931 resultados para marketing performance


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According to many academic researches, the development of marketing capabilities can enhance organizational performance. Similarly, downstream marketing capabilities have an important role in accomplishment the organizational goals. Particularly the downstream marketing capabilities identified in this research are the Marketing Communication, Selling, Marketing implementation, and Market information management. These four capabilities are summarized under the following abilities. First, the ability to manage customers’ opinion regarding the offered value from the organization. Second, the ability of the organization to obtain orders from new and established customers. Third, the ability of aligning and translate the marketing strategy into an operating action plan along with the deployment of the organizational resources. Forth, the continuous process of gathering and managing information about the markets. Moreover, the literature review of this research shed light on the elements that compose the downstream marketing capabilities. Specifically, this research examined the downstream processes and the required information required to control these processes based on the American Productivity and Quality Center’s Process Classification Framework. Furthermore, the literature review examined some of the technological tools that are used in marketing processes, and also some managerial implication regarding the management of the downstream marketing employees. Along with the investigation of downstream marketing capabilities, the literature review investigated the utilization and the benefits of Component Business Model and Process Classification Framework, as they are defined by the organizations that developed them. Besides this initial study, the research presents how the examined organization is using the two frameworks together by cross-referring them. Finally, the research presents the optimal deployment of the collected downstream capabilities elements in the current organizational structure. The optimal deployment has been grounded on the information collected from the literature review but also from internal documentation, provided from the examined organization. By comparing the optimal deployment and the current condition on the organization, the research exhibits some points for improvement, but also some of the projects that are currently in progress inside the organization and eventually will provide solutions to these downsides.


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Corporate events as an effective part of marketing communications strategy seem to be underestimated in Finnish companies. In the rest of the Europe and the USA, investments in events are increasing, and their share of the marketing budget is significant. The growth of the industry may be explained by the numerous advantages and opportunities that events provide for attendees, such as face-to-face marketing, enhancing corporate image, building relationships, increasing sales, and gathering information. In order to maximize these benefits and return on investment, specific measurement strategies are required, yet there seems to exist a lack of understanding of how event performance should be perceived or evaluated. To address this research gap, this research attempts to describe the perceptions of and strategies for evaluating corporate event performance in the Finnish events industry. First, corporate events are discussed in terms of definitions and characteristics, typologies, and their role in marketing communications. Second, different theories on evaluating corporate event performance are presented and analyzed. Third, a conceptual model is presented based on the literature review, which serves as a basis for the empirical research conducted as an online questionnaire. The empirical findings are to a great extent in line with the existing literature, suggesting that there remains a lack of understanding corporate event performance evaluation, and challenges arise in determining appropriate measurement procedures for it. Setting clear objectives for events is a significant aspect of the evaluation process, since the outcomes of events are usually evaluated against the preset objectives. The respondent companies utilize many of the individual techniques that were recognized in theory, such as calculating the number of sales leads and delegates. However, some of the measurement tools may require further investments and resources, thus restricting their application especially in smaller companies. In addition, there seems to be a lack of knowledge of the most appropriate methods in different contexts, which take into account the characteristics of the organizing party as well as the size and nature of the event. The lack of inhouse expertise enhances the need for third-party service-providers in solving problems of corporate event measurement.


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Utilization of social media is increasingly common in B2B marketing. Social media is an efficient and cheap marketing and communication channel available for everyone, and thus extremely attractive marketing medium. The more companies get involved in social media the more failures are reported. It is not enough for a company to just be present in social media. Succeeding on it requires hard work, investing time and money, and ability to measure and to monitor performance. With an increasing number of companies failing in utilizing social media, together with lack of research on strategic utilization of social media focusing on B2B marketing, measuring, and monitoring create a purpose for this research. The aim of this research is to discover methods for measuring and monitoring effects of strategic utilization of social media in B2B marketing. Most relevant financial and non-financial indicators are discussed, and the methods by which these can be monitored and measured. In addition, effects of strategic utilization of social media on the case company are measured and analyzed. The research methodology used in this research is a participatory action research, which includes elements of both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The case company examined in the research provides a unique opportunity to follow through all phases of strategic utilization of social media for B2B marketing purposes concluding real effects of social media to the case company, and thus gain a deep understanding about this new marketing medium in the perspective of B2B marketing. Duration of the research period is seven months. During this time, information is collected, measured, and analyzed. Case company does not have any other marketing activities simultaneously which makes it possible to examine social media apart from effects of other visible marketing activities. Effects of strategic utilization of social media can be monitored and measured in many ways. Methods that should be used depend on goals set for social media. Fundamental nature of social media requires multidimensional assessment, and thus effects should be measured, and monitored considering both financial and non-financial indicators. The results implicates that effects of strategic utilization of social media are relatively wide ranged. According to the findings, social media affects positively on brand, number of web page visitors, visitor behavior, and on distribution of awareness. According to investment calculations social media is a legitimate investment for case company. Results also implicate that by using social media case company gains conversation, arouses interest, gets attention, and creates interactivity. In addition and as a side note, winter holiday season appears to have a great effect on social media activity of B2B companies’ representatives.


