993 resultados para Solid-contact electrodes
Una amarra electrodinámica (electrodynamic tether) opera sobre principios electromagnéticos intercambiando momento con la magnetosfera planetaria e interactuando con su ionosfera. Es un subsistema pasivo fiable para desorbitar etapas de cohetes agotadas y satélites al final de su misión, mitigando el crecimiento de la basura espacial. Una amarra sin aislamiento captura electrones del plasma ambiente a lo largo de su segmento polarizado positivamente, el cual puede alcanzar varios kilómetros de longitud, mientras que emite electrones de vuelta al plasma mediante un contactor de plasma activo de baja impedancia en su extremo catódico, tal como un cátodo hueco (hollow cathode). En ausencia de un contactor catódico activo, la corriente que circula por una amarra desnuda en órbita es nula en ambos extremos de la amarra y se dice que ésta está flotando eléctricamente. Para emisión termoiónica despreciable y captura de corriente en condiciones limitadas por movimiento orbital (orbital-motion-limited, OML), el cociente entre las longitudes de los segmentos anódico y catódico es muy pequeño debido a la disparidad de masas entre iones y electrones. Tal modo de operación resulta en una corriente media y fuerza de Lorentz bajas en la amarra, la cual es poco eficiente como dispositivo para desorbitar. El electride C12A7 : e−, que podría presentar una función de trabajo (work function) tan baja como W = 0.6 eV y un comportamiento estable a temperaturas relativamente altas, ha sido propuesto como recubrimiento para amarras desnudas. La emisión termoiónica a lo largo de un segmento así recubierto y bajo el calentamiento de la operación espacial, puede ser más eficiente que la captura iónica. En el modo más simple de fuerza de frenado, podría eliminar la necesidad de un contactor catódico activo y su correspondientes requisitos de alimentación de gas y subsistema de potencia, lo que resultaría en un sistema real de amarra “sin combustible”. Con este recubrimiento de bajo W, cada segmento elemental del segmento catódico de una amarra desnuda de kilómetros de longitud emitiría corriente como si fuese parte de una sonda cilíndrica, caliente y uniformemente polarizada al potencial local de la amarra. La operación es similar a la de una sonda de Langmuir 2D tanto en los segmentos catódico como anódico. Sin embargo, en presencia de emisión, los electrones emitidos resultan en carga espacial (space charge) negativa, la cual reduce el campo eléctrico que los acelera hacia fuera, o incluso puede desacelerarlos y hacerlos volver a la sonda. Se forma una doble vainas (double sheath) estable con electrones emitidos desde la sonda e iones provenientes del plasma ambiente. La densidad de corriente termoiónica, variando a lo largo del segmento catódico, podría seguir dos leyes distintas bajo diferentes condiciones: (i) la ley de corriente limitada por la carga espacial (space-charge-limited, SCL) o (ii) la ley de Richardson-Dushman (RDS). Se presenta un estudio preliminar sobre la corriente SCL frente a una sonda emisora usando la teoría de vainas (sheath) formada por la captura iónica en condiciones OML, y la corriente electrónica SCL entre los electrodos cilíndricos según Langmuir. El modelo, que incluye efectos óhmicos y el efecto de transición de emisión SCL a emisión RDS, proporciona los perfiles de corriente y potencial a lo largo de la longitud completa de la amarra. El análisis muestra que en el modo más simple de fuerza de frenado, bajo condiciones orbitales y de amarras típicas, la emisión termoiónica proporciona un contacto catódico eficiente y resulta en una sección catódica pequeña. En el análisis anterior, tanto la transición de emisión SCL a RD como la propia ley de emisión SCL consiste en un modelo muy simplificado. Por ello, a continuación se ha estudiado con detalle la solución de vaina estacionaria de una sonda con emisión termoiónica polarizada negativamente respecto a un plasma isotrópico, no colisional y sin campo magnético. La existencia de posibles partículas atrapadas ha sido ignorada y el estudio incluye tanto un estudio semi-analítico mediante técnica asintóticas como soluciones numéricas completas del problema. Bajo las tres condiciones (i) alto potencial, (ii) R = Rmax para la validez de la captura iónica OML, y (iii) potencial monotónico, se desarrolla un análisis asintótico auto-consistente para la estructura de plasma compleja que contiene las tres especies de cargas (electrones e iones del plasma, electrones emitidos), y cuatro regiones espaciales distintas, utilizando teorías de movimiento orbital y modelos cinéticos de las especies. Aunque los electrones emitidos presentan carga espacial despreciable muy lejos de la sonda, su efecto no se puede despreciar en el análisis global de la estructura de la vaina y de dos capas finas entre la vaina y la región cuasi-neutra. El análisis proporciona las condiciones paramétricas para que la corriente sea SCL. También muestra que la emisión termoiónica aumenta el radio máximo de la sonda para operar dentro del régimen OML y que la emisión de electrones es mucho más eficiente que la captura iónica para el segmento catódico de la amarra. En el código numérico, los movimientos orbitales de las tres especies son modelados para potenciales tanto monotónico como no-monotónico, y sonda de radio R arbitrario (dentro o más allá del régimen de OML para la captura iónica). Aprovechando la existencia de dos invariante, el sistema de ecuaciones Poisson-Vlasov