948 resultados para basic carbonate
Objective - To describe and validate the simulation of the basic features of GE Millennium MG gamma camera using the GATE Monte Carlo platform. Material and methods - Crystal size and thickness, parallel-hole collimation and a realistic energy acquisition window were simulated in the GATE platform. GATE results were compared to experimental data in the following imaging conditions: a point source of 99mTc at different positions during static imaging and tomographic acquisitions using two different energy windows. The accuracy between the events expected and detected by simulation was obtained with the Mann–Whitney–Wilcoxon test. Comparisons were made regarding the measurement of sensitivity and spatial resolution, static and tomographic. Simulated and experimental spatial resolutions for tomographic data were compared with the Kruskal–Wallis test to assess simulation accuracy for this parameter. Results - There was good agreement between simulated and experimental data. The number of decays expected when compared with the number of decays registered, showed small deviation (≤0.007%). The sensitivity comparisons between static acquisitions for different distances from source to collimator (1, 5, 10, 20, 30cm) with energy windows of 126–154 keV and 130–158 keV showed differences of 4.4%, 5.5%, 4.2%, 5.5%, 4.5% and 5.4%, 6.3%, 6.3%, 5.8%, 5.3%, respectively. For the tomographic acquisitions, the mean differences were 7.5% and 9.8% for the energy window 126–154 keV and 130–158 keV. Comparison of simulated and experimental spatial resolutions for tomographic data showed no statistically significant differences with 95% confidence interval. Conclusions - Adequate simulation of the system basic features using GATE Monte Carlo simulation platform was achieved and validated.
Mestrado em Engenharia Química. Ramo Tecnologias de Protecção Ambiental.
The Middle and Upper Jurassique limestones investigated were sub-divided into nine microfacies (MF) types. The firsts four represent Bathonian sediments with shallow water characteristics typical for carbonate platforms. They are comparable with Wilson's facies zones 6 to 8. Reef and reef debris, near-shore clastic-dominated limestones are not present. These MF-types are reiterated several times without cyclicity. The vertical development of the differentiated facies units indicates a close interfingering. The microfacies data are typical of inter to shallow subtidal environments; both authigenous quartz and low faunal and floral diversity of several layers point to temporary restricted conditions. The occurrence of Dictyoconus cayeuxi LUCAS and Callovian ammonites from the above lying strata argue for a Bathonian age. The MF-types 5-9 (Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian) show completely different sedimentation conditions. Fully marine nearshore recifal limestones alternate with pelagic sediments formed at deeper shelf areas. The pelagic micritic limestones of Oxfordian age are characterized by allodapic intercalations whereas the Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian limestones with tuberolithic fabrics often show intensive silifications. Only initial patch reef growth-stages were reached during the development of the Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian shallow water limestones.
The development of scaffolds that combine the delivery of drugs with the physical support provided by electrospun fibres holds great potential in the field of nerve regeneration. Here it is proposed the incorporation of ibuprofen, a well-known non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, in electrospun fibres of the statistical copolymer poly(trimethylene carbonate-co-ε-caprolactone) [P(TMC-CL)] to serve as a drug delivery system to enhance axonal regeneration in the context of a spinal cord lesion, by limiting the inflammatory response. P(TMC-CL) fibres were electrospun from mixtures of dichloromethane (DCM) and dimethylformamide (DMF). The solvent mixture applied influenced fibre morphology, as well as mean fibre diameter, which decreased as the DMF content in solution increased. Ibuprofen-loaded fibres were prepared from P(TMC-CL) solutions containing 5% ibuprofen (w/w of polymer). Increasing drug content to 10% led to jet instability, resulting in the formation of a less homogeneous fibrous mesh. Under the optimized conditions, drug-loading efficiency was above 80%. Confocal Raman mapping showed no preferential distribution of ibuprofen in P(TMC-CL) fibres. Under physiological conditions ibuprofen was released in 24h. The release process being diffusion-dependent for fibres prepared from DCM solutions, in contrast to fibres prepared from DCM-DMF mixtures where burst release occurred. The biological activity of the drug released was demonstrated using human-derived macrophages. The release of prostaglandin E2 to the cell culture medium was reduced when cells were incubated with ibuprofen-loaded P(TMC-CL) fibres, confirming the biological significance of the drug delivery strategy presented. Overall, this study constitutes an important contribution to the design of a P(TMC-CL)-based nerve conduit with anti-inflammatory properties.