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Value-based selling is a salesperson behavioral mode which concentrates on generating superior customer value. Although service dominant logic emphasizes customer value as a central tenet for achieving strategic objectives, sales management literature has predominantly circumvented the subject matter of customer value. The purpose of this thesis is to demonstrate the distinctiveness and positive sales performance outcomes of value-based selling. Additionally, performance outcomes of value-based selling are contrasted with other key sales behaviors, selling skills and motivational orientations. As a part of this thesis, large-scale survey of 730 respondents was collected. The survey was tailored for the needs of a value-based selling research group led by Ph.D. Harri Terho. The research group used convenience sampling to select the salespeople of 25 medium- and large-scale companies in Finland which currently either practice value-based selling or consider developing these activities. This thesis contains three key findings: value-based selling is established as a distinct sales behavior, it relates directly and positively to salesperson performance and it explains the link between customer-oriented selling and salesperson performance. Value-based selling relates to salesperson performance especially in the following GICS-sectors: energy, industrials and materials. However, relationship selling relates to performance strongest in the energy sector and adaptive selling in industrials sector. In sum, it is evident that actively crafting customer value is a successful sales behavior in many business-to-business marketing environments while other sales behaviors, excluding customer-oriented selling, still uphold their significance.


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In recent decade customer loyalty programs have become very popular and almost every retail chain seems to have one. Through the loyalty programs companies are able to collect information about the customer behavior and to use this information in business and marketing management to guide decision making and resource allocation. The benefits for the loyalty program member are often monetary, which has an effect on the profitability of the loyalty program. Not all the loyalty program members are equally profitable, as some purchase products for the recommended retail price and some buy only discounted products. If the company spends similar amount of resources to all members, it can be seen that the customer margin is lower on the customer who bought only discounted products. It is vital for a company to measure the profitability of their members in order to be able to calculate the customer value. To calculate the customer value several different customer value metrics can be used. During the recent years especially customer lifetime value has received a lot of attention and it is seen to be superior against other customer value metrics. In this master’s thesis the customer lifetime value is implemented on the case company’s customer loyalty program. The data was collected from the customer loyalty program’s database and represents year 2012 on the Finnish market. The data was not complete to fully take advantage of customer lifetime value and as a conclusion it can be stated that a new key performance indicator of customer margin should be acquired in order to profitably drive the business of the customer loyalty program. Through the customer margin the company would be able to compute the customer lifetime value on regular basis enabling efficient resource allocation in marketing.


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Experiential marketing is increasingly seen as a new magical key to consumers’ hearts. Brands are turning brick-and-mortar stores into state of the art retail spaces where memorable experiences and strong brand relationships are hoped to be born. Around the globe, several brands have opened up a special format of stores – the experience store. Although many speculations on the positive effects of experiences have been presented, few studies have provided empirical, quantified evidence for the link between store experiences and brand success. In consequence, research was needed to find out whether experience stores truly are so special. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate whether store experiences are capable of building brands and influencing store performance. For this purpose, empirical research was conducted in the Samsung Experience Store Helsinki. As main constructs of the study, store experience, brand equity, store performance, and product class involvement were measured, along with relevant background variables. Data was collected with an electronic survey from actual customers of the store, resulting in a sample of 131 respondents. Partial least squares structural equations modeling (PLS) was used for the analysis of the research model. Also, regression analysis was conducted to account for mediation and moderation effects. The results showed that store experiences do positively influence first, store performance, and second, separate dimensions of brand equity (that is, brand awareness, brand personality, and brand loyalty). Also, the effect of store experiences on store performance was found to be mediated by brand equity. Interestingly, customers’ product class involvement was detected to moderate the effect of store experience on store performance. That is, those who were highly involved with electronics had greater store experiences, and also displayed a stronger linkage between store experience and store performance. The results encourage marketers to continue with efforts to create great experiences for their customers. Experience stores can – and should be seen – as both powerful brand building tools and profitable sales channels. The creation of exceptional experiences can act as an important function of physical stores in the face of severe online competition.


