reactions of CISiH with SiH4 and the other methylsilanes support this conclusion. Comparisons of both experiment and theory with the analogous Si-H insertion processes of SiH2 and SiMe2 show that the main factor causing the lower reactivity of ClSiH is the secondary energy barrier. The calculations also show the existence of a novel intramolecular H-atom exchange process in the complex of ClSiH with MeSiH3.


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Gas-phase electron-diffraction (GED) data together with results from ab initio molecular orbital calculations have been used to determine the structure of propylene sulphide. Values found for the main structural parameters for the molecule are consistent with those obtained from microwave studies and are compared here with those found for similar sulphur containing rings of general formula S(CH2)n (n = 2–5). A high ring strain enthalpy was calculated for propylene sulphide which is consistent with the small C–S–C angle (48.2(6)degrees) and the relatively long C–S bond lengths (ra = 1.831(2) Å). This is thought to account for the ease of ring opening in propylene sulphide observed in MOCVD reactions and the ready polymerisation of the molecule.


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The relative rate method has been used to measure the room-temperature rate constants for the gasphase reactions of ozone and NO3 with selected monoterpenes and cyclo-alkenes with structural similarities to monoterpenes. Measurements were carried out at 298 ! 2 K and 760 ! 10 Torr. The following rate constants (in units of 10"18 cm3 molecule"1 s"1) were obtained for the reaction with ozone: methyl cyclohexene (132 ! 17), terpinolene (1290 ! 360), ethylidene cyclohexane (223 ! 57), norbornene (860 ! 240), t-butyl isopropylidene cyclohexane (1500 ! 460), cyclopentene (543 ! 94), cyclohexene (81 ! 18), cyclooctene (451 ! 66), dicyclopentadiene (1460 ! 170) and a-pinene (107 ! 13). For the reaction with NO3 the rate constants obtained (in units of 10"12 cm3 molecule"1 s"1) were: methyl cyclohexene (7.92 ! 0.95), terpinolene (47.9 ! 4.0), ethylidene cyclohexane (4.30 ! 0.24), norbornene (0.266 ! 0.029), cyclohexene (0.540 ! 0.017), cyclooctene (0.513 ! 0.029), dicyclopentadiene (1.20 ! 0.10) and a-pinene (5.17 ! 0.62). Errors are quoted as the root mean square of the statistical error (95% con!dence) and the quoted error in the rate constant for the reference compound. Combining these results with previous studies, new recommendations for the rate constants are presented. Molecular orbital energies were calculated for each alkene and the kinetic data are discussed in terms of the deviation from the structureeactivity relationship obtained from the rate constants for a series of simple alkenes. Lifetimes with respect to key initiators of atmospheric oxidation have been calculated suggesting that the studied reactions play dominant roles in the night-time removal of these compounds from the atmosphere.


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Time-resolved kinetic studies of silylene, SiH2, generated by laser flash photolysis of 1-silacyclopent-3-ene and phenylsilane, have been carried out to obtain rate constants for its bimolecular reactions with methanol, ethanol, 1-propanol, 1-butanol and 2-methyl-1-butanol. The reactions were studied in the gas phase over the pressure range 1-100 Torr in SF6 bath gas, at room temperature. In the study with methanol several buffer gases were used. All five reactions showed pressure dependences characteristic of third body assisted association reactions. The rate constant pressure dependences were modelled using RRKM theory, based on Eo values of the association complexes obtained by ab initio calculation (G3 level). Transition state models were adjusted to fit experimental fall-off curves and extrapolated to obtain k∞ values in the range 1.9 to 4.5 × 10-10 cm3 molecule-1 s-1. These numbers, corresponding to the true bimolecular rate constants, indicate efficiencies of between 16 and 67% of the collision rates for these reactions. In the reaction of SiH2 + MeOH there is a small kinetic component to the rate which is second order in MeOH (at low total pressures). This suggests an additional catalysed reaction pathway, which is supported by the ab initio calculations. These calculations have been used to define specific MeOH-for-H2O substitution effects on this catalytic pathway. Where possible our experimental and theoretical results are compared with those of previous studies.