se escribe como una ecuación integro-diferencial, la cual se discretiza mediante un método de diferencias finitas. El sistema de ecuaciones algebraicas no lineal resultante se ha resuelto de con un método Newton-Raphson paralelizado. Los resultados, comparados satisfactoriamente con el análisis analítico, proporcionan la emisión de corriente y la estructura del plasma y del potencial electrostático. ABSTRACT An electrodynamic tether operates on electromagnetic principles and exchanges momentum through the planetary magnetosphere, by continuously interacting with the ionosphere. It is a reliable passive subsystem to deorbit spent rocket stages and satellites at its end of mission, mitigating the growth of orbital debris. A tether left bare of insulation collects electrons by its own uninsulated and positively biased segment with kilometer range, while electrons are emitted by a low-impedance active device at the cathodic end, such as a hollow cathode, to emit the full electron current. In the absence of an active cathodic device, the current flowing along an orbiting bare tether vanishes at both ends and the tether is said to be electrically floating. For negligible thermionic emission and orbital-motion-limited (OML) collection throughout the entire tether (electron/ion collection at anodic/cathodic segment, respectively), the anodic-to-cathodic length ratio is very small due to ions being much heavier, which results in low average current and Lorentz drag. The electride C12A7 : e−, which might present a possible work function as low as W = 0.6 eV and moderately high temperature stability, has been proposed as coating for floating bare tethers. Thermionic emission along a thus coated cathodic segment, under heating in space operation, can be more efficient than ion collection and, in the simplest drag mode, may eliminate the need for an active cathodic device and its corresponding gas-feed requirements and power subsystem, which would result in a truly “propellant-less” tether system. With this low-W coating, each elemental segment on the cathodic segment of a kilometers-long floating bare-tether would emit current as if it were part of a hot cylindrical probe uniformly polarized at the local tether bias, under 2D probe conditions that are also applied to the anodic-segment analysis. In the presence of emission, emitted electrons result in negative space charge, which decreases the electric field that accelerates them outwards, or even reverses it, decelerating electrons near the emitting probe. A double sheath would be established with electrons being emitted from the probe and ions coming from the ambient plasma. The thermionic current density, varying along the cathodic segment, might follow two distinct laws under different con ditions: i) space-charge-limited (SCL) emission or ii) full Richardson-Dushman (RDS) emission. A preliminary study on the SCL current in front of an emissive probe is presented using the orbital-motion-limited (OML) ion-collection sheath and Langmuir’s SCL electron current between cylindrical electrodes. A detailed calculation of current and bias profiles along the entire tether length is carried out with ohmic effects considered and the transition from SCL to full RDS emission is included. Analysis shows that in the simplest drag mode, under typical orbital and tether conditions, thermionic emission provides efficient cathodic contact and leads to a short cathodic section. In the previous analysis, both the transition between SCL and RDS emission and the current law for SCL condition have used a very simple model. To continue, considering an isotropic, unmagnetized, colissionless plasma and a stationary sheath, the probe-plasma contact is studied in detail for a negatively biased probe with thermionic emission. The possible trapped particles are ignored and this study includes both semianalytical solutions using asymptotic analysis and complete numerical solutions. Under conditions of i) high bias, ii) R = Rmax for ion OML collection validity, and iii) monotonic potential, a self-consistent asymptotic analysis is carried out for the complex plasma structure involving all three charge species (plasma electrons and ions, and emitted electrons) and four distinct spatial regions using orbital motion theories and kinetic modeling of the species. Although emitted electrons present negligible space charge far away from the probe, their effect cannot be neglected in the global analysis for the sheath structure and two thin layers in between the sheath and the quasineutral region. The parametric conditions for the current to be space-chargelimited are obtained. It is found that thermionic emission increases the range of probe radius for OML validity and is greatly more effective than ion collection for cathodic contact of tethers. In the numerical code, the orbital motions of all three species are modeled for both monotonic and non-monotonic potential, and for any probe radius R (within or beyond OML regime for ion collection). Taking advantage of two constants of motion (energy and angular momentum), the Poisson-Vlasov equation is described by an integro differential equation, which is discretized using finite difference method. The non-linear algebraic equations are solved using a parallel implementation of the Newton-Raphson method. The results, which show good agreement with the analytical results, provide the results for thermionic current, the sheath structure, and the electrostatic potential.
