995 resultados para Rural land market


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In this paper, we analyze the relationship between the land market failures and the economic growth in Brazil, starting from an overlapping model including two sectors: agricultural and industrial. The land is both a specific factor for agriculture and an asset that can be substituted to the capital used in industry. The trade-off between land and capital holding depends, among other factors, on the transaction costs on the land market. These costs result from land insecurity and generate a decrease in the land price that favors capital accumulation. Two assumptions follow from our model: one the one hand, land insecurity has a negative effect on the land price; one the other hand it has a positive effect on economic growth. These two hypotheses are tested on panel data for Brazilian Federation. The econometric results do not reject our hypothesis.


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On trouve sur les côtes de l’estuaire du Saint-Laurent des vestiges de quai dont la ressemblance mutuelle suggère leur contemporanéité. Les vestiges de ces «quais du gouvernement » relatent une importante conjoncture (1870-1930) caractérisée par l'intégration des localités côtières dans une économie interrégionale. Le quai, autrefois lieu d'interface entre la ruralité et le cabotage, devient pour l'archéologue une occasion de retracer les éléments entrant dans sa conception et sa réalisation. L’observation des éléments architecturaux permet de distinguer les traits architecturaux associés aux quais du gouvernement parmi l’ensemble des techniques de construction déjà employées dans l’estuaire au XIXe siècle.


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La gestion des villes d’Afrique de l’Ouest pose problème à la période contemporaine : extension urbaine non maitrisée, services de base insuffisants, insécurité foncière. À travers l’aide internationale, d’importantes réformes visant à améliorer son efficacité ont pourtant été mises en place, mais elles semblent avoir été inefficaces. Dépassant ce constat d’échec, la thèse vise à comprendre comment se déroule l’acte de gérer la ville dans les circonstances particulières des villes d’Afrique de l’Ouest. La mise en œuvre du Registre foncier urbain (RFU), système d’information foncière municipal multi-fonctions introduit au Bénin à travers des programmes de développement au début des années 1990, constitue le prisme à travers lequel la gestion urbaine est analysée. Celle-ci est ainsi approchée par les actes plutôt que par les discours. S’appuyant sur une démarche socio-anthropologique, la mise en œuvre de l’instrument est analysée depuis le point de vue des acteurs locaux et selon une double grille de lecture : d’une part, il s’agit de saisir les logiques de l’appropriation locale dont le RFU a fait l’objet au sein des administrations; d’autre part, il s’agit de comprendre son interaction avec le territoire, notamment avec les dynamiques complexes d’accès au sol et de sécurisation foncière. Une étude de cas multiple a été menée dans trois communes : Cotonou, Porto-Novo et Bohicon. Deux ensembles de conclusions en découlent. Tout d’abord, le RFU s’est imposé comme l’instrument pivot de la fiscalité locale, mais est mis en œuvre de manière minimale. Ce fonctionnement particulier est une adaptation optimale à un contexte fait de rivalités professionnelles au sein d’administrations cloisonnées, d’enjeux politico-financiers liés aux différentes sources de revenus communaux et de tensions politico-institutionnelles liées à une décentralisation tardive. Les impacts du RFU en termes de développement des compétences professionnelles nationales sont insuffisants pour réformer la gestion urbaine depuis l’intérieur de l’administration municipale. Ensuite, alors qu’il vise à centraliser l’information sur les propriétaires présumés de la terre, le RFU se heurte à la marchandisation de cette information et à la territorialisation de la régulation foncière. La mise en œuvre du RFU s’en trouve affectée de deux manières : d’une part, elle s’insère dans ces circuits marchands de l’information foncière, avec cependant peu de succès ; d’autre part, elle a un impact différencié selon les territoires de la régulation foncière. En définitive, l’acte de gérer la ville au Bénin n’est pas devenu automatique avec l’introduction d’instruments comme le RFU. La municipalité se repose plutôt sur les piliers classiques de l’action publique, l’administration et le politique, pour gérer la ville plurielle de manière différenciée. À l’endroit des concepteurs d’action publique, cette thèse plaide pour une prise en compte des modes de régulation existant dans les sociétés africaines, fussent-ils pluriels, reconnaissant les voies originales que prend la construction des institutions en Afrique.


