994 resultados para Uruguay. Junta de Representantes.
Phlebotomine captures were performed in February 2010 in Salto (Salto department) and Bella Unión-Cuarein (Artigas department), Uruguay. Bella Unión is located across the Paraná River from Monte Caseros, Argentina, where a focus of canine visceral leishmaniasis (VL) was reported in 2009. No VL cases have ever been recorded in Uruguay and the last reported capture of Phlebotominae was in 1932 (Lutzomyia cortelezzii and Lutzomyia gaminarai). Light traps were placed in peridomestic environments, and Lutzomyia longipalpis, the main vector of visceral leishmaniasis, was found in Salto and Bella Unión. This is a first report of an area of potential VL transmission in Uruguay. Active and coordinated surveillance is required immediately the Uruguay-Argentina-Brazil border area.
Aplicación JEE que permite llevar a cabo la gestión telemática del registro de representantes legales o apoderados para facilitar la labor a los organismos u organizaciones que lo implanten y supone un paso más hacia la Administración Electrónica.
AUTORES Informe Uruguay DPTO. DE MEDICINA PREVENTIVA Y SOCIAL UDELAR Prof. Dra. Marisa Buglioli Prof. Agda. Dra. Ima León Prof. Adj. Dra. Cecilia Severi Asist. Dr. Miguel Alegretti Asist. Dr. Mario Romero Doc. Colaboradora: Dra. Lucia Alonso Informe Argentina UNIVERSIDAD ISALUD Prof. Martín Langsam Informe Paraguay Prof. Natalia Meza Prof. María Noce Prof. Julia Pineda Informe Brasil UNIVERSIDADE SÃO PAULO FACULTADE SAÚDE PUBLICA CEPEDOC Prof. Daniele Sacardo Nigro Prof. Juan Carlos Aneiros Fernandez Introducción a la Salud Internacional Prof. Martin Langsam Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública COORDINACIÓN Prof. Luis Andrés López Fernández Prof. Juan Ignacio Martínez Millán ASISTENCIA TÉCNICA Y LOGÍSTICA Elisabeth María Ilidio Paulo
This paper identifies the key sectors in greenhouse gas emissions of the Uruguayan economy through input-output analysis. This allows to precisely determine the role played by the different productive sectors and their relationship with other sectors in the relation between the Uruguayan productive structure and atmospheric pollution. In order to guide policy design for GHG reduction, we decompose sectors liability between the pollution generated through their own production processes and the pollution indirectly generated in the production processes of other sectors. The results show that all the key polluting sectors for the different contaminants considered are relevant because of their own emissions, except for the sector Motor vehicles and oil retail trade, which is relevant in CO2 emissions because of its pure, both backward and forward, linkages. Finally, the best policy channels for controlling and reducing GHGs emissions are identified, and compared with the National Climate Change Response Plan (NCCRP) lines of action.
Cystic echinococcosis is a highly endemic parasitic zoonosis that is present in the Southern Cone countries of America. For several decades, various prevention and control programmes have been implemented in different countries and regions, with varying results. In Uruguay, a new control programme was implemented in 2006 that employed new strategies for canine diagnosis and treatment, dog population control, diagnosis in humans, epidemiological surveillance, and health education, including community participation. The control programme in Uruguay addresses the control and surveillance of the disease from a holistic perspective based on Primary Health Care, which has strengthened the community’s participation in developing and coordinating activities in an interdisciplinary manner. Similarly, the control programme that is currently implemented is based on a risk-focused approach. The surveillance and control measures were focused on small villages and extremely poor urban areas. In this study, the strategies used and the results obtained from 2008-2013 are analysed and discussed.
