951 resultados para methods of interaction


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The interaction of CO with Cu, Pd, and Ni at different coverages of the metals on solid substrates has been investigated by He II and core-level spectroscopies, after the nature of variation of the metal core-level binding energies with the coverage or the cluster size is established. The separation between the (1 pi + 5 sigma) and 4 sigma levels of CO increases with a decrease in the size of the metal clusters, accompanied by an increase in the desorption temperature. In the case of Cu, the intramolecular shakeup satellite of CO disappears on small clusters. More importantly, CO dissociates on small Ni clusters, clearly confirming that metal-CO interaction strength increases with a decrease in the cluster size.


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The various techniques available for the analysis of nonlinear systems subjected to random excitations are briefly introduced and an overview of the progress which has been made in this area of research is presented. The discussion is mainly focused on the basis, scope and limitations of the solution techniques and not on specific applications.


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We describe here two non-interferometric methods for the estimation of the phase of transmitted wavefronts through refracting objects. The phase of the wavefronts obtained is used to reconstruct either the refractive index distribution of the objects or their contours. Refraction corrected reconstructions are obtained by the application of an iterative loop incorporating digital ray tracing for forward propagation and a modified filtered back projection (FBP) for reconstruction. The FBP is modified to take into account non-straight path propagation of light through the object. When the iteration stagnates, the difference between the projection data and an estimate of it obtained by ray tracing through the final reconstruction is reconstructed using a diffraction tomography algorithm. The reconstruction so obtained, viewed as a correction term, is added to the estimate of the object from the loop to obtain an improved final refractive index reconstruction.


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Theoretical and computational investigations of nucleation have been plagued by the sensitivity of the phase diagram to the range of the interaction potential. As the surface tension depends strongly on the range of interaction potential and as the classical nucleation theory (CNT) predicts the free energy barrier to be directly proportional to the cube of the surface tension, one expects a strong sensitivity of nucleation barrier to the range of the potential; however, CNT leaves many aspects unexplored. We find for gas-liquid nucleation in Lennard-Jones system that on increasing the range of interaction the kinetic spinodal (KS) (where the mechanism of nucleation changes from activated to barrierless) shifts deeper into the metastable region. Therefore the system remains metastable for larger value of supersaturation and this allows one to explore the high metastable region without encountering the KS. On increasing the range of interaction, both the critical cluster size and pre-critical minima in the free energy surface of kth largest cluster, at respective kinetic spinodals, shift towards smaller cluster size. In order to separate surface tension contribution to the increase in the barrier from other non-trivial factors, we introduce a new scaling form for surface tension and use it to capture both the temperature and the interaction range dependence of surface tension. Surprisingly, we find only a weak non-trivial contribution from other factors to the free energy barrier of nucleation. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3685835]


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Background: Interaction of non-structural protein 5A (NS5A) of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) with human kinases namely, casein kinase 1 alpha (ck1 alpha) and protein kinase R (PKR) have different functional implications such as regulation of viral replication and evasion of interferon induced immune response respectively. Understanding the structural and molecular basis of interactions of the viral protein with two different human kinases can be useful in developing strategies for treatment against HCV. Results: Serine 232 of NS5A is known to be phosphorylated by human ck1 alpha. A structural model of NS5A peptide containing phosphoacceptor residue Serine 232 bound to ck1 alpha has been generated using the known 3-D structures of kinase-peptide complexes. The substrate interacting residues in ck1 alpha has been identified from the model and these are found to be conserved well in the ck1 family. ck1 alpha - substrate peptide complex has also been used to understand the structural basis of association between ck1 alpha and its other viral stress induced substrate, tumour suppressor p53 transactivation domain which has a crystal structure available. Interaction of NS5A with another human kinase PKR is primarily genotype specific. NS5A from genotype 1b has been shown to interact and inhibit PKR whereas NS5A from genotype 2a/3a are unable to bind and inhibit PKR efficiently. This is one of the main reasons for the varied response to interferon therapy in HCV patients across different genotypes. Using PKR crystal structure, sequence alignment and evolutionary trace analysis some of the critical residues responsible for the interaction of NS5A 1b with PKR have been identified. Conclusions: The substrate interacting residues in ck1 alpha have been identified using the structural model of kinase substrate peptide. The PKR interacting NS5A 1b residues have also been predicted using PKR crystal structure, NS5A sequence analysis along with known experimental results. Functional significance and nature of interaction of interferon sensitivity determining region and variable region 3 of NS5A in different genotypes with PKR which was experimentally shown are also supported by the findings of evolutionary trace analysis. Designing inhibitors to prevent this interaction could enable the HCV genotype 1 infected patients respond well to interferon therapy.


