946 resultados para Scale not given.None


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OBJECTIVE: To review the experience at a single institution with motor evoked potential (MEP) monitoring during intracranial aneurysm surgery to determine the incidence of unacceptable movement. METHODS: Neurophysiology event logs and anesthetic records from 220 craniotomies for aneurysm clipping were reviewed for unacceptable patient movement or reason for cessation of MEPs. Muscle relaxants were not given after intubation. Transcranial MEPs were recorded from bilateral abductor hallucis and abductor pollicis muscles. MEP stimulus intensity was increased up to 500 V until evoked potential responses were detectable. RESULTS: Out of 220 patients, 7 (3.2%) exhibited unacceptable movement with MEP stimulation-2 had nociception-induced movement and 5 had excessive field movement. In all but one case, MEP monitoring could be resumed, yielding a 99.5% monitoring rate. CONCLUSIONS: With the anesthetic and monitoring regimen, the authors were able to record MEPs of the upper and lower extremities in all patients and found only 3.2% demonstrated unacceptable movement. With a suitable anesthetic technique, MEP monitoring in the upper and lower extremities appears to be feasible in most patients and should not be withheld because of concern for movement during neurovascular surgery.


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Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is an autosomal dominant disorder caused by mutations in the TSC1 and TSC2 genes on chromosomes 9 and 16 respectively. Diagnosis is based on clinical features but can be difficult as a result of variable phenotypic expression. With the advantage of mutation analysis in making a diagnosis of TSC, and improved identification of the associated clinical features, there have been few new data on its prevalence and on the proportion of cases due to new mutations. We have performed a retrospective epidemiological study on the prevalence of TSC, the clinical features attributed to it, and the availability of mutational analysis. We identified 73 known patients with TSC (5 deceased): 39 were female and 34 male. Ages ranged from 10 months to 69 years, with a mean age of 27 years 11 months (SD 16y 10mo). The point prevalence of TSC in our study was estimated at I out of 24 956 on the prevalence day (30 April 2004). The majority of patients (42.5%) were diagnosed at less than 15 months of age; 25% were not given a diagnosis on first developing symptoms. In all, 93.2% had epilepsy and 71.2% had a learning disability.* A mutation was identified in 95.8% of those tested (26% TSC1 and 74% TSC2). TSC2 mutations were correlated with a more severe phenotype. The new mutation rate was calculated at 64%. We conclude that the prevalence of TSC is higher than previously calculated. We recommend that all children with epilepsy be assessed for features of TSC. Larger studies will be required to assess the prevalence of mutations in each gene, and genotype-phenotype correlation.


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Background: There is a need to improve the effectiveness of strategies to help cardiac rehabilitation patients achieve recommended levels of physical activity; the use of pedometers requires further research. We aimed to examine the feasibility of a randomised controlled trial, of an intervention using pedometer step-count goals, to promote physical activity for cardiac rehabilitation patients. Methods: We invited patients who completed a supervised cardiac rehabilitation programme to participate in this community-based study. Consenting participants wore a Yamax CW-701 pedometer for one week, blinded to stepcount readings, before being randomly allocated to groups. Intervention groups were told their step-counts; working with a clinical facilitator (nurse or physiotherapist) individually, they set daily step-count goals and reviewed these weekly. Baseline step-counts were hidden from controls, who were not given pedometers but received ongoing weekly facilitator support. After six weeks both groups wore ‘blinded’ pedometers for outcome assessment and participated in semi-structured interviews which explored their experiences of the study. Outcomes included rates of uptake, adherence and completion of measures, including step-counts, quality of life (EQ-5D) and stage of behaviour change. Results: Four programme groups were recruited; two received the intervention. Of 68 invitees, 45 participated (66%) (19 intervention; 26 control). Forty-two (93%) completed the outcomes. Baseline characteristics were comparable between groups. Mean steps/day increased more for intervention participants (2,742; 95%CI 1,169 to 4,315) than controls (-42; 95%CI -1,102 to 1,017) (p=0.004). The intervention and on-going clinical contact were welcomed; participants considered that step-counts, compared to time-related targets, encouraged them to become more active. Conclusion: These findings suggest that an intervention using individually tailored step-count goals may help increase and sustain physical activity following a cardiac rehabilitation programme. A definitive randomised controlled trial using blinded outcome measurements is feasible and of potential value in determining how best to translate physical activity advice into practice.


