967 resultados para common bile duct cyst
24-norursodeoxycholic acid (norUDCA), a side chain-modified ursodeoxycholic acid derivative, has dramatic therapeutic effects in experimental cholestasis and may be a promising agent for the treatment of cholestatic liver diseases. We aimed to better understand the physiologic and therapeutic properties of norUDCA and to test if they are related to its side chain length and/or relative resistance to amidation. For this purpose, Mdr2-/- mice, a model for sclerosing cholangitis, received either a standard diet or a norUDCA-, tauro norursodeoxycholic acid (tauro- norUDCA)-, or di norursodeoxycholic acid (di norUDCA)-enriched diet. Bile composition, serum biochemistry, liver histology, fibrosis, and expression of key detoxification and transport systems were investigated. Direct choleretic effects were addressed in isolated bile duct units. The role of Cftr for norUDCA-induced choleresis was explored in Cftr-/- mice. norUDCA had pharmacologic features that were not shared by its derivatives, including the increase in hepatic and serum bile acid levels and a strong stimulation of biliary HCO3- -output. norUDCA directly stimulated fluid secretion in isolated bile duct units in a HCO3- -dependent fashion to a higher extent than the other bile acids. Notably, the norUDCA significantly stimulated HCO 3- -output also in Cftr-/- mice. In Mdr2-/- mice, cholangitis and fibrosis strongly improved with norUDCA, remained unchanged with tauro- norUDCA, and worsened with di norUDCA. Expression of Mrp4, Cyp2b10, and Sult2a1 was increased by norUDCA and di norUDCA, but was unaffected by tauro- norUDCA. Conclusion:The relative resistance of norUDCA to amidation may explain its unique physiologic and pharmacologic properties. These include the ability to undergo cholehepatic shunting and to directly stimulate cholangiocyte secretion, both resulting in a HCO3- -rich hypercholeresis that protects the liver from cholestatic injury.
A fibrose hepática é o resultado de uma resposta cicatrizante frente a repetidas lesões no fígado, e é caracterizada pelo acúmulo excessivo de proteínas da matriz extracelular (MEC) no parênquima hepático, incluindo colágeno, fibronectina, elastina, laminina e proteoglicanos, com a participação de diferentes populações celulares do fígado. As principais células responsáveis pela síntese de proteínas da MEC na fibrose hepática são as células estreladas hepáticas ativadas e os miofibroblastos, que surgem após estímulo inflamatório e são caracterizadas pela expressão de alfa-actina de músculo liso (α-SMA). Sabe-se que durante a progressão da fibrose hepática, ocorre a morte de hepatócitos e sua substituição por células fibrogênicas α-SMA+. A apoptose dessas células fibrogênicas é de grande relevância para a regressão da fibrose e regeneração hepática. Nos últimos anos, a terapia com células tronco de medula óssea tem sido utilizada para estimular a regeneração hepática em diferentes modelos experimentais e protocolos clínicos. A fração mononuclear da medula óssea adulta possui duas populações de células-tronco importantes no tratamento de diversas doenças hepáticas: células-tronco hematopoiéticas e células-tronco mesenquimais. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a expressão de α-SMA e o processo de apoptose de células hepáticas durante a fibrose hepática induzida por ligadura do ducto biliar (LDB) e após o transplante de células mononucleares de medula óssea (CMMO). Os fígados foram coletados de ratos dos seguintes grupos: normal, 14 dias de LDB, 21 dias de LDB e animais que receberam CMMO após 14 dias de LDB, e foram analisados após 7 dias (totalizando 21 dias de LDB). Para quantificar a expressão de α-SMA por células fibrogênicas nos grupos experimentais, foi realizada imunoperoxidase para α-SMA, seguida de morfometria no programa Image Pro Plus. Para analisar a apoptose nas células hepáticas, foi realizada imunoperoxidase e Western Blotting (WB) para caspase-3 (proteína apoptótica) e imunofluorescência com dupla-marcação para caspase-3 e α-SMA, seguida de observação em microscópio confocal. Os resultados da quantificação de α-SMA por morfometria mostraram que a expressão de α-SMA aumentou significativamente 14 e 21 dias após a LDB. Entretanto, essa expressão diminuiu significativamente no grupo tratado com CMMO, que apresentou parênquima hepático mais preservado em relação ao grupo com 21 dias de LDB. Os resultados de imunoperoxidase, WB e microscopia confocal para expressão de caspase-3 demonstraram que essa proteína diminuiu nos animais fibróticos com 14 e 21 dias de LDB com relação ao grupo normal, e estava significativamente elevada no grupo tratado com CMMO. A análise por microscopia confocal demonstrou que algumas células coexpressaram α-SMA e caspase-3 nos animais tratados com CMMO, sugerindo a morte de células fibrogênicas e remodelamento do parênquima hepático.
