897 resultados para T?cnicas de traducci?n


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Theatrical phenomenon borned in the Italy the Comedy dell Art concerned to it climax in the XVI century and spreading itself by the word than can be sight like the theatre base modern. Lasting parallel the conventional theatre since the three hundred years, this gender influenced significativly the making theatrical in the Europe graces the popular character of its simulation turned for the improvise. In spite of treat a theatric manifestation no more existing in the present time, we understand that the Comedy dell Art was constituted in one artistic language whose esthetics centralized in the popular fanciful and in the improvise permitted a rich possibility of verbal and not-verbal communication that today can to be taken again in contemporary productions theatricals. Departing of an approach of esthetics, this work has with purpose concentrate the references esthetics that configure that one artistic manifestation such that one references can contribute for the Arts teaches in the present times. We appeal the text and image of Comedy dell Art, such this historical reference that in context, with fountain investigated that mean and if complementary in one esthetic reflection for the creation of meaning diverse and news interpretations for the purpose investigated if having with base some analysis categories such as: the actor s body, the actuations spaces and the esthetics categories such the ugly, the comic and the absurd. To investigate the Comedy dell Art esthetic in the ambit of the teach of Arts Scenics is a manner of be understand the artistic universe of three century behind that can be meant, revived, in the marking possibilities of an art teach able to incentive the critical, the appreciation, the discussion and the transgression of instituted true. Having investigated the exhibition Comedy dell Art esthetic we rebound four stich that we judge significative for we think the Arts Scenics teach, they are: the articulation between actor s body, the text and the space actuation in the play; statement what it is given between actor s body and the on-looker and the every gesture that did share of scene in a popular scenic space; a conception actor s body that transgress with the true duty socially that is capable the to admit its dimension Dionysian, creative and ambiguous in the to do theatrical; the text conception that get beyond the ambit the word writing by the dramatist and talked by actors, if spreading the other elements significance in the scene like gesture, the parody, the recent news, the gags and the word used in the day-to-day; the scenic space like a statement symbolic between actors and on-looker that make a quality of amusement pact supported by the scenic true of artist that actuate in not usual spaces bid at an auctioning degrees of participation in the building the scenic phenomenon; and the importance of esthetics categories such as the ugly, the comic and the absurd, those categories that foundation like a do scenic transgressor make a possible exchange mutual between actor and appreciator. The statement of esthetics categories in joint continuous between the body, the text and the scenic space evident themselves in doing theatrical and in the its appreciation. We believe that the reflection esthetic about the Comedy dell Art in the arts class, consider the stich detached, can favor possibilities of to share discovery, ideas, feelings and attitudes, and can permit the observation of different stich of view, establishing the statement of individual with the group in a participative and democratic form


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In this work, the didactical possibilities of investigation use in classroom, through an experience with high school students from Federal Center of Technological Education of Paraíba, as well as the study of conic sections were analysed. In order to fulfill our goals the theoretical conceptions concerning the meaninful learning in conection with the investigation of mathematics history were taken into account. The classroom research occurred by means of activities which encouraged the learner to investigate his own concepts on the conic sections. The results of the proposed activities showed the effectiveness and the efficiency of such a methodology as regards the making up of the required knowledge. They also reveal that the investigation in the classroom guides the ones involved, in this process, to have a wider look at the origins, the methods used and the several representations presented by mathematics that certainly lead, specially the students, to a meaninful learning


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Electrical energy from photovoltaic panels (PV) has became an increasing viable alternative because of the great concern for environmental preservation and the possibility of the reduction of the conventional fuels, and this natural energy source is free, abundant and clean. In addition, Brazil is a privileged country because of the high levels of irradiation throughout its territory all over the year. Thus the exploitation of the energy from PV is one of the best alternatives to overcome the supply electrical energy issues. However, nowadays the energy conversion efficiency is low and the initial costs are high for these energy systems. Therefore, in order to increase the efficiency of these systems the extraction of the maximum power point (MPP) from PV is extremely necessary, and it is done using the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) techniques. The MPP of the PV varies non linearly with the environmental conditions and several MPPT techniques are available in literature, and this paper presents a careful comparison among the most usual techniques, doing meaningful comparisons with respect to the amount of energy extracted, PV voltage ripple, dynamic response and use of sensors, considering that the models are implemented via MatLab/Simulink®. © 2010 IEEE.


