987 resultados para Sete Pecados


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Squamous cell carcinoma is a keratinocytes malignant tumor, the definitive diagnosis of this disease is based on histopathology examination of the lesions. The cats nostrils is one of regions commonly affected by this neoplasm. The response to chemotherapeutic agents, cryosurgery and radiotherapy is poor and for this reason surgical resection is instituted for remove the greatest amount of tissue engaged and provide free margins, in case of nasal involvement are indicated nosectomy often needing reconstructive techniques using as advance flaps for synthesis of surgical wounds. Due to the high incidence of feline patients with this entity, this study aims to report and discuss the effectiveness of nosectomy in seven cats with the disease. It is concluded that nosectomy as a therapeutic technique effective in five of seven cats, resecting tumor margin and providing acceptable time and quality life.


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O presente trabalho objetiva realizar uma leitura analítica dos aspectos extemporâneos implicados na criação da denominada tragédia carioca “Os sete gatinhos” escrita em 1958, pelo dramaturgo Nelson Rodrigues, com destaque para seu valor estético enquanto obra artística na abordagem de temas morais levantados pelo autor ao revelar, na expressão e no convívio entre os entes de uma família de baixa classe média, um modo de vida transcendental cunhado sobre valores historicamente cristãos. Sem desconsiderar os aspectos sociológicos implicados no contexto da peça, utilizaremos a genealogia nietzschiana como metodologia, considerando-a eficaz para a detecção dos pontos de fuga que a peça sugere ao desvelar através do fim trágico da família em questão sua relevância, além de artística, também educativa


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When we compare the policy actions taken in the reigns of Dom João V in the first half of the eighteenth century and Dom José I (assisted by Marquês de Pombal) in the third quarter of the same century, we can observe the transition from scholastic, first reign vision gradually paths to an economic -scientific bias, reflecting a position toward the lights. Three narratives were chosen demonstrate this movement by the relations established between them: O Caramuru, the conservative position, and O Uraguai and O Desertor, takes position in favor of Lights.


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT


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Objective: to describe the profile of non-fatal cases related to interpersonal violence treated in an emergency care unit of reference that serves seven municipalities of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, from 2008 to 2010. Methods: the study data came from the cases reported from the Epidemiological Vigilance in Penápolis-SP to the Brazilian Information System for Notifiable Diseases; variables were shown according to the Notification/Investigation Individual Formulary of Domestic, Sexual, and/or other Types of Violences. Results: 109 occurrences were studied; most of the victims were young and female (93.6%); and the aggressors, mostly were men (57.8%), partners or relatives/acquaintances of victims. Physical violence was the main form of aggression (93.6%), principally in the home (67.9%), on Sunday (16.5%), between 6:01pm and 12:00pm (57.8%). Conclusion: the cases reported had a consistent profile of domestic family violence against women, different from other studies about interpersonal violence in large cities and metropolitan regions


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L’elaborato presenta una proposta di traduzione del racconto “Sete Dias de Juventude” della scrittrice portoghese Rita Ferro, contenuto all’interno della raccolta di racconti Picante - Histórias Que Ardem Na Boca, pubblicata nel 2011 dalla casa editrice portoghese Casa das Letras. La traduzione è seguita dall’analisi e dal commento della stessa, che ne evidenziano le soluzioni traduttive e le differenze linguistiche riscontrate durante la stesura dell’elaborato.


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Dentro de las obras de Alcuino, maestro palatino en la corte de Carlomagno, podemos encontrar un grupo al que bien puede dársele el título de “obras morales",ya que presentan una serie de características que responden a esta clasificación. Ellas son: De ratione animae, De virtutibus et vitiis, De vera philosophia y la Epistola ad pueros Sancti Martini. Estas obras tratan el tema de las pasiones, puntualmente algunas de ellas, tangencialmente otras, demostrando en el autor un dominio del tema en cuanto heredero de la tradición clásica y patrística. Este exposición consiste en un análisis de esta temática dentro de obra que la trata de un modo más puntual: el De virtutibus et vitiis considerando también algunos aspectos importantes de crítica externa del tratado.


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