279 resultados para Serotypes


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Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 6E has recently been described, but its long-term epidemiology is not well known. From 1981-2013, 704 serogroup 6 clinical isolates were obtained in Gipuzkoa, Basque Country, Spain. All invasive and one in four non-invasive isolates were included. Overall, 75, 97, 51 and 45 serotypes 6A, 6B, 6C and 6E isolates, respectively, were detected. No serotype 6D isolates were identified. The prevalence of serotypes 6E and 6B, but not that of serotypes 6A and 6C, declined after the introduction of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines. Serotype 6E isolates showed the highest resistance rate. Most serotype 6E isolates were ST90.


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Streptococcus agalactiae, ou Streptococcus do grupo B (GBS), é um importante patógeno oportunista que causa pneumonia, sepse e meningite em recém-nascidos e infecções em adultos imunocomprometidos. O pulmão aparentemente é o portal de entrada para o EGB na corrente sanguínea o que pode evoluir para uma septicemia. Os mecanismos de virulência relevantes envolve a habilidade do EGB em penetrar e sobreviver intracelularmente em células hospedeiras. Neste trabalho, foram analisados os mecanismos moleculares da apoptose epitelial induzida pelo EGB, e a produção de óxido nítrico (NO) e espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS) em células epiteliais respiratórias A549 durante a infecção por EGB. Todas as amostras de EGB exibiram a capacidade de aderir e invadir células A549. A sobrevivência intracelular do EGB em células A549 ocorreu durante 24 h de incubação sem replicação do patógeno. No entanto, a amsotra 88641-V isolada de vagina não sobreviveu após 0,5 h de interação. O EGB promoveu a perda de viabilidade do epitélio durante a infecção. As alterações morfológicas em células A549 infectadas com o EGB incluem arredondamento celular, condensação nuclear, encolhimento celular e perda de contato célula-célula e célula-substrato. A dupla marcação AV/IP revelou que amostras de EGB sorotipo III induziram apoptose enquanto amostras do sorotipo V induziram morte celular semelhante a necrose em células A549. Caspase-3 foi ativada durante a apoptose induzida por EGB em células epiteliais. No entanto, a ativação de caspases-8 e -9 foi detectada apenas para a amostra 88641-V e as amostras EGB do sorotipo III, respectivamente. Experimentos comparativos de Immunoblotting revelaram que o EGB induziu um aumento da expressão Bim, uma proteína pró-apoptótica e diminuiu a expressão de Bcl-2 e Bcl-xL, proteínas anti-apoptóticas. As células A549 apresentaram perda de potencial de membrana mitocondrial Δψm e co-localização com o Bax. Ensaio de espectrometria de massa identificou a proteína PI-2a, uma proteína estrutural de pili, que exibe atividade carboxipepdidase. Descobrimos que os dois sorotipos (III e V) induziram a produção ROS e NO em células A549. Em conclusão, a apoptose induzida pelo EGB em células A549 é um mecanismo importante de virulência, resultando na destruição de tecidos, escape do sistema imune do hospedeiro com espalhamento bacteriano e, em consequência, a doença invasiva ou uma infecção sistémica.


