967 resultados para bloqueio femoral


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Objetivo: Determinar si la canulación arterial axilar para perfusión selectiva anterograda cerebral (PSAC) con hipotermia moderada reduce la morbilidad, mortalidad y el pronóstico neurológico en pacientes llevados a cirugía del arco aórtico. Pacientes y métodos: Se hace una revisión retrospectiva de 2 cohortes de pacientes a quienes se les realizo cirugía del arco aórtico urgente o electiva, para comparar dos técnicas de canulación arterial diferente; la canulación axilar para perfusión selectiva anterograda cerebral con hipotermia moderada y la canulación femoral con hipotermia profunda, en un periodo de tiempo comprendido entre Diciembre del 2002 y Agosto del 2008 en el servicio de cirugía cardiovascular de la Fundación Cardioinfantil Instituto de Cardiología. Resultados: 68 pacientes, 50 hombres y 18 mujeres fueron llevados a cirugía de arco aórtico 19 pacientes (27%) con diagnóstico de aneurisma de aorta ascendente y arco aórtico y 49 pacientes (72%) con disección aortica tipo A aguda o crónica. A 55 pacientes (80.9%) se les hizo canulación axilar y a 13 pacientes (19,1%) se les hizo canulación femoral. No se encontraron diferencias en las variables preoperatorias entre los dos grupos. La mortalidad global fue de 13,2% (9 pacientes), todas las muertes se presentaron en pacientes con diagnóstico de disección aortica tipo A. El 55% de los pacientes (38/68) se operaron de urgencia. No se presentaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la mortalidad entre el grupo de canulación axilar, 8 muertes (14,5%) y el grupo de canulación femoral 1 muerte (7,7%) con (p=0.5). No se encontraron diferencias en la incidencia de déficit neurológico permanente entre los dos grupos, presentándose solamente dos pacientes con accidente cerebrovascular ambos en el grupo de canulación axilar (P=0.48). Conclusiones: la canulación axilar con perfusión cerebral selectiva anterograda en hipotermia moderada representa un método seguro de protección cerebral, con una mortalidad aceptable y una incidencia baja de complicaciones neurológicas permanentes, no encontramos diferencias en la mortalidad o la aparición de eventos neurológicos, cuando se comparo con la técnica de canulación arterial femoral. No se presentaron complicaciones asociadas al sitio de canulación en ninguno de los dos grupos.


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Pocos estudios han evaluado el tratamiento de las fracturas desplazadas de cuello femoral en pacientes menores de 65 años de edad, y no han sido claramente definidos los factores de riesgo para necrosis avascular o no-unión dentro de este rango de edad. Para determinar los factores asociados a la necrosis avascular de la cabeza femoral (AVN) y no-unión en pacientes menores de 65 años de edad con fracturas desplazadas del cuello femoral tratados con reducción y fijación interna, se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de 29 fracturas desplazadas del cuello femoral en 29 pacientes consecutivos tratados en una sola institución. La influencia de la edad, la energía del trauma, tipo de reducción, y el tiempo entre la fractura y el tratamiento en desarrollo de la AVN y no-unión fueron evaluados. Los pacientes que desarrollaron NAV fueron significativamente mayores y sufrieron un trauma de más baja energía que en los casos sin AVN. Ninguna variable fue asociada con la no-unión. La regresión logística determinó que sólo la edad se asoció de forma independiente a NAV. La edad es un buen predictor para el desarrollo de NAV, con un C-estadístico de 0.861, y un mejor corte-determinado en 53,5 años. Conclusión: Los pacientes de entre 53,5 y 65 años presentan un riesgo más alto de NAV. La artroplastia primaria se debe considerar en este subgrupo.


