989 resultados para Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. dysgalactiae


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BACKGROUND: Characterisation of the essential oils from O. glandulosum collected in three locations of Tunisia, chemical composition and the evaluation of their antioxidant activities were carried out. RESULTS: The essential oils from Origanum vulgare L. subsp. glandulosum (Desf.) letswaart collected from three localities of north Tunisia - Krib, Bargou and Nefza - were obtained in yields of 2.5, 3.0 and 4.6% (v/w), respectively. The essential oils were analysed by GC and GC/MS and assayed for their total phenolics content, by the Folin-Ciocalteu method, and antioxidant effectiveness, using the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazil (DPPH) radical scavenging assay. The main components of these essential oils, from Nefza, Bargou and Krib, were p-cymene (36%, 40% and 46%), thymol (32%, 39% and 18%), gamma-terpinene (24%, 12% and 16%) and carvacrol (2%, 2% and 15%), respectively). The ability to scavenge the DPPH radicals, expressed by IC50, ranged from 59 to 80 mg L-1. The total phenolic content, expressed in gallic acid equivalent (GAE) g kg(-1) dry weight, varied from 9.37 to 17.70 g kg(-1) dw. CONCLUSIONS: A correlation was identified between the total phenolic content of the essential oils and DPPH radical scavenger capacity. The occurrence of a p-cymene chemotype of O. glandulosum in the northern region of Tunisia is demonstrated.


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Dissertation presented to obtain a Ph.D. degree in Biology, speciality in Microbiology, by Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia


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Desde 1977, o Instituto Adolfo Lutz (IAL) vem promovendo a sorotipagem do S. pneumoniae ou pneumococo de infecções causadas por esta bacteria. As cepas isoladas têm sido encaminhadas ao WHO Pneumococcal Reference Center, Pensilvania, E.U.A.. De 1977 a 1988, 1.000 cepas de pneumococo isoladas de LCR foram sorotipadas, de acordo com a nomenclatura dinamarquesa, e 60 sorotipos foram identificados. A maior freqüência foi do sorotipo 1, secundado por 6B, 18C, 14, 5, 3, 6A, 23F, 19F e 38. Estes sorotipos distribuídos segundo faixas etárias demonstraram incidência variável, notando-se uma certa peculiaridade, ou seja, a predominância do sorotipo 6B na faixa de zero a menos de dois anos; do sorotipo 1 na faixa de 2 até 50 anos e do sorotipo 3 no grupo acima de 50 anos. Nos 12 anos considerados, 25 sorotipos apresentaram uma certa uniformidade na freqüência e o mesmo foi observado com relação às estações climáticas, apenas com um número maior de infecções meníngeas nos meses mais frios. Considerando a gravidade das infecções pneumocócicas notadamente as meningites, e a pouca informação relativa aos sorotipos pneumocócicos que ocorrem na região, julgamos importante essa informação relativa aos sorotipos, uma vez que tem sido usadas, com sucesso, vacinas polissacarídicas na prevenção dessas infecções.


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Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia


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To study resistance to antimicrobials, serotypes and clinical features of S. pneumoniae in S. Paulo, Brazil, 50 patients with a positive culture were evaluated: 7 were considered carriers and 43 had pneumococcal infections. Pneumonia and meningitis were the most commom infections. Mortality was 34% and underlying diseases were present in 70%. Relative resistance to penicillin occurred in 24% and complete resistance was not detected. Resistance to tetracycline was 32% and to sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim 32%; one strain had intermediate susceptibility to erythromycin; no resistance was present for chloramphenicol, rifampin or vancomycin. Resistance to at least one of the drugs tested occurred in 62%. Results by the E-test for penicillin were similar to those by the agar dilution method. There were 24 different serotypes and 74% of the strains belonged to the 23-valent vaccine including all the penicillin-resistant strains. In this study S. pneumoniae caused severe infections and presented a high resistance rate to commonly used antimicrobials. Routine surveillance of resistance and the use of vaccination, as well as the restriction of inappropriate use of antimicrobials, are recommended in São Paulo, Brazil.


