978 resultados para Unilateral distalization


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of unilateral angular misfit of 100 Km on stress distribution of implant-supported single crowns with ceramic veneering and gold framework by three-dimensional finite element analysis. Two three-dimensional models representing a maxillary section of premolar region were constructed: group 1 (control)-crown completely adapted to the implant and group 2-crown with unilateral angular misfit of 100 Km. A vertical force of 100 N was applied on 2 centric points of the crown. The von Mises stress was used as an analysis criterion. The stress values and distribution in the main maps (204.4 MPa for group 1 and 205.0 MPa for group 2) and in the other structures (aesthetic veneering, framework, retention screw, implant, and bone tissue) were similar for both groups. The highest stress values were observed between the first and second threads of the retention screw. Considering the bone tissue, the highest stress values were exhibited in the peri-implant cortical bone. The unilateral angular misfit of 100 Km did not influence the stress distribution on the implant-supported prosthesis under static loading.


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A perda auditiva unilateral representa grande risco para o atraso acadêmico, a comunicação, o desenvolvimento social e também para o processamento auditivo. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as habilidades auditivas de localização, fechamento, figura-fundo, resolução temporal e ordenação temporal simples de um sujeito do gênero masculino, 17 anos de idade, com diagnóstico de perda auditiva sensorioneural unilateral de grau profundo, de causa idiopática, sem outros comprometimentos. O processo de avaliação constituiu da aplicação de um questionário, da realização da avaliação audiológica clínica convencional (audiometria tonal, logoaudiometria e imitanciometria) e de testes de processamento auditivo monóticos (SSI ipsilateral, Teste de fala filtrada) e dióticos (Localização sonora, Memória auditiva para sons verbais, Memória auditiva para sons não verbais, AFT-R). Apenas o teste de Localização sonora apresentou resultados alterados. Não foram relatadas queixas relacionadas à habilidade de localização sonora, atenção, discriminação e compreensão auditiva. No caso em estudo, a perda auditiva sensorioneural unilateral de grau profundo não pareceu restringir o desenvolvimento das habilidades do processamento auditivo avaliadas, exceto no que se refere à localização da fonte sonora.


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Objective: To evaluate the presence of enamel alterations in deciduous maxillary central incisors of infants with unilateral cleft lip and alveolar ridge, with or without cleft palate, and to compare the occurrence and location of these alterations between the central incisor adjacent to the cleft and the contralateral incisor.Design: Intraoral clinical examination was performed after tooth cleaning and drying by a single examiner with the aid of a dental mirror, dental probe, and artificial light, with the child positioned on a dental chair. The defects were recorded in a standardized manner according to the criteria of the Modified Developmental Defects of Enamel Index.Setting: Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies (HRAC) at Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil.Patients: One hundred one infants were evaluated. All were white, of both genders, aged 12 to 36 months and had at least two thirds of the crowns of maxillary incisors erupted.Results: Demarcated opacity was the most common defect at both cleft and noncleft sides, followed by diffuse opacity. The occurrence of hypoplasia at the cleft side was 11.8%. Most defects affected less than one third of the crown.Conclusion: The occurrence of enamel defects in deciduous maxillary central incisors of patients with unilateral cleft lip was 42.6%, mainly affecting the cleft side as to both number and severity.


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Many experiments have been performed to evaluate the physiological role of catecholaminergic mechanisms of gonadotropin release. The purpose of the present study was to determine the concentration of β-adrenoreceptors in the remaining (right) cerebral cortex and in right and left hypothalamic halves of hemi-decorticated female rats which exhibited elevated plasma gonadotropin levels as observed previously. The density of β-receptors was measured using a high-affinity β-adrenergic ligand, iodocyanopindolol (ICYP). Scatchard estimates were obtained for maximum binding (B(max) fmol/mg of tissues) from pooled cerebral cortical and hypothalamic tissue of animals under several experimental conditions after hemi-decortication and sham operation. There was an increase in β-adrenoreceptor density in the remaining (right) cerebral cortex at all times examined in hemi-decorticate in comparison with the sham-operated animals (7 days, +10.9%; 21 days, +8.4%; 90 days, +22%; and 90 days plus ovariectomy, +34.8%). The number of β-adrenoreceptors in the right hypothalamic half in hemi-decorticates decreased at 21 days (-42.20%) and then increased at 90 days (+76.63%) and 90 days plus ovariectomy (+51.75%) when compared with the left hypothalamic half. At the same time there were no significant changes in the sham-operated animals when comparing the receptor density in the right and left hypothalamic halves, respectively. Thus, our results suggest a direct adrenergic pathway by which the left cortex can influence the right cortex and a crossed pathway to the contralateral hypothalamus changing adrenergic activity which can alter the β-adrenergic receptor binding capacity in the hypothalamus.


