140 resultados para hypermedia


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Many studies have widely accepted the assumption that learning processes can be promoted when teaching styles and learning styles are well matched. In this study, the synergy between learning styles, learning patterns, and gender as a selected demographic feature and learners’ performance were quantitatively investigated in a blended learning setting. This environment adopts a traditional teaching approach of ‘one-sizefits-all’ without considering individual user’s preferences and attitudes. Hence, evidence can be provided about the value of taking such factors into account in Adaptive Educational Hypermedia Systems (AEHSs). Felder and Soloman’s Index of Learning Styles (ILS) was used to identify the learning styles of 59 undergraduate students at the University of Babylon. Five hypotheses were investigated in the experiment. Our findings show that there is no statistical significance in some of the assessed factors. However, processing dimension, the total number of hits on course website and gender indicated a statistical significance on learners’ performance. This finding needs more investigation in order to identify the effective factors on students’ achievement to be considered in Adaptive Educational Hypermedia Systems (AEHSs).


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The aim of this research is to exhibit how literary playtexts can evoke multisensory trends prevalent in 21st century theatre. In order to do so, it explores a range of practical forms and theoretical contexts for creating participatory, site-specific and immersive theatre. With reference to literary theory, specifically to semiotics, reader-response theory, postmodernism and deconstruction, it attempts to revise dramatic theory established by Aristotle’s Poetics. Considering Gertrude Stein’s essay, Plays (1935), and relevant trends in theatre and performance, shaped by space, technology and the everchanging role of the audience member, a postdramatic poetics emerges from which to analyze the plays of Mac Wellman and Suzan-Lori Parks. Distinguishing the two textual lives of a play as the performance playtext and the literary playtext, it examines the conventions of the printed literary playtext, with reference to models of practice that radicalize the play form, including works by Mabou Mines, The Living Theatre and Fiona Templeton. The arguments of this practice-led Ph.D. developed out of direct engagement with the practice project, which explores the multisensory potential of written language when combined with hypermedia. The written thesis traces the development process of a new play, Rumi High, which is presented digitally as a ‘hyper(play)text,’ accessible through the Internet at www.RumiHigh.org. Here, ‘playwrighting’ practice is expanded spatially, collaboratively and textually. Plays are built, designed and crafted with many layers of meaning that explore both linguistic and graphic modes of poetic expression. The hyper(play)text of Rumi High establishes playwrighting practice as curatorial, where performance and literary playtexts are in a reciprocal relationship. This thesis argues that digital writing and reading spaces enable new approaches to expressing the many languages of performance, while expanding the collaborative network that produces the work. It questions how participatory forms of immersive and site-specific theatre can be presented as interactive literary playtexts, which enable the reader to have a multisensory experience. Through a reflection on process and an evaluation of the practice project, this thesis problematizes notions of authorship and text.


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This paper presents an approach for assisting low-literacy readers in accessing Web online information. The oEducational FACILITAo tool is a Web content adaptation tool that provides innovative features and follows more intuitive interaction models regarding accessibility concerns. Especially, we propose an interaction model and a Web application that explore the natural language processing tasks of lexical elaboration and named entity labeling for improving Web accessibility. We report on the results obtained from a pilot study on usability analysis carried out with low-literacy users. The preliminary results show that oEducational FACILITAo improves the comprehension of text elements, although the assistance mechanisms might also confuse users when word sense ambiguity is introduced, by gathering, for a complex word, a list of synonyms with multiple meanings. This fact evokes a future solution in which the correct sense for a complex word in a sentence is identified, solving this pervasive characteristic of natural languages. The pilot study also identified that experienced computer users find the tool to be more useful than novice computer users do.


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Accessibility has become a serious issue to be considered by various sectors of the society. However, what are the differences between the perception of accessibility by academy, government and industry? In this paper, we present an analysis of this issue based on a large survey carried out with 613 participants involved with Web development, from all of the 27 Brazilian states. The paper presents results from the data analysis for each sector, along with statistical tests regarding the main different issues related to each of the sectors, such as: government and law, industry and techniques, academy and education. The concern about accessibility law is poor even amongst people from government sector. The analyses have also pointed out that the academy has not been addressing accessibility training accordingly. The knowledge about proper techniques to produce accessible contents is better than other sectors`, but still limited in industry. Stronger investments in training and in the promotion of consciousness about the law may be pointed as the most important tools to help a more effective policy on Web accessibility in Brazil.


