336 resultados para journalist


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The papers relate to Kligsberg's scholarly interests and to his work at YIVO. Included are: Manuscripts relating to topics in Jewish sociology, psychology. Kligsberg's survey of the autobiographies of Jewish youth in Poland gathered by YIVO in the 1930s for a contest. Materials relating to the *YIVO News*, YIVO radio programs, YIVO contests. Materials relating to the collection of archival materials for the YIVO Archives. Materials on the Bund. Papers of Herman Kruk, librarian, archivist and diarist in the Vilna Ghetto. Records of the United Jewish Survivors of Nazi Persecutions, 1946-1957.


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Correspondence, clippings, manuscripts, notes, reports, relating to Bernstein's journalistic, literary and diplomatic careers. Correspondence with well-known literary, political and communal, society personalities, 1908-1935. Includes Cyrus Adler, Viscount Allenby, Joseph Barondess, Bernard Baruch, Henri Bergson, Hayyim Nahman Bialik, Jacob Billikopf, Vladimir Bourtzeff, Louis Brandeis, Robert Cecil, Fyodor Chaliapin, Jacob de Haas, Albert Einstein, Henry Ford, Felix Frankfurter, Herbert Hoover, Vladimir Jabotinsky, Horace M. Kallen, Peretz Hirschbein, Peter Kropotkin, Herbert Lehman, Louis Lipsky, Judah L. Magnes, Louis Marshall, Henry Morgenthau, Max Nordau, Adolph Simon Ochs, David de Sola Pool, Bernard G. Richards, Theodore Roosevelt, Julius Rosenwald, Jacob Schiff, Harry Schneiderman, Maurice Schwartz, George Bernard Shaw, Sholem Aleichem, Nathan Straus, Henrietta Szold, Chaim Tchernowitz, Leo Tolstoy, Samuel Untermyer, Henry Van Dyke, Lillian Wald, Felix Warburg, Chaim Weizman n, Jefferson Williams, Stephen Wise, Israel Zangwill. Correspondence and other materials relating to Bernstein's post as U.S. ambassador to Albania. Materials pertaining to Bernstein's editorial work at *The Day*, *Jewish Tribune*, *New York Herald*, *Jewish Daily Bulletin*. Materials pertaining to Bernstein's involvement with the American Jewish Committee. Correspondence with organizations including American Jewish Congress, *American Hebrew*, HIAS, *Jewish Chronicle* (London), Jewish Community of New York, *Menorah Journal*, *New York American*, *New York Times*, ORT, U.S. Dept. of State, Yiddish Art Theater, Zionist Organization of America. Articles, clippings, correspondence and court materials relating to the Ford libel suit. Miscellaneous documents and reports relating to the Paris Peace Conference, the Jewish situation in Russia, 1917-1920, Russian revolutionary events of 1917. News dispatches from Russia, 1917-1920s. Translations by Bernstein of Russian wri Andre yev,


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The collection contains miscellaneous writings, personal correspondence and memorabilia of Debrest, an American Jewish journalist, poet and business executive. Among the correspondents are Felix Adler and Harry Truman.


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Seminar paper about the journalist and Nobel Prize recipient Carl von Ossietzky (b. 1889 in Hamburg)


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Le Corbusier participated in an urban dialogue with the first group in France to call itself fascist: the journalist Georges Valois’s militant Faisceau des Combattants et Producteurs (1925-1927), the “Blue Shirts,” inspired by the Italian “Fasci” of Mussolini. Le Corbusier’s portrait photograph materialised on the front cover of the January 1927 issue of the Faisceau League’s newspaper Le Nouveau Siècle edited by the former anarcho-syndicalist journalist Georges Valois, its leader, who fashioned himself as the French Mussolini. Le Corbusier was described in the Revue as one of les animateurs (the “organisers”) of the Party1 – meaning a member of the technical elite who would drive the Faisceau’s plans. On 1 May 1927, the Nouveau Siècle printed a full-page feature “Le Plan Voisin” on Le Corbusier’s 1922 redesign of Paris : the architect’s single-point perspective sketch appeared below an extract lifted from the architect’s original polemic Le Centre de Paris on the pages of Le Corbusier’s second book Urbanisme published two years earlier, a treatise on urbanism.2 Three weeks later, Le Corbusier presented a slide show of his urban plans at a fascist rally for the inauguration of the Faisceau’s new headquarters on the rue du faubourg Poissonniere, thereby crystalising the architect’s hallowed status in the league...