Dans cette recherche, je me suis intéressée à la genèse des rapports sociaux construisant un collectif, dans l'articulation être nommé et se nommer. En Uruguay, pays construit sur un imaginaire social dit "sans indiens", mon travail a consisté à essayer de comprendre les conditions historiques, sociales et politiques d'émergence de collectifs de personnes réclamant l'appartenance à une identité autochtone précise, l'identité charrùa. J'ai démontré qu'il s'agit d'un processus en cours, individuel et collectif, qui a des temporalités diverses, qui a néanmoins émergé depuis une vingtaine d'années, dans le contexte de la post-dictature et celui géopolitique de l'autochtonie, dans une articulation local/global. L'analyse dévoile que l'identité charrùa est l'enjeu du rapport social qui est la lutte politique contre l'exclusion. Cette identité accompagne l'état-nation depuis sa fondation. Figure duelle, cette identité contient les traces des violences internes dans un continuum de mémoires fragmentées et entrelacées. Elle est aussi promesse de devenir en tant que modèle identitaire parvenu à l'autonomie et conservant le « sens du collectif ». Anthropologue engagée, me situant dans une perspective décoloniale, j'ai proposé aux personnes avec qui j'ai effectué cette recherche, d'élaborer une ethnographie collaborative, la caméra et les films se situant au coeur du terrain, compris comme espace relationnel de construction d'une connaissance partagée. -- My research is based on the genesis of social relations which build up a collective, structured on being named and be named. My work in Uruguay, country built on a social construct called "without Indians", was to try to understand the historical, social and political conditions of emerging collectives. These claim the belonging of a precise indigenous identity, the charrua identity. I showed that the current process, which is individual and collective, with different temporalities, emerged twenty years ago, in the post-dictatorship context as well as the geopolitical context of indigeneity, in a local/global structure. The analysis reveals that the charrua identity is the stake of the social relation which is political fight against exclusion. This identity accompanies the nation state since its foundation. Dategory dual, this identity keeps the traces of the internal in the continuum of the fragmented and intertwined memories. This is also the becoming promise of an identity model, which reaches autonomy and keeps the "sense of collective". As an involved anthropologist, I worked from a decolonization point of view. I suggested that the people who went through the research with me, should work out a collaborative ethnography, the video camera and the movies being set in the middle of the fieldwork. This one is conceived as a relational space of construction of a shared knowledge.
Aquesta investigació estudia la contribució al Desenvolupament Humà de les polítiques publiques de TIC per a l’Educació als països del Cono Sur (Argentina, Xile i Uruguai). Aquests països van al capdavant de la regió en temes de TIC, Educació i Desenvolupament, així doncs l’objectiu final es veure si les polítiques publiques que enfatitzen en aspectes vinculats al Desenvolupament Humà afavoreixen el desenvolupament del països. Per a això s’han analitzat les Agendes Digitals dels països seleccionats en base a una matriu d’anàlisi creada específicamente per a aquesta investigación i construïda amb indicadors vinculats al Desenvolupament Humà
The reallocation of resources is one of the main impacts of tradeliberalization processes. In the case of manufacturing industries resourceswill be reallocated from import--competing sectors to export--orientedsectors. This paper studies the effects that a more open economic environmenthas had on the entry conditions for foreign and domestic firms in Uruguayanmanufacturing industries. We find significant differences in the behaviorof foreign and domestic firms, both when they are incumbents or when theyact as potential entrants. In general, foreign firms seem to be moresuccessful in applying entry deterring strategies, due to advantages inforeign markets, deeper financial resources or better technological capabilities.They also appear to be more responsive to entry conditions when theyface the prospects of entering a given industry.
The objectives of this work were to describe the distribution, density and seasonal variation of the indigenous populations of Rhizobium loti in different Uruguayan soils and to determine the symbiotic effectiveness and stress tolerance factors of different isolates, both with the aim of obtaining selected strains to re-introduce as inoculants in Lotus pastures. R. loti was present in ten soils studied and their densities varied from year to year and within each soil. All the isolates nodulated Lotus corniculatus effectively. The nodules in Lotus pedunculatus and Lotus subbiflorus were small, red on the surface and ineffective in nitrogen fixation. The study of 50 isolates from the ten soils showed high variability in their symbiotic efficiency and tolerance to pH. The indigenous population was acid tolerant in culture medium (pH 4.5), 83% of them could grow at pH 4.5 in 3 days. This work showed that there was a great diversity between the strains of R. loti isolated from Uruguayan soils and supports the importance of selecting among them the most efficient and resistant strains to be included in the inoculants.