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Ubiquitous computing aims at providing services to users in everyday environments such as the home. One research theme in this area is that of building capture and access applications which support information to be recorded ( captured) during a live experience toward automatically producing documents for review (accessed). The recording demands instrumented environments with devices such as microphones, cameras, sensors and electronic whiteboards. Since each experience is usually related to many others ( e. g. several meetings of a project), there is a demand for mechanisms supporting the automatic linking among documents relative to different experiences. In this paper we present original results relative to the integration of our previous efforts in the Infrastructure for Capturing, Accessing, Linking, Storing and Presenting information (CALiSP). Ubiquitous computing aims at providing services to users in everyday environments such as the home. One research theme in this area is that of building capture and access applications which support information to be recorded (captured) during a live experience toward automatically producing documents for review (accessed). The recording demands instrumented environments with devices such as microphones, cameras, sensors and electronic whiteboards. Since each experience is usually related to many others (e.g. several meetings of a project), there is a demand for mechanisms supporting the automatic linking among documents relative to different experiences. In this paper we present original results relative to the integration of our previous efforts in the Infrastructure for Capturing, Accessing, Linking, Storing and Presenting information (CALiSP).


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One problem for hypertext-based learning application is to control learning paths for different learning activities. This paper first introduced related concepts of hypertext learning state space and Petri net, then proposed a high level timed Petri Net based approach to provide some kinds of adaptation for learning activities. Examples were given while explaining ways to realizing adaptive instructions. Possible future directions were also discussed at the end of this paper.


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Multiliteracies pedagogy and research (New London Group, 1996) addresses the range of literacies needed by diverse students to effectively negotiate the increasing multimodality of texts, both inside and outside of schools. Yet, few university teachers understand how youth are able to express themselves, their experiences and lives, in new, empowering and perception-shifting ways as designers in the 21st century. Several theorists (Bruce, 2000; Lemke, 1998; Luke, 2000; Bolter, 1998; Glister, 1997) argue literacy education must be reconceptualised to recognize the importance of teaching and supporting multimedia literacy in a world where internet communication technologies (ICTs) incorporate all semiotic resources. Expression through multiple media and more recently hypermedia—is common to youth—but has often been demonized by historically logocentric approaches to teaching and assessment by privileging print, over all other forms of expression (Albright & Walsh, 2003; Lemke, 1998; McCloud, 1993). As digital media becomes more pervasive in a post-typographic world, tertiary education will need to engage with its representational resources for acquiring traditional school literacy and knowledge. This paper reports on initiatives in Multiliteracies instruction for both pre-service and in-service teachers to more adequately attend to the multisemiotic landscapes of students’ changing worlds in New Times (Hall, 1996).


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In line with the work of feminists ‘post-linguists’ (Threadgold, 1997; Poynton, 1989; Lee, 1994) who seek to produce readings of texts which indicate the ways individuals are positioned to take up positions within discourses and thus come to constitute themselves as subjects of those discourses, this paper reports on how adolescent girls’ hypermedia design works to alter the conceptual repertoire of the individual and in doing so alters the individual’s subjectivity. By examining girls hypermedia design that challenges/resists male domination, I discuss their acts of uploading and hypermedia design in terms of Butler’s theorization of discursive performativity. I believe the adolescent girls employ a form of “linguistic agency” or “discursive agency” (Butler, 1997) that allows them to make use of a wide range of discursive practices that are nonlinguistic or not entirely linguistic. Because the girls were involved in a set of relationships over time, both inside and outside of school in both virtual and real time, within their communities of practice (Lave & Wenger, 1991), they engage with particular areas of curricular knowledge—differently than boys—by showcasing their re-representations online. Consequently, this presents the possibility they may possess a joint enterprise and similar sense of identity. This paper puts forth the idea that within virtual communities of practice, new contexts emerge when disrupting girls/women can work in transgressive modes.