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Existe un gran vacío en los estudios urbanos, en particular de economía urbana, sobre el mercado informal de terrenos en las ciudades. La importancia actual de ese mercado y las perspectivas de su crecimiento futuro relacionadas con la evidente reducción de la ocupación (invasión) de tierras urbanas, imponen la urgencia de plantearlo como un objeto de estudio prioritario. El primer esfuerzo de investigación debe ser la construcción de bancos de datos e informaciones dinámicas sobre el mercado informal de tierras y de la movilidad residencial de los pobres. La pregunta que se debe formular sobre este mercado tiene que ver con sus similitudes y diferencias con respecto al mercado formal. Nuestra respuesta a este desafío se da en dos planos. El primero, a partir de un levantamiento empírico en las favelas de la ciudad de Río de Janeiro; el segundo tomando el mercado informal de tierras y la movilidad de los pobres urbanos como un objeto conceptual que permita re-problematizar temas tradicionales de la economía urbana ortodoxa (neoclásica). 


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The aim of this paper is to present a theoretical-conceptual approach to residential mobility, in general, and residential trajectories, in particular. It seeks to understand how from the unequal distribution and appropriation of social resources —both material and symbolic— different trajectories are developed and how socio-territorial structures constrain, shape and enable interactions between families, their members and the various contexts of action towards meeting their housing needs. From sociological contributions of different traditions, we present a scheme that pays attention to articulating the relationship between structural factors, position in social structure and decisions elating to changes of residence. We conclude that mobility patterns are relational patterns that are defined in dialogue with the opportunities and limitations that are set up around the housing stock and new or vacant land, the land market dynamics and housing, the labor market, the provision of nfrastructure services and social facilities, etc.


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En América Latina la tradición marxista desarrolló en los años setenta y ochenta una muy rica conceptualización sobre las prácticas populares de producción de hábitat que tuvo como eje el concepto de pluralidad de formas de producción. En este texto se plantea una actualización de esta refl exión involucrando en particular los aspectos de la circulación de los bienes inmobiliarios y las modalidades de acceso a la tierra: desde esta perspectiva se analizan los desarrollos recientes de modalidades “ilegales” o “informales” de urbanización y las políticas que al respecto se han formulado en los últimos tiempos, en una aproximación que pretende controvertir el dualismo explícito o implícito de otros enfoques. 


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El presente estudio de caso tiene como propósito analizar la relación entre la dinámica inmobiliaria y el comportamiento del precio del suelo en la UPZ N° 13 Los Cedros entre los años 2000 y 2012. Esta investigación parte de la importancia de entender y explicar las causas generales, coyunturales y particulares por las que el precio del suelo en las ciudades es cambiante y hace que exista una dinámica inmobiliaria encargada de gestionar el mercado de tierras en un determinado sector, llevándolo a una transformación urbanística. Por último, se analiza cómo dos intervenciones comerciales influyen en el comportamiento del precio del suelo, con la finalidad de identificar qué efectos positivos o negativos producen en la zona aledaña a ellas.


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La major conscienciació actual dels problemes de pol·lució que acompanyen les pèrdues de N del sòl cap a l'atmosfera ha reorientat les investigacions cap a un coneixement més profund dels processos implicats en les emissions dels compostos nitrogenats que comporten un major perjudici des d'un punt de vista ecològic així com els seus principals factors reguladors. La creixent preocupació per l'increment de la concentració atmosfèrica de N2O és deguda a les seves interaccions amb la fotoquímica atmosfèrica i el balanç de radiació de la Terra ja que intervé en la destrucció de la capa estratosfèrica d'ozó, contribueix a l'efecte hivernacle i participa de la pluja àcida. Es considera que els sòls són la principal font de N2O atmosfèric. Al voltant del 90% d'aquestes emissions són d'origen biòtic; els principals processos implicats són la desnitrificació i la nitrificació. L'emissió del N2O produït a través d'aquests dos processos es caracteritza pels diferents nivells de regulació que presenta ja que depèn de la taxa dels processos, de la proporció de N canalitzada per cada procés cap a la producció de N2O i del seu consum dins el mateix sòl el qual està relacionat amb les dificultats en el transport cap a l'atmosfera. Això comporta una gran dificultat a l'hora d'aprofundir en el coneixement de les emissions de N2O del sòl cap a l'atmosfera i de la seva regulació. El desconeixement dels nivells d'emissió de N2O i de la importància de la desnitrificació així com de la seva regulació tant en sòls agrícoles com naturals de les nostres contrades és el principal punt de partida dels objectius d'aquest treball.


