938 resultados para digital age
This thesis extrapolates electronic literature’s différance, proposing an ontology of the form through critical inspection of its traits and peculiarities. Rather than offering a prescriptive definition of electronic literature, this thesis takes an ontological approach through descriptive exploration. In essence, my approach is anti-essentialist, in that I dismiss the view that electronic literature has a specific set of attributes. As will be explored throughout, there are aesthetic properties which frequently emerge, but the implication of their presence remains transient, to the point where electronic literature cannot be one thing, for to be so, it could not be literary. Computational aesthetics resist stable definition, so if we are to achieve an understanding of what separates electronic literature – if it is indeed, separate – from its non-digital counterparts, then we must do so through an articulation of those differences which may, at first, be less apparent. It is an impossibility to state what electronic literature is, as in doing so, one is oblivious to what it might become. The heightened relationship between form and content encountered in this field means that electronic literature is continuously in flux. Literature, while equally resistant to definition, is at least recognisable to our faculties. As readers, we have long possessed the sensibilities necessary to discern the literary from the communicative. Non-digital literary content is open to evolution and experimentation, but predominantly, with a few exceptions, its paratextual form remains consistent. Electronic literature’s content is open to the same artistic manipulation as the physical, but its form too, symbiotically attached to the exponential rate of technological change, gives rise to phenomenological disruption. As multimodal aesthetics challenge our ability to perceive the literary, we should abandon our attempts at defining the relevant works, and instead, seek understanding through analyses of the means by which they differ, and of how they defer, from the literatures that have both preceded and characterised the digital age. This thesis does not seek to resolve the aporetic, but rather, demonstrates how we must extract our theories of the digital out of observation and analysis, as opposed to speculation. This is not to say that my peers are necessarily wrong; I will be in agreement with many of them on a number of matters. My purpose, rather, is to offer some synthesis to a field comprised of a multiplicity of divergent views. Throughout the process of presenting this notion of a new modernity, and offering synthesis to the theories that have emerged from this epoch, I will offer fresh insights and novel approaches to the literary practices of the digital age. In doing so, my purpose will be to contribute to the progression of a consistent and legitimate digital poetics by showing that it cannot be one thing, but a balance of forces – a poetics of equipoise.
This chapter aims at presenting and discussing credible online recruitment eliciting techniques targeting scientific purposes adjusted to the digital age. Based on several illustrations conducted by the author within the framework of both quantitative and qualitative inquiries, this chapter critically explores the digital ethos in three main challenges faced when dealing with online recruitment for scientific purposes: entering the normality of the everyday life, entering the idiosyncrasy of multicultural lives, and entering the chaos of busy lives. By the end, a toolbox for establishing and evaluating (dis)credibility within online recruitment strategies is presented. Moreover, it is argued that success of data collection at the present time in online environments seems to rely as ever on internal factors of the communication process vis-à-vis e-mail content, design and related strategies.
Biobanks are key infrastructures in data-driven biomedical research. The counterpoint of this optimistic vision is the reality of biobank governance, which must address various ethical, legal and social issues, especially in terms of open consent, privacy and secondary uses which, if not sufficiently resolved, may undermine participants’ and society’s trust in biobanking. The effect of the digital paradigm on biomedical research has only accentuated these issues by adding new pressure for the data protection of biobank participants against the risks of covert discrimination, abuse of power against individuals and groups, and critical commercial uses. Moreover, the traditional research-ethics framework has been unable to keep pace with the transformative developments of the digital era, and has proven inadequate in protecting biobank participants and providing guidance for ethical practices. To this must be added the challenge of an increased tendency towards exploitation and the commercialisation of personal data in the field of biomedical research, which may undermine the altruistic and solidaristic values associated with biobank participation and risk losing alignment with societal interests in biobanking. My research critically analyses, from a bioethical perspective, the challenges and the goals of biobank governance in data-driven biomedical research in order to understand the conditions for the implementation of a governance model that can foster biomedical research and innovation, while ensuring adequate protection for biobank participants and an alignment of biobank procedures and policies with society’s interests and expectations. The main outcome is a conceptualisation of a socially-oriented and participatory model of biobanks by proposing a new ethical framework that relies on the principles of transparency, data protection and participation to tackle the key challenges of biobanks in the digital age and that is well-suited to foster these goals.