A fibrose hepática é o resultado de uma lesão crônica, com a ativação de células inflamatórias e fibrogênicas no fígado, as quais levam a um acúmulo excessivo de proteínas de matriz extracelular (MEC). Essas alterações resultam na morte de células do fígado, com desorganização e perda da função do parênquima hepático. A cirrose é o estágio avançado da fibrose, e culmina na falência hepática, uma condição potencialmente fatal cujo único tratamento efetivo é o transplante de fígado, o qual é limitado pela disponibilidade de órgãos. Na busca por terapias alternativas visando a regeneração hepática, o transplante de células mononucleares de medula óssea (CMMO) mostrou resultados benéficos e promissores em modelos animais e alguns protocolos clínicos. Entre essas células, estão as células-tronco hematopoiéticas e mesenquimais, que apresentam potencial regenerativo e modulador da resposta inflamatória. Este estudo pretendeu avançar na compreensão dos mecanismos pelos quais as CMMO podem ajudar na regeneração hepática. Ratos com fibrose hepática induzida por ligadura do ducto biliar (LDB) foram transplantados com CMMO e comparados com ratos com fibrose sem transplante e ratos normais. Parâmetros hepáticos como componentes da MEC (colágeno total, colágenos tipos I e IV, laminina, metaloproteinases de matriz MMPs), componentes celulares (células fibrogênicas, células de Kupffer e colangiócitos) e enzimas hepáticas foram analisados por microscopia de luz, microscopia confocal, western blotting e espectrofotometria. Os resultados mostraram que o transplante de CMMO contribui para a regeneração hepática de maneira global, (a) diminuindo o acúmulo de colágeno e laminina; (b) aumentando a produção de MMPs que favorecem o remodelamento da MEC, principalmente por células de Kupffer; (c) normalizando a quantidade de colangiócitos e diminuindo a quantidade de células fibrogênicas; e (d) normalizando os níveis sanguíneos das enzimas hepáticas. Portanto, nós sugerimos que as CMMO podem ajudar na regeneração hepática através de mecanismos parácrinos e se diferenciando em células de Kupffer, contribuindo para a secreção de fatores antiinflamatórios e anti-fibrogênicos no fígado com fibrose.
A disfunção mitocondrial tem sido associada a várias doenças, incluindo a colestase hepática, caracterizada pela ativação de células de Kupffer e células fibrogênicas, as quais produzem matriz extracelular excessiva. O acúmulo de sais biliares tóxicos no parênquima hepático leva à lesão crônica com dano mitocondrial, redução da síntese de ATP, aumento de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS) e apoptose, resultando em comprometimento da função hepática. Trabalhos anteriores do nosso grupo mostraram o efeito positivo do transplante de células mononucleares da medula óssea (CMMO) na resolução da fibrose hepática e recuperação da função hepática em ratos com colestase, induzida pela ligadura de ducto biliar (LDB). Assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar a bioenergética mitocondrial após o transplante de CMMO no fígado de ratos com fibrose induzida por ligadura de ducto bilar (LDB). Ratos Wistar machos foram divididos em quatro grupos: animais normais, animais com fibrose hepática após 14 e 21 dias de LDB (F14d e F21d, respectivamente), e animais que após 14 dias de LDB receberam 1x107 CMMO, e foram eutanasiados sete dias após. Nossos dados demonstraram aumento do conteúdo de colágeno tipo I no grupo F21d em relação ao grupo normal, indicativo de fibrose, e sua diminuição após o transplante de CMMO. A análise da fisiologia mitocondrial do fígado mostrou diminuição significativa da taxa respiratória máxima estimulada por ADP (estado 3) nos grupos F14d e F21d, indicando redução da capacidade de oxidação de carboidratos e ácidos graxos. Além disso, a razão do controle respiratório (RCR), indicativa