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In order to analyze the reorganization of the condylar process after unilateral condylectomy in animals which have received AZT, 30 albino mice, 30 days old were used. The condylectomized animals were divided in two groups, one have received distilled water and the other AZT, orally during 10 days. After 5, 10, 15, 30 and 45 days of the surgery the animals of both groups were sacrificed, their heads removed and fixed in 10% formalin. After decalcification the pieces received histological routine treatment to be included in paraffin. The slices were stained by hematoxylin/eosin method. The analysis of results showed that: 1. the condylar repair is similar on both groups; 2. the results reaffirm those found in the literature, that the articulation after condylectomy is located in an anterior position and that the articular disc is not a determinant factor on condylar reorganization.


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different levels of unilateral angular misfit on preload maintenance of retention screws of single implant-supported prostheses submitted to mechanical cycling. Materials and methods: Premachined UCLA abutments were cast with cobalt-chromium alloy to obtain 48 crowns divided into four groups (n=12). The crowns presented no misfit in Group A (control group) and unilateral misfits of 50μm, 100μm and 200μm in the groups B, C and D, respectively. The crowns were attached to external hexagon implants with a titanium retention screw with torque of 30N/cm. Oblique loading of 130N at 2Hz was applied on each replica, totalizing 5×104 and 1×106cycles. Detorque values were measured initially and after each cycling period. Data were evaluated by analysis of variance and Tukey's HSD test (p<0.05). Results: All groups presented reduced initial detorque values (p< 0.05) in comparison to the insertion torque (30. ± 0.5. N/cm) and Group A (25.18. N/cm) exhibited the lowest reduction. After mechanical cycling, all groups presented detorque values from 19.5. N/cm to 22.38. N/cm and the mechanical cycling did not statistically influence the detorque values regardless the misfit level of the replicas. Conclusion: The unilateral misfit influenced the preload maintenance only before mechanical cycling. The mechanical cycling did not influence the torque reduction. © 2010 Japan Prosthodontic Society.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Includes bibliography


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Objectives: To evaluate the surgical outcomes of patients with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate (CUCLP) operated on by a single surgeon of the cleft reference center of the Lauro Wanderley University Hospital at the Federal University of Paraiba. Methods: Forty-four individuals' dental casts diagnosed with CUCLP, born between 1995 and 2002, mean age of 11 years, were evaluated by three calibrated orthodontic specialists and scored by the Great Ormond Street, London and Oslo (GOSLON) yardstick on two occasions. The scores were compared with those observed in other centers around the world. The Kappa test was applied to evaluate the intra- and inter-examiner agreement. Descriptive statistics was applied for the GOSLON yardsticks core. Results: The mean GOSLON score was 2.75. For the GOSLON yardstick, 43.2 % of the sample presented scores 1 and 2, 31.8 % had score 3, and 25 % were with scores 4 and 5. There was very good intra- and inter-examiner Kappa agreement in the application of the GOSLON yardstick. Conclusions: The data suggest favorable outcomes, with 75 % of cases with no need of orthognathic surgery. The Kappa values confirmed the high reproducibility of the GOSLON yardstick. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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Background: Tumescent anaesthesia (TA) is a widely used technique in oncologic surgeries necessitating large resection margins. This technique produces transoperative and postoperative analgesia, reduces surgical bleeding, and facilitates tissue divulsion. This prospective, randomised, blind study evaluated the use of TA in bitches submitted to mastectomy and compared the effect of TA with an intravenous fentanyl bolus. A 2.5-mcg/kg intravenous fentanyl bolus (n = 10) was compared with TA using 0.275% lidocaine (n = 10) in bitches submitted to unilateral mastectomy. Sedation was performed by intramuscular (IM) injection of 0.05 mg/kg of acepromazine combined with 2 mg/kg of meperidine. Anaesthesia was induced with 5 mg/kg of intravenous propofol and maintained with isoflurane/O2. Heart and respiratory rates; systolic, mean, and diastolic arterial blood pressures; central venous pressure; SpO2; ETCO2; inspired and expired isoflurane concentrations; and temperature were measured transoperatively. Visual analogue scales for sedation and pain and the Glasgow composite and Melbourne pain scales were used for postoperative assessment. The surgeon investigated the quality of the surgical approach, considering bleeding and resection ability, and the incidence of postoperative wound complications.Results: The heart rate was lower and the end-tidal isoflurane concentration was higher in dogs treated with fentanyl than in dogs treated with TA. A fentanyl bolus was administered to 8 of 10 dogs treated with fentanyl and to none treated with TA. Intraoperative bleeding and the mammary gland excision time were lower in dogs treated with TA. The maximal mean and individual plasma lidocaine concentrations were 1426 ± 502 ng/ml and 2443 ng/ml at 90 minutes after infiltration, respectively. The Glasgow Composite Pain Scale scores were higher in dogs treated with fentanyl than in dogs treated with TA until 2 hours after extubation.Conclusions: Compared with intravenous fentanyl, TA in bitches: may be easily performed in non-inflamed, ulcerated, adhered mammary tumours; has an isoflurane-sparing effect; improves transoperative and immediate postoperative analgesia; is apparently safe for use in clinical conditions as evidenced by the fact that it did not produce any adverse signs or lidocaine plasma concentrations compatible with toxicity; does not modify the recovery time; and facilitates the surgical procedure without interfering with wound healing. © 2013 Credie et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.