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Enterobactérias produtoras de ESBLs são descritas tanto no ambiente hospitalar quanto na comunidade em todo o mundo. No Brasil, esses microrganismos também têm emergido como uma causa importante de infecções, sendo as enzimas CTX-M as prevalentes. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar diferentes aspectos genotípicos relacionados à expressão da resistência aos antimicrobianos em cepas Escherichia coli e de Salmonella spp, tais como: a diversidade de ESBLs, os genes de resistência aos antimicrobianos e o conteúdo plasmidial. Os aspectos epidemiológicos das cepas produtoras de ESBLs também foram investigados. Foram estudadas 88 cepas de enterobactérias, sendo 43 E. coli e 45 cepas de Salmonella spp., de origem hospitalar e da comunidade (principalmente alimentos), isoladas na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A expressão de ESBL foi observada em sete cepas de E. coli (7/43, 16,3%) e em uma cepa de Salmonella Typhimurium (1/45, 2,3%) e as enzimas foram identificadas como variantes de CTX-M e SHV-5, respectivamente. Entre as cepas de E. coli, a enzima CTX-M-2 foi a mais frequente (n = 4), sendo detectada em cepas isoladas de swab retal de pacientes hospitalizados, enquanto as enzimas CTX-M-59 (uma variante de CTX-M) (n = 1) e CTX-M-9 (n = 2) foram identificadas em cepas isoladas a partir de espécimes clínicos. Salmonella Typhimurium produtora de SHV-5 foi isolada do ambiente hospitalar (fórmula infantil). As cepas de E. coli produtoras das enzimas CTX-M pertenceram a grupos filogenéticos (A, B1, D) e STs (ST34, ST69, ST101) diferentes, sendo os genes blaCTX-M identificados em plasmídeos com tipo de replicon IncA/C de cerca de 150 kb (blaCTX-M-2, blaCTX-M-9, blaCTX-M-59) ou 80 kb (blaCTX-M-2). A cepa de S. Typhimurium produtora de SHV-5 pertenceu a um único clone (A-ST19) e o gene blaSHV-5 foi identificado em plasmídeo com o replicon IncL/M com aproximadamente 55Kb. Foi identificado pela primeira vez no Brasil o ST313 em um clone de S. Typhimurium (D-ST313), comumente associado com doenças invasivas severas, particulamente no continente africano. Genes que codificam para a resistência aos antimicrobianos não-beta-lactâmicos e integrons classe 1 foram identificados entre as cepas de E. coli e de Salmonella spp. multirresistentes produtoras ou não de ESBLs. Em conclusão: i) nossos resultados referentes à E. coli confirmaram a disseminação de enzimas CTX-M (principalmente variantes do grupo CTX-M-2) desde, pelo menos, o ano de 2000, em hospitais no Rio de Janeiro; demonstraram a implicação dos plasmídeos IncA/C na disseminação de genes blaCTX-M; indicaram a possível evolução intra-plasmídeo de blaCTX-M-59 a partir de blaCTX-M-2; a observação da diversidade e multiplicidade de plasmídeos poderiam fornecer plataformas genéticas para a dispersão de diferentes genes e/ou elementos de resistência aos antimicrobianos; ii) em relação à Salmonella spp. este estudo descreveu, pela primeira vez, o isolamento, a partir de fórmula infantil, de uma cepa de S. Typhimurium produtora de ESBL; foi demonstrada a associação do gene blaSHV-5 com plasmídeo do tipo IncL/M, que é considerado epidêmico; foi identificado o clone D-ST313 de S. Typhimurium, que está associado a doenças invasivas severas no continente africano, que reuniu cepas isoladas exclusivamente do ambiente hospitalar.


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Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (Aa) é uma bactéria associada à Periodontite Agressiva (PA). Ela invade tecidos moles, com ocorrência de lisogenia e bacteriófagos presentes em até 69% das subespécies. Estudos in vitro sugerem que a indução do bacteriófago (Aa17) ocorre numa co-cultura de Aa lisogênico com fibroblastos humanos. Se esta interação ocorre in vivo, com liberação do vírus, uma reação imunológica contra o Aa17 aconteceria. O objetivo deste estudo é constatar se anticorpos (AC) contra proteínas do Aa17 existem e estão associados à doença periodontal. Um objetivo adicional foi testar a resposta de AC contra os sorotipos do Aa. 52 indivíduos participaram: 31 com PA, 5 com Periodontite Crônica (PC) e 16 com Periodonto Saudável (PS). Soro foi coletado após a classificação clínica. As proteínas do Aa17 foram obtidas de preparações purificadas. As subespécies do Aa utilizadas para amostras de proteínas através de sonicação foram: 43717(American Tissue Culture Collection - ATCC) sorotipo A, 43718 (ATCC) sorotipo B, 33384 (ATCC) sorotipo C, IDH781 sorotipo D, NJ9500 sorotipo E and CU1000 sorotipo F. As proteínas foram separadas em géis de poliacrilamida e transferidas para membranas de nitrocelulose. As reações de Western-blotting ocorreram com o AC primário sendo o soro de cada indivíduo. Todas as membranas foram lidas pelo sistema Odyssey que captura sinais no AC secundário (antihumano). A resposta de AC contra ao menos uma proteína do Aa17, assim como pelo menos um sorotipo do Aa foi observado em todos, com exceção de dois indivíduos (com PS), participantes. Um indivíduo do grupo PC e três do PA tiveram resposta de AC contra alguns, mas não todos os sorotipos do Aa. A resposta de AC contra todos os sorotipos foi o achado mais comum nos grupos PA (28/31), PS (14/16) e PC (4/5). A resposta de AC contra o complexo de proteínas do Aa17 foi observado em 7 indivíduos com PA, 2 com PC e 6 com PS. A presença de AC contra qualquer proteína do Aa17 tem significância estatística (p= 0,044), assim como a resposta de AC contra o sorotipo C (p= 0,044). Reações intensas foram vistas quando o soro reagiu contra proteínas do sorotipo C; em alguns casos um sinal tão forte que cobriu a maioria da faixa. Essa resposta intensa esteve presente em 17, 3 e 1 dos indivíduos com PA, PC e PS e tem significância estatística entre os grupos PA e PS (p= 0,001). A resposta de AC contra uma proteína do Aa17 ou seu complexo foi observado em todos os grupos. Esse achado sugere que a indução in vitro do Aa17 poderia também ocorrer in vivo, embora não sendo necessariamente associada à periodontite. A resposta de AC contra vários sorotipos do Aa foi um achado comum e não associado com a doença. Entretanto, a presença e a intensidade da resposta de AC contra o sorotipo C está associada à PA.


