958 resultados para community cultural development


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The proliferation of media services enabled by digital technologies poses a serious challenge to public service broadcasting rationales based on media scarcity. Looking to the past and future, we articulate an important role that the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) might play in the digital age. We argue that historically the ABC has acted beyond its institutional broadcasting remit to facilitate cultural development and, drawing on the example of Pool (an online community of creative practitioners established and maintained by the ABC), point to a key role it might play in fostering network innovation in what are now conceptualised as the creative industries.


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Objective This investigation utilised the expertise of allied members of multidisciplinary teams working in emergency care settings to develop and validate a Rapid Assessment Prioritisation and Referral Tool (RAPaRT). This instrument is intended for use among patients (with non-life threatening acuity) presenting to emergency care settings to indicate when referral to an allied member of the multidisciplinary team is warranted. Method This three stage instrument development and validation study included: a Delphi panel process to determine key criteria to guide instrument development and identify potential items to be carried forward for testing (stage 1); a prospective cohort of consecutive admissions (n=153) to investigate item sensitivity and specificity and retain only the most suitable items (stage 2); then final consultation with the Delphi panel to ensure the final instrument was clinically amenable (stage 3). Results 23 potential items were identified following stage 1. At the completion of item sensitivity and specificity analysis and in consultation with the Delphi panel, seven items were retained in the instrument. Area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.803 for these seven items in predicting when a referral was warranted. Final consultation with the Delphi panel members also resulted in the addition of an open ended (eighth) item to allow description of any infrequent, but important, reason for referral. Conclusions The RAPaRT has demonstrated substantial promise as an efficient clinically amenable instrument to assist multidisciplinary teams in emergency care settings. Further research to investigate the wider implementation of the RAPaRT is warranted.


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This article describes how - in the processes of responding to participatory storytelling practices - community, public service, and to a lesser extent, commercial media institutions are themselves negotiated and changed. Although there are significant variations in the conditions, durability, extent, motivations and quality of these developments and their impacts, they nonetheless increase the possibilities and pathways of participatory media culture. This description first frames digital storytelling as a ‘co-creative’ media practice. It then discusses the role of community arts and cultural development (CACD) practitioners and networks as co-creative media intermediaries, and then considers their influence in Australian broadcast and Internet media. It looks at how participatory storytelling methods are evolving in the Australian context and explores some of the implications for cultural inclusion arising from a shared interest in ‘co-creative’ media methods and approaches.


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In the last fifteen years digital storytelling has come to stand for considerably more than a specific form of collaborative media production. It is also an international network of new media artists, creative practitioners, curators, scholars, and facilitating community media organisations. In May this year the movement will converge on Ankara, Turkey for its Fifth International Conference and Exhibition. The event will draw together key adopters, adapters and innovators in community-based methods of collaborative media production from around the world. Researchers from the Queensland University of Technology will lead a delegation that will include key players in the Australian digital storytelling movement.


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DeepBlue is much more than just an orchestra. Their innovative approach to audience engagement led it to develop ESP, their Electronic Show Programme web app which allows for real-time (synchronous) and delayed (asynchronous) audience interaction, customer feedback and research. The show itself is driven invisibly by a music technology operating system (currently QUT's Yodel) that allows them to adapt to a wide range of performance venues and varied types of presentation. DeepBlue's community engagement program has enabled over 5,500 young musicians and community choristers to participate in professional productions, it is also a cornerstone of DeepBlue's successful business model. You can view the ESP mobile web app at m.deepblue.net.au if you view this and only the landing page is active, there is not a show taking place or imminent. ESP prototype has already been used for 18 months. Imagine knowing what your audience really thinks – in real time so you can track their feelings and thoughts through the show. This tool has been developed and used by the performing group DeepBlue since late 2012 in Australia and Asia (even translated into Vietnamese). It has mostly superseded DeepBlue's SMS realtime communication during a show. It enables an event presenter or performance group to take the pulse of an audience through a series of targeted questions that can be anonymous or attributed. This will help build better, long-lasting, and more meaningful relationships with groups and individuals in the community. This can take place on a tablet, mobile phone or future platforms. There are three organisations trialling it so far.


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Purpose To present the results of tests for the development of literary trails for domestic visitors and tourists in Brisbane, Queensland, and to situate these findings in the context of recent state government policy changes in relation to culture, community engagement and the environment. Design Broadly cultural studies: the article analyses changes in international and national cultural tourism and Queensland based issues before presenting the research findings. Findings a gap in tourist and cultural development models exists for the implementation of a network of sustainable literary trails in Brisbane--this model can be extended to regions around the state to meet the demands of the new tourist. Limitations Queensland weather and Australian distance which will require a regional approach that networks with transport and community hubs. Practical implications the research has produced new software for the use of self-guided walks; the locations for two specific area trails; and the involvement of the State Library of Queensland as a “hub” for the trails. Substantial support exists for further development in advanced locative media and gaming. Social implications the research demonstrates the importance of developing a sense of place that relates to culture, literary history and community for tourists, as well as the potential for community engagement.