The fractional order calculus (FOC) is as old as the integer one although up to recently its application was exclusively in mathematics. Many real systems are better described with FOC differential equations as it is a well-suited tool to analyze problems of fractal dimension, with long-term “memory” and chaotic behavior. Those characteristics have attracted the engineers' interest in the latter years, and now it is a tool used in almost every area of science. This paper introduces the fundamentals of the FOC and some applications in systems' identification, control, mechatronics, and robotics, where it is a promissory research field.
Mestrado Engenharia Química. Ramo Tecnologias de Protecção Ambiental
With an example taken from a late-Hauterivian series of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal), we will demonstrate the sedimentary record of orbital pattern variations and, consequently, climate variations in an inner platform environment with patterns and isolation changes, allows us to establish 4 major orders of periodicity related to orbital components:- The large cycles ob bed thickness variation, constituted by 31-32 beds, recording the 400 ky eccentricity cycle component;- The medium cycles, represented by byndles of 8-9 beds, related to the 100 ky eccentricity cycle component; - The small cycles, of 3-5 beds, recording the 41 ky obliquity components;- The very small cycles, of 2 beds, related to the 22 ky and 26 ky precession components. The mean duration of each bed is around 11.8 ky, a number very close to that of the precession hemi-cycle. Climatic control on qualitative production is confirmed by the close relation between the bed thickness variations, the insolation variability and the variation of micritized elements concentrations.
O instável mas tendencialmente crescente preço dos combustíveis associado a preocupações ambientais cada vez mais enraizadas nas sociedades, têm vindo a despoletar uma maior atenção à procura de combustíveis alternativos. Por outro lado, várias projecções indicam um aumento muito acentuado do consumo energético global no curto prazo, fruto do aumento da população e do nível de industrialização das sociedades. Neste contexto, o biodiesel (ésteres de ácidos gordos) obtido através da transesterificação de triglicerídeos de origem vegetal ou animal, surge como a alternativa “verde” mais viável para utilização em equipamentos de combustão. A reacção de transesterificação é catalisada, por norma com recurso a catalisadores homogéneos alcalinos (NaOH ou KOH). Este tipo de processo, o único actualmente com expressão a nível industrial, apresenta algumas desvantagens que, para além de aumentarem o custo do produto final, contribuem para reduzir a benignidade do mesmo: a impossibilidade de reutilização do catalisador, o aumento do número e complexidade das etapas de separação e a produção de efluentes resultantes das referidas etapas. Com o intuito de minimizar ou eliminar estes problemas, vários catalisadores heterogéneos têm vindo a ser estudados para esta reacção. Apesar de muitos apresentarem resultados promissores, a grande maioria não tem viabilidade para aplicação industrial seja devido ao seu próprio custo, seja devido aos pré-tratamentos necessários à sua utilização. Entre estes catalisadores, o óxido de cálcio é talvez o que apresenta resultados mais promissores. O crescente número de estudos envolvendo este catalisador em detrimento de outros, é por si mesmo prova do potencial do CaO. A realização deste trabalho pretendia atingir os seguintes objectivos principais: • Avaliar a elegibilidade do óxido de cálcio enquanto catalisador da reacção de transesterificação de óleos alimentares usados com metanol; • Avaliar qual a sua influência nas características dos produtos finais; • Avaliar as diferenças de performance entre o óxido