de acoplamento da fosforilação oxidativa com a produção de ATP, apresentou-se significativamente diminuída nos grupos F14d e F21d, sugerindo desacoplamento mitocondrial. No entanto, o transplante de CMMO aumentou significativamente nestes grupos tanto a capacidade oxidativa quanto o acoplamento mitocondrial a níveis semelhantes aos do grupo normal. Estes resultados foram confirmados por análise de western blotting, que mostrou aumento significativo no conteúdo de UCP2 e diminuição do conteúdo de PGC-1α no grupo F21d, com consequente restauração após o transplante de CMMO. Além disso, os resultados mostraram um aumento significativo do conteúdo de 4-HNE no grupo F14d com redução após o transplante CMMO. Assim, podemos concluir que o transplante de CMMO tem um efeito positivo sobre a bioenergética mitocondrial de fígados de ratos com colestase, com aumento da capacidade oxidativa e redução do estresse oxidativo, o que, por sua vez, contribui para a recuperação da função hepática.
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a new therapeutic approach for the palliative treatment of malignant bile duct obstruction. In this study, we designed photosensitizer-embedded self-expanding nonvascular metal stent (PDT-stent) which allows repeatable photodynamic treatment of cholangiocarcinoma without systemic injection of photosensitizer. Polymeric photosensitizer (pullulan acetate-conjugated pheophorbide A; PPA) was incorporated in self-expanding nonvascular metal stent. Residence of PPA in the stent was estimated in buffer solution and subcutaneous implantation on mouse. Photodynamic activity of PDT-stent was evaluated through laserexposure on stent-layered tumor cell lines, HCT-116 tumor-xenograft mouse models and endoscopic intervention of PDT-stent on bile duct of mini pigs. Photo-fluorescence imaging of the PDT-stent demonstrated homogeneous embedding of polymeric Pheo-A (PPA) on stent membrane. PDT-stent sustained its photodynamic activities at least for 2 month. And which implies repeatable endoscopic PDT is possible after stent emplacement. The PDT-stent after light exposure successfully generated cytotoxic singlet oxygen in the surrounding tissues, inducing apoptotic degradation of tumor cells and regression of xenograft tumors on mouse models. Endoscopic biliary in-stent photodynamic treatments on minipigs also suggested the potential efficacy of PDT-stent on cholangiocarcinoma. In vivo and in vitro studies revealed our PDT-stent, allows repeatable endoscopic biliary PDT, has the potential for the combination therapy (stent plus PDT) of cholangiocarcinoma. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.
The temporal expression and secretion of distinct members of a family of virulence-associated cathepsin L cysteine peptidases (FhCL) correlates with the entry and migration of the helminth pathogen Fasciola hepatica in the host. Thus, infective larvae traversing the gut wall secrete cathepsin L3 (FhCL3), liver migrating juvenile parasites secrete both FhCL1 and FhCL2 while the mature bile duct parasites, which are obligate blood feeders, secrete predominantly FhCL1 but also FhCL2.
Endoscopic sphincterotomy (ES) is indicated in patients with confirmed bile duct stones at endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). The role of ES in patients with suspected bile duct stones but a normal cholangiogram, in the prevention of recurrent biliary symptoms, when cholecystectomy is not planned, is unclear.
The liver fluke Opisthorchis viverrini is classified as a class I carcinogen due to the association between cholangiocarcinoma and chronic O. viverrini infection. During its feeding activity within the bile duct, the parasite secretes several cathepsin F cysteine proteases that may induce or contribute to the pathologies associated with hepatobiliary abnormalities.