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While journalism scholarship on Twitter has expanded significantly in recent years, journalists’ use of the social networking platform for self-promotion and branding has only recently received attention. Yet, as Twitter is becoming important for journalists to build economic and social capital, journalistic branding is increasingly relevant to study. This article reports the results from a study of 4189 Australian journalists’ Twitter accounts to examine their approaches to self-presentation and branding in their profile information. We find that journalists self-identify primarily through professional characteristics, but a significant number also mix this with personal information. Yet, they are also wary of providing personal information, with one-third including a disclaimer that their views are their own. Whereas only small differences could be found along gender lines, more significant differences existed in terms of whether journalists worked in metropolitan or regional areas and the nature of their employers’ main platform of distribution.


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Manhattan gains another nocturnal landmark in the form of a new skyscraper, built for the well-established newspaper and featuring an illuminated façade. Architectual historian and lighting journalist Margaret Maile reports for us from New York.


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The aim of this licentiate thesis is to analyse how femininity is constructed in twelve portrait interviews of women in the dailies Dagens Nyheter (Stockholm) and Hufvudstadsbladet (Helsinki) in September 1996, and to explore the portrait interview as a media genre. The qualitative analysis has a feminist and constructionist perspective and is connected to critical text analysis. It was carried out on two levels: first, femininity is identified on the linguistic level by choice of words, and second on the level of content (topical motifs/themes). The portrait interview as a genre constitutes a third dimension in the analysis: The aim is not towards the identification of femininity, but rather towards the identification of the portrait interview a relatively unexplored media genre. References (Swedish: omtal) to the principal character (or protagonist) are traced mainly through reference chains which consist of names, pronouns and substantive phrases. The interviewees were referred to by their full names in Dagens Nyheter (with the exception of the oldest and youngest interviewees, both of whom were mainly referred to by their first names), while the style of reference varied more in Hufvudstadsbladet. The position of the principal character was also analysed through her relation in the text to minor characters from her working life and from her private life. These minor characters maintained their subordinate positions in all of the portraits except that of the youngest principal character, in which the subsidiary voices became at least as strong as the voice of the principal character. Three frequently-recurring topical motifs occurred in the portraits: The first involved explanations for the principal character s success divided into three categories, agent, affect and ambition, the second concerned using journeys or trips as symbols for turning points in life, and the third referred to the ambiguity in the contradiction between private (family/other private life) and public (work) life. This ambiguity is connected to the portrait interview as a text type (genre) which features conclusions at the end of portraits, which in turn is characteristic of reportage. However, the analysis showed that the conclusions of the portrait interviews often also included elements of ambiguity. This was evident in the contradictions be14 tween private and public life that arose in the portrait interviews that focused on these two spheres. The portraits that focused on the principal character s public life showed ambiguity on a more general level concerning questions about being a woman and having a profession, and they often ended with a description of some details of her private life. The women in the portraits were all constructed as being successful, in terms of having achieved direct success, reflective success or success in the form of life wisdom. The women of direct success were described as ambitious individuals with no sidetracks on their life paths, while those of reflective success were described as active heroines who had received help from different agents, who could use their affects as enriching ingredients in life, but who in the end had control over their own lives (life stories). The elderly women were constructed as having achieved life wisdom and their portraits were focused upon the past. The portrait interview as a genre is characterised by journalistic freedom (in relation to the more strict news genre), by a now room (Swedish nurum ) where the journalist meets the principal character (usually via spoken dialogue that she or he transforms into written text to be read by a mass-media audience) and by the relatively closed structure of the portrait. The portrait is relatively independent in relation to the news genre and in relation to the context of what has previously been written, what is being written at the time and what will be written in the future the principal character does not need to belong to the newspaper s usual gallery of actors. Furthermore, the principal character is constructed as being independent in relation to the subsidiary characters and other media actors. The conflict is within the principal character herself and within her life story, unlike the news genre in which equal actors are in conflict with each other. The portrait is also independent in relation to the news lifespan; the publishing timetable is not as strict as in the news genre, but is still dependent on the factors initiating the portrait. The enclosures consist of a raw analysis of two of twelve portrait interviews and of copies of all portraits.


