980 resultados para indirect resin composites
Objectives: This study evaluated the surface microhardness (SM) and roughness (SR) alterations of dental resins submitted to pH catalysed degradation regimens. Methods: Thirty discs of each TPH Spectrum (Dentsply), Z100 (3M-ESPE), or an unfilled experimental bis-GMA/TEGDMA resin were fabricated, totaling 90 specimens. Each specimen was polymerized for 40 s, finished, polished, and individually stored in deionized water at 37 degrees C for 7 days. Specimens were randomly assigned to the following pH solutions: 1.0, 6.9 or 13, and for SM or SR evaluations (n = 5). Baseline Knoop-hardness of each specimen was obtained by the arithmetic mean of five random micro-indentations. For SR, mean baseline values were obtained by five random surface tracings (R-a). Specimens were then soaked in one of the following storage media at 37 degrees C: (1) 0.1 M, pH 1.0 HCl, (2) 0.1 N, pH 13.0 NaOCl, and (3) deionized water (pH 6.9). Solutions were replaced daily. Repeated SM and SR measurements were performed at the 3-, 7- and 14-day storage time intervals. For each test and resin, data were analysed by two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey's test (alpha = 0.05). Results: There was significant decrease in SM and increase in SR values of composites after storage in alkaline medium. TPH and Z100 presented similar behaviour for SM and SR after immersion in the different media, whereas unfilled resin values showed no significant change. Conclusion: Hydrolytic degradation of resin composites seems to begin with the silanized inorganic particles and therefore depend on their composition. Significance: To accelerate composite hydrolysis and produce quick in vitro microstructural damage, alkaline medium appears to be more suitable than acidic medium. Contemporary resin composite properties seem to withstand neutral and acidic oral environments tolerably well. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Einleitung: Die Anzahl zahnärztlicher Zemente sowie Restaurationsmaterialien steigt stetig. Die richtige Zementwahl für einen zuverlässigen Haftverbund zwischen Restaurationsmaterial und Zahnsubstanz ist von Interesse für den Kliniker. Ziel der vorliegenden in vitro-Studie war es daher, den Dentinhaftverbund von verschiedenen Zementen in Kombination mit verschiedenen indirekten Restaurationsmaterialien zu untersuchen. Material und Methoden: Zylindrische Probekörper aus sechs Restaurationsmaterialien (Goldlegierung, Titan, Feldspat-Keramik, Leuzit-Glaskeramik, Zirkon sowie Komposit) wurden an einem Ende plangeschliffen und sandgestrahlt. Die Zylinder aus Feldspat-Keramik und Leuzit-Glaskeramik wurden zusätzlich mit Flusssäure geätzt und silanisiert. Die Zylinder wurden anschliessend mit acht Zementen auf plangeschliffenes Dentin extrahierter menschlicher Zähne zementiert (ein Zink-Phosphatzement (DeTrey Zinc), ein konventioneller Glasionomerzement (Fuji I), ein kunststoffmodifizierter Glasionomerzement (Fuji Plus), ein "etch-&-rinse" Kompositzement (Variolink II), zwei "self-etch" Kompositzemente (Panavia F2.0 und Multilink) und zwei "self-adhesive" Kompositzemente (RelyX Unicem Aplicap und Maxcem)). Nach einwöchiger Wasserlagerung bei 37°C wurden die Dentinhaftwerte der Zylinder (n=8 pro Gruppe) mittels Scherkraft-Test gemessen. Zusätzlich wurde das Frakturmuster unter dem Lichtmikroskop bestimmt. Die Haftwerte wurden mittels zweifaktorieller ANOVA und einem post hoc-Test analysiert (Signifikanzniveau α = 0.05). Resultate: Sowohl das Restaurationsmaterial wie auch der Zement hatten einen statistisch signifikanten Effekt auf den Haftverbund. Der Zink-Phosphatzement sowie beide Glasionomerzemente zeigten die niedrigsten Haftwerte. Die höchsten Haftwerte wurden mit beiden "self-etch" und einem der zwei "self-adhesive" Kompositzementen erzielt. Im Allgemeinen variierte das Frakturmuster deutlich je nach Zement und Restaurationsmaterial. Schlussfolgerungen: Der Dentinhaftverbund wurde stärker vom Zement beeinflusst als vom Restaurationsmaterial. Die Kompositzemente erzielten im Grossen und Ganzen die höchsten Haftwerte.