The development of the vitellaria of Fasciola hepatica within the liver of its rat host was studied by means of whole-mount stained preparations and transmission electron microscopy, together with light and electron immunocytochemistry using an antibody to vitelline protein B, an eggshell precursor protein synthesized by F. hepatica. No vitelline cells could be identified in flukes recovered from the liver parenchyma, by any of the methods used. In contrast, follicles were present in flukes at the earliest time of recovery from the bile duct, namely, 5 weeks 3 days post-infection. The vitellaria in these flukes formed a row of small follicles on either side of the body. Development of the follicles was rapid: by 6 weeks 3 days, the vitellaria resembled those in the adult fluke and eggs were present in the uterus. Immunolabelling was confined to the shell protein globules in the vitelline cells, confirming the packaging of the eggshell protein within the shell globule clusters.
Cirrhosis is a frequent and severe disease, complicated by renal sodium retention leading to ascites and oedema. A better understanding of the complex mechanisms responsible for renal sodium handling could improve clinical management of sodium retention. Our aim was to determine the importance of the amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) in collecting ducts in compensate and decompensate cirrhosis. Bile duct ligation was performed in control mice (CTL) and collecting duct-specific αENaC knockout (KO) mice, and ascites development, aldosterone plasma concentration, urinary sodium/potassium ratio and sodium transporter expression were compared. Disruption of ENaC in collecting ducts (CDs) did not alter ascites development, urinary sodium/potassium ratio, plasma aldosterone concentrations or Na,K-ATPase abundance in CCDs. Total αENaC abundance in whole kidney increased in cirrhotic mice of both genotypes and cleaved forms of α and γ ENaC increased only in ascitic mice of both genotypes. The sodium chloride cotransporter (NCC) abundance was lower in non-ascitic KO, compared to non-ascitic CTL, and increased when ascites appeared. In ascitic mice, the lack of αENaC in CDs induced an upregulation of total ENaC and NCC and correlated with the cleavage of ENaC subunits. This revealed compensatory mechanisms which could also take place when treating the patients with diuretics. These compensatory mechanisms should be considered for future development of therapeutic strategies.
L'encéphalopathie hépatique (EH) est un syndrome neuropsychiatrique dû à une dysfonction hépatique où l'ammoniaque est un facteur central. Il a déjà été rapporté que l’intoxication aiguë d'ammoniaque induise le stress oxydatif/nitrosatif. La présente étude cible à évaluer le rôle du stress oxydatif/nitrosatif dans 2 modèles de l’EH chronique : (1) l’anastomose portocave (PCA) et (2) la ligation de la voie biliaire (BDL). Ces 2 modèles sont caractérisés par une hyperammoniémie et une augmentation d’ammoniaque centrale, cependant l’œdème cérébral est trouvé seulement chez les rats BDL. Des marqueurs du stress oxydatif/nitrosatif ont été évaluées dans le plasma et cortex frontal. Un stress nitrosatif central a été observé chez les rats PCA; tandis qu’un stress oxydatif/nitrosatif systémique a été démontré seulement chez les rats BDL. Ces résultats suggèrent (1) que l’hyperammoniémie chronique n’induise pas le stress oxydatif/nitrosatif systémique et (2) qu’un synergisme existe entre l’ammoniaque et le stress oxydatif/nitrosatif, en association avec l’œdème cérébral.
L’œdème cérébral est une complication associée à l’encéphalopathie hépatique (EH) lors d’une insuffisance hépatique chronique (cirrhose du foie). Présentement, l’origine de sa pathogenèse, vasogénique (rupture de la barrière hémato-encéphalique (BHE)) ou cytotoxique (prise anormale d’ions), n’a pas encore été déterminée. Il a été démontré que le co-transporteur Na-K-Cl (NKCC1) du côté luminal des microvaisseaux sanguins cérébraux (CMV) joue un rôle dans le développement de l’œdème cérébral dans des modèles d’ischémie où la bumetanide, un inhibiteur de NKCC, atténue l’œdème cérébral. Deux modèles d’EH ont été utilisés pour cette étude i) la ligature de la voie biliaire (BDL) qui présente l’hyperammoniémie chronique, l’œdème cérébral et le stress oxydatif systémique ; ii) l’anastomose portocave (PCA) qui présente de l’hyperammoniémie chronique seulement. Les buts du projet étaient de: i) définir l’origine du développement de l’œdème chez les rats BDL en étudiant l’extravasation de macromolécules, les jonctions serrées et l’activation des métalloprotéinases matricielles de la BHE; ii) observer les effets de l’hyperammoniémie chronique indépendamment sur la BHE chez les rats PCA; iii) évaluer le rôle de l’hyperammoniémie et du stress oxydatif et iv) étudier le rôle du NKCC1 dans les CMV dans la pathogenèse de l’œdème cérébral. Les résultats du projet démontrent que l’œdème est d’origine cytotoxique chez les rats BDL et que l’intégrité de la BHE est conservée chez les rats PCA malgré l’hyperammoniémie. L’expression génique du NKCC1 est associée à l’œdème mais pas son expression protéique et sa phosphorylation. Enfin, l’étude démontre que l’hyperammoniémie et le stress oxydatif indépendant ne jouent pas un rôle dans la pathogenèse de l’œdème mais suggère qu’ils y aient un effet synergique.