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Objetivo: Comparar las complicaciones del uso de Angioseal® versus compresión manual en los pacientes llevados a cateterismo cardíaco en el Servicio de Hemodinamia de la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá, del 1º de enero de 2005 al 31 de diciembre de 2010, mediante punción arterial femoral percutánea. Metodología: Se realizó un Estudio Observacional, Analítico, de tipo Cohorte Retrospectiva. Partiendo de dos grupos de personas con indicación de cateterismo cardíaco por cualquier causa, uno expuesto al procedimiento con Angioseal® y el otro con compresión manual. Resultados: Con el uso de Angioseal® versus compresión manual la aparición de complicaciones fue 7,3% vs 4,1%, estas diferencias no fueron significativas (OR 1,81 IC95 0,96-3,40; RR 1,75 IC95 0,96-3,18) . La enfermedad coronaria (OR 2,27 IC95 1,07-4,79; RR 2,18 IC95 1,06-4,46) y a la colocación de stent (OR 3,49 IC95 1,82-6,69; RR 3,25 IC95 1,75-6,02 si se relacionaron significativamente con la aparición de complicaciones menores. Conclusión: No encontramos soporte para aprobar o desaprobar el uso de Angioseal® o compresión manual como manejo de la hemostasia, con respecto a las complicaciones. Sin embargo, se encontró que la colocación de stents está fuertemente relacionada con el desarrollo de complicaciones menores, lo cual hace que estos pacientes deban ser objeto de monitorización estrecha.


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Introducción: El Deslizamiento Epifisiario Capital Femoral es la enfermedad de la cadera más común en adolescentes entre los 9 y 16 años. Es de causa idiopática, más frecuente en hombres, se clasifica en 4 estadios según criterios clínicos y radiológicos. Se buscó evaluar la evolución de los deslizamientos moderados y severos tratados con una de las dos técnicas propuestas. Metodología Se realizó un estudio descriptivo con pacientes que fueron llevados a fijación in situ o luxación controlada entre 2008 y 2011. Resultados: Se incluyeron 26 pacientes, los cuales el 65.4% se les realizó luxación quirúrgica controlada y el 34.6% fijación in situ. El 70,6% de pacientes tenían DECF inestable y 70,5% tenían desplazamiento severo. La evaluación de la escala WOMAC para dolor, rigidez y capacidad funcional encontró mejores beneficios para el grupo de fijación in situ, estadísticamente significativos (p<0,05), no solo en términos de dolor, rigidez y capacidad funcional sino menor frecuencia de complicaciones. Las complicaciones más frecuentes en el grupo de luxación quirúrgica controlada fueron un caso de infección, 7 casos (41,2%) de necrosis avascular de cabeza femoral, 5 casos (29,4%) de condrolisis y 2 casos (11,8%) de pseudoartrosis; En el grupo de fijación in situ, solo 1 (11,1%) presentó Infección del Sitio Operatorio y 1 (11,1%) Condrolisis. Resultados significativos solo para necrosis avascular. Discusión: Los pacientes con deslizamientos moderados y severos manejados con fijación in situ tuvieron una mejor resultado con menor proporción de complicaciones.


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Although angiotensin II-induced venoconstriction has been demonstrated in the rat vena cava and femoral vein, the angiotensin II receptor subtypes (AT(1) or AT(2)) that mediate this phenomenon have not been precisely characterized. Therefore, the present study aimed to characterize the pharmacological receptors involved in the angiotensin II-induced constriction of rat venae cavae and femoral veins, as well as the opposing effects exerted by locally produced prostanoids and NO upon induction of these vasomotor responses. The obtained results suggest that both AT(1) and AT(2) angiotensin II receptors are expressed in both veins. Angiotensin II concentration-response curves were shifted toward the right by losartan but not by PD 123319 in both the vena cava and femoral vein. Moreover, it was observed that both 10(-5) M indomethacin and 10(-4) M L-NAME improve the angiotensin II responses in the vena cava and femoral vein. In conclusion, in the rat vena cava and femoral vein, angiotensin II stimulates AT(1) but not AT(2) to induce venoconstriction, which is blunted by vasodilator prostanoids and NO. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The femoral region ('groin') appears to be increasingly commonly used by injecting drug users in the UK. With the advent of Britain's first supervised prescribed injectable opioid treatment clinic, unprecedented decisions and judgements were required about the safe supervision of this practice, or whether to permit this behaviour on site at all. This paper reports the reasons for, and outcome of, development of a clinical policy on injecting into the deep femoral vein (groin injecting)


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The patellofemoral joint is an example of an incongruent articulation commonly affected by osteoarthritis (OA). The relationship between femoral sulcus angle and the development and progression of patellofemoral OA is unclear. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between the femoral sulcus angle at baseline and patella cartilage volume at baseline and at 2-year follow-up among community based adults with established knee OA.