This article aims to explore the relations between technology and the subject. With new media intensifying the provisionality of discursive structures and in turn embodied experiences, questions pertaining to virtuality have become vital, particularly since Western society's increasing reliance on technologies now permeates our everyday practices. While many theorists often resort to a reification of the subject when conceptualising the posthuman condition, this analysis will recover the notion of embodiment in order to avoid such technological determinism. Tracing this complexity in contemporary texts can be achieved through various means. Here, the focus will remain on how narrative frameworks can create new possibilities for understanding and interpreting shifting subjectivities in the digital age. To explore this, I shall provide an analysis of a contemporary film, Being John Malkovich, which has been chosen due to its unexpected success at the box office, indicating how finely attuned the film is to contemporary concerns.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Gestão Estratégica das Relações Públicas.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Marketing Digital, sob orientação do Mestre Paulo Gonçalves
O objetivo deste estudo é conhecer uma vertente específica do perfil informacional dos alunos que cresceram na era digital, ditos nativos digitais, na utilização que fazem da Internet. Assim, pretende-se aferir os critérios que aplicam na avaliação das fontes de informação disponíveis na web na vertente da credibilidade. A análise dos dados obtidos, resultantes da aplicação de 195 questionários a alunos do 8º ao 12º, é enquadrada e sustentada por revisão da literatura acerca do conceito de credibilidade da informação.
Projeto de Mestrado apresentado ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto, para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Empreendedorismo e Internacionalização, sob orientação da Professora Doutora Ana Azevedo
Poster (and extended abstract) presented at the 13th International Conference "Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA 2014)" held on 16-20th June, University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação (área de especialização em Tecnologia Educativa)
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação (Especialidade de Tecnologia Educativa)
Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação (área de especialização em Publicidade e Relações Públicas)
Vivim en una era digital on cada vegada més les persones estem connectades a la xarxa, ja sigui a través del mòbil, ordinadors o altres dispositius. Actualment internet és un gran aparador i des de fa temps, les empreses han vist en aquest una manera de treure’n profit. És per això, junt amb el seu baix cost, que fa que qualsevol empresa disposi del seu propi espai a la xarxa. D’aquestes idees sorgeix el projecte de fer la web per AutoSuministres Motor. La principal funció de la web es donar-se a conèixer i ensenyar els seus productes, que en aquest cas, són autocaravanes i caravanes. Tot i així, la pàgina web contindrà un espai de reportatges on l’usuari podrà conèixer més a fons un model concret d’autocaravana o caravana i on també podrà demanar més informació mitjançant un formulari de contacte. Per tant, la pàgina web serà totalment administrable perquè els comercials puguin introduir els vehicles corresponents i l’usuari final pugui consultarlos correctament d’una manera fàcil i senzilla. Per tal de dur a terme aquesta web s’ha tingut en compte utilitzar eines de programació de distribució lliure com és el llenguatge PHP, la base de dades MySQL i jQuery.
La aplicación de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) a la gestión de la comunicación de las organizaciones deportivas ha significado el incremento de los medios de comunicación propios de estas organizaciones para llegar a sus públicos objetivos. Unos medios propios que, en algunos casos, han permitido la globalización de marcas como Barça o Real Madrid y, en otros, reforzar el sentimiento de pertenencia a una comunidad, como es el caso de la radio analógica de los clubes de fútbol andaluces, Sevilla FC o Real Betis. Este artículo muestra parte de los resultados de la tesis doctoral de este investigador sobre las TIC y el deporte, en el que analiza qué medios propios han desarrollado los clubes de fútbol españoles en la nueva era digital.