El cuidado es una actividad indispensable en todos los hogares para la reproducción social y el bienestar en la vida diaria de las personas. La economía del cuidado hace referencia al espacio de actividades, bienes y servicios necesarios para la reproducción cotidiana de los individuos, siendo de suma importancia para el desarrollo económico de los países y el bienestar de sus poblaciones. Sin embargo, sigue siendo subvalorada por las sociedades y gobiernos de todo el mundo. El trabajo de cuidados o doméstico remunerado alcanza índices bajísimos de salarios mínimos, precarias condiciones laborales o se realiza desde la economía informal. El trabajo doméstico no remunerado es concebido por la sociedad como improductivo y vinculado a la mujer por razones de habilidades naturales de clara concepción machista. El resultado es la marginación de la mujer en las sociedades que la impide o le resta posibilidades de acceder a formación, empleo digno, ser parte de la esfera pública e incluso al sufragio.
La segunda mitad del siglo XX fue testigo de una crisis intelectual originada comoconsecuencia de una situación política y económica también crítica, en un contexto detensión internacional orquestado por la Guerra Fría. Los intelectuales, que comprendíansu situación histórica como una llamada ética a la responsabilidad, mantuvieron ciertasdudas ante su compromiso político y, aún más, revolucionario. Esto se dio de modomanifiesto en América Latina en torno a las décadas de 1960 y 1970, donde sedesarrollaron, paralelamente, una corriente filosófica con pretensiones de liberación queera fruto de la preocupación por la autenticidad latinoamericana y un movimientogeneralizado de lucha armada protagonizado por diversas organizaciones guerrilleras.
The social saving literature has highlighted the indispensable role that railways played before 1914 in several Latin American export-oriented economies, such as Mexico, Brazil and Argentina. The article analyses the case of Uruguay, a country that, by 1914, had built one of the densest railway networks in Latin America. The article shows that, in contrast to what happened in other economies of the region, the resource saving effects of the Uruguayan railways during the first globalisation were tiny due to the small share that railway output accounted for within the country's gross domestic product (GDP). Three complementary reasons are suggested to explain that result, namely: the geographical structure of the country; its sectoral specialisation; and the small scale of the Uruguayan economy. Due to these three characteristics, Uruguay was unable to benefit from railways in the way that other export-oriented Latin American economies did during the first period of globalisation. This conclusion draws attention to the geographic-specific character of railway technology.
Los artículos que integran este dossier abordan el uso de la historia para la organización de celebraciones en América Latina a partir del proceso de independencia. En el marco de la Historiografía Contemporánea, son las mencionadas ceremonias las que nos permiten reconstruir el papel ejercido por actores, hechos, diseños artísticos y diseños culturales, así como recuperar la fortaleza mantenida por algunas regiones que, en ocasiones, compitieron con los proyectos elaborados a nivel nacional. La conformación de las identidades, el liderazgo económico, la rememoración nostálgica a través de premios a la poesía, la evolución ideológica de sus participantes, la construcción de representantes del heroísmo o de la barbarie, el significado de los símbolos utilizados en las celebraciones, las ceremonias cuasi diplomáticas dedicadas a la reconstrucción y fortalecimiento de vínculos intercontinentales o internacionales, la función de la escuela como institución celebratoria básica, nos muestran las múltiples formas en que la historia (y la historiografía) ha servido para otorgar a las celebraciones un papel relevante en los procesos regionales de consolidación política y económica.
This paper analyzes the carbon dioxide emissions of the services sectors subsystem of Uruguay in 2004. Services, with the exception of transport, are often considered intangible because of their low level of direct emissions. However, the provision of services requires inputs produced by other sectors, including several highly materialintensive sectors. Through input–output analysis we investigate the relationship between the services subsystem and the rest of the economy as regards carbon dioxide emissions. This approach allows us to study the importance of the set of services branches as a unit in the economic structure as well as to analyze in detail the relationship between the branches. The results depict that services’ direct emissions are the main component, as a consequence of transport-related sectors. However, the pollution that the services subsystem makes the rest of the economy produce is very significant, and it is almost all explained by non-transport-related sectors. This analysis is useful for determining the sectors in which mitigation policies are more effective, and whether they would be better tackled through technical improvements and better practices or through demand policies.