Chronic liver failure leads to hyperammonemia, a central component in the pathogenesis of hepatic encephalopathy (HE); however, a correlation between blood ammonia levels and HE severity remains controversial. It is believed oxidative stress plays a role in modulating the effects of hyperammonemia. This study aimed to determine the relationship between chronic hyperammonemia, oxidative stress, and brain edema (BE) in two rat models of HE: portacaval anastomosis (PCA) and bile-duct ligation (BDL). Ammonia and reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels, BE, oxidant and antioxidant enzyme activities, as well as lipid peroxidation were assessed both systemically and centrally in these two different animal models. Then, the effects of allopurinol (xanthine oxidase inhibitor, 100mg/kg for 10days) on ROS and BE and the temporal resolution of ammonia, ROS, and BE were evaluated only in BDL rats. Similar arterial and cerebrospinal fluid ammonia levels were found in PCA and BDL rats, both significantly higher compared to their respective sham-operated controls (p<0.05). BE was detected in BDL rats (p<0.05) but not in PCA rats. Evidence of oxidative stress was found systemically but not centrally in BDL rats: increased levels of ROS, increased activity of xanthine oxidase (oxidant enzyme), enhanced oxidative modifications on lipids, as well as decreased antioxidant defense. In PCA rats, a preserved oxidant/antioxidant balance was demonstrated. Treatment with allopurinol in BDL rats attenuated both ROS and BE, suggesting systemic oxidative stress is implicated in the pathogenesis of BE. Analysis of ROS and ammonia temporal resolution in the plasma of BDL rats suggests systemic oxidative stress might be an important "first hit", which, followed by increases in ammonia, leads to BE in chronic liver failure. In conclusion, chronic hyperammonemia and oxidative stress in combination lead to the onset of BE in rats with chronic liver failure.
The pathogenesis of brain edema in patients with chronic liver disease (CLD) and minimal hepatic encephalopathy (HE) remains undefined. This study evaluated the role of brain lactate, glutamine and organic osmolytes, including myo-inositol and taurine, in the development of brain edema in a rat model of cirrhosis.Six-week bile-duct ligated (BDL) rats were injected with (13)C-glucose and de novo synthesis of lactate, and glutamine in the brain was quantified using (13)C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR). Total brain lactate, glutamine, and osmolytes were measured using (1)H NMR or high performance liquid chromatography. To further define the interplay between lactate, glutamine and brain edema, BDL rats were treated with AST-120 (engineered activated carbon microspheres) and dichloroacetate (DCA: lactate synthesis inhibitor).Significant increases in de novo synthesis of lactate (1.6-fold, p<0.001) and glutamine (2.2-fold, p<0.01) were demonstrated in the brains of BDL rats vs. SHAM-operated controls. Moreover, a decrease in cerebral myo-inositol (p<0.001), with no change in taurine, was found in the presence of brain edema in BDL rats vs. controls. BDL rats treated with either AST-120 or DCA showed attenuation in brain edema and brain lactate. These two treatments did not lead to similar reductions in brain glutamine.Increased brain lactate, and not glutamine, is a primary player in the pathogenesis of brain edema in CLD. In addition, alterations in the osmoregulatory response may also be contributing factors. Our results suggest that inhibiting lactate synthesis is a new potential target for the treatment of HE.