One hundred subjects had magnetic resonance imaging of their symptomatic knee at baseline and at 2-year follow-up. From these images, patella cartilage volume was determined. Radiographic skyline views of the patellofemoral joint were taken at baseline to measure the femoral sulcus angle.

For every 1° increase in the femoral sulcus angle (i.e., as the sulcus angle became more shallow) there was an associated 9.1 mm3 (95% CI 3.1, 15.0) increase in medial patella cartilage volume at baseline (P = 0.003). There was a similar trend that approached statistical significance between the femoral sulcus angle and the lateral patella facet cartilage volume at baseline (P = 0.09). There was no association between the femoral sulcus angle at baseline and the change in patella cartilage volume over 2 years in either patellofemoral compartment.

These results infer that the femoral sulcus angle is a cross-sectional determinant of the amount of patella cartilage, but is not a major determinant of the annual change of patella cartilage volume among people with knee OA. These data suggest that a shallower sulcus in the context of established OA may be an advantageous anatomical variant. Further longitudinal studies are required to determine the role of the femoral sulcus angle in OA.


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This paper describes a theoretical approach to compare two types of fiber reinforced composite materials for femoral component of hip implants. The natural fiber reinforced composite implant is compared with carbon fiber reinforced composite and the results are evaluated against the control solution of a metallic implant made of titanium alloy. With identical geometry and loading condition, the composite implants assumed lower stresses, thus induced more loads to the bone and consequently reduced the risk of stress shielding, whilst the natural fiber reinforced composite showed promising result compared with carbon fibers. However, natural fibers, as well as carbon fibers, lack the power to improve interface debonding due to excessive loads in interface. Nevertheless, natural fiber reinforced composite could be an appropriate alternative given its capability of tailoring and achieving the optimal fiber orientation and robust design.


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Femoral injecting amongst participants of the Randomised Injectable Opiate Treatment Trial (RIOTT) has created a number of procedural, ethical and medical dilemmas for staff, clients and researchers. This study investigated the effect on femoral injecting behaviour of a drug consumption room (DCR) in the context of the RIOTT currently being conducted at the Maudsley Hospital, South London. It uses in-depth qualitative interviews with 10 RIOTT clients to investigate the effects of this environmental intervention on the injecting behaviour of individuals who injected femorally upon treatment entry. Interviewees were selected on the basis of membership in one of four groups: 1) never injected femorally, 2) injected femorally prior to trial and have ceased completely, 3) injected femorally prior to trial and have ceased within the DCR, and 4) have continued to inject femorally the inside and outside clinical settings. The paper uses case studies and clinical protocols to interpret changes in behaviour in injecting behaviour in regards to the goals of treatment. Preliminary results indicate that there are major advantages and disadvantages associated with femoral injecting. The most commonly reported reason for commencing femoral injecting was a lack of other viable veins and interviewee narratives illustrate how this issue use addressed within the context of the DCR. Within this setting, the paper explores the boundaries of harm reduction in the context of a traditional 'risk boundary' within the 'ideal' risk environment. Other issues explored include: gender differences in femoral injecting episodes, femoral injecting as a risk boundary and the importance of time pressures as a major predictor of choosing to inject femorally.