Diante da evolução da composição das resinas compostas e do lançamento de compósitos do tipo bulk fill, faz-se necessário o estudo do desempenho dessa nova classe de materiais. Para isso, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar propriedades como grau de conversão (GC) , dureza Knoop (KHN), resistência à flexão (RF) e tenacidade à fratura (KIC) de sete compósitos bulk fill (EverX Posterior, EXP; Filtek Bulk Fill Flow, FBFF; Fill-Up!, FU; SonicFill, SF; Surefil SDR, SDR; Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill, TECBF; Venus Bulk Fill, VBF) e um compósito nanohíbrido convencional (Charisma Diamond, CD). De forma complementar, foi realizado tratamento térmico a 170 °C por 10 minutos para melhor compreensão do comportamento desses materiais quanto ao potencial de conversão e à indução de tensões na interface carga/matriz. A avaliação do GC (n=3) foi realizada através de espectroscopia FTIR, a leitura da dureza Knoop foi realizada nas superfícies do topo e da base (n=3), e os ensaios de RF de três pontos (n=10) e KIC (n=10) em máquina de ensaios universais. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos à analise de variância (complementados pelo teste de Tukey) ou teste Kruskal-Wallis, com nível de significância de 5%. A análise do GC (%) revelou diferença entre os materiais testados, sendo que todas as resinas bulk fill apresentaram valores maiores que a resina convencional: SF (75,7) > VBF (66,7) = EXP (66,4) = SDR (62,8), sendo esta também semelhante a FU (60,0); FU, TECBF (56,6), FBFF (56,6) e CD (54,5) apresentaram conversão semelhante. Os valores de KHN variaram de acordo com o material e com a superfície: apenas SF apresentou KHN semelhante (na superfície do topo) a CD, entretanto não foi possível realizar a leitura da superfície da base deste último material; SF, TECBF e FBFF apresentaram valores de KHN diferentes nas superfícies topo e base; EXP, FU, SDR e VBF mantiveram os valores de dureza do topo semelhantes à superfície da base. Para a RF (MPa), os resultados variaram de acordo com o material: EXP (122,54) = SF (101,09) = CD (99,15), sendo estes dois últimos semelhantes a FU (83,86) e TECBF (82,71), os quais não diferiram da resina SDR (65,18); esta última também mostrou comportamento semelhante a FBFF (60,85) e VBF (59,90). Quanto ao KIC (MPa.mm0,5), EXP (3,35) apresentou o maior valor, semelhante a SF (2,42), que por sua vez também foi igual ao compósito convencional CD (2,01); CD apresentou KIC semelhante a SDR (1,74); SDR = VBF (1,59) = TECBF (1,57); TECBF, FU (1,54) e FBFF (1,37) apresentaram valores semelhantes. Na dependência do material, o tratamento térmico aumentou os valores dos parâmetros estudados, apontando limitações da reação de polimerização dos compósitos estudados. Com base nos resultados obtidos, podese concluir que: resinas bulk fill apresentam elevado GC, superior à resina convencional estudada; a nova classe de materiais restauradores é capaz de polimerizar em profundidade e alguns materiais apresentam KHN semelhantes no topo e na base de espécimes de 4 mm de profundidade; RF e KIC variaram de acordo com o material, e o compósito EXP apresentou os maiores valores para ambos os testes.