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The evaluation of EU policy in the area of rural land use management often encounters problems of multiple and poorly articulated objectives. Agri-environmental policy has a range of aims, including natural resource protection, biodiversity conservation and the protection and enhancement of landscape quality. Forestry policy, in addition to production and environmental objectives, increasingly has social aims, including enhancement of human health and wellbeing, lifelong learning, and the cultural and amenity value of the landscape. Many of these aims are intangible, making them hard to define and quantify. This article describes two approaches for dealing with such situations, both of which rely on substantial participation by stakeholders. The first is the Agri-Environment Footprint Index, a form of multi-criteria participatory approach. The other, applied here to forestry, has been the development of ‘multi-purpose’ approaches to evaluation, which respond to the diverse needs of stakeholders through the use of mixed methods and a broad suite of indicators, selected through a participatory process. Each makes use of case studies and involves stakeholders in the evaluation process, thereby enhancing their commitment to the programmes and increasing their sustainability. Both also demonstrate more ‘holistic’ approaches to evaluation than the formal methods prescribed in the EU Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework.


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This paper reviews the evidence in favour of the compact city and considers whether it is a viable policy option. Environmentalists, acadenics and politicians have all expressed strong support for the compact city as a basis for sustainable development. A review of the literature broadly confirms the claims made on its behalf, in particular that it is energy efficient and that it plays a crucial role in preventing rural land loss. It is further shown i) that there is nothing inevitable about the established pattern of urban dispersal, and ii) that although urban land is charaterised by a number of contstraints on development,it could in principle satisfy much of the projected demand for housing. Yet urban sprawl continues. Some of the reasons for this in the case of residential development are examined by comparing the residential development process with the principles of sustainable development. The general conclusion of the paper is that proposals for urban containment are likely to be strongly resisted by housebuilders.


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The outcome of the UK’s referendum on continued EU membership is at the time of writing uncertain, and the consequences of a vote to remain (‘Bremain’) or leave (‘Brexit’) difficult to predict. Polarised views have been voiced about the impact of Brexit on UK agriculture, and on the nature and level of funding, of future policy. Policymakers would not have the luxury of devising a new policy from scratch. WTO rules and commitments, the nature of any future accord with the EU, budget constraints, the rather different perspectives of the UK’s devolved administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and the expectations of farmers, landowners and the environmental lobby, will all impact the policymaking process. The WTO dimension, and the UK’s future relationship with the EU, are particularly difficult to predict, and – some commentators believe – may take years to resolve. Brexit’s impact on the future CAP is also unclear. A vote to remain within the EU would not necessarily assuage the Eurosceptics’ criticisms of the EU, or the UK’s perception of the CAP. Whatever the outcome, future agricultural, food and rural land use policies will remain key preoccupations of European governments.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo construir um referencial teórico que auxilie no entendimento de como a Agroenergia poderá impactar o mercado de terras no Brasil. Posteriormente, analisar os reflexos desta nova conjuntura no coeficiente de elasticidade de uso da terra, para a cultura da cana-de-açúcar, no Estado de São Paulo, após a introdução dos veículos flex-fuel no mercado brasileiro. Os aspectos relacionados ao mercado de terras, suas definições e características de uso, têm sido objeto de estudo de muitos pensadores e economistas, desde o final do século XIX. Motivado por esta afirmação, procurou-se realizar uma revisão de literatura para entender as diferentes linhas do pensamento econômico em relação às principais variáveis que compõem a formação de preço e a dinâmica do mercado de terras. Segundo a teoria neoclássica, o valor da terra está intrinsecamente associado à sua capacidade de produção. Aliado a esta característica, também é fundamental entender os atributos da terra como ativo real, seja na expectativa de ganhos de capital ou reserva de valor. Com o intuito de contribuir para esta discussão, foi proposto um fluxograma, que identificou como as variáveis deveriam se correlacionar e impactar na formação do preço das terras agrícolas. É possível afirmar que, no curto prazo, a Agroenergia impactará o valor das terras agrícolas, via preço das commodities, características de ativo real, especialmente na aposta de ganhos de capital e devido ao aumento das políticas governamentais relacionados à produção de biocombustíveis. Em relação ao coeficiente de elasticidade da área de cana-de-açúcar, em São Paulo, em relação a expectativa de preço da tonelada equivalente de ATR, para o açúcar e o etanol, observou-se que a cultura de cana-de-açúcar se tornou mais sensível às variações no preço da tonelada de ATR, expandindo a área cultivada com uma menor variação na expectativa de preço, após a introdução dos veículos flex-fuel no mercado nacional.