A new mathematical model is proposed for the spreading of a liquid film on a solid surface. The model is based on the standard lubrication approximation for gently sloping films (with the no-slip condition for the fluid at the solid surface) in the major part of the film where it is not too thin. In the remaining and relatively small regions near the contact lines it is assumed that the so-called autonomy principle holds—i.e., given the material components, the external conditions, and the velocity of the contact lines along the surface, the behavior of the fluid is identical for all films. The resulting mathematical model is formulated as a free boundary problem for the classical fourth-order equation for the film thickness. A class of self-similar solutions to this free boundary problem is considered.
Recent advances in single molecule manipulation methods offer a novel approach to investigating the protein folding problem. These studies usually are done on molecules that are naturally organized as linear arrays of globular domains. To extend these techniques to study proteins that normally exist as monomers, we have developed a method of synthesizing polymers of protein molecules in the solid state. By introducing cysteines at locations where bacteriophage T4 lysozyme molecules contact each other in a crystal and taking advantage of the alignment provided by the lattice, we have obtained polymers of defined polarity up to 25 molecules long that retain enzymatic activity. These polymers then were manipulated mechanically by using a modified scanning force microscope to characterize the force-induced reversible unfolding of the individual lysozyme molecules. This approach should be general and adaptable to many other proteins with known crystal structures. For T4 lysozyme, the force required to unfold the monomers was 64 ± 16 pN at the pulling speed used. Refolding occurred within 1 sec of relaxation with an efficiency close to 100%. Analysis of the force versus extension curves suggests that the mechanical unfolding transition follows a two-state model. The unfolding forces determined in 1 M guanidine hydrochloride indicate that in these conditions the activation barrier for unfolding is reduced by 2 kcal/mol.
The transition from tunneling to metallic contact between two surfaces does not always involve a jump, but can be smooth. We have observed that the configuration and material composition of the electrodes before contact largely determine the presence or absence of a jump. Moreover, when jumps are found preferential values of conductance have been identified. Through a combination of experiments, molecular dynamics, and first-principles transport calculations these conductance values are identified with atomic contacts of either monomers, dimers, or double-bond contacts.
The process of creating an atomically defined and robust metallic tip is described and quantified using measurements of contact conductance between gold electrodes and numerical simulations. Our experiments show how the same conductance behavior can be obtained for hundreds of cycles of formation and rupture of the nanocontact by limiting the indentation depth between the two electrodes up to a conductance value of approximately 5G0 in the case of gold. This phenomenon is rationalized using molecular dynamics simulations together with density functional theory transport calculations which show how, after repeated indentations (mechanical annealing), the two metallic electrodes are shaped into tips of reproducible structure. These results provide a crucial insight into fundamental aspects relevant to nanotribology or scanning probe microscopies.
We have studied experimentally jump-to-contact (JC) and jump-out-of-contact (JOC) phenomena in gold electrodes. JC can be observed at first contact when two metals approach each other, while JOC occurs in the last contact before breaking. When the indentation depth between the electrodes is limited to a certain value of conductance, a highly reproducible behaviour in the evolution of the conductance can be obtained for hundreds of cycles of formation and rupture. Molecular dynamics simulations of this process show how the two metallic electrodes are shaped into tips of a well-defined crystallographic structure formed through a mechanical annealing mechanism. We report a detailed analysis of the atomic configurations obtained before contact and rupture of these stable structures and obtained their conductance using first-principles quantum transport calculations. These results help us understand the values of conductance obtained experimentally in the JC and JOC phenomena and improve our understanding of atomic-sized contacts and the evolution of their structural characteristics.