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The purpose of this thesis is to explore a different kind of digital content management model and to propose a process in order to manage properly the content on an organization’s website. This process also defines briefly the roles and responsibilities of the different actors implicated. In order to create this process, the thesis has been divided into two parts. First, the theoretical analysis helps to find the two main different content management models, content management adaptation and content management localization model. Each of these models, have been analyzed through a SWOT model in order to identify their particularities and which of them is the best option according to particular organizational objectives. In the empirical part, this thesis has measured the organizational website performance comparing two main data. On one hand, the international website is analyzed in order to identify the results of the content management standardization. On the other hand, content management adaptation, also called content management localization model, is analyzed by looking through the key measure of the Dutch page from the same organization. The resulted output is a process model for localization as well as recommendations on how to proceed when creating a digital content management strategy. However, more research is recommended to provide more comprehensive managerial solutions.


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Työ käsittelee Markkinoinnin Automaatiota, viitekehyksen rakentamista Markkinoinnin Automaation käyttöönottoon ja sen hyödyntämiselle markkinoinnin ja myynnin putken hallinnassa. Työ on suoritettu tapaustutkimuksena, jonka primääri datana on käytetty puoli-strukturoituja haastatteluja ja sekundääri datana on käytetty dataa myynnin tietojärjestelmistä. Kirjallisuuskatsaus markkinoinnin automaatioon paljastaa, että aihetta ei ole juurikaan tutkittu akateemisesti. Etenkin selkeitä aukkoja teorioissa on miten markkinoinnin automaatiota kannattaisi aloittaa ja miten siihen tarvittavia kamppanjoita kannattaisi rakentaa. Tapaustutkimuksen tuloksena selvisi selkeät ongelma kohdat nykysessä markkinoinnin ja myynnin putkessa, ja myös kohdat joissa markkinoinnin automaatio voi olla avuksi. Suurin osa ongelma kohdista on markkinoinnin ja myynnin välissä. Toimiakseen markkinoinnin automaatio vaatii selkeät määritykset yrityksessä Liidille ja miten sitä käsitellään. Toimivuuden takaamiseksi se tarvitsee myös jatkuvaa palautetta liideistä ja myynneistä. Alue mikä myös tarvitsee muutosta paremman toimivuuden takaamiseksi on markkinoinnin kamppanjoiden suunnittelu, yhdessä myynnin kanssa ja asiakkaan polku edellä. Tulevaisuuden tavoitteena tulisi olla viestien personointi ja asiakkaiden profilointi. Tulevaisuuden tutkimuskohteet olisivat erittäin avuliaita yrityksille, varsinki jos ne käsittelisivät käyttöönottoa tai personointia.


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This thesis offers an explanation for the inconsistent relationship between speed of internationalization and performance outcomes in the context of young international ventures. We argue that the variables of scope of internationalization, entrepreneurial orientation and degree of internationalization play a moderating role in the relationship between speed of internationalization and performance outcomes of international new ventures (INVs). Using primary survey data from INVs in China, we found empirical support for significant moderating impact of scope of internationalization, entrepreneurial orientation variables and no support for the moderating impact of degree of internationalization variable. The results suggest that business managers of INVs shall consider the applied moderating variables as an effective tool kit to enhance firm performance in foreign markets and to mitigate any potential risks of early internationalization.


