974 resultados para TAX REFORM


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This dissertation analyzes whether and how changes in federal tax policy affect local tax policies, specifically, the elimination of the federal deductibility of state and local taxes for individual taxpayers by the Tax Reform Act of 1986 (TRA86) in 59 California cities. Two methods are used in the study: a survey of local revenue officials and a time event time-series/cross sectional sales tax reliance study.^ The reliance study uses a covariance model to pool cross-section and time-series observations. The results of the reliance study indicate a statistically significant overall decline in sales tax reliance after 1986. The results of the survey indicate that local policy makers generally do not believe that federal deductibility is an important factor when considering raising local sales taxes. Further analysis shows that local revenue officials claiming federal deductibility is not an important factor are associated mostly with cities that registered no significant decline in sales tax reliance after 1986. Similarly, local revenue officials claiming federal deductibility is an important factor when considering local tax policy are associated mostly with cities that suffered a significant decline in sales tax reliance after 1986.^ Of that group, further analysis shows that the declines in sales tax reliance are associated mostly with cities located in the southwestern part of the state. When compared to other cities in the state, an analysis of variance reveals that there are a series of statistically significant factors associated with southwestern cities which may contribute to the decline in sales tax reliance following the enactment of the Tax Reform Act of 1986. ^


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The purpose of this thesis is to examine the factors affecting the likelihood of consumption and the amount spent on alcoholic beverages and tobacco in Thailand using the 2009 Socio-Economic Survey of Thailand. Results suggest that household size, tenure and occupation have significant impacts on both the probability of alcohol and tobacco consumption and spending levels. Income also plays a key role in explaining the amount spent on alcoholic beverages and tobacco. Demand elasticities are calculated under the Extended Linear Expenditure System (ELES). Demand for alcoholic beverages and tobacco is found to be inelastic. The effects of increasing taxation on alcohol and tobacco consumption in Thailand are estimated. The findings are that excise taxes in Thailand are efficient taxes with only a modest rise in deadweight loss. Taxes result in a small decrease in consumption but generate higher expenditure and government tax revenue. Excise tax on alcoholic beverages results in a net benefit to the Thai economy. Tobacco taxes increase total expenditure and government revenue as well as increasing net benefit to the Thai economy. However, the low elasticities of demand also mean that excise taxes have only a small impact on reducing the costs associated with drinking and smoking.


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On 13 August, 1997 Prime Minister Mr Howard announced five principles as a foundation for a Tax Reform Package to revitalise the Australian economy. They were that: 1. there should be no overall increase in the overall tax burden; 2. any new taxation system should involve major reductions in personal income tax with special regard to the taxation treatment of families; 3. consideration should be given to a broad-based indirect tax to replace some or all of the existing indirect taxes; 4. there would be appropriate compensation for those deserving of special consideration; and 5. reform of Commonwealth-State financial relations must be addressed...


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Evaluating agency theory and optimal contracting theory views of corporate philanthropy, we find that as corporate giving increases, shareholders reduce their valuation of firm cash holdings. Dividend increases following the 2003 Tax Reform Act are associated with reduced corporate giving. Using a natural experiment, we find that corporate giving is positively (negatively) associated with CEO charity preferences (CEO shareholdings and corporate governance quality). Evidence from CEO-affiliated charity donations, market reactions to insider-affiliated donations, its relation to CEO compensation, and firm contributions to director-affiliated charities indicates that corporate donations advance CEO interests and suggests misuses of corporate resources that reduce firm value.


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This paper empirically examines the effect of current tax policy on home ownership, specifically looking at how developer contributions impact house prices. Developer contributions are a commonly used mechanism for local governments to pay for new urban infrastructure. This research applies a hedonic house price model to 4,699 new and 25,053 existing house sales in Brisbane from 2005 to 2011. The findings of is research are consistent with international studies that support the proposition that developer contributions are over passed. This study has provided evidence that suggest developer contributions are over passed to both new and existing homes in the order of around 400%. These findings suggest that developer contributions are thus a significant contributor to increasing house prices, reduced housing supply and are thus an inefficient and inequitable tax. By testing this effect on both new and existing homes, this research provides evidence in support of the proposition that not only are developer contributions over passed to new home buyers but also to buyers of existing homes. Thus the price inflationary effect of these developer contributions are being felt by all home buyers across the community, resulting in increased mortgage repayments of close to $1,000 per month in Australia. This is the first study to empirically examine the impact of developer contributions on house prices in Australia. These results are important as they inform governments on the outcomes of current tax policy on home ownership, providing the first evidence of its kind in Australia. This is an important contribution to the tax reform agenda in Australia.


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On 30 March 2015 the Australian Federal Government launched its "Re-Think" initiative with the objective of achieving a better tax system which delivers taxes that are lower, simpler and fairer. The discussion paper released as part of the "Re:think" initiative is designed to start a national conversation on tax reform. However, inquiries into Australia's future tax system, subsequent reforms and the introduction of new taxes are nothing new. Unfortunately, recent history also demonstrates that reform initiatives arising from reviews of the Australian tax system are often deemed a failure. The most prominent of these failures in recent times is the Minerals Resource Rent Tax (MRRT), which lasted a mere 16 months before its announced repeal. Using the established theoretic framework of regulatory capture to interpret publically observable data, the purpose of this article is to explain the failure of this arguably sound tax. It concludes that the MRRT legislation itself, through the capture by the mining companies, provided internal subsidization in the form of reduced tax and minimal or no rents. In doing so, it offers an opportunity to understand and learn from past experiences to ensure that recommendations coming out of the Re:think initiative do not suffer the same fate.