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A creative practice as research, UNDER THIS SKY is the latest investigation in a 12-year study into the “QMF Model”, an application of principles of community and cultural practice that generates large-scale, music spectacle events that derive their narrative and expression from the communities in which they are performed. UNDER THIS SKY is a large-scale musical specially commissioned for the city of Logan (Queensland) as the signature work of the 2015 Queensland Musical Festival. The investigation centres around the capacity of the “QMF Model” to engage with performers and musicians of Logan and then, through community consultation, create a narrative based on idiosyncratic stories and themes that would culminate in a performance event in August 2015. Previous creative projects, Boomtown (Gladstone), Behind the Cane (Bowen) and The Road We’re On (Charleville), were conducted in relatively small communities, Gladstone being the largest. In UNDER THIS SKY, the model is being tested in a large metropolitan city (Logan – 300,000). The core principles of CACD (community arts and cultural development) are being interrogated and adapted to fit this large-scale, whole of community environment. The purpose is to refine and further validate the “QMF Model” as a viable and effective process for community/artistic partnerships. Since February 2014, professional artists and managers have facilitated and shaped the work, up-skilling performers over a periods of 12 months, developing new relationships and creating opportunities for participation at all levels of experience. The research methodology involved creative practice through a continuous cycle of action, reflection, adaptation and application.


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Arts culture organisations and funding authorities increasingly need to evaluate the impact of festivals, events and performances. Economic impacts are often privileged over 'soft data' about community experience and engagement. This new book offers a timely and scholarly demonstration of how cultural value and impact can be evaluated. It offers an innovative approach whereby the relationship developed between the researchers/evaluator and the commissioning arts and cultural producer provides an opportunity to rethink the traditional process of reporting back on value and impact through the singular entity of funds acquittal. Using three commissioned evaluations undertaken at an Australian university as an extended case study, the book investigates the two positions most often adopted by researchers/evaluators - embedded and collaborative, or external and distanced - and argues the merits and deficiencies of the two approaches. Offering an examination of how arts evaluation 'works' in theory and practice and more importantly, why it is needed now and in the future to demonstrate the reach and cultural gains from arts and cultural projects, this will be essential reading for students in arts management, professionals working in arts and cultural organisations, scholars working in association with creative industries and cultural development.


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This study examines the development of the Community Fisheries Sub-Decree. From its promulgation in late 2000 through its draft form in June 20021, this sub-decree has gone through over 25 drafts. Initially, the writing process involved the public intimately: community meetings were conducted, NGOs contributed their knowledge and expertise, and then, with these consultations in mind, the newly-formed Community Fisheries Development Office (CFDO) in the Department of Fisheries (DoF) drafted the sub-decree. Over the following year and a half, the sub-decree went through numerous changes, some of which fundamentally alter the tenor of the legislation. This includes the deletion of some of the primary issues of rural communities, such as what fishing gears they can use and whether they can participate in patrolling the fishing area. While the final form is still pending, there are many questions as to the positive effects that the sub-decree will ultimately have on people’s livelihoods when it is finally approved. This research was undertaken to track the development of the sub-decree to gain a better understanding of how the Cambodian policy-making system functions. Consultations were undertaken with the DoF and CFDO before the research began, both of which agreed to the study. It is hoped that this report will help not only those interested in community fisheries issues, but also those who want to advocate on other Cambodian development issues as well. Due to the sensitive nature of the subject material, and the fact that the sub-decree is still pending, the author has conducted interviews with the express purpose of keeping them confidential. Therefore, no individual will be quoted directly in this study. In addition, many of the English versions of the drafts examined were unofficial translations. The author has made no effort to correct the English in the drafts. Moreover, there are also questions regarding the drafts and their sequence, as no government records were kept of the process or the changes that were made along the way. These have been compiled after the fact. (33 p.)


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This article considers the development of the UK Cultural Olympiad supporting London's successful bid to stage the Olympic Games in 2012. It suggests that the Cultural Olympiad is a complex event itself and needs to be better understood if any impacts are to be felt in a meaningful sense. The event is thus considered through review of over 50 documents relating to its management, in the context of a number of identified themes: cultural development, developing institutional frameworks, social benefit, educational benefit and promotional benefit.


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The proliferation of media services enabled by digital technologies poses a serious challenge to public service broadcasting rationales based on media scarcity. Looking to the past and future, we articulate an important role that the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) might play in the digital age. We argue that historically the ABC has acted beyond its institutional broadcasting remit to facilitate cultural development and, drawing on the example of Pool (an online community of creative practitioners established and maintained by the ABC), point to a key role it might play in fostering network innovation in what are now conceptualised as the creative industries.