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One hundred and twenty six samples of marine fish (96 from landing centre and 30 from retail market) and swabs from deck surfaces of 34 fishing boats were examined for coliforms including enteropathogenic E. Coli. Forty out of 96 fish samples from landing centre, 24 out of 30 from retail market and 11 out of 34 fishing boats revealed coliforms. On further tests, 5, 7 and 4 coliform isolates from the three groups respectively were found to be E. coli. Two of the E. coli. isolated, one from sciaenids and one from cat fish, were found to be enteropathogenic serotypes 055 and 0111. Enteropathogenic serotypes of E. coli are reported from sciaenids and cat fish for the first time in this country.


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Salmonella was isolated from 12% of PD shrimps, 10% of HL shrimps, 14% of PUD shrimps, 17% of lobsters, 14% of cuttle fish, 25% of cat fish and 20% of seer fish (all frozen) tested. One percent of the fish meal, 4% of dried non-penaeid prawn and 23% of sea beach sand showed incidence of the organism. Salmonella was also isolated from 2 and 4% of the swab samples of utensil surfaces and the floor surface of the processing hall respectively as well as from 1% of the process water tested. All the serotypes of Salmonella tested were resistant to freezing at -40°C, but during subsequent storage at -20°C, there was some difference between the serotypes with regard to their viability, S. paratyphi B being the most resistant which survived up to 9 months while S. saintpaul the least resistant having survival up to 5 months only.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Specific anti-polysaccharide antibody deficiency (SPAD) is an immune disorder. Diagnostic criteria have not yet been defined clearly. One hundred and seventy-six children evaluated for recurrent respiratory tract infections were analysed retrospectively. For each subject, specific anti-pneumococcal antibodies had been measured with two enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs), one overall assay (OA) using the 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (23-PPSV) as detecting antigen and the other purified pneumococcal polysaccharide serotypes (serotype-specific assay, SSA) (serotypes 14, 19F and 23F). Antibody levels were measured before (n = 176) and after (n = 93) immunization with the 23-PPSV. Before immunization, low titres were found for 138 of 176 patients (78%) with OA, compared to 20 of 176 patients (11%) with the SSA. We found a significant correlation between OA and SSA results. After immunization, 88% (71 of 81) of the patients considered as responders in the OA test were also responders in the SSA; 93% (71 of 76) of the patients classified as responders according to the SSA were also responders in the OA. SPAD was diagnosed in 8% (seven of 93) of patients on the basis of the absence of response in both tests. Thus, we propose to use OA as a screening test for SPAD before 23-PPSV immunization. After immunization, SSA should be used only in case of a low response in OA. Only the absence of or a very low antibody response detected by both tests should be used as a diagnostic criterion for SPAD.


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BACKGROUND: The etiologic diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) remains challenging in children because blood cultures have low sensitivity. Novel approaches are needed to confirm the role of Streptococcus pneumoniae. METHODS: In this study, pneumococcal aetiology was determined by serology using a subset of blood samples collected during a prospective multicentre observational study of children <15 years of age hospitalised in Belgium with X-ray-confirmed CAP. Blood samples were collected at admission and 3-4 weeks later. Pneumococcal (P)-CAP was defined in the presence of a positive blood or pleural fluid culture. Serotyping of Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates was done with the Quellung reaction. Serological diagnosis was assessed for nine serotypes using World Health Organization validated IgG and IgA serotype-specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs). RESULTS: Paired admission/convalescent sera from 163 children were evaluated by ELISA (35 with proven P-CAP and 128 with non proven P-CAP). ELISA detected pneumococci in 82.8% of patients with proven P-CAP. The serotypes identified were the same as with the Quellung reaction in 82% and 59% of cases by IgG ELISA and IgA ELISA, respectively. Overall, ELISA identified a pneumococcal aetiology in 55% of patients with non-proven P-CAP. Serotypes 1 (51.6%), 7F (19%), and 5 (15.7%) were the most frequent according to IgG ELISA. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, the serological assay allows recognition of pneumococcal origin in 55% of CAP patients with negative culture. This assay should improve the diagnosis of P-CAP in children and could be a useful tool for future epidemiological studies on childhood CAP etiology.