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Students’ learning experience can be affected by difficulties in understanding the interrelationships between concepts and also between topics. Concept maps have been used in many disciplines (Kremer & Gains, 1996) to structure information and express relationships between them. Their holistic approach with multiple pathways through the learning resource can make relationships and linkages between topics and subtopics obvious, and contribute to a meaningful and positive learning experience. This paper outlines the development and formative evaluation of two hypermedia concept maps which led to the development of a series of eleven concept maps to enhance the learning experience of students in a first year undergraduate business law unit.

As part of the Stage 1 formative evaluation, two concept maps were developed together with supporting multimedia resources and trialled on the learners. Feedback was also obtained from technical staff. This phase was designed to assess and control the quality of the learning resource as well as the impact it had on the learning experience. The paper closes by discussing how information gained in Stage 1 was used in Stage 2 as a basis to modify the initially trialled maps and to develop the other supporting maps.


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A problem for hypertext-based learning application is to control learning paths for different learning activities. This paper first introduces related concepts of hypertext learning state space and high level Petri Nets (PNs), then proposes a high level timed PN based approach used to providing kinds of adaptation for learning activities by adjusting time attributes of targeted learning state space. Examples are given while explaining ways to realising adaptive instructions. Possible future directions are also discussed at the end of this paper.


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Esse artigo aborda as propostas de convergência da hipermídia com a memória, a narratividade oral, as histórias de vida e o patrimônio cultural local a partir da elaboração, das funcionalidades e das aplicações do sistema HiperMemo: acervo hipermídia de memórias da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul – USCS. Tem-se por objetivo apresentar o sistema HiperMemo, desenvolvido no Núcleo de Pesquisadores de Memórias do ABC da USCS, como elemento de convergência entre as novas tecnologias digitais (a linguagem hipermídia), a memória e o patrimônio cultural.


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O desenvolvimento de artefatos de software é um processo de engenharia, como todo processo de engenharia, envolve uma série de etapas que devem ser conduzidas através de uma metodologia apropriada. Para que um determinado software alcance seus objetivos, as características conceituais e arquiteturais devem ser bem definidas antes da implementação. Aplicações baseadas em hiperdocumentos possuem uma característica específica que é a definição de seus aspectos navegacionais. A navegação é uma etapa crítica no processo de definição de softwares baseados em hiperdocumentos, pois ela conduz o usuário durante uma sessão de visita ao conteúdo de um site. Uma falha no processo de especificação da navegação causa uma perda de contexto, desorientando o usuário no espaço da aplicação. Existem diversas metodologias para o tratamento das características de navegação de aplicações baseadas em hiperdocumentos. As principais metodologias encontradas na literatura foram estudadas e analisadas neste trabalho. Foi realizada uma análise comparativa entre as metodologias, traçando suas abordagens e etapas. O estudo das abordagens de especificação de hiperdocumentos foi uma etapa preliminar servindo como base de estudo para o objetivo deste trabalho. O foco é a construção de uma ferramenta gráfica de especificação conceitual de hiperdocumentos, segundo uma metodologia de modelagem de software baseado em hiperdocumentos. O método adotado foi o OOHDM (Object-Oriented Hypermedia Design Model), por cercar todas as etapas de um processo de desenvolvimento de aplicações, com uma atenção particular à navegação. A ferramenta implementa uma interface gráfica onde o usuário poderá modelar a aplicação através da criação de modelos. O processo de especificação compreende três modelos: modelagem conceitual, modelagem navegacional e de interface. As características da aplicação são definidas em um processo incremental, que começa na definição conceitual e finaliza nas características de interface. A ferramenta gera um protótipo da aplicação em XML. Para a apresentação das páginas em um navegador Web, utilizou-se XSLT para a conversão das informações no formato XML para HTML. Os modelos criados através das etapas de especificação abstrata da aplicação são exportados em OOHDM-ML. Um estudo de caso foi implementado para validação da ferramenta. Como principal contribuição deste trabalho, pode-se citar a construção de um ambiente gráfico de especificação abstrata de hiperdocumentos e um ambiente de implementação de protótipos e exportação de modelos. Com isso, pretende-se orientar, conduzir e disciplinar o trabalho do usuário durante o processo de especificação de aplicações.