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At its core, Duverger’s Law—holding that the number of viable parties in first-past-the-post systems should not exceed two—applies primarily at the district level. While the number of parties nationally may exceed two, district-level party system fragmentation should not. Given that a growing body of research shows that district-level party system fragmentation can indeed exceed two in first-past-the-post systems, I explore whether the major alternative explanation for party system fragmentation—the social cleavage approach—can explain such violations of Duverger’s Law. Testing this argument in several West European elections prior to the adoption of proportional representation, I find evidence favouring a social cleavage explanation: with the expansion of the class cleavage, the average district-level party system eventually came to violate the two-party predictions associated with Duverger’s Law. This suggests that sufficient social cleavage diversity may produce multiparty systems in other first-past-the-post systems.


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Risks are an essential feature of future climate change impacts. We explore whether knowledge that climate change might be the source of increasing pine beetle impacts on public or private forests affects stated risk estimates of damage, elicited using the exchangeability method. We find that across subjects the difference between public and private forest status does not influence stated risks, but the group told that global warming is the cause of pine beetle damage has significantly higher risk perceptions than the group not given this information.


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No presente trabalho depois de apresentados os objectivos e a importância dos mesmos, dedica-se com grande desenvolvimento ao estado da arte da temática do turismo e em particular do turismo urbano. No seguimento apresenta-se a metodologia do mesmo, nomeadamente o processo de investigação, para numa fase seguinte se explanarem os resultados. Destes salienta-se que num primeiro momento é apresentada a caracterização da região centro sobre a qual se debruçou este trabalho, para numa fase seguinte se efectuar a análise e caracterização dos elementos disponíveis e assim consequentemente se propor um modelo de optimização de um conjunto de variáveis envolvidas no turismo. Por fim, apresentam-se as principais conclusões, nomeadamente de que os instrumentos de gestão municipal não se debruçaram com a devida atenção ao sector do turismo, para numa fase final se tecerem algumas recomendações sobre temas a investigar no futuro, no seguimento da presente dissertação.


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Este trabalho de investigação pretende encontrar explicações para o insucesso das escolas de área aberta em Portugal. Mais do que contar a história das open plan schools (ou escolas P3, como ainda são conhecidas no nosso país), a pretensão foi ouvir, principalmente na primeira pessoa, as dificuldades, as “estórias” e as razões que na opinião dos professores conduziram à radical transformação do espaço físico e pedagógico originalmente proposto para estas organizações escolares. Na impossibilidade de estudar todas as “P3” construídas, optou-se metodologicamente por um estudo de caso de uma escola paradigmática em termos de “evolução” organizacional e pedagógica (em 1982, num programa de televisão, esta foi apresentada como uma escola de área aberta “modelo”). A investigação de cariz etnográfico permitiu de uma forma mais aprofundada conhecer as sucessivas transformações ocorridas. No trabalho de campo, foram realizadas entrevistas, consultados documentos diversos, captaram-se centenas de imagens e foi feita a análise de um inquérito realizado nos anos 1980 aos professores de escolas de área aberta – tipo P3. Os resultados mostram que os professores (principais actores envolvidos neste processo) não tiveram uma preparação adequada para uma pedagogia que se pretendia inovadora. Na opinião de todos os docentes entrevistados, e de acordo com a informação documental recolhida, o Ministério da Educação não deu o acompanhamento e o apoio necessário aos docentes das P3. Não sabemos se as escolas de área aberta “falharam” ou não, este estudo não demonstra isso, mas sim que as condições para que estas escolas funcionassem não existiram, tal tornou-se evidente na falta de estabilidade das equipas docentes (rotatividade), no rácio excessivo de alunos por professor, na insuficiente formação e divulgação sobre escolas P3 e até na inexistência de experiências piloto. Apesar de tudo, alguns professores consideram que as vantagens de adaptabilidade e de flexibilidade em termos de prática pedagógica, trazidas pelas escolas de área aberta, compensariam os riscos e as dificuldades que se levantaram.