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Fastest curve-fitting procedures are proposed for vertical and radial consolidations for rapid loading methods. In vertical consolidation, the next load increment can be applied at 50-60% consolidation (or even earlier if the compression index is known). In radial consolidation, the next load increment can be applied at just 10-15% consolidation. The effects of secondary consolidation on the coefficient of consolidation and ultimate settlement are minimized in both cases. A quick procedure is proposed in vertical consolidation that determines how far is calculated from the true , where is coefficient of consolidation. In radial consolidation no such procedure is required because at 10-15% the consolidation effects of secondary consolidation are already less in most inorganic soils. The proposed rapid loading methods can be used when the settlement or time of load increment is not known. The characteristic features of vertical, radial, three-dimensional, and secondary consolidations are given in terms of the rate of settlement. A relationship is proposed between the coefficient of the vertical consolidation, load increment ratio, and compression index. (C) 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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Using a thermodynamically consistent non-local plasticity model, the mechanistic origin of enhancement in ductility and suppression of dominant shear banding in nanoglasses (NGs) is analysed. It is revealed that the interaction stress between flow defects plays a central role in promoting global plasticity of NGs. Specifically, we find that the intrinsic length associated with this stress provides a scaling for the shear band width and its coupling with grain size governs the level of enhancement in the deformation behaviour of NGs. The present work may provide useful insights in developing highly ductile NGs for practical engineering applications.


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Peel test methods are assessed through being applied to a peeling analysis of the ductile film/ceramic substrate system. Through computing the fracture work of the system using the either beam bend model (BB model) or the general plane analysis model (GPA model), surprisingly, a big difference between both model results is found. Although the BB model can capture the plastic dissipation phenomenon for the ductile film case as the GPA model can, it is much sensitive to the choice of the peeling criterion parameters, and it overestimates the plastic bending effect unable to capture crack tip constraint plasticity. In view of the difficulty of measuring interfacial toughness using peel test method when film is the ductile material, a new test method, split test, is recommended and analyzed using the GPA model. The prediction is applied to a wedge-loaded experiment for Al-alloy double-cantilever beam in literature.


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Chemical looping combustion (CLC) is a means of combusting carbonaceous fuels, which inherently separates the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide from the remaining combustion products, and has the potential to be used for the production of high-purity hydrogen. Iron-based oxygen carriers for CLC have been subject to considerable work; however, there are issues regarding the lifespan of iron-based oxygen carriers over repeated cycles. In this work, haematite (Fe2O3) was reduced in an N2+CO+CO2 mixture within a fluidised bed at 850°C, and oxidised back to magnetite (Fe3O4) in a H2O+N2 mixture, with the subsequent yield of hydrogen during oxidation being of interest. Subsequent cycles started from Fe3O4 and two transition regimes were studied; Fe3O4↔Fe0.947O and Fe 3O4↔Fe. Particles were produced by mechanical mixing and co-precipitation. In the case of co-precipitated particles, Al was added such that the ratio of Fe:Al by weight was 9:1, and the final pH of the particles during precipitation was investigated for its subsequent effect on reactivity. This paper shows that co-precipitated particles containing additives such as Al may be able to achieve consistently high H2 yields when cycling between Fe3O4 and Fe, and that these yields are a function of the ratio of [CO2] to [CO] during reduction, where thermodynamic arguments suggest that the yield should be independent of this ratio. A striking feature with our materials was that particles made by mechanical mixing performed much better than those made by co-precipitation when cycling between Fe3O4 and Fe0.947O, but much worse than co-precipitated particles when cycling between Fe3O 4 and Fe.


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We derive a relationship between the initial unloading slope, contact depth, and the instantaneous relaxation modulus for displacement-controlled indentation in linear viscoelastic solids by a rigid indenter with an arbitrary axisymmetric smooth profile. While the same expression is well known for indentation in elastic and in elastic–plastic solids, we show that it is also true for indentation in linear viscoelastic solids, provided that the unloading rate is sufficiently fast. When the unloading rate is slow, a “hold” period between loading and unloading can be used to provide a correction term for the initial unloading slope equation. Finite element calculations are used to illustrate the methods of fast unloading and “hold-at-the-maximum-indenter-displacement” for determining the instantaneous modulus using spherical indenters.


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The interaction of a dislocation array emitted from a crack tip under mode II loading with asymmetric tilt grain boundaries (GBs) is analysed by the molecular dynamics method. The GBs can generally be described by planar and linear matching zones and unmatching zones. All GBs are observed to emit dislocations. The GBs migrated easily due to their planar and linear matching structure and asymmetrical type. The diffusion induced by stress concentration is found to promote the GB migration. The transmissions of dislocations are either along the matched plane or along another plane depending on tilt angle theta. Alternate processes of stress concentration and stress relaxation take place ahead of the pileup. The stress concentration can be released either by transmission of dislocations, by atom diffusion along GBs, or by migration of GBs by formation of twinning bands. The simulated results also unequivocally demonstrate two processes, i.e. asymmetrical GBs evolving into symmetrical ones and unmatching zones evolving into matching ones during the loading process.