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The combined application of neutron reflectometry (NR) and ellipsometry to determine the oxidation kinetics of organic monolayers at the air–water interface is described for the first time. This advance was possible thanks to a new miniaturised reaction chamber that is compatible with the two techniques and has controlled gas delivery. The rate coefficient for the oxidation of methyl oleate monolayers by gas-phase O3 determined using NR is (5.4 ± 0.6) × 10−10 cm2 per molecule per s, which is consistent with the value reported in the literature but is now better constrained. This highlights the potential for the investigation of faster atmospheric reactions in future studies. The rate coefficient determined using ellipsometry is (5.0 ± 0.9) × 10−10 cm2 per molecule per s, which indicates the potential of this more economical, laboratory-based technique to be employed in parallel with NR. In this case, temporal fluctuations in the optical signal are attributed to the mobility of islands of reaction products. We outline how such information may provide critical missing information in the identification of transient reaction products in a range of atmospheric surface reactions in the future.


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Photochemical and photophysical properties of 1-(2-quinolyl)-2-naphthol (2QN) in water and organic solvents, as well in glassy media were studied to investigate the occurrence of intramolecular excited state prototropic reactions between the naphthol and quinoline rings. Spectral data show the two chromophores apparently behaving independently. However, in acid aqueous media or in low polarity solvents a new electronic transition red shifted band with respect to that of the parent compounds assigned to an intramolecular H-bond and to a quinoid form, respectively, shows up. Model calculations and R-X data lend support to a minimum energy conformer having a dihedral angle of similar to 39 degrees between the two groups. Singlet excited state properties (S-1) show a high suppressive effect of one ring over the other, resulting in very low emission yields at room temperature. The occurrence of excited state intramolecular proton transfer is observed in water (zwitter ion form) and in low polarity media (quinoid form) and originates from a previously CT H-bonded state. Phosphorescence data allowed a reasonable description of the electronic states of 2QN. In addition two new derivatives were prepared having the N atom blocked by methylation and both the N and O groups blocked by a CH2 bridge. The spectral data of these two compounds confirmed the attributions made for 2QN. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Energy fluctuations of a solute molecule embedded in a polar solvent are investigated to depict the energy landscape for solvation dynamics. The system is modeled by a charged molecule surrounded by two layers of solvent dipolar molecules with simple rotational dynamics. Individual solvent molecules are treated as simple dipoles that can point toward or away from the central charge (Ising spins). Single-spin-flip Monte Carlo kinetics simulations are carried out in a two-dimensional lattice for different central charges, radii of outer shell, and temperatures. By analyzing the density of states as a function of energy and temperatures, we have determined the existence of multiple freezing transitions. Each of them can be associated with the freezing of a different layer of the solvent. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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The proposal in my thesis has been the study of Stereoselective α-alkylation through SN1 type reaction. SN1 type reaction involves a stabilized and reactive carbocation intermediate By taking advantages of stability of particular carbocations, the use of carbocations in selective reactions has been important. In this work has been necessary to know the stability and reactivity of carbocations. And the work of Mayr group has helped to rationalize the behaviour and reactivity between the carbocations and nucleophiles by the use of Mayr’s scale of reactivity. The use of alcohols to performed the stable and reactive carbocations have been the key in my thesis. The direct nucleophilic substitution of alcohols has been a crucial scope in the field of organic synthesis, because offer a wide range of intermediates for the synthesis of natural products and pharmaceutics synthesis. In particular the catalytic nucleophilic direct substitution of alcohols represents a novel methodology for the preparation of a variety of derivatives, and water only as the sub-product in the reaction. The stereochemical control of the transformation C-H bond into stereogenic C-C bond adjacent to carbonyl functionalized has been studied for asymmetric catalysis. And the field of organocatalysis has introduced the use of small organic molecule as catalyst for stereoselective transformations. Merging these two concepts Organocatalysis and Mayr’s scale, my thesis has developed a new approach for the α-alkylation of aldehydes and ketones through SN1 type reaction.


