977 resultados para Sierra González, Ángela


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sum tini Molero, Sáez and Villar-, altered by the presence of certain thermophilous coastal species, and finicolous and residual in character, are found in a few exceptional enclaves. Finally, stress is laid on the need to introduce suitable measures for the protection of certain places in the Range, particularly the residual woods of the northern slopes, in view of the exceptional interest of the flora and landscape. Key words: Flora, Vegetation, Chorology, Cormophytes, Sierra de Alcubierre, Monegros, Ebro valley, Spain.


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Como resultado de una excursión realizada el 23 de Marzo de 1980 a la Sierra de Orihuela, macizo perteneciente a la provincia corológica murciano-alménense, sector murciano, se citan 87 táxones de los que la mayor parte (cerca de un 70%) corresponden a terófitos. De entre las citas cabe destacar como nuevas para la provincia de Alicante: Crassula tillaea Lester-Garl. y Eryngium ilicifolium Lam. Plantago ovata Forsk. y Notoceras bicorne (Aitón) Amo fª. hispanicum WK. no se habían vuelto a encontrar en la zona desde que Rouy y Lagasca respectivamente lo hicieran el siglo pasado.


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Motivada por el surgimiento de la reivindicación de la función de la violencia enla política, tanto en el terreno de la acción como en el discurso teórico, en Sobrela violència Arendt interroga la relación entre violencia y poder, entre política ydominación. Tal como señala Fina Birulés en el prólogo, sus reflexiones son elresultado del esfuerzo renovado por comprender las experiencias políticas a lasque Arendt se vio confrontada, en particular, la aparición en la escena pública deun discurso que reivindicaba la violencia como elemento central de la prácticarevolucionaria. Y como en otras ocasiones, la reflexión sobre el presente da lugara la crítica de la tradición de la filosofía política. En este sentido, y de modoejemplar, el libro se constituye como un “ejercicio de pensamiento político” que ala vez que interpreta los acontecimientos interroga las categorías con las que latradición ha pensado la política.


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Collection : Colección de obras y documentos relativos a la historia antigua y moderna de las provincias del Río de La Plata ; t. 3, 1


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Poco se ha escrito hasta el momento sobre quien podría ser denominado el traductor más prolífico de la posguerra española: Juan González-Blanco. de Luaces. En la década de los cuarenta publicó más de cien traducciones al español. Biógrafo, novelista y poeta, Luaces fue uno de tantos intelectuales españoles cuya trayectoria profesional se vio truncada por el estallido de la Guerra Civil española y la victoria del bando ¿nacional¿. La imposición de la dictadura franquista y la subsiguiente censura le obligó a dejar de lado su labor de escritor para dedicarse en cuerpo y alma al oficio de la traducción y poder, así, mantener a su familia. El objeto del siguiente artículo es relatar la vida de este personaje abandonado en el olvido con el afán de contribuir a completar, de forma modesta, la memoria histórica de un período de nuestra historia en el que aún quedan muchas ausencias por suplir.


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The objective of this work was to compare the oribatid mite and springtail communities in three plots with different soil use - Coffee (CP), secondary vegetation or fallow fields (acahual, A) and a cloud mountain forest (CMF) - within a coffee plantation located in Santa Maria Huatulco, Oaxaca State, Mexico. In each plot 20 samples (10 of soil, 10 of litter) were taken and processed in Berlese funnels. The extracted fauna was preserved in 70% ethanol. A total of 3,031 oribatid mites belonging to 33 species, and 1,177 specimens of springtails belonging to 43 species, were collected. The number of species recorded was: 27 at CP (14 oribatids; 13 springtails), 44 at A (19 oribatids; 25 springtails) and 62 at CMF (32 for each group). A total of 26 oribatid and 27 springtail species was found in the soil, and 25 oribatid and 32 springtail species were found in the litter. The most abundant species were the oribatids Rostroztes foveolatus (Haplozetidae), Tectocepheus sp. (Tecocepheidae), Karenella sp. (Oppidae), Atropacarus (Hoplophorella) cf. fonseciai (Phthiracaridae), Epilohmannia pallida americana (Epilohmannidae), and the springtails Ceratophysella cf. gibbosa (Hypogastruridae), Mesaphorura sp. (Tullbergidae) and Proisotoma cf. minuta (Isotomidae). Fourteen families and 18 species of Oribatida species and 5 families and 34 species of Collembola were recorded for the first time for the State.


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Background During the 2009 influenza pandemic, a change in the type of patients most often affected by influenza was observed. The objective of this study was to assess the role of individual and social determinants in hospitalizations due to influenza A (H1N1) 2009 infection. Methods We studied hospitalized patients (cases) and outpatients (controls) with confirmed influenza A (H1N1) 2009 infection. A standardized questionnaire was used to collect data. Variables that might be related to the hospitalization of influenza cases were compared by estimation of the odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) and the variables entered into binomial logistic regression models. Results Hospitalization due to pandemic A (H1N1) 2009 influenza virus infections was associated with non-Caucasian ethnicity (OR: 2.18, 95% CI 1.17 − 4.08), overcrowding (OR: 2.84, 95% CI 1.20 − 6.72), comorbidity and the lack of previous preventive information (OR: 2.69, 95% CI: 1.50 − 4.83). Secondary or higher education was associated with a lower risk of hospitalization (OR 0.56, 95% CI: 0.36 − 0.87) Conclusions In addition to individual factors such as comorbidity, other factors such as educational level, ethnicity or overcrowding were associated with hospitalization due to A (H1N1) 2009 influenza virus infections.


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long-term cultural history of the Madriu-Perafita-Claror valleys (Andorra) and the Cadí Range (Catalonia) has been investigated thanks to the combination of archaeological surveys and excavation, analysis of written sources, multiproxy alaeoenvironment analysis (pollen, NPP, micro and macro charcoal, sedimentology and geochemistry), and digital technologies such as stereophotogrammetry, multispectral imaging, DGPS and GIS. The project has been designed from a landscape archaeology approach and the study area has been selected due to the suitable setting it provides for a meaningful application of the aforementioned techniques. Consequently, archaeological, historical and palaeoenvironmental data have been all treated as cultural proxies. Their comparison has allowed obtaining not only coherent but also complementary results. The project outcomes show an uninterrupted occupation of these high mountain valleys (2000-2600 m a.s.l.) from the Mesolithic until the present. This human occupation shows strong spatial and chronological variability in human practices ranging from a stable long term group occupation in the Late Neolithic to the diversification of representative practices during the Roman period (metallurgy, pine resin exploitation, charcoal production, pastoralism, etc.). This high diversity of activities leads to complex cultural landscapes in the high Pyrenean areas. The reconstruction of the cultural history at the study areas will allow the development of more sustainable politics for these landscapes management.