Neste trabalho foi estudada a influência da adição de quitosana e sílica a monômeros dimetacrílicos, BisEMA e TEGDMA, por meio das técnicas de fotocalorimetria, termogravimetria e análise dinâmico mecânica. Os resultados dos experimentos de fotocalorimetria demonstraram que a quitosana pode aumentar a velocidade de polimerização e o máximo de conversão para alguns sistemas em determinadas concentrações da mesma, já a sílica tem pouco efeito nas reações de fotopolimerização das amostras. Para os experimentos de termogravimetria, a quitosana tem pouca influência na degradação das amostras não alterando significativamente as curvas TGA/DTG, por outro lado a sílica acelerou a degradação térmica das amostras. A avaliação das propriedades mecânicas demonstrou que a quitosana diminui a temperatura de transição vítrea e a resposta elástica dos sistemas não afetando os valores dos módulos de armazenamento e módulos de perda. A sílica apresentou a tendência de aumento de temperatura de transição vítrea e não alteração da resposta elástica das amostras.
Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic composites were fabricated through vacuum resin infusion technology by adopting two different processing conditions, viz., vacuum only in the first and vacuum plus external pressure in the next, in order to generate two levels of void-bearing samples. They were relatively graded as higher and lower void-bearing ones, respectively. Microscopy and C-scan techniques were utilized to describe the presence of voids arising from the two different processing parameters. Further, to determine the influence of voids on impact behavior, the fabricated +45 degrees/90 degrees/-45 degrees composite samples were subjected to low velocity impacts. The tests show impact properties like peak load and energy to peak load registering higher values for the lower void-bearing case where as the total energy, energy for propagation and ductility indexes were higher for the higher void-bearing ones. Fractographic analysis showed that higher void-bearing samples display lower number of separation of layers in the laminate. These and other results are described and discussed in this report.
Micro- and macroscopic characterizations of the viscoelastic fracture of a unidirectional carbon-fibre-reinforced epoxy composite are presented. First, the micro-cracking behavior of the material is studied by the use of scanning electron microscopy; the in situ creep cracking process is observed and the crack propagation is measured. In order to obtain insight into the mechanisms of the observed creep cracking, macroscopic investigations were also carried out. Finite-element method simulations were carried out to calculate the stress distribution and the variation of stresses with time. A theoretical analysis of the orthotropy of viscoelastic fracture behavior of the material is also conducted.
The thesis describes the development and evaluation of epoxy resin as interfacial bonding agent for short Nylon-6 fiber elastomer composites. Epoxy resin is well known for its adhesive property. The potential use of it as interfacial bonding agent in short fiber composite is not explored yet. Three rubbers viz., acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (NBR), Neoprene rubber (CR) and styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) were selected and different fiber loading were tried. The resin concentration was optimized for each fiber loading with respect to cure characteristics and mechanical properties. Rheological characteristics and thermal degradation of the composites containing different fiber loading and different resin concentrations were studied in detail to find the effect of epoxy resin bonding system. The mechanical properties were studied in detail. The short Nylon -6 fiber improved most of the mechanical properties of all the three rubbers. Tensile strength showed a dip at 10 phr fiber loading in the case of CR while it was continuously increased with fiber loading in the case of NBR and SBR. All the composites showed anisotropy in mechanical properties. The epoxy resin is an effective bonding agent for short Nylon -6 fiber reinforced NBR and CR composites. Epoxy resin improved tensile strength, abrasion resistance and modulus of these composites. SEM studies confirmed the improved bonding of fiber and matrix in the presence of epoxy bonding agent. Epoxy resin was not effective as bonding agent in the case of short Nylon fiber- SBR composite. From the rheological studies of the composites with and without bonding agent it was observed that all the composite exhibited pseudoplasticity, which decreased with temperature. At higher shear rates all the mixes showed plug flow. SEM pictures showed that maximum orientation of fibers occured at a shear rate, just before the onset of plug flow. The presence of fiber reduced the temperature sensitivity of the flow at a given shear rate. Die swell was reduced in the presence of fiber. Shear viscosity of the composite was increased in the presence of resin. Die swell was increased in the presence of epoxy resin for composites at all shear rates. The thermal degradation of NBR and SBR composites with and without bonding agent followed single step degradation pattern. Thermal stability of the composites was improved in the presence of bonding agent. The degradation of virgin elastomer and the composites followed first order kinetics.