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Diese Arbeit beschreibt zum ersten Mal die kovalente Verknüpfung organischer Moleküle auf einer Isolatoroberfläche, motiviert im Hinblick auf die Nutzung der Synthesemethode für die molekulare Elektronik und verwandte Anwendungen. Durch die Verwendung der Nichtkontakt-Rasterkraftmikroskopie und der Kelvinprobe-Mikroskopie bei Raumtemperatur wurden grundlegende molekulare Prozesse der Wechselwirkungen zwischen Molekülen und der Calcit(10.4) Oberfläche sowie die chemische Reaktivität der Moleküle auf der Oberfläche analysiert. Das Zusammenspiel zwischen intermolekularen und Molekül-Oberfläche Wechselwirkungen zeigt sich für Biphenyl-4,4'-dicarbonsäure (BPDCA) durch die Koexistenz zweier unterschiedlicher molekularer Strukturen, die einen Einblick in die treibenden Kräfte der molekularen Selbstorganisation bieten. Die sehr ausgeprägte Reihenstruktur basiert auf der optimalen geometrischen Struktur der BPDCA Moleküle zu den Abmessungen des Substrats, während die zweite Struktur durch Wasserstoffbrücken zwischen den Molekülen gekennzeichnet ist. Der Deprotonierungsvorgang von 2,5-Dihydroxybenzoesäure (DHBA)-Molekülen auf Calcit wird bei Zimmertemperatur gezeigt. Zwei Phasen werden beobachtet, die nach Aufbringen der Moleküle koexistieren. Mit der Zeit geht eine bulk-ähnliche Phase in eine stabile, dicht gepackte Phase über. Der Übergang wird durch Betrachtung des Protonierungszustands der Moleküle erklärt. Die bulk-ähnliche Phase benötigt Wasserstoffbrückbindungen zur Strukturbildung. Werden die Moleküle deprotoniert, so wird die resultierende dicht gepackte Phase durch die elektrostatische Wechselwirkung der deprotonierten Carboxylatgruppen mit den Oberflächen-Calciumkationen stabilisiert. 4-Iodbenzoesäure (IBA)-Moleküle bilden auf Calcit nur Inseln an Stufenkanten, was auf die schwache Molekül-Oberflächen-Wechselwirkung zurückzuführen ist. Für einen stärkeren Einfluss des Substrats durchlaufen die Moleküle einen kontrollierten Übergangsschritt vom protonierten zum deprotonierten Zustand. Im deprotonierten Zustand nehmen die Moleküle eine wohldefinierte Adsorptionsposition auf dem Substrat ein. Die deprotonierte Säuregruppe wird ausgenutzt, um die Desorption der halogensubstituierten Benzoesäure-Moleküle bei der thermischer Aktivierung für die Vernetzungsreaktion zu vermeiden. Darüber hinaus wird die Carboxylatgruppe als starker Elektronendonor verwendet um die Phenyl-Halogen-Bindung zu schwächen und somit die homolytische Spaltung dieser Bindung auch bei moderaten Temperaturen zu ermöglichen. Diesem Konzept folgend ist die erste erfolgreiche kovalente Verknüpfung von 2,5-Diiod-benzoesäure, 2,5-Dichlorbenzoesäure, 3,5-Diiod Salicylsäure und 4-Iod-benzoesäure zu durchkonjugierten molekularen Drähten, Zick-Zack-Strukturen sowie Dimere gezeigt durch Ausnutzen von unterschiedlichen Substitutionsposition sowie Ändern der Anzahl der substituierten Halogenatome. Aufbauend auf diesem Erfolg, wird eine zweistufige Vernetzungsreaktion vorgestellt. Zum Induzieren der ortsspezifischen und sequentiellen kovalenten Verknüpfung wird ein Ausgangsmolekül gewählt, das sowohl eine Bromphenyl als auch eine Chlorphenyl Gruppe mit unterschiedlichen Dissoziationsenergien für die homolytische Spaltung besitzt. Die Reaktionsstellen und sequentielle Reihenfolge für die Reaktion sind somit in der molekularen Struktur einkodiert und bisher unerreichte Reaktionspfade können mithilfe der kovalente Verknüpfung organischer Moleküle auf einer Isolatoroberfläche beschritten werden.