de cálcio activado em atmosfera inerte (N2) e em ar, enquanto catalisadores da reacção de transesterificação de óleos alimentares usados com metanol; • Optimizar as condições da reacção com recurso às ferramentas matemáticas disponibilizadas pelo planeamento factorial, através da variação de quatro factores chave de influência: temperatura, tempo, relação metanol / óleo e massa de catalisador utilizado. O CaO utlizado foi obtido a partir de carbonato de cálcio calcinado numa mufla a 750 °C durante 3 h. Foi posteriormente activado a 900 °C durante 2h, em atmosferas diferentes: azoto (CaO-N2) e ar (CaO-Ar). Avaliaram-se algumas propriedades dos catalisadores assim preparados, força básica, concentração de centros activos e áreas específicas, tendo-se obtido uma força básica situada entre 12 e 14 para ambos os catalisadores, uma concentração de centros activos de 0,0698 mmol/g e 0,0629 mmol/g e áreas específicas de 10 m2/g e 11 m2/g respectivamente para o CaO-N2 e CaO-Ar. Efectuou-se a transesterificação, com catálise homogénea, da mistura de óleos usados utilizada neste trabalho com o objectivo de determinar os limites para o teor de FAME’s (abreviatura do Inglês de Fatty Acid Methyl Esters’) que se poderiam obter. Foi este o parâmetro avaliado em cada uma das amostras obtidas por catálise heterogénea. Os planos factoriais realizados tiveram como objectivo maximizar a sua quantidade recorrendo à relação ideal entre tempo de reacção, temperatura, massa de catalisador e quantidade de metanol. Verificou-se que o valor máximo de FAME’s obtidos a partir deste óleo estava situado ligeiramente acima dos 95 % (m/m). Realizaram-se três planos factoriais com cada um dos catalisadores de CaO até à obtenção das condições óptimas para a reacção. Não se verificou influência significativa da relação entre a quantidade de metanol e a massa de óleo na gama de valores estudada, pelo que se fixou o valor deste factor em 35 ml de metanol / 85g de óleo (relação molar aproximada de 8:1). Verificou-se a elegibilidade do CaO enquanto catalisador para a reacção estudada, não se tendo observado diferenças significativas entre a performance do CaO-N2 e do CaO-Ar. Identificaram-se as condições óptimas para a reacção como sendo os valores de 59 °C para a temperatura, 3h para o tempo e 1,4 % de massa de catalisador relativamente à massa de óleo. Nas referidas condições, obtiveram-se produtos com um teor de FAME’s de 95,7 % na catálise com CaO-N2 e 95,3 % na catálise com CaO-Ar. Alguns autores de estudos consultados no desenvolvimento do presente trabalho, referiam como principal problema da utilização do CaO, a lixiviação de cálcio para os produtos obtidos. Este facto foi confirmado no presente trabalho e na tentativa de o contornar, tentou-se promover a carbonatação do cálcio com a passagem de ar comprimido através dos produtos e subsequente filtração. Após a realização deste tratamento, não mais se observaram alterações nas suas propriedades (aparecimento de turvação ou precipitados), no entanto, nos produtos obtidos nas condições óptimas, a concentração de cálcio determinada foi de 527 mg/kg no produto da reacção catalisada com CaO-N2 e 475 mg/kg com CaO-A. O óxido de cálcio apresentou-se como um excelente catalisador na transesterificação da mistura de óleos alimentares usados utilizada no presente trabalho, apresentando uma performance ao nível da obtida por catálise homogénea básica. Não se observaram diferenças significativas de performance entre o CaO-N2 e o CaO-Ar, sendo possível obter nas mesmas condições reaccionais produtos com teores de FAME’s superiores a 95 % utilizando qualquer um deles como catalisador. O elevado teor de cálcio lixiviado observado nos produtos, apresenta-se como o principal obstáculo à aplicação a nível industrial do óxido de cálcio como catalisador para a transesterificação de óleos.