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In the present study made an attempt to analyse the structure, performance and growth of women industrial cooperatives in kannur district, Kerala. The study encompasses all women industrial cooperatives registered at the district industries center, kannur and that currently exist. The women industrial cooperatives are classified into two ie; group with network and another group without network. In Kannur there are 54 units working as women industrial cooperatives. One of the main problems the women cooperatives face is the lack of working capital followed marketing problem. The competition between cooperatives and private traders is very high. The variables examined to analyse the performance of women industrial cooperatives in Kannur showed that there exists inter unit differences in almost all the variables. The financial structure structure shows that the short term liquidity of women cooperatives in Kannur favour more the units which have political networks; but the long term financial coverage is seen to be highly geared in this group, not because of a decline is net worth but due to highly proportionate increase in financial liabilities in the form of borrowings. The encouragement given by the government through financial stake and other incentives has been the major factor in the formation and growth of women cooperatives. As a result both productivity and efficiency improves in the cooperatives. In short the present study helped to capture the impact, role and dynamics of networking in general and socio political network in particular in relation to intra and inter unit differences on the structure, growth and performance of women industrial cooperatives societies in Kannur district


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The general objective of the study is to examine in depth the organisation and management practices of newspaper industry in Kerala with particular reference to the marketing aspects, with a View to suggesting measures for improving the economics and the managerial efficiency of the industry. The detailed investigation into the management aspects of the industry is done with particular reference to the two most popular Malayalam dailies in Kerala, namely, the Malayala Manorama and the Mathrubhumi. The purposeful selection of these two papers for the study is amply justified as these two dailies together account for about 80 percent of the total circulation of the newspapers in Kerala. Technically speaking, both these papers are owned by organisations registered as public limited companies and are, to a large extent professionally managed. The Malayala Manorama, though a public limited company in principle, functions, however, more or less as a private company or a family concern. These two papers therefore provide a scope for studying the management of newspaper industry practically under two different organisational set up, namely private limited company and public limited company The study has been divided into eight chapters. Chapter-I spells out an introduction about the newspaper industry and its unique features.Chapter-II, deals with a review of literature, objective, scope, methodology and limitations of the study. Chapter-III deals with origin, growth and status of newspaper industry. Chapter—IV examines the cost, revenue and profitability of the Malayala Manorama and Mathrubhumi. Chapter-V deals with the Organisation and Management. Chapter-VI examines the Marketing Management of Newspapers. Chapter-VII deals with the Marketing Strategy and Performance of Malayala Manorama and Mathrubhumi: An Assessment. Chapter-VIII presents the main findings of the study.


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This study is the concentrates different nature and practice of Marketing in nonprofit organization.How market indication can contribute the organizational performance of nonprofit organizations.


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El propósito de este trabajo es exponer cómo los modelos de e-Commerce & e-Marketing permiten optimizar el desempeño comercial de las empresas, aprovechando los recursos electrónicos, como la internet y los sistemas virtuales de comunicación, en este caso desde la visión que se tiene hacia el cliente. El estudio se realizó en la empresa Blue Trade S.A.S., analizando cómo la implementación de dichos modelos permitieron mejorar su desempeño, de igual manera se exponen dos modelos exitosos de optimización del recurso electrónico, como fue en Avianca y en Carvajal, S.A., quienes tuvieron en cuenta costos, estrategias y acciones a tomar para aplicarlos.


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Dentro de este trabajo de investigación se quiere profundizar en la teoría que abarca la relación estratégica comunitaria en los mercados internacionales donde se quiere resaltar si ha habido investigaciones alrededor de este tema y si el aporte que se está dando en esta investigación realmente si es información nueva que se está investigando. Se quiere enfocar la investigación hacia como las empresas están realizando la penetración de mercados internacionales pensando en la comunidad en la que están ingresando, sus costumbres, creencias y aspectos sociales.


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El mercadeo relacional no sólo implica desarrollar relaciones con los clientes y satisfacer efectivamente sus necesidades, sino que también implica la vinculación de la empresa con la comunidad, y para esto se deben utilizan estrategias comunitarias generando así un desarrollo y beneficio recíproco a largo plazo. La empresa mayorista del sector agropecuario analizada en este proyecto dentro de su concepto de comunidad tiene claro quiénes son sus principales agentes (clientes externos, proveedores, clientes internos y comunidades vulnerables) y cómo relacionarse con ellos mediante el uso efectivo y equilibrado de las estrategias de marketing y de las estrategias orientadas a la comunidad, lo cual se ve reflejado en sus resultados financieros y en el impacto que ha generado en el desarrollo integral de la comunidad rural y del sector agropecuario. No obstante, la empresa si bien mantiene una relación permanente con sus clientes, proveedores y empleados y algunas fundaciones, se observa que la relación con otros agentes pierde continuidad al ser una iniciativa a corto plazo como respuesta a un cambio.