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Pós-graduação em Matemática Universitária - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE


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Um dos fatores que afetam o fluxo de produtos sólidos em silos é o teor de umidade, o qual se destaca por favorecer a formação de arcos coesivos. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho focou a determinação das propriedades de fluxo do produto lama vermelha e sua classificação quanto à sua escoabilidade em função da variação do teor de umidade. Tendo os teores de umidade influência no escoamento em tremonhas cônicas revestidas de chapas metálicas lisas e UHMW (Polietileno de Ultra Alto Peso Molecular). Nesse intuito se utilizou o aparelho de cisalhamento direto “Jenike Shear Cell”, juntamente com três superfícies (acrílico, metálica e de UHMW) de parede. Para determinar o fator de fluxo da tremonha e o ângulo de inclinação com a horizontal, recorreu-se a metodologia gráfica proposta por Jenike para fluxo mássico. E na determinação do diâmetro mínimo da moega, aplicaram-se as equações propostas por Jenike e Enstad. Verificou-se que a lama vermelha é coesiva e possui fluxo do tipo difícil, com pouca variação para os teores de umidades estudados. A rugosidade das paredes testadas teve uma suave influência na inclinação da tremonha. Enquanto os resultados do diâmetro da moega sofreram variação em relação aos níveis de umidade analisados para a lama vermelha. A partir das observações feitas para o escoamento no silo modelo de acrílico se verificou que a medida que se eleva o teor de umidade mais difícil se torna o fluxo do produto lama vermelha.


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Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Título del trabajo presentado: La Concha de la Platería en la Catedral de Santiago de Compostela: la estereotomía de las bóvedas cónicas Entidad organizadora: Sociedad Española de Historia de la Construcción Congreso : Tercer Congreso Nacional de Historia de la Construcción


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Enunciados y ficheros necesarios para la realización de las actividades prácticas de la asignatura Tecnologías de la Traducción.


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La novel·la del cavaller valencià Joanot Martorell, Tirant lo Blanch (València, 1490; amb una segona edició a Barcelona, també incunable, 1497), és un magnífic representant de la cultura dels valencians i, en general, de la Corona d'Aragó. Aquesta novel·la és una obra mestra de la literatura medieval i del Renaixement i una aportació fonamental de la Corona d'Aragó, i, més en concret, de les Lletres Valencianes, al desenvolupament de la novel·la moderna i al cànon cultural occidentals. L'obra de Martorell ha gaudit sempre un reconegut prestigi, ja d'ençà que Miguel de Cervantes, al capítol sisé del Quixot, en digués "el mejor libro del mundo"; i és establert que el Tirant va influir en diversos dels aspectes que han contribuït a individuar el Quixot com una obra que no encaixava en el panorama dels "libros de caballería" castellans de l'època i que, tanmateix -i per això mateix- contribueixen a l'enorme valor afegit de l'obra de Cervantes. Tirant lo Blanch, a través de Tirante el Blanco, aporta un cabal fonamental per a fer possible el to i inclús l'estil polifònic i el tractament en cert punt irònic de la mimesi literària tan característic en l'obra de Cervantes gràcies al contrast entre la bogeria llibresca d'Alonso Quijano i el sentit comú de Sancho (NAVARRO 2011). Tirant-Tirante no perd mai de vista la realitat, fins i tot mor al llit, d'un mal real i humà, una angina de pit, després de dictar personalment el seu testament i després de deixar els seus assumptes arreglats. El Quixot també morirà, en un context i ambient de realitat, i no com solia produir-se la mort en els llibres de cavalleries. En definitiva, de la mateixa manera que la seua versió original, aquesta versió en espanyol constitueix una obra excepcional en el context de la literatura de tema cavalleresc en l'Edat Mitjana i poc o no res té a envejar a les obres de Chrétien de Troyes o amb la Quête du Saint Graal o la Vulgata en conjunt (MARTINES, 1995; HAUF, 1995).