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In the study of conjunctivitis outbreaks occurring from September 1994 to September 1996 in the region of Ribeirão Preto, conjunctival exudates of 92 patients were cultivated in Instituto Adolfo Lutz Laboratory I, Ribeirão Preto. Most cases occurred in the age range 2-7 years. The etiological agents which were most frequently isolated from the analyzed cases were: Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae, in 40.22% and 21.74%, respectively. 51.35% of the S. pneumoniae isolated strains were not typable. The oxacillin-resistant S. pneumoniae strains were submitted to the minimum inhibitory concentration test (MIC) and three of them presented intermediate resistance, whereas only one was highly resistant to penicillin.


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Dissertation presented in fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Biology (Molecular Genetics) at the Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica da Universidade Nova de Lisboa


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Salmonella spp. are the etiologic agents of salmonellosis, a worldwide spread zoonoses causing foodborne outbreaks and clinical diseases. By serological identification, Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serotype 1,4,[5],12:i:- accounted for 8.8% of human and 1.6% of nonhuman Salmonella strains isolated in São Paulo State, during 1991-2000. A total of 28.6% of them amplified a fragment corresponding to H:1,2 (flagellar phase two) through PCR analysis and were further assigned as S. Typhimurium. Antimicrobial resistance was detected in 36.3% of the 369 PCR-negative strains tested, including the multiresistance to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, sulfonamides, tetracycline, and streptomycin.


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We described a case of salmonellosis in a 33-year old HIV-infected patient. The patient presented oral and esophageal candidiasis, intense epigastric and retrosternal pain. During the physical examination he was hypochloraemic, acyanotic, hypohydrated, anicteric and afebrile. Admittance laboratorial tests indicated: red cells 3.6 millions/mm³; hemoglobin, 10.1 g/dL; leukocyte count, 3,000/mm³, with 1% of eosinophils, 14% of non-segmented and 53% of segmented neutrophils and 31% of lymphocytes. The blood culture was positive for Salmonella enterica subsp houtenae serogroup O:16. This is probably the first human report of bacteremia due to Salmonella enterica subsp houtenae in Brazil associated to HIV-infected patient.


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A total of 110 strains of Streptococcus suis, isolated from diseased pigs in Brazil were serotyped and analyzed for virulence. Serotyping of the strains resulted in the following classification: 42 strains of serotype 2 (38.2%), 10 strains of serotype 14 (9.1%), seven strains of serotype 9 (6.4%), three strains each of serotype 7 and 11 (2.7%), two strains each of serotype 1 and 8 (1.8%) and one strain each of serotypes ½, 3, 5, 6 and 10 (0.9%). Cross reactions among serotypes 1, 14 and 7 were observed in 21 strains (19.1%). Only 41.9% of the strains were lethal for mice using the pathogenicity test.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina


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Introdução: O rastreio para doenças de transmissão vertical na gravidez contribuiu para a melhoria dos cuidados perinatais. Objectivo: Avaliar o resultado de serologias para infeções do grupo TORCH e do rastreio para Streptococcus do grupo B (SGB) numa amostra de grávidas de uma maternidade, estudar a influência da idade e da nacionalidade, e identificar casos de infecção congénita. Material e Métodos: Estudo não probabilístico de prevalência de imunidade e infecção durante a gravidez. Resultados: Registámos 9508 serologias TORCH e 2639 resultados de rastreio para SGB. A taxa de imunidade para rubéola foi 93,3%, significativamente mais elevada em portuguesas; 25,7% das mulheres tinham IgG positiva para Toxoplasma goondii; a taxa foi mais elevada nas mulheres mais velhas e entre estrangeiras; encontrámos IgG positiva para vírus citomegálico humano (CMV) em 62,4%; não houve variação com a idade. O VDRL foi reactivo em 0,5%; 2,3% das mães tinham AgHBs positivo, mais frequente nas estrangeiras; 1,4% tinha anticorpos para o vírus da hepatite C e 0,7% tinha VIH positivo. Não houve casos declarados de infeção congénita; 13,9% das mulheres eram portadoras de SGB. Discussão: A elevada taxa de imunidade para a rubéola é resultado da política nacional de vacinação. A baixa taxa de imunidade para a toxoplasmose torna mais dispendioso o seguimento das grávidas. A elevada prevalência do CMV está de acordo com o encontrado na comunidade. Para algumas infeções foram encontradas diferenças de acordo com a nacionalidade. Conclusão: O conhecimento da imunidade e infecção na população é um instrumento importante para o planeamento dos rastreios durante a gravidez.


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D. degree in Biology/ Molecular Biology