84 resultados para balio soziala


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La conformación de un derecho supranacional comunitario y de un derecho común supletorio para nuestro continente es una asignatura pendiente de la que puede ocuparse la ciencia jurídica. En el presente artículo, tras ofrecer un marco teórico conceptual sobre el Derecho comunitario y presentar el estado actual de los diversos esquemas y procesos regionales y subregionales de integración en nuestro hemisferio, se proponen una serie de perspectivas (interdisciplinarias) y de temas (políticos, jurídicos y económicos) sobre lo que tendría que reflexionar la ciencia jurídica –academia y foro– americana, para adelantar los contenidos de este nuevo ordenamiento jurídico.


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Performance of cyclical and discrete movements executed in Fitts’ task simulated by computer Abstract This study compared the performance of cyclical and discrete movements in Fitts’ task simulated by a computer. Twenty male adults, between 25 and 30 years old, participated as volunteers in the study. The software Discrete Aiming Task (v.2.0) simulated the Fitts’ task, in the discrete and cyclical conditions, and provided the movement time (TM). It was manipulated 4 target widths and 3 distances between the targets to provide index of difficulties (ID) from 1 to 6 bits. The ANOVA TWO WAY, 3 (Conditions) x 6 (ID), with repeated measures in the last factor, compared the TM in the different conditions. Regression analysis verified the relationship between TM x ID. There were no significant differences between the conditions; the virtual environment and the mouse were used to explain such results. All movement conditions showed a straight relationship between TM x ID with R²>0.990. Therefore, Fitts’ law showed to be consistent, independently of the movement strategy performed.


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A mathematical model and numerical simulations are presented to investigate the dynamics of gas, oil and water flow in a pipeline-riser system. The pipeline is modeled as a lumped parameter system and considers two switchable states: one in which the gas is able to penetrate into the riser and another in which there is a liquid accumulation front, preventing the gas from penetrating the riser. The riser model considers a distributed parameter system, in which movable nodes are used to evaluate local conditions along the subsystem. Mass transfer effects are modeled by using a black oil approximation. The model predicts the liquid penetration length in the pipeline and the liquid level in the riser, so it is possible to determine which type of severe slugging occurs in the system. The method of characteristics is used to simplify the differentiation of the resulting hyperbolic system of equations. The equations are discretized and integrated using an implicit method with a predictor-corrector scheme for the treatment of the nonlinearities. Simulations corresponding to severe slugging conditions are presented and compared to results obtained with OLGA computer code, showing a very good agreement. A description of the types of severe slugging for the three-phase flow of gas, oil and water in a pipeline-riser system with mass transfer effects are presented, as well as a stability map. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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La Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC) se ha consolidado como una de las tendencias fundamentales en la gestión de todo tipo de organizaciones. El compromiso con las personas, con la sociedad y el entorno busca un modo de añadir valor y el beneficio de todas las partes implicadas, también en el movimiento organizado de las personas con discapacidad y sus familias. En este sentido, el CERMI, a través de su Comisión de RSC/Discapacidad, pone a disposición de todas sus entidades miembro un conjunto de recomendaciones para que, de forma progresiva, estas se impregnen de una cultura ética y responsable, en la que el fin último sea dar una respuesta eficaz y ajustada a las necesidades y expectativas de nuestro grupo de interés principal: las personas con discapacidad y sus familias y que al tiempo sirva para proporcionar una mayor legitimidad, sostenibilidad y trasparencia a nuestras organizaciones.


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Kapitalezko sozietate itxietan ohikoak izaten diren eskubide-abusu portaerak aztertzea da lanaren helburua. Horretarako lehenbizi, abusu kazu ohikoenen analisi txiki bat egin da, eta behin arazoa identifikatuta azkertu zein den ordenamenduak ematen duen erantzuna, ikusteko zein neurri har daitezkeen abusuari amaiera jartzeko.


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Arau hauste bat gertatzen den garaian, arau hauste hau jasan dutenekiko babestu beharrekoak diren ondasun juridikoak urratzen dira. Hauek babesteko betebeharra estatuak dauka, eta kasuan kasuko zigor prozedura ezberdinen bitartez, gizarte ordena ezarri eta elkarbizitza soziala bermatu ahal izateko erantzunak ematen dituzte arau hausteen aurrean.