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Este trabalho tem como proposta investigar como o preço de terras de uso rural no Brasil é afetado pelos preços e exportações das principais commodities agropecuárias, bem como por variáveis macroeconômicas, como taxa básica de juros, taxa de câmbio, taxa de inflação e disponibilidade de crédito agrícola. Para tal foram consideradas as produções agrícola de algodão, café, cana-de-açúcar (e seus principais produtos açúcar e etanol), milho e soja, a produção pecuária de carne bovina e a produção industrial de celulose de fibra curta com foco em sua principal matéria prima, os plantios reflorestados de eucalipto. Em linha com estudos anteriores, foi encontrada evidência empírica de que o preço da terra possui cointegração com algumas das variáveis agrícolas, pecuárias e florestais citadas, em especial em estados com maior vocação agropecuária e/ou para silvicultura. Quanto às variáveis macroeconômicas, apenas a taxa básica de juros apresentou cointegração com o preço de terras para todos os estados avaliados, taxa de câmbio e disponibilidade de crédito rural não aparecem como variáveis estatisticamente significantes. Conclui-se que, para estados com notável participação na balança comercial brasileira de produtos agrossilvipastoris, é possível obter um modelo de equilibro de longo prazo entre o preço da terra de uso rural e as variáveis destacadas acima, de modo que investidores do setor possam utilizá-lo como ferramenta de projeção no auxílio da tomada de decisão além de avaliar potenciais impactos no valor de seus ativos A inovação do presente estudo está em testar as hipóteses de cointegração para cada um dos estados da federação.


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This research proposed to question the development of what was defined as historical practices (commercial, social and political institutions), of the economic activity of the real estate brokerage in the Rio Grande do Norte from the progressive institutionalization of economic agents - individuals (realtors) and legal (real estate) - based on two main approaches: a) the development of economic activity as an integral segment of a fraction of capital (POULANTZAs, 1985; LESSA, 1981). This work set out from a socio-historical approach of the historical practices development the of real estate brokerage in Brazil started in the Southeast, especially in the cities of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo as a result of the "expansion of capitalist relations by the housing sector" (RIBEIRO , 1996). especially the real estate capital ; b) the historical development of relations between labor and capital within the activity, in other words, the development of the relationship between realtors and Real Estate in relation to "group of interests" and their "collective actions" (OFFE, 1984). These historical practices are defined in this research as: 1) mercantile practices, times when there was no distinction between the activity of real estate brokerage and other forms of mercantile capital; 2) social practices, which began in the 1930s, when agents of real estate are to be distinguished from each other within the activity through Taylorist division of labor between workers realtors and developers of real estate; 3) political and institutional practices, initiated in 1962, characterized by State action, in the individualization and distinction of the agents of real estate brokerage as socioprofessional category regulated throughout Brazil by Law 4.116/62 and 6.530/78. The results achieved by the present study showed that in Rio Grande do Norte, due to the specifics as to the peripheral processes of urbanization of the constitution of the land market, as well as the process of conservative modernization of the oligarchic State from the 1960s (CLEMENTINE, 1995; FERREIRA, 1996, 2010, TRINDADE, 2004), the State was led to the development of a late manifestation of the historical practices of real estate brokerage. In other words, it was a process in which historical practices, in particular social practices, not fully developed, mitigating, thus the perception of realtors from his position in the process of exploitation of labor by the Real Estate. And, as a result, of their collective interests front of them.


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The expansion of agrofuel crops challenges us to rethink policies, territories, human agency, and the paradigms used to explain them. In Brazil, policies supporting the expansion of agrofuel crops and the intensification of agrofuel production are reorganising rural land use and undermining some forms of participation in the capitalist and family modes of production. To reflect on this new reality, we study peasant movement reactions, proposals, and territorial disputes with agribusiness. Using the Pontal do Paranapanema region of São Paulo state as a case in point, the paper analyses territorial disputes between expanding sugarcane plantations and agrarian reform settlements as well as biodiesel production projects developed by the Landless Workers Movement (MST) and the Western São Paulo Federation of Settlement and Family Farmer Associations (FAAFOP). It also analyses the agrofuel policies of other peasant organisations, including Via Campesina. The production of agrofuels has changed the processes of land acquisition and use by both agribusiness and the peasantry, provoking new insights into the nature of territorial conflicts and thereby stimulating the need to revise perspectives on the agrarian question in Brazil.