Disturbances in mineral metabolism play a central role in the development of renal bone disease. In a 54-wk, randomized, open-label study, 119 hemodialysis patients were enrolled to compare the effects of sevelamer hydrochloride and calcium carbonate on bone. Biopsy-proven adynamic bone disease was the most frequent bone abnormality at baseline (59%). Serum phosphorus, calcium, and intact parathyroid hormone were well controlled in both groups, although calcium was consistently lower and intact parathyroid hormone higher among patients who were randomly assigned to sevelamer. Compared with baseline values, there were no changes in mineralization lag time or measures of bone turnover (e.g., activation frequency) after 1 yr in either group. Osteoid thickness significantly increased in both groups, but there was no significant difference between them. Bone formation rate per bone surface, however, significantly increased from baseline only in the sevelamer group (P = 0.019). In addition, of those with abnormal microarchitecture at baseline (i.e., trabecular separation), seven of 10 in the sevelamer group normalized after 1 yr compared with zero of three in the calcium group. In summary, sevelamer resulted in no statistically significant changes in bone turnover or mineralization compared with calcium carbonate, but bone formation increased and trabecular architecture improved with sevelamer. Further studies are required to assess whether these changes affect clinical outcomes, such as rates of fracture.
Speech interfaces for Assistive Technologies are not common and are usually replaced by others. The market they are targeting is not considered attractive and speech technologies are still not well spread. Industry still thinks they present some performance risks, especially Speech Recognition systems. As speech is the most elemental and natural way for communication, it has strong potential for enhancing inclusion and quality of life for broader groups of users with special needs, such as people with cerebral palsy and elderly staying at their homes. This work is a position paper in which the authors argue for the need to make speech become the basic interface in assistive technologies. Among the main arguments, we can state: speech is the easiest way to interact with machines; there is a growing market for embedded speech in assistive technologies, since the number of disabled and elderly people is expanding; speech technology is already mature to be used but needs adaptation to people with special needs; there is still a lot of R&D to be done in this area, especially when thinking about the Portuguese market. The main challenges are presented and future directions are proposed.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Geológica (Georrecursos)
The aim of the present work was to determine the prevalence of IgG and IgM anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies and the factors associated to the infection in pregnant women attended in Basic Health Units in Rolândia, Paraná, Brazil. The sample was divided in two groups: group I (320 pregnant women who were analyzed from July 2007 to February 2008) and group II (287 pregnant women who were analyzed from March to October 2008). In group I, it was found 53.1% of pregnant women with IgG reactive and IgM non-reactive, 1.9% with IgG and IgM reactive, 0.3% with IgG non-reactive and IgM reactive and 44.7% with IgG and IgM non-reactive. In group II, it was found 55.1% with IgG reactive and IgM non-reactive and 44.9% with IgG and IgM non-reactive. The variables associated to the presence of IgG antibodies were: residence in rural areas, pregnant women between 35-40 years old, low educational level, low family income, more than one pregnancy, drinking water which does not originate from the public water supply system and the habit of handling soil or sand. Guidance on primary prevention measures and the quarterly serological monitoring of the pregnant women in the risk group are important measures to prevent congenital toxoplasmosis.
Protein nutritionalstatus indicators were studied in weanling albino Swiss mice infected with S. mansoni andfed the Regional Basic Diet (RBD)from Northeast Brazil, a multideficient diet of low-protein content. Each mouse was infected percutaneously with 80 cercariae. The experiment lasted 63 days. The growth curve, food consumption, protein intake, weight gain, Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER) and Net Protein Ratio (NPR) were the parameters investigated. RBD-fed mice showed a marked weight loss, a lower food and protein intake, a slower body weight gain and lower rates of food protein utilization when compared to casein-fed animals. Differences between infected and non-infected mice were not consistent. The present results suggest that the effects of RBD-induced malnutrition on health and nutritional conditions of the mice are more severe than those of Manson's schistosomiasis, in the initial phase of the disease.
Four years after the first visit seventeen public health units were visited again and evaluated as to standards of storage recommended by the Brazilian Immunization Programme. In 100% of the units, refrigerators and proper inside location of vaccines in the refrigerator were adequatety or regularfy maintained and checked, respectively. However, when control of temperature was checked, onfy 64.7% presented adequate storage conditions. In 94.1 % of the units, health workers complained of lack of immediate technical support in emergency situations. In 55.2 % the titers vaccine samples of were under the minimal recommended potency. It is necessary that the factors concerning the cold chain be continualfy evaluated so that the quality of the vaccines that will be used is not affected.