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The thesis explores the discourse of two global news agencies, the Associated Press (AP) and Reuters, which together with the French AFP are generally regarded as the world s leading news distributors. A glance at the guidelines given by AP and Reuters to their journalists shows that these two news agencies make a lot of effort to strive for objectivity the well-known journalistic ideal, which, however, is an almost indefinable concept. In journalism textbooks definitions of objectivity often contain various components: detachment, nonpartisanship, facticity, balance, etc. AP and Reuters, too, in their guidelines, present several other ideals besides objectivity , viz., reliability, accuracy, balance, freedom from bias, precise sourcing, reporting the truth, and so on. Other central concepts connected to objectivity are neutrality and impartiality. However, objectivity is, undoubtedly, the term that is most often mentioned when the ethics of journalism is discussed, acting as a kind of umbrella term for several related journalistic ideals. It can even encompass the other concept that is relevant for this study, that of factuality. These two intertwined concepts are extremely complex; paradoxically, it is easier to show evidence of the lack of objectivity or factuality than of their existence. I argue that when journalists conform to the deep-rooted conventions of objective news reporting, facts may be blurred, and the language becomes vague and ambiguous. As global distributors of news, AP and Reuters have had an influential role in creating and reinforcing conventions of (at least English-language) news writing. These conventions can be seen to work at various levels of news reporting: the ideological (e.g., defining what is regarded as newsworthy, or who is responsible), structural (e.g., the well-known inverted pyramid model), and stylistic (e.g., presupposing that in hard news reports, the journalist s voice should be backgrounded). On the basis of my case studies, I have found four central conventions to be worthy of closer examination: the conventional structure of news reports, the importance of newsworthiness, the tactics of impersonalisation which tends to blur news actors responsibility, and the routines of presenting emotions. My linguistic analyses draw mainly on M.A.K. Halliday s Systemic Functional Grammar, on notions of transitivity, ergativity, nominalisation and grammatical metaphor. The Appraisal framework, too, has provided useful tools for my analyses. The thesis includes six case studies dealing with the following topics: metaphors in political reporting, terrorism discourse, terrorism fears, emotions more generally, unnamed sources as rhetorical constructs, and responsibility in the convention of attribution.


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This study deals with how ethnic minorities and immigrants are portrayed in the Finnish print media. The study also asks how media users of various ethnocultural backgrounds make sense of these mediated stories. A more general objective is to elucidate negotiations of belonging and positioning practices in an increasingly complex society. The empirical part of the study is based on content analysis and qualitative close reading of 1,782 articles in five newspapers (Hufvudstadsbladet, Vasabladet, Helsingin Sanomat, Iltalehti and Ilta-Sanomat) during various research periods between 1999 and 2007. Four case studies on print media content are followed up by a focus group study involving 33 newspaper readers of Bosnian, Somalian, Russian, and 'native' Finnish backgrounds. The study draws from different academic and intellectual traditions; mainly media and communication studies, sociology and social psychology. The main theoretical framework employed is positioning theory, as developed by Rom Harré and others. Building on this perspective, situational self-positioning, positioning by others, and media positioning are seen as central practices in the negotiation of belonging. In support of contemporary developments in social sciences, some of these negotiations are seen as occurring in a network type of communicative space. In this space, the media form one of the most powerful institutions in constructing, distributing and legitimising values and ideas of who belongs to 'us', and who does not. The notion of positioning always involves an exclusionary potential. This thesis joins scholars who assert that in order to understand inclusionary and exclusionary mechanisms, the theoretical starting point must be a recognition of a decent and non-humiliating society. When key insights are distilled from the five empirical cases and related to the main theories, one of the major arguments put forward is that the media were first and foremost concerned with a minority actor's rightful or unlawful belonging to the Finnish welfare system. However, in some cases persistent stereotypes concerning some immigrant groups' motivation to work, pay taxes and therefore contribute are so strong that a general idea of individualism is forgotten in favour of racialised and stagnated views. Discussants of immigrant background also claim that the positions provided for minority actors in the media are not easy to identify with; categories are too narrow, journalists are biased, the reporting is simplifying and carries labelling potential. Hence, although the will for the communicative space to be more diverse and inclusive exists — and has also in many cases been articulated in charters, acts and codes — the positioning of ethnic minorities and immigrants differs significantly from the ideal.


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Resumen: Estanislao Zeballos (1854-1923), fue un prominente periodista, abogado y político argentino que publicó una serie de artículos y libros sobre varios temas relevantes: los indios araucanos, las colonias agrícolas de la provincia de Santa Fe, la cuestión del ius sanguinis-ius solis, y el impacto de la inmigración europea en la Argentina. Como otros hombres públicos contemporáneos de su país, Zeballos creía en el proyecto de una nueva nación construida por los inmigrantes. Sin embargo, sus preocupaciones giraron también en torno a los problemas que suponía una sociedad multicultural y los intentos por reconstruir un sentido de identidad nacional.


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Resumen: El anarquismo encontró en el internacionalismo un elemento esencial para la unión del movimiento libertario, pues consideraba que una alianza universal se lograría sólo atravesando las fronteras. Fueron numerosos los pensadores ácratas que buscaron cumplir este objetivo y que, desde su papel de teóricos-militantes, no sólo contribuyeron a la conformación del universo intelectual anarquista en Buenos Aires en las primeras décadas del siglo XX sino que, a través de su rol de agentes activos en el proceso de gestación, recepción y circulación de ideas, intentaron relacionar el anarquismo local con el latinoamericano y el europeo. Dentro de este grupo se destacó, entre los años 1920 y 1930, Diego Abad de Santillán quien, tanto en su papel de teórico como de militante, periodista, escritor, editor y traductor, constituyó una pieza fundamental para el engranaje intelectual libertario desplegado entre Europa y América Latina, e integró el conjunto de pensadores que lideraron el anarquismo argentino. Al cruzar ambos movimientos, no sólo actuó como nexo sino que también buscó representar, y dar respuestas, a los múltiples y variados intereses de la clase trabajadora.