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This document initially contains a directory of the society’s officers and directors. There is then a report of the society’s objects and present condition following the first annual report. They describe their legislature campaign as well as its shortfalls. The document describes the current hunting and resident licenses in the state. A description of the fish and game commissioner is included as well as a description as to why such a position needed to be created. This document includes a description of the Society’s work since the last meeting as well as the overall attitude of the society. There is a description of various different types of birds in order to have an official description to describe the bird that correlates to the laws protecting it. There is a description of the work of the wardens as well as a report and a list of wardens who have not given a report to the society. There is a list of each county and how many non-resident licenses each county has issued along with how much income those sales generated. There are then several bills proposed by the society followed by the secretary’s report. The document then includes the treasurer’s report and a list of members.


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As IPSS são instituições muito particulares e muitas deles ainda bastante dependentes das comparticipações estatais. Com a situação atual do país, as dificuldades das IPSS’s vão se agudizando. As comparticipações estatais não se adaptam à realidade atual que se vive provocando alguns transtornos. Desta forma, torna-se urgente uma mudança de mentalidades dos dirigentes dessas instituições, libertando a ideia de que têm de estar dependentes dos subsídios estatais, procurando assim, alternativas a este tipo de financiamento. Algumas estratégias são possíveis, mas de acordo com cada instituição, isto é, da localidade onde está inserida, do seu projeto educativo, e da população alvo que recebe, elas deverão ser mais ou menos adaptadas. No que concerne a IPSS “Novo Sol” de entre as possibilidades encontradas as que mais se adaptam serão o mecenato, a parceria com uma outra IPSS existente, mas que serve outras valências, assim como o marketing social. Com estas alternativas pretende-se melhorar a situação atual financeira da instituição, podendo desse modo, dar continuidade ao projeto educativo.


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This study aimed at identifying clinical factors for predicting hematologic toxicity after radioimmunotherapy with (90)Y-ibritumomab tiuxetan or (131)I-tositumomab in clinical practice. Hematologic data were available from 14 non-Hodgkin lymphoma patients treated with (90)Y-ibritumomab tiuxetan and 18 who received (131)I-tositumomab. The percentage baseline at nadir and 4 wk post nadir and the time to nadir were selected as the toxicity indicators for both platelets and neutrophils. Multiple linear regression analysis was performed to identify significant predictors (P < 0.05) of each indicator. For both platelets and neutrophils, pooled and separate analyses of (90)Y-ibritumomab tiuxetan and (131)I-tositumomab data yielded the time elapsed since the last chemotherapy as the only significant predictor of the percentage baseline at nadir. The extent of bone marrow involvement was not a significant factor in this study, possibly because of the short time elapsed since the last chemotherapy of the 7 patients with bone marrow involvement. Because both treatments were designed to deliver a comparable bone marrow dose, this factor also was not significant. None of the 14 factors considered was predictive of the time to nadir. The R(2) value for the model predicting percentage baseline at nadir was 0.60 for platelets and 0.40 for neutrophils. This model predicted the platelet and neutrophil toxicity grade to within ±1 for 28 and 30 of the 32 patients, respectively. For the 7 patients predicted with grade I thrombocytopenia, 6 of whom had actual grade I-II, dosing might be increased to improve treatment efficacy. The elapsed time since the last chemotherapy can be used to predict hematologic toxicity and customize the current dosing method in radioimmunotherapy.


