993 resultados para Sérgio SantAnna
Analisam-se as referências a Verney na obra de António Sérgio, inscrevendo-as na sua interpretação da história de Portugal, com incidência na tópica do seiscentismo e da decadência portuguesa, face à Grande Revolução Científica que culmina em Newton.
Introdução alterações realizadas no meio ambiente em busca da melhoria da qualidade de vida das pessoas inseridas em locais que apresentam grande potencial hídrico são temáticas de estudos de vários pesquisadores, com destaque para as alterações ocasionadas pela formação de lagos artificiais no Rio Paraná (Brasil), para a construção de usinas hidrelétricas e a conseqüente geração de energia. Objetivos: identificar os impactos gerados nas atividades turísticas desenvolvidas em áreas próximas ao Município de Presidente Epitácio (extremo oeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil); descrever as atividades turísticas desenvolvidas próximas ao lago; enfocar as potencialidades turísticas. Procedimentos: levantamento das informações acerca do nível das cotas do rio e do lago artificial e identificação das atividades turísticas realizadas no local; análise e organização dos dados em quadros demonstrativos contendo informações das características ambientais, das potencialidades turísticas, dos eventos turísticos; apresentação de propostas que visam auxiliar administradores e população local no complexo processo de tomada de decisões, de geração de emprego e renda, de inclusão social e da melhoria da qualidade de vida, tendo como base as atividades turísticas efetivas e potenciais. Resultados: descrições das atividades turísticas realizadas próximo ao local da área de estudo e verificação dos principais impactos causados pela atividades.
The Old Government House, a former residence of the Queen’s representatives in Brisbane, Australia, symbolises British cultural heritage of Colonial Queensland. Located on the campus of the Queensland University of Technology, it is one of the oldest surviving examples of a stately residence in Queensland. Built in 1860s, the Old Government House was originally intended as a temporary residence for the first governor of the newly independent colony of Queensland. However, it remained the vice-regal residence until 1909, serving eleven succeeding governors. Nearly seven decades later, it became the first building in Queensland to be protected under heritage legislation. Thus its importance, as an excellent exemplar that demonstrates the significance of cultural heritage, was established. The Old Government House has survived 150 years of restoration work, refurbishments, and additions. Through these years, it has served the people of Queensland in a multitude of roles. This paper aims to investigate the survival of heritage listed buildings through their adaptive re-use. Its focus will be on the adaptive reuse of the Old Government House through its refurbishments and additions over a period of 150 years. Through a qualitative research process this paper will endeavour to establish the significance of restoration work on the Old Government house; the new opportunities that has opened up as a result of the restoration work; the continued maintenance and management of the building through adaptive re-use; the economic benefits of restoration work; and its contribution to the on-going interest in the preservation of the Tangible Cultural Heritage.
Facilitating sustainability in heritage buildings in Australia : learning from the design profession
Effective and targeted conservation action requires detailed information about species, their distribution, systematics and ecology as well as the distribution of threat processes which affect them. Knowledge of reptilian diversity remains surprisingly disparate, and innovative means of gaining rapid insight into the status of reptiles are needed in order to highlight urgent conservation cases and inform environmental policy with appropriate biodiversity information in a timely manner. We present the first ever global analysis of extinction risk in reptiles, based on a random representative sample of 1500 species (16% of all currently known species). To our knowledge, our results provide the first analysis of the global conservation status and distribution patterns of reptiles and the threats affecting them, highlighting conservation priorities and knowledge gaps which need to be addressed urgently to ensure the continued survival of the world’s reptiles. Nearly one in five reptilian species are threatened with extinction, with another one in five species classed as Data Deficient. The proportion of threatened reptile species is highest in freshwater environments, tropical regions and on oceanic islands, while data deficiency was highest in tropical areas, such as Central Africa and Southeast Asia, and among fossorial reptiles. Our results emphasise the need for research attention to be focussed on tropical areas which are experiencing the most dramatic rates of habitat loss, on fossorial reptiles for which there is a chronic lack of data, and on certain taxa such as snakes for which extinction risk may currently be underestimated due to lack of population information. Conservation actions specifically need to mitigate the effects of human-induced habitat loss and harvesting, which are the predominant threats to reptiles.
Análise comparativa dos web sites dos órgãos legislativos sul-americanos, com destaque para o Brasil.
Consultoria de Orçamento e Fiscalização Financeira
Consultoria de Orçamento e Fiscalização Financeira.