Dental composites can be improved by heat treatment, as a possible way to increase mechanical properties due to additional cure (post-cure). Direct dental composites are essentially similar to the indirect ones, supposing they have the same indication. Therefore, to establish a heat treatment protocol for direct composites, using as indirect (photoactivated by continuous and pulse-delay techniques), a characterization (TG/DTG and DSC) is necessary to determine parameters, such as mass loss by thermal decomposition, heat of reaction and glass transition temperature (T (g)). By the results of this study, a heat treatment could be carried out above 160 A degrees C (above T (g), and even higher than the endset exothermic event) and under 180 A degrees C (temperature of significant initial mass loss).
Resol type resins were prepared in alkaline conditions (potassium hydroxide or potassium carbonate) using furfural obtained by acid hydrolysis of abundant renewable resources from agricultural and forestry waste residues. The structures of the resins were fully determined by H-1, C-13, and 2D NMR spectrometries with the help of four models compounds synthesized specially for this study. MALDI-Tof mass spectrometry experiments indicated that a majority of linear oligomers and a minority of cyclic ones constituted them. Composites were prepared with furfural-phenol resins and sisal fibers. These fibers were chosen mainly because they came from natural lignocellulosic material and they presented excellent mechanical microscopy images indicated that the composites displayed excellent adhesion between resin and fibers. Impact strength measurement showed that mild conditions were more suitable to prepare thermosets. Nevertheless, mild conditions induced a high-diffusion coefficient for water absorption by composites. Composites with good properties could be prepared using high proportion of materials obtained from biomass without formaldehyde. (c) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of ageing in distilled water on the hardness and compressive strength of a direct composite resin Z100, a feldspatic porcelain (Noritake) and three indirect composites (Artglass, Solidex and Targis). For the Vickers hardness tests, five disk-shaped specimens (2 x 4 mm) of each material were prepared according to the manufacturers' instructions. The hardness tests were conducted using a Vickers diamond indentor. Compressive strength measurements were recorded on cylindrical specimens with a diameter of 6 mm and a length of 12 mm. The compression tests were carried out with a constant cross-head speed of 0.5 mm min(-1) on a mechanical test machine. For each material, 10 specimens were tested after 7 days of dry storage at 37 +/- 1 degreesC and 10 specimens were tested after water storage at 37 +/- 1 degreesC for 180 days. Noritake porcelain specimens showed higher hardness values than the composites. Among the composite materials, Z100 promoted the highest VHN values, regardless of the ageing periods. The results showed that Solidex and Z100 had the highest compressive strength values. Ageing in water reduced the hardness for all composites, but had no long-term effect on the compressive strength.
Caries of primary incisors is a common problem in paediatric dentistry in some countries. The restoration of primary incisors which have been severely damaged by early childhood caries or trauma is also a difficult challenge for clinicians. This case report describes an indirect technique for the restoration of primary anterior teeth using composite resin reinforced with a fibreglass post. Over a one-year period, the crowns have demonstrated good retention and aesthetic results. The restorations were provided in two short chair-side sections, with satisfactory patient cooperation. © 2005 BSPD and IAPD.
This study evaluated the Knoop hardness of a dual-cured resin cement (Rely-X ARC) activated solely by chemical reaction (control group) or by chemical / physical mode, light-cured through a 1.5 mm thick ceramic (HeraCeram) or composite (Artglass) disc. Light curing was carried out using conventional halogen light (XL2500) for 40 s (QTH); light emitting diodes (Ultrablue Is) for 40 s (LED); and Xenon plasma arc (Apollo 95E) for 3 s (PAC). Bovine incisors had their buccal face flattened and hybridized. On this surface a rubber mold (5 mm in diameter and 1 mm in height) was bulk filled with the resin cement. A polyester strip was seated for direct light curing or through the discs of veneering materials. After dry storage in the dark (24 h 37°C), the samples (n = 5) were sectioned for hardness (KHN) measurements, taken in a microhardness tester (50 gF load 15 s). The data were statistically analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey's test (α = 0.05). The cement presented higher Knoop hardness values with Artglass for QTH and LED, compared to HeraCeram. The control group and the PAC/Artglass group showed lower hardness values compared to the groups light-cured with QTH and LED. PAC/HeraCeram resulted in the worst combination for cement hardness values. © 2009 Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Odontológica.