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The main objective of this master’s thesis is to examine if Weibull analysis is suitable method for warranty forecasting in the Case Company. The Case Company has used Reliasoft’s Weibull++ software, which is basing on the Weibull method, but the Company has noticed that the analysis has not given right results. This study was conducted making Weibull simulations in different profit centers of the Case Company and then comparing actual cost and forecasted cost. Simula-tions were made using different time frames and two methods for determining future deliveries. The first sub objective is to examine, which parameters of simulations will give the best result to each profit center. The second sub objective of this study is to create a simple control model for following forecasted costs and actual realized costs. The third sub objective is to document all Qlikview-parameters of profit centers. This study is a constructive research, and solutions for company’s problems are figured out in this master’s thesis. In the theory parts were introduced quality issues, for example; what is quality, quality costing and cost of poor quality. Quality is one of the major aspects in the Case Company, so understand-ing the link between quality and warranty forecasting is important. Warranty management was also introduced and other different tools for warranty forecasting. The Weibull method and its mathematical properties and reliability engineering were introduced. The main results of this master’s thesis are that the Weibull analysis forecasted too high costs, when calculating provision. Although, some forecasted values of profit centers were lower than actual values, the method works better for planning purposes. One of the reasons is that quality improving or alternatively quality decreasing is not showing in the results of the analysis in the short run. The other reason for too high values is that the products of the Case Company are com-plex and analyses were made in the profit center-level. The Weibull method was developed for standard products, but products of the Case Company consists of many complex components. According to the theory, this method was developed for homogeneous-data. So the most im-portant notification is that the analysis should be made in the product level, not the profit center level, when the data is more homogeneous.


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À l'ère de la mondialisation, où la matrice capitaliste continue de dominer, la classification dans les groupes se définit encore en termes de classes, de genres et d'ethnicité. Les transformations causées par la mondialisation actuelle entraînent de nouveaux modes de production, qui à leur tour transforment les modes de définition et de régulation des populations. Le projet d'exploitation du Nord du Québec est un phénomène relativement récent; or, le processus de construction d'une classe sociale n'est pas un phénomène nouveau. La formation des classes sociales étant toujours en évolution, il semble aujourd'hui pertinent de réexaminer les facteurs économiques, sociologiques et historiques des caractéristiques théoriques nécessaires à la construction et à la représentation d'une classe sociale dont l'existence est liée à l'exploitation accrue des richesses naturelles, la classe ouvrière du Nord du Québec.

 À Fermont, dans le Nord du Québec, les compagnies minières emploient depuis 2011 une grande quantité de travailleurs québécois provenant de l'extérieur de la région, des travailleurs permanents non- résidents. Ainsi, la structure sociale construite sur la force de travailleurs locaux est aux prises avec de nouvelles dynamiques de mobilité sociale géographique. Au travail, les femmes et les autochtones sont aussi affectés par les relations des systèmes de pouvoir de la vie quotidienne, car les emplois de l'industrie minière et du domaine de la construction sont socialement et historiquement fondés sur des capitaux sociaux et culturels (blanc et homme). La classe ouvrière du Nord du Québec est redéfinit par son rapport à la migration géographique des travailleurs permanents non- résidents, par ses relations avec les minorités de genre et les minorités autochtones, relations qui engendrent une organisation sociale complexe et hétérogène.


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The present study deals with the differential regulation of Dopamine content in pancreas and functional regulation of Dopamine D2 receptor in brain regions such as hypothalamus, brain stem, cerebral cortex and corpus striatum play an important role during pancreatic islets cell proliferation and insulin secretion. Though may reports are there implicating the functional interaction between DA receptor and pancreatic islets cell insulin secretion, the involvement of specific DA D2 receptors and changes in second messenger system during insulin secretion and pancreatic islets cell proliferation were not given emphasis. Down regulation of DA content in brain regions and pancreatic islets were observed during pancreatic regeneration. Up regulation of DA content in plasma and adrenals down regulated sympathetic activity in pancreas which cause an increase in insulin secretion and pancreatic islets cell proliferation during pancreatic regeneration. There was a differential regulation of DA D2 receptor in brain regions. The pancreatic islets DA D2 receptors were lip regulated during pancreatic regeneration. DA D2 receptor activation at specific concentration has accounted for increased pancreatic islets cell proliferation. In vitro experiments have proved the differential regulation of DA on insulin synthesis and pancreatic islets cell proliferation. Inhibitory effect of DA on cAMP and stimulatory effect of DA on IP3 through DA D2 receptors were observed in in vitro cell culture system. These effects are correlating with the DA, cAMP and IP3 content during pancreatic regeneration and islets cell proliferation. Up regulation of intracellular Ca2+ was also observed at 10-8 M DA, a specific concentration of DA which showed maximum increase of IP3 content in pancreatic islets through DA D2 receptor activation in in vitro culture. These in vitro data was highly correlating with the changes in DA, cAMP and IP3 content in pancreas during pancreatic regeneration and insulin secretion. Thus we conclude that there is a differential functional regulation of DA and DA D2 receptors in brain and pancreas during pancreatic regeneration. In vitro studies confirmed a concentration depend functional regulation of DA through DA D2 receptors on pancreatic islets cell proliferation and insulin secretion mediated through increased cAMP, IP3 and intracellular Ca2+ level. This will have immense clinical significance in the management in diabetes mellitus.