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Trabalho de Projeto submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro - especialização em Teatro do Movimento.


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Chaque année, un nombre considérable d’élèves récemment immigrés intègrent les écoles du Québec. Pour ces jeunes, les risques de faire face à des difficultés socioscolaires sont potentiellement élevés, en particulier chez ceux pour qui des facteurs tels que l’allophonie et la défavorisation s’additionnent. De nombreuses recherches soulignent la réussite de l’adaptation socioscolaire de plusieurs de ces élèves, mais il demeure que d’autres jeunes éprouvent des difficultés et il est capital de chercher à mieux comprendre comment les accompagner à travers ce processus. L’objectif général de cette recherche est de décrire le phénomène de la résilience scolaire chez des jeunes allophones du primaire récemment immigrés dans le but de savoir comment mieux soutenir leur intégration sociale ainsi que leur réussite scolaire. Le concept de la résilience a été employé comme cadre théorique afin de capter le caractère systémique de l’intégration socioscolaire de ces élèves immigrants qui, à leur arrivée, ne maîtrisent pas le français. Les résultats de l’analyse de nos données révèlent que les caractéristiques qui ont soutenu l’adaptation socioscolaire des jeunes que nous avons rencontrés appartiennent à quatre catégories : l’élève (motivation scolaire et importance accordée aux études en général, volonté d’apprentissage du français), son environnement familial (intérêt porté par les parents à l’éducation de l’enfant, discours positif du parent quant à l’éducation), son environnement extra-familial (lieux de culte et espaces d’épanouissement socioculturel pour le jeune, organismes communautaires, adultes significatifs qui peuvent soutenir la résilience du jeune) et son vécu scolaire (enseignants engagés, disponibles, qui inspirent confiance et qui sont outillés, climat psychosocial positif en classe et à l’école).


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Cette recherche consiste en un examen du rôle du festival dans une communauté linguistique en contexte minoritaire confrontée à des enjeux spécifiques tels que l’assimilation, l’exogamie, la diglossie, l’inégal accès aux services dans sa langue, de même que l’accès limité aux produits culturels de son groupe linguistique. Le cas des festivals francophones en milieu minoritaire sert à interroger concrètement et empiriquement les possibilités, les conditions, les limites et les contraintes de cette forme particulière d’événement en tant que vecteur de la vitalité culturelle d’une communauté minoritaire. Le festival est aussi exploré en lien aux grandes finalités de développement culturel et de démocratie culturelle, soit des mécanismes culturels à la source des politiques culturelles modernes, ainsi qu’en lien à son rôle aux niveaux de l’affirmation et de la consolidation identitaires. Une étude de cas multiples a été menée afin de comparer et d’analyser trois festivals francophones en milieu minoritaire ontarien qui sont mis sur pied dans différentes régions, et ont des objectifs à la fois similaires et différenciés : 1) La Nuit sur l’étang (Sudbury) ; 2) le Festival franco-ontarien (Ottawa) ; et 3) le Festival du Loup (Lafontaine-Penetanguishene). En focalisant sur chaque cas étudié, nous sommes en mesure de donner une vue d’ensemble du phénomène « festival » dans un tel contexte. Cette recherche présente, par le biais de sources documentaires, d’observations sur le terrain et d’entretiens auprès des organisateurs, des festivaliers et des artistes de ces événements, les perceptions qu’en ont et l’utilisation qu’en font ces différentes catégories d’acteurs impliqués. Elle fait plus précisément état de la contribution du festival au niveau des mécanismes culturels proposés ci-dessus. En outre, elle permet de déterminer si les acteurs directement impliqués dans ce type d’événement le perçoivent comme un enjeu important pour la francité. Bref, l’ensemble des contributions qu’apportent les festivals francophones en Ontario montrent en quoi ces événements agissent comme des vecteurs de la vitalité culturelle d’une communauté minoritaire.


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Tratamos do direito à inclusão dos alunos com Necessidades Educacionais Especiais na Escola Deputado Raimundo Ribeiro de Souza, no município de Jacundá – Pará partindo da premissa de que todas as crianças podem aprender e fazer parte da vida escolar e comunitária no sentido de garantir seu acesso e permanência na escola. Enfatiza-se que a temática é relevante e traz contributos, tanto no aspecto científico, quanto no social e cultural, pois permite que se tenha oportunidade de, além de adquirir-se autonomia científica de investigador, poder gerenciar o processo de formação e enriquecimento pessoal e cultural dos portadores de necessidades especiais. Para tanto, utiliza-se uma abordagem qualitativa apoiada na pesquisa bibliográfica e de campo através dos instrumentos questionário, entrevistas e observação direta que nos possibilitou perceber que já existe na escola um esforço no sentido da inclusão dos alunos portadores de necessidades especiais, no entanto, ainda há muito a ser feito para se chegar ao ideal proposto pelas leis da educação brasileira.