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Aims: In kidney transplant recipients (KTR), antibody (Ab) synthesis is hampered by AZA and CsA. We here report in a prospective cohort study, the effects of mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) associated to a calcineurin inhibitor on plasma levels of anti-tetanus anatoxin Ab (TAnAb) and anti-pneumococcal Ab (PnPsAb). Methods: Serum titers of the TAnAb and the PnPsAb against serotypes 14, 19F and 23F were measured in 94 KTR on Day 0 (T0) and 1 year (T12) after renal transplantation and in 49 healthy controls. Results: 1) At T0, TAnAb were detected in only 71% of patients vs. 98% of controls (p < 0.0001) and the titers were significantly lower in KTR (1.46 UI/ml vs. 2.74 in controls, p = 0.01); they further decreased between T0 and T12 (1.46 UI/ml to 0.31, p < 0.0001). The calculated half-life (t1/2) of TAnAb was 7.7 months, as compared to more than 10 years in a normal population. 2) In KTR, PnPsAb titers decreased significantly between T0 and T12 (p < 0.005); the t1/2 of the different PnPsAb ranged from 9.2 to 11.9 months. Conclusions: In KTR treated by MMF and CNI, the TAnAbs and PnPsAbs titers decrease significantly and profoundly during the first year. Immunization pre-transplantation should be encouraged to maintain adequate post-transplant Abs levels.


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Cryptococcus neoformans is a pathogenic basidiomycetous yeast responsible for more than 600,000 deaths each year. It occurs as two serotypes (A and D) representing two varieties (i.e. grubii and neoformans, respectively). Here, we sequenced the genome and performed an RNA-Seq-based analysis of the C. neoformans var. grubii transcriptome structure. We determined the chromosomal locations, analyzed the sequence/structural features of the centromeres, and identified origins of replication. The genome was annotated based on automated and manual curation. More than 40,000 introns populating more than 99% of the expressed genes were identified. Although most of these introns are located in the coding DNA sequences (CDS), over 2,000 introns in the untranslated regions (UTRs) were also identified. Poly(A)-containing reads were employed to locate the polyadenylation sites of more than 80% of the genes. Examination of the sequences around these sites revealed a new poly(A)-site-associated motif (AUGHAH). In addition, 1,197 miscRNAs were identified. These miscRNAs can be spliced and/or polyadenylated, but do not appear to have obvious coding capacities. Finally, this genome sequence enabled a comparative analysis of strain H99 variants obtained after laboratory passage. The spectrum of mutations identified provides insights into the genetics underlying the micro-evolution of a laboratory strain, and identifies mutations involved in stress responses, mating efficiency, and virulence.


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Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is a genetic disorder characterized by abnormally high concentrations of low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDLcholesterol) in the blood that can contribute to heart disease. FH can result from a defect in the gene for the LDL receptor (LDL-R). FH patients lacking functional LDL-R may benefit from viral-mediated transfer of a functional copy of the open reading frame (ORF) of the LDL-R. Since a recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) is not immunogenic and can be mass-produced, it shows promise for gene therapy applications. AAV6 and AAV8 have been shown to specifically transduce hepatocytes in several species, which normally remove the majority of LDL-cholesterol from the blood via LDL-R-mediated endocytosis. Because of the potential of rAAV to treat FH by delivery of a correct LDL-R ORF to hepatocytes, the liver specificity of these two AAV serotypes was evaluated. Additionally, rabbits were chosen as the animal model for this study because a specific strain of rabbits, Watanabe heritable hyperlipidemic (WHHL), adequately mimics the pathology of FH in humans. Exposure of rabbit liver to rAAV with the marker LacZ and subsequent inspection of liver tissue showed that AAV8 transduced rabbit liver more efficiently than AAV6. To assess the feasibility of producing a rAAV capable of transferring the LDL-R ORF to rabbit hepatocytes in vivo, rAAV8-LDL-R was mass-produced by a baculovirus system in suspension grown insect cells.