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The present study demonstrate the functional alterations of the GABAA and GABAB receptors and the gene expression during the regeneration of pancreas following partial pancreatectomy. The role of these receptors in insulin secretion and pancreatic DNA synthesis using the specific agonists and antagonists also are studied in vitro. The alterations of GABAA and GABAR receptor function and gene expression in the brain stem, crebellum and hypothalamus play an important role in the sympathetic regulation of insulin secretion during pancreatic regeneration. Previous studies have given much information linking functional interaction between GABA and the peripheral nervous system. The involvement of specific receptor subtypes functional regulation during pancreatic regeneration has not given emphasis and research in this area seems to be scarce. We have observed a decreased GABA content, down regulation of GABAA receptors and an up regulation of GABAB receptors in the cerebral cortex, brain stem and hypothalamus. Real Time-PCR analysis confirmed the receptor data in the brain regions. These alterations in the GABAA and GABAB receptors of the brain are suggested to govern the regenerative response and growth regulation of the pancreas through sympathetic innervation. In addition, receptor binding studies and Real Time-PCR analysis revealed that during pancreatic regeneration GABAA receptors were down regulated and GABAB receptors were up regulated in pancreatic islets. This suggests an inhibitory role for GABAA receptors in islet cell proliferation i.e., the down regulation of this receptor facilitates proliferation. Insulin secretion study during 1 hour showed GABA has inhibited the insulin secretion in a dose dependent manner in normal and hyperglycaemic conditions. Bicuculline did not antagonize this effect. GABAA agonist, muscimol inhibited glucose stimulated insulin secretion from pancreatic islets except in the lowest concentration of 1O-9M in presence of 4mM glucose.Musclmol enhanced insulin secretion at 10-7 and 10-4M muscimol in presence of 20mM glucose- 4mM glucose represents normal and 20mM represent hyperglycaemic conditions. GABAB agonist, baclofen also inhibited glucose induced insulin secretion and enhanced at the concentration of 1O-5M at 4mM glucose and at 10-9M baclofen in presence of 20mM glucose. This shows a differential control of the GABAA and GABAB receptors over insulin release from the pancreatic islets. During 24 hours in vitro insulin secretion study it showed that low concentration of GABA has inhibited glucose stimulated insulin secretion from pancreatic islets. Muscimol, the GABAA agonist, inhibited the insulin secretion but, gave an enhanced secretion of insulin in presence of 4mM glucose at 10-7 , 10-5 and 1O-4M muscimol. But in presence of 20mM glucose muscimol significantly inhibited the insulin secretion. GABAB agonist, baclofen also inhibited glucose induced insulin secretion in presence of both 4mM and 20mM glucose. This shows the inhibitory role of GABA and its specific receptor subtypes over insulin synthesis from pancreatic bete-islets. In vitro DNA synthesis studies showed that activation of GABAA receptor by adding muscimol, a specific agonist, inhibited islet DNA synthesis. Also, the addition of baclofen, a specific agonist of GABAB receptor resulted in the stimulation of DNA synthesis.Thus the brain and pancreatic GABAA and GABAB receptor gene expression differentially regulates pancreatic insulin secretion and islet cell proliferation during pancreatic regeneration. This will have immense clinical significance in therapeutic applications in the management of Diabetes mellitus.