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Für die Realisierung zukünftiger Technologien, wie z.B. molekulare Elektronik, werden Strategien benötigt, um funktionale Strukturen direkt auf Oberflächen zu erzeugen. Für die Bewältigung dieser Aufgabe ist die molekulare Selbstanordnung ein äußerst vielversprechender Bottom-up-Ansatz. Hierbei ist eine der größten Herausforderungen das Zusammenspiel aus intramolekularer Wechselwirkung und der Wechselwirkung zwischen Substrat und Molekülen in ein Gleichgewicht zu bringen. Da jedoch die wirkenden Kräfte der molekularen Selbstanordnung ausschließlich reversibler Natur sind, ist eine langfristige Stabilität fragwürdig. Somit ist die kovalente Verknüpfung der gebildeten Strukturen durch Reaktionen direkt auf der Oberfläche unerlässlich, um die Stabilität der Strukturen weiter zu erhöhen. Hierzu stellt die vorliegende Arbeit eine ausführliche Studie zu molekularer Selbstanordnung und der zielgerichteten Modifikation ebensolcher Strukturen dar. Durch den Einsatz von hochauflösender Rasterkraftmikroskopie im Ultrahochvakuum, welche es erlaubt einzelne Moleküle auf Nichtleitern abzubilden, wurde der maßgebliche Einfluss von Ankerfunktionalitäten auf den Prozess der molekularen Selbstanordnung gezeigt. Des Weiteren konnte die Stabilität der selbst angeordneten Strukturen durch neue Oberflächenreaktionskonzepte entschieden verbessert werden. Der Einfluss von Ankerfunktionen, die elektrostatische Wechselwirkung zwischen Molekül und Substrat vermitteln, auf den Strukturbildungsprozess der molekularen Selbstanordnung wird eingehend durch den Vergleich eines aromatischen Moleküls und seines vierfach chlorierten Derivates gezeigt. Für diese beiden Moleküle wurde ein deutlich unterschiedliches Verhalten der Selbstanordnung beobachtet. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Fähigkeit zur Bildung selbst angeordneter, stabiler Inseln entscheidend durch die Substituenten und die Abmessungen des Moleküls beeinflusst wird. Auch wird in dieser Arbeit die erste photochemische Reaktion organischer Moleküle auf einem Isolator gezeigt. Qualitative und quantitative Ergebnisse liefern ein detailliertes Bild darüber, wie die Abmessungen des Substratgitters die Richtung der Reaktion gezielt beeinflussen. Des Weiteren wird ein allgemeines Konzept zur selektiven Stabilisierung selbstangeordneter Molekülstrukturen durch den kontrollierten Transfer von Elektronen präsentiert. Durch die gezielte Steuerung der Menge an Dotierungsatomen wird die Desorptionstemperatur der molekularen Inseln signifikant erhöht und das Desorptionsverhalten der Inseln entschieden verändert. Diese Arbeit präsentiert somit erfolgreich durchgeführte Strategien um den Prozess der molekularen Selbstanordnung zu steuern, sowie entscheidende Mechanismen um die Stabilisierung und Modifizierung von selbst angeordneten Strukturen zu gewährleisten.


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The spectrum of cutaneous adverse drug reactions (cADRs) ranges from benign presentations to severe life-threatening forms such as toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN). In TEN, granulysin has been shown to be the key cytotoxic molecule. Still, little is known about the expression of granulysin in other cADRs. As an important source of granulysin, natural killer (NK) cells are of major interest in cADRs. Recently, NKp46 has been identified as the most selective NK-cell marker. However, the role of NKp46(+) cells in cADRs and their contribution to granulysin expression remain to be elucidated.