The formation and rupture of atomic-sized contacts is modelled by means of molecular dynamics simulations. Such nano-contacts are realized in scanning tunnelling microscope and mechanically controlled break junction experiments. These instruments routinely measure the conductance across the nano-sized electrodes as they are brought into contact and separated, permitting conductance traces to be recorded that are plots of conductance versus the distance between the electrodes. One interesting feature of the conductance traces is that for some metals and geometric configurations a jump in the value of the conductance is observed right before contact between the electrodes, a phenomenon known as jump-to-contact. This paper considers, from a computational point of view, the dynamics of contact between two gold nano-electrodes. Repeated indentation of the two surfaces on each other is performed in two crystallographic orientations of face-centred cubic gold, namely (001) and (111). Ultimately, the intention is to identify the structures at the atomic level at the moment of first contact between the surfaces, since the value of the conductance is related to the minimum cross-section in the contact region. Conductance values obtained in this way are determined using first principles electronic transport calculations, with atomic configurations taken from the molecular dynamics simulations serving as input structures.
The determination of the potentials of zero total and free charge, pztc and pzfc respectively, were made in a wide pH range by using the CO displacement method and the same calculation assumptions used previously for Pt(1 1 1) electrodes in contact with non-specifically adsorbing anions. Calculation of the pzfc involves, in occasions, long extrapolations that lead us to the introduction of the concept of potential of zero extrapolated charge (pzec). It was observed that the pztc changes with pH but the pzec is independent of this parameter. It was observed that the pztc > pzec at pH > 3.4 but the opposite is true for pH > 3.4. At the latter pH both pzec and pztc coincide. This defines two different pH regions and means that adsorbed hydrogen has to be corrected in the “acidic” solutions at the pztc while adsorbed OH is the species to be corrected in the “alkaline” range. The comparison of the overall picture suggests that neutral conditions at the interface are attained at significantly acidic solutions than those at the bulk.
An investigation was carried out into the galvanic corrosion of magnesium alloy AZ91D in contact with zinc, aluminium alloy A380 and 4150 steel. Specially designed test panels were used to measure galvanic currents under salt spray conditions. It was found that the distributions of the galvanic current densities on AZ91D and on the cathodes were different. An insulating spacer between the AZ91D anode and the cathodes could not eliminate galvanic corrosion. Steel was the worst cathode and aluminium the least aggressive to AZ91D. Corrosion products from the anode and cathodes appeared to be able to affect the galvanic corrosion process through an alkalisation, passivation, poisoning effect or shortcut effect. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We present a new model for the continuous measurement of a coupled quantum dot charge qubit. We model the effects of a realistic measurement, namely adding noise to, and filtering, the current through the detector. This is achieved by embedding the detector in an equivalent circuit for measurement. Our aim is to describe the evolution of the qubit state conditioned on the macroscopic output of the external circuit. We achieve this by generalizing a recently developed quantum trajectory theory for realistic photodetectors [P. Warszawski, H. M. Wiseman, and H. Mabuchi, Phys. Rev. A 65, 023802 (2002)] to treat solid-state detectors. This yields stochastic equations whose (numerical) solutions are the realistic quantum trajectories of the conditioned qubit state. We derive our general theory in the context of a low transparency quantum point contact. Areas of application for our theory and its relation to previous work are discussed.
In this paper we use computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to study the effect of contact angle on droplet shape as it moves through a contraction. A new non-dimensional number is proposed in order to predict situations where the deformed droplet will form a slug in the contraction and thus have the opportunity to interact with the channel wall. It is proposed that droplet flow into a contraction is a useful method to ensure that a droplet will wet a channel surface without a trapped lubrication film, and thus help ensure that a slug will remain attached to the wall downstream of the contraction. We demonstrate that when a droplet is larger than a contraction, capillary and Reynolds numbers, and fluid properties may not be sufficient to fully describe the droplet dynamics through a contraction. We show that, with everything else constant, droplet shape and breakup can be controlled simply by changing the wetting properties of the channel wall. CFD simulations with contact angles ranging from 30 degrees to 150 degrees show that lower contact angles can induce droplet breakup while higher contact angles can form slugs with contact angle dependent shape. Crown Copyright (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Highly dispersed H3PW12O40/SiO2 catalysts with loadings between 3.6 and 62.5 wt% have been synthesised and characterised. The formation of a chemically distinct interfacial HPW species is identified by XPS, attributed to pertubation of W atoms within the Keggin cage in direct contact with the SiO2 surface. EXAFS confirms the Keggin unit remains intact for all loadings, while NH3 adsorption calorimetery reveals the acid strength >0.14 monolayers of HPW is loading invariant with initial ΔHads = −164 kJ mol−1. Lower loading catalysts exhibit weaker acidity which is attributed to an inability of highly dispersed clusters to form crystalline water. For reactions involving non-polar hydrocarbons the interfacial species where the accessible tungstate is highest confer the greatest reactivity, while polar chemistry is favoured by higher loadings which can take advantage of the H3PW12O40 pseudo-liquid phase available within supported multilayers. © the Owner Societies 2006.