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Este trabalho se situa na fronteira entre as áreas de Comunicação Social e Linguística e é voltado à investigação das interações ocorridas nos espaços dedicados à publicação de comentários de leitores em quatro blogs jornalísticos institucionais: Blog do Noblat, Blog MiriamLeitão.com, Blog do Reinaldo Azevedo e Blog do Josias de Souza. Com ele, pretende-se definir como cada leitor utiliza seus comentários para se relacionar com o jornalista autor do blog (o blogueiro), com outros leitores que também publicam suas opiniões (os leitores-comentaristas) e com o tópico tratado no texto (postagem) escrito pelo blogueiro. Além disso, considerando que autores da área de Comunicação Social discutem os blogs como um dispositivo amplamente conversacional, o propósito desta pesquisa é também esclarecer, à luz dos princípios da Análise da Conversação, se efetivamente ocorre uma conversação entre os participantes no ambiente de troca de mensagens dos blogs. Para a realização do estudo, foi compilado um corpus de 400 comentários cujo conteúdo demonstra a visão crítica de leitores dos blogs acima citados acerca de um mesmo tema: o apagão ocorrido em 10 de novembro de 2009 em 18 estados brasileiros. Tais mensagens foram trabalhadas a partir de um método predominantemente qualitativo e interpretativo, sendo que uma abordagem quantitativa também foi considerada para permitir uma visão mais abrangente e comparativa dos dados. Na ausência de um referencial teórico da Linguística que abrangesse os fenômenos interacionais percebidos nos comentários dos blogs, optou-se por desenvolver uma proposta de análise de base empírica, que norteou todo o desenvolvimento do trabalho. Entre as conclusões preliminares da pesquisa, pode-se dizer que, ao mesmo tempo em que os blogs inauguraram uma nova forma de relacionamento entre o jornalista e sua audiência, há indícios de grande parte dos leitores utilizem os blogs como um espaço restrito à publicação de opiniões isoladas, em vez de enxergá-lo como um ambiente com amplas possibilidades interativas, e, consequentemente, propício à discussão


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Este trabalho investiga o que chamamos crimes da literatura, no livro de Carlos Heitor Cony, Pilatos (1974), em perspectiva comparada com o livro de contos Secreções, excreções e desatinos (2001), de Rubem Fonseca. Cony, famoso autor e jornalista, com histórico de prisões políticas na época da ditadura, publicou Pilatos obra de linguagem considerada pornográfica ainda na vigência da censura. Rubem Fonseca, perseguido pelos censores desde Feliz ano novo (1975), devido às suas narrativas também consideradas contrárias à moral e aos bons costumes, publicou Secreções, excreções e desatinos livre de censura. Este estudo, a partir das análises dos textos referidos, questiona o que é o crime da literatura? E, se não há mais a conjunção de censura política e repressão moral, se está esgotado o embate entre argumentos moralistas e liberais, como podem ser lidos os novos códigos de controle desse imaginário? O objetivo desta tese é, sobretudo, discutir a possibilidade da permanência ou não destes livros como transgressores em relação ao tratamento dado ao corpo no panorama contemporâneo. Para tanto, serão analisadas as diferentes formas de representação do corpo nesses livros, a partir de conceitos, como castração, pornografia e obscenidade, investigados em campos de estudo sobre as representações do corpo nas áreas de psicologia, sociologia e da crítica literária


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Esta tese propõe uma reflexão sobre o ensino da hipérbole na escola, adequada às exigências do ensino de língua materna, consoante ao papel que língua e linguagem exercem na interação verbal. Inicia-se com a investigação de disciplinas lingüísticas que entendem o texto como prática discursiva alternada entre interlocutores mutuamente influenciados, e se estende à análise produtiva da hipérbole na construção argumentativa do enunciador. Aproveita a (quase) consolidada presença do texto jornalístico em sala de aula, como veículo de informação, e acrescenta o estudo discursivo das hipérboles como estratégia do enunciador das colunas políticas e editoriais jornalísticos, no diálogo textual. Busca a identificação das pistas deixadas pelo enunciador, em marcas formais, com a intenção de (inter)agir sobre o leitor. Oferece possíveis leituras das palavras utilizadas pelo jornalista, considerando os vários elementos constitutivos da cena enunciativa; apresenta a possibilidade de aplicação de alguns conteúdos gramaticais em estrutura discursiva textual e sugere exercícios de compreensão e produção de texto