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Almost all regions of the brain receive one or more neuromodulatory inputs, and disrupting these inputs produces deficits in neuronal function. Neuromodulators act through intracellular second messenger pathways to influence the electrical properties of neurons, integration of synaptic inputs, spatio-temporal firing dynamics of neuronal networks, and, ultimately, systems behavior. Second messengers pathways consist of series of bimolecular reactions, enzymatic reactions, and diffusion. Calcium is the second messenger molecule with the most effectors, and thus is highly regulated by buffers, pumps and intracellular stores. Computational modeling provides an innovative, yet practical method to evaluate the spatial extent, time course and interaction among second messenger pathways, and the interaction of second messengers with neuron electrical properties. These processes occur both in compartments where the number of molecules are large enough to describe reactions deterministically (e.g. cell body), and in compartments where the number of molecules is small enough that reactions occur stochastically (e.g. spines). – In this tutorial, I explain how to develop models of second messenger pathways and calcium dynamics. The first part of the tutorial explains the equations used to model bimolecular reactions, enzyme reactions, calcium release channels, calcium pumps and diffusion. The second part explains some of the GENESIS, Kinetikit and Chemesis objects that implement the appropriate equations. In depth explanation of calcium and second messenger models is provided by reviewing code, both in XPP, Chemesis and Kinetikit, that implements simple models of calcium dynamics and second messenger cascades.


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The electronic nature of low-barrier hydrogen bonds (LBHBs) in enzymatic reactions is discussed based on combined low temperature neutron and x-ray diffraction experiments and on high level ab initio calculations by using the model substrate benzoylacetone. This molecule has a LBHB, as the intramolecular hydrogen bond is described by a double-well potential with a small barrier for hydrogen transfer. From an “atoms in molecules” analysis of the electron density, it is found that the hydrogen atom is stabilized by covalent bonds to both oxygens. Large atomic partial charges on the hydrogen-bonded atoms are found experimentally and theoretically. Therefore, the hydrogen bond gains stabilization from both covalency and from the normal electrostatic interactions found for long, weak hydrogen bonds. Based on comparisons with other systems having short-strong hydrogen bonds or LBHBs, it is proposed that all short-strong and LBHB systems possess similar electronic features of the hydrogen-bonded region, namely polar covalent bonds between the hydrogen atom and both heteroatoms in question.


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The present paper describes the total chemical synthesis of the precursor molecule of the Aequorea green fluorescent protein (GFP). The molecule is made up of 238 amino acid residues in a single polypeptide chain and is nonfluorescent. To carry out the synthesis, a procedure, first described in 1981 for the synthesis of complex peptides, was used. The procedure is based on performing segment condensation reactions in solution while providing maximum protection to the segment. The effectiveness of the procedure has been demonstrated by the synthesis of various biologically active peptides and small proteins, such as human angiogenin, a 123-residue protein analogue of ribonuclease A, human midkine, a 121-residue protein, and pleiotrophin, a 136-residue protein analogue of midkine. The GFP precursor molecule was synthesized from 26 fully protected segments in solution, and the final 238-residue peptide was treated with anhydrous hydrogen fluoride to obtain the precursor molecule of GFP containing two Cys(acetamidomethyl) residues. After removal of the acetamidomethyl groups, the product was dissolved in 0.1 M Tris⋅HCl buffer (pH 8.0) in the presence of DTT. After several hours at room temperature, the solution began to emit a green fluorescence (λmax = 509 nm) under near-UV light. Both fluorescence excitation and fluorescence emission spectra were measured and were found to have the same shape and maxima as those reported for native GFP. The present results demonstrate the utility of the segment condensation procedure in synthesizing large protein molecules such as GFP. The result also provides evidence that the formation of the chromophore in GFP is not dependent on any external cofactor.