847 resultados para accessibility
This thesis explored early literacy development in young vulnerable readers. More specifically, this thesis examined an emergent literacy program called Reading Rocks Junior offered by the Learning Disabilities Association of Niagara Region to children four- to six-years of age living in low socioeconomic status communities. Three methodologies were combined to create a rich and complete picture of an effective and accessible literacy program. First of all, a description of the Reading Rocks Junior program is outlined. Secondly, quantitative data that was collected pre- and post- program was analyzed to demonstrate achievement gains made as a result of participating in the program. Finally, qualitative interviews with the program coordinator, the convener of the agency that funded Reading Rocks Junior and three parents whose children participated in the program were analyzed to determine the contextual factors that make Reading Rocks Junior a success.
Although the number of disabled students entering graduate school has increased in recent years, research pertaining to graduate students with disabilities remains underdeveloped. The purpose of this generic qualitative study is to better understand the experiences of (in)accessibility from the perspectives of three graduate students who self-identify as disabled or as having a disability(s) at one mid-sized university in Southern Ontario. The theoretical orientation was shaped by a social model of disability. The study was focused around the following major research question: What have been the experiences of (in)accessibility for three graduate students who self-identify as disabled or as having a disability(s) at one mid-sized university in Southern Ontario? Subquestions were organized around subcategories, such as (a) experiences related to accessibility, (b) experiences related to inaccessibility, and (c) insights related to future recommendations to enhance accessibility. The study found that (in)accessibility at university was related to (a) specific places on campus, (b) specific people on campus, and (c) the culture of awareness. A variety of educational initiatives were recommended to foster accessible practices and to develop a more accepting and disability-friendly culture on campus. Based on these findings, the Trickledown Effect Model was proposed as a means for promoting accessibility at university.
Ce mémoire propose une analyse critique du discours de l’enregistrement sonore à domicile (home recording). Dans la foulée des propos mettant de l’avant l’ «accessibilité» et la «démocratisation» de l’enregistrement sonore, ce mémoire analyse les relations de savoir/pouvoir produites et légitimées par le discours, ce qu’elles permettent et contraignent, autorisent et excluent. Le corpus à l’étude est issu de la presse musicale ainsi que de forums de discussion en ligne relevant de sites spécialisés. Les méthodes utilisées sont inspirées de l’approche du discours développées par Michel Foucault et de ce que Johnson et. al. (2004) appellent l’interprétation critique. L’analyse met en évidence les deux principaux sujets du discours de l’enregistrement sonore à la maison : les professionnels de l’enregistrement et les «pros» de l’enregistrement à domicile, deux groupes constitués d’hommes financièrement aisés. Les règles qui régissent l’enregistrement à domicile semblent reprendre, en les adaptant, celles régissant les studios professionnels. Ce mémoire suggère que la «démocratisation» telle qu'énoncée dans ce discours articule l'«accessibilité contemporaine» à certains savoirs et certaines technologies à des exclusions singulières – comme des femmes et des personnes de moyens limités – qui rendent ce discours possible. Être dans le vrai, dans ce discours, c’est échanger, argumenter, discuter et prescrire des façons de faire et de dire qui font des studios professionnels l’espace des normes et des légitimités. Mots clés: enregistrement, musique, maison, domicile, studio, démocratisation, technologie, l'analyse du discours, relations de pouvoir/savoir, Michel Foucault.
The TechDis Accessibility Essentials Guide for Reading has been divided into the following three sections: Font colours and styles; Enlarging text and Navigating documents. These guides have been designed to give practical step-by-step information to enable anyone reading electronic material to amend its look and feel into a style which suits them, their audience or the context in which it is used.
Reference list for our resource set.
Our resource set
Maximizing Accessibility in Software - by Denis's Angels
Poster describing the text tutorial on accessibility, created by Denis's Angels for INFO2009.
List of references in Harvard format for the accessibility text tutorial created by Denis's Angels.
Poster for the resource set
Resource Set
Collection of resource, reference list and poster on Accessibility, for team Denis's Angels.
"Web 4 All" promotes digital inclusion at the University of Southampton through a process set up to deliver web products that are accessible, usable and enjoyable to use.
These slides accompany a seminar delivered on 20 May 2016 by Jane Warren (Southampton Education School) and Adam Warren (Institute for Learning Innovation and Development). A recording of the lecture can be viewed here: http://tinyurl.com/zp8u3lq