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Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a major cause of morbidity in children. This study estimated the proportion of children with pneumococcal CAP among children hospitalised with CAP in Belgium and describes the causative serotype distribution after implementation of the 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. Children 0-14 years hospitalised with X-ray-confirmed CAP were prospectively enrolled in a multicentre observational study. Acute and convalescent blood samples were collected. Pneumococcal aetiology was assessed by conventional methods (blood or pleural fluid cultures with Quellung reaction capsular typing or polymerase chain reaction [PCR] in pleural fluid), and recently developed methods (real-time PCR in blood and World Health Organization-validated serotype-specific serology). A total of 561 children were enrolled. Pneumococcal aetiology was assessed by conventional methods in 539, serology in 171, and real-time PCR in blood in 154. Pneumococcal aetiology was identified in 12.2% (66/539) of the children by conventional methods alone but in 73.9% by the combination of conventional and recently developed methods. The pneumococcal detection rate adjusted for the whole study population was 61.7%. Serotypes 1 (42.3%), 5 (16.0%), and 7F(7A) (12.8%) were predominant. In conclusion, Streptococcus pneumoniae remains the predominant bacteria in children hospitalised for CAP in Belgium after implementation of 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, with non-vaccine-serotypes accounting for the majority of cases. The use of recently developed methods improves diagnosis of pneumococcal aetiology.


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There is a need to provide rapid, sensitive, and often high throughput detection of pathogens in diagnostic virology. Viral gastroenteritis is a serious health issue often leading to hospitalization in the young, the immunocompromised and the elderly. The common causes of viral gastroenteritis include rotavirus, norovirus (genogroups I and II), astrovirus, and group F adenoviruses (serotypes 40 and 41). This article describes the work-up of two internally controlled multiplex, probe-based PCR assays and reports on the clinical validation over a 3-year period, March 2007 to February 2010. Multiplex assays were developed using a combination of TaqMan™ and minor groove binder (MGB™) hydrolysis probes. The assays were validated using a panel of 137 specimens, previously positive via a nested gel-based assay. The assays had improved sensitivity for adenovirus, rotavirus, and norovirus (97.3% vs. 86.1%, 100% vs. 87.8%, and 95.1% vs. 79.5%, respectively) and also more specific for targets adenovirus, rotavirus, and norovirus (99% vs. 95.2%, 100% vs. 93.6%, and 97.9% vs. 92.3%, respectively). For the specimens tested, both assays had equal sensitivity and specificity for astrovirus (100%). Overall the probe-based assays detected 16 more positive specimens than the nested gel-based assay. Post-introduction to the routine diagnostic service, a total of 9,846 specimens were processed with multiplex 1 and 2 (7,053 pediatric, 2,793 adult) over the 3-year study period. This clinically validated, probe-based multiplex testing algorithm allows highly sensitive and timely diagnosis of the four most prominent causes of viral gastroenteritis.


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Most of the Shigella flexneri O-specific serotypes result from O-acetyl and/or glucosyl groups added to a common O-repeating unit of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) molecule. The genes involved in acetylation and/or glucosylation of S. flexneri LPS are physically located on lysogenic bacteriophages, whereas the rfb cluster contains the biosynthesis genes for the common O-repeating unit (D.A.R. Simmons and E. Romanowska, J. Med. Microbiol. 23:289-302, 1987). Using a cosmid cloning strategy, we have cloned the rfb regions from S. flexneri 3a and 2a. Escherichia coli K-12 containing plasmids pYS1-5 (derived from S. flexneri 3a) and pEY5 (derived from S. flexneri 2a) expressed O-specific LPS which reacted immunologically with S. flexneri polyvalent O antiserum. However, O-specific LPS expressed in E. coli K-12 also reacted with group 6 antiserum, indicating the presence of O-acetyl groups attached to one of the rhamnose components of the O-repeating unit. This was confirmed by measuring the amounts of acetate released from purified LPS samples and also by the chemical removal of O-acetyl groups, which abolished group 6 reactivity. The O-acetylation phenotype was absent in an E. coli strain with an sbcB-his-rfb chromosomal deletion and could be restored upon conjugation of F' 129, which carries sequences corresponding to a portion of the deleted region. Our data demonstrate that E. coli K-12 strains possess a novel locus which directs the O acetylation of LPS and is located in the sbcB-rfb region of the chromosomal map.