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Pain relief for removal of femoral sheath after cardiac procedures
Procedures for the non-surgical management of coronary heart disease include balloon angioplasty and intracoronary stenting. At the start of each procedure an introducer sheath is inserted through the skin (percutaneously) into an artery, frequently a femoral artery in the groin. This allows the different catheters used for the procedure to be exchanged easily without causing trauma to the skin. At the end of the procedure the sheath is removed and, if the puncture site isn't "sealed" using a device closure, firm pressure is required over the site for 30 minutes or more to control any bleeding and reduce vascular complications. Removing the sheath and the firm pressure required to control bleeding can cause pain, although this is generally mild. Some centres routinely give pain relief before removal such as intravenous morphine, or an injection of a local anaesthetic in the soft tissue around the sheath (called a subcutaneous injection). Adequate pain control during sheath removal is also associated with a reduced incidence of a vasovagal reaction, a potentially serious complication involving a sudden drop of blood pressure and a slowed heart rate. Four studies were reviewed in total. Three trials involving 498 participants compared subcutaneous lignocaine, a short acting local anaesthetic, with a control group (participants received either no pain relief or an inactive substance known as a placebo). Two trials involving 399 people compared intravenous opioids (fentanyl or morphine) and an anxiolytic (midazolam) with a control group. One trial involving 60 people compared subcutaneous levobupivacaine, a long acting local anaesthetic, with a control group. Intravenous pain regimens and subcutaneous levobupivacaine appear to reduce the pain experienced during femoral sheath removal. However, the size of the reduction was small. A significant reduction in pain was not experienced by participants who received subcutaneous lignocaine or who were in the control group. There was insufficient data to determine a correlation between pain relief administration and either adverse events or complications. Some patients may benefit from routine pain relief using levobupivacaine or intravenous pain regimens. Identifying who may potentially benefit from pain relief requires clinical judgement and consideration of patient preference. The mild level of pain generally experienced during this procedure should not influence the decision as some people can experience moderate levels of pain.


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To determine the relationship between femoral neck geometry and the risk of hip fracture in post-menopausal Caucasian women, we conducted a retrospective study comparing the femoral neck dimensions of 62 hip fracture cases to those of 608 randomly selected controls. Measurements were made from dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry scans (Lunar DPX-L), using the manufacturers ruler function, and included: hip axis length (HAL), femoral neck axis length (FNAL), femoral neck width (FNW), femoral shaft width (FSW), medial femoral shaft cortical thickness (FSCTmed), and lateral femoral shaft cortical thickness (FSCTlat). The fracture group was older (median age 78.3 years vs 73.8 years), lighter (median weight 59.9 kg vs 64.5 kg), and, after adjustment for age, taller (mean height 158.7±0.8 cm vs 156.7±0.2 cm) than the controls. Furthermore, bone mineral density was lower in this group (0.682±0.016 g/cm2 vs 0.791±0.006 g/cm2). After adjustment for age, bone mineral content (BMC) or height, hip fracture patients had greater FNW (up to 6.6%) and FSW (up to 6.3%) than did the controls. Each standard deviation increase in FNW and FSW was associated with a 1.7-fold (95% CI 1.3–2.3) and a 2.4-fold (95% CI 1.8–3.2) increase in the fracture risk, respectively. BMC-adjusted FNAL was greater in the fracture group (+2.1%) than in the controls, while the age-adjusted FSCTmed was reduced (–7.2%). There was a trend towards longer HAL (up to 2.1%) after adjustment for age or BMC, and thinner age-adjusted FSCTlat (–1.7%) in fracture patients that did not reach statistical significance. In multivariate analysis, the risk of hip fracture was predicted by the combination of age, FNW, FSW, BMC and FSCTmed. HAL was not analyzed because of the small number of HAL measurements among fracture cases. We conclude that post-menopausal women with hip fractures have wider femoral necks and shafts, thinner femoral cortices and longer femoral neck axis lengths than do women with no fractures. Alteration in hip geometry is associated with the risk of hip fracture.


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Hip axis length (HAL) has been reported as an independent risk factor for hip fracture. Later puberty may increase bone size because of delayed epiphyseal fusion. We sought to identify associations between bone size at the proximal femur with age at menarche and other indices of growth such as stature. Femoral neck dimensions were measured from dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry scans of the proximal femur in a random sample of 203 premenopausal Caucasian women (age 20–30 years). There were no associations between age at menarche and HAL, femoral axis length (FAL) or femoral neck width (FNW). Age at menarche was associated with height (r= 0.2, p= 0.02). Variations in HAL, FAL and FNW do not appear to be related to age at menarche.