Станимир Д. Илиев, Нина Хр. Пешева - Представен е хибриден експериментално-числен метод, работещ в реално време, за определяне на макроскопичния динамичен контактен ъгъл, който менискусът на течност в съд формира с вертикална пластина, която се потапя или издърпва с постоянна скорост от съда с течността. Този метод е приложим, когато системата е в стационарно състояние. Методът се базира на пълния хидродинамичен модел на Войнов. Той позволява да се получи числено с висока точност стационарната форма на профила на динамичния менискус (и от там ъгълът на наклон на менискуса) като се използва като гранично условие експериментално определената височина на менискуса на пластината.
The growing need for fast sampling of explosives in high throughput areas has increased the demand for improved technology for the trace detection of illicit compounds. Detection of the volatiles associated with the presence of the illicit compounds offer a different approach for sensitive trace detection of these compounds without increasing the false positive alarm rate. This study evaluated the performance of non-contact sampling and detection systems using statistical analysis through the construction of Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves in real-world scenarios for the detection of volatiles in the headspace of smokeless powder, used as the model system for generalizing explosives detection. A novel sorbent coated disk coined planar solid phase microextraction (PSPME) was previously used for rapid, non-contact sampling of the headspace containers. The limits of detection for the PSPME coupled to IMS detection was determined to be 0.5-24 ng for vapor sampling of volatile chemical compounds associated with illicit compounds and demonstrated an extraction efficiency of three times greater than other commercially available substrates, retaining >50% of the analyte after 30 minutes sampling of an analyte spike in comparison to a non-detect for the unmodified filters. Both static and dynamic PSPME sampling was used coupled with two ion mobility spectrometer (IMS) detection systems in which 10-500 mg quantities of smokeless powders were detected within 5-10 minutes of static sampling and 1 minute of dynamic sampling time in 1-45 L closed systems, resulting in faster sampling and analysis times in comparison to conventional solid phase microextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (SPME-GC-MS) analysis. Similar real-world scenarios were sampled in low and high clutter environments with zero false positive rates. Excellent PSPME-IMS detection of the volatile analytes were visualized from the ROC curves, resulting with areas under the curves (AUC) of 0.85-1.0 and 0.81-1.0 for portable and bench-top IMS systems, respectively. Construction of ROC curves were also developed for SPME-GC-MS resulting with AUC of 0.95-1.0, comparable with PSPME-IMS detection. The PSPME-IMS technique provides less false positive results for non-contact vapor sampling, cutting the cost and providing an effective sampling and detection needed in high-throughput scenarios, resulting in similar performance in comparison to well-established techniques with the added advantage of fast detection in the field.
Membrane-like structure formed by surfactant molecules of didodecyldimethylammonium bromide (DDAB) on both HOPG and gold electrodes were studied with AFM and SPR techniques. The study shows that the thickness of the adsorbed layer of DDAB is strongly dependent on the concentration of the vesicle solution. We have also investigated the adsorption of redox protein, Cytochrome c, on graphite electrode with in situ tapping mode AFM. The protein adsorbs spontaneously onto the electrode covered with an adsorbed phosphate layer and forms a uniform monolayer. The adsorbed protein exhibits a reversible electron transfer at 0.17 V (Ag/AgCI) once the electrode potential has been increased to 0.75V. Using surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy we have measured subtle conformational change in protein, Cyt c, due to electron transfer of a single electron on MPA-coated gold electrode. The electron transfer induced change in the resonant angle is about 0.006 deg., which corresponds to ~ 0.2 A decreases in the thickness. This is consistent with that reduced state is more compact than the oxidized state.