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The G20 Finance Ministers have the opportunity this weekend to endorse the initial recommendations of the OECD on how to address the global problem of multinational tax avoidance. The work of the OECD on the issue to date is substantial. Most notable is the adoption by many nations, including Australia, of the Common Reporting Standard for the automatic exchange of tax information. This standard will allow significant inroads to be made into tax avoidance, particularly by individuals sheltering money offshore. This is the first step in an ambitious tax reform program. There is a long way to go if we are to end the issue now known as Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS). This week’s release of the first of the OECD recommendations contains some positive signs that further advances will be made. It also recognises some hard truths.


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En el presente trabajo pretendemos analizar la reforma fiscal llevada a cabo en el territorio histórico de Bizkaia en el ejercicio 2.006, y que entró en vigor el 1 de enero de 2.007. En concreto, se pretende analizar el efecto que tuvo sobre los contribuyentes, desglosándolo por niveles de renta. Con este objeto, planteamos la hipótesis de igualdad de sacrificio, y contrastamos su cumplimiento en los años 2.006 y 2.007, esto es, el último año previo a la entrada en vigor de la reforma y el primero en el que se aplico la nueva normativa. Los resultados muestran que, si bien en el año 2.006 no se cumplía el principio de igualdad de sacrificio, en el año 2.007 hay evidencia a favor de que sí se estuviese cumpliendo. Finalmente, se proponen formas funcionales impositivas alternativas a la empleada en la hipótesis de igualdad de sacrificio, observándose unos resultados similares a los obtenidos mediante la hipótesis de igualdad de sacrificio.


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Es bien sabido que el Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas (IRPF) es un impuesto progresivo (aumenta la proporción a pagar cuando aumenta la renta). Aun así es importante saber si el esfuerzo o la pérdida de utilidad que asume cada individuo en el pago del impuesto es el mismo, es decir, si se cumple el principio de igualdad de sacrificio. En este trabajo se plantea si el impuesto sobre la renta en España cumplió este principio en los años 2006 y 2007, y si la reforma fiscal que hubo en estos años nos acercó o alejó de su cumplimiento. La respuesta es que, en líneas generales, sí se cumple, suponiendo esta reforma una mejora relevante para la consecución de este objetivo.


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In this End of Degree Dissertation I built a basic economic model, where two perfectly competitive markets interact, as a tool to understand, illustrate and evaluate environmentalfiscal reforms that have already been implemented or have been announced in many developed countries. Thus, in this dissertation I try to explain as simply as possible the theorical aspects of the “double dividend” hyphotesis and provide a numerical example with illustrative purpose.


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Contexte et objectif. L’évasion fiscale a généré des pertes annuelles variant entre 2 et 44 milliards au Canada entre 1976 et 1995. Avec la croissance de l’évasion fiscale dans les années 1980 et 1990 plusieurs législations se sont attaquées à ce phénomène en mettant en place des mesures telles que les amnisties, les réformes fiscales et les nouvelles lois. Ces dernières reposent non seulement sur des principes théoriques distincts, mais leur efficacité même est remise en question. Bien que plusieurs auteurs affirment que les criminels en col blanc sont réceptifs aux sanctions pénales, une telle affirmation repose sur peu de preuves empiriques. L’objectif de ce mémoire est donc de réaliser une synthèse systématique des études évaluatives afin de faire un bilan des lois fiscales et d’évaluer leurs effets sur la fraude fiscale. Méthodologie. La synthèse systématique est la méthodologie considérée comme la plus rigoureuse pour se prononcer sur l’effet produit par une population relativement homogène d’études. Ainsi, 18 bases de données ont été consultées et huit études ont été retenues sur les 23 723 références. Ces huit études contiennent neuf évaluations qui ont estimé les retombés des lois sur 17 indicateurs de fraude fiscale. L’ensemble des études ont été codifiées en fonction du type de loi et leur rigueur méthodologique. La méthode du vote-count fut employée pour se prononcer sur l’efficacité des lois. Résultats. Sur les 17 indicateurs, sept indiquent que les lois n’ont eu aucun effet sur l’évasion fiscale tandis que six témoignent d’effets pervers. Seulement quatre résultats sont favorables aux lois, ce qui laisse présager que ces dernières sont peu efficaces. Toutefois, en scindant les résultats en fonction du type de loi, les réformes fiscales apparaissent comme une mesure efficace contrairement aux lois et amnisties. Conclusion. Les résultats démontrent que les mesures basées sur le modèle économique de Becker et qui rendent le système plus équitable sont prometteuses. Les amnisties qui visent à aller chercher des fraudeurs en leur offrant des avantages économiques et en suspendant les peines sont non seulement inefficaces, mais menaceraient le principe d’autocotisation basé sur l’équité.