157 resultados para Rhinitis


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Background: Artemisia species pollen represents a major cause of allergy in Central Europe. Variations in the pollen season, the influence of climate variables and the prevalence of pollinosis to it were analyzed in Poznan, in western Poland between 1995 and 2004. Methods: A Hirst volumetric spore trap was used for atmospheric sampling. Pollination date trend analysis and Spearman correlation tests were performed. Skin prick tests (SPT) and allergen specific immunoglobulin (Ig)E antibody measurements were performed in 676 and 524 patients, respectively. Results: The Artemisia species pollen season grew longer due to a clear advance in the starting day and only a slightly earlier end point; the peak day also came slightly earlier. Rainfall in the fi rst fortnight of July highly influenced pollen season severity. Temperature was directly correlated with daily Artemisia species pollen levels; relative humidity was inversely correlated. Twelve percent of patients had a positive SPT reaction to Artemisia species. Their symptoms were rhinitis and conjunctivitis (15%), atopic dermatitis (15%), chronic urticaria (14.3%), bronchial asthma (2.4%), and facial and disseminated dermatitis (1.3%). Elevated specifi c IgE concentrations were detected in the sera of 10.1% of patients. Conclusions: Artemisia species pollen is an important cause of pollinosis in western Poland. Pollen season intensity is highly influenced by rainfall in the previous weeks. Trends towards earlier season starts and longer duration, possibly caused by climate change, may have an impact on the allergic population.


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Air quality is an increasing concern of the European Union, local authorities, scientists and most of all inhabitants that become more aware of the quality of the surrounding environment. Bioaerosols may be consisted of various elements, and the most important are pollen grains, fungal spores, bacteria, viruses. More than 100 genera of fungal spores have been identified as potential allergens that cause immunological response in susceptible individuals. Alternaria and Cladosporium have been recognised as the most important fungal species responsible for respiratory tract diseases, such as asthma, eczema, rhinitis and chronic sinusitis. While a lot of attention has been given to these fungal species, a limited number of studies can be found on Didymella and Ganoderma, although their allergenic properties were proved clinically. Monitoring of allergenic fungal spore concentration in the air is therefore very important, and in particular at densely populated areas like Worcester, UK. In this thesis a five year spore data set was presented, which was collected using a 7-day volumetric spore trap, analysed with the aid of light microscopy, statistical tests and geographic information system techniques. Although Kruskal-Wallis test detected statistically significant differences between annual concentrations of all examined fungal spore types, specific patterns in their distribution were also found. Alternaria spores were present in the air between mid-May/mid-June until September-October with peak occurring in August. Cladosporium sporulated between mid-May and October, with maximum concentration recorded in July. Didymella spores were seen from June/July up to September, while peaks were found in August. Ganoderma produced spores for 6 months (May-October), and maximum concentration could be found in September. With respect to diurnal fluctuations, Alternaria peaked between 22:00h and 23:00h, Cladosporium 13:00-15:00h, Didymella 04:00-05:00h and 22:00h-23:00h and Ganoderma from 03:00h to 06:00h. Spatial analysis showed that sources of all fungal species were located in England, and there was no evidence for a long distance transport from the continent. The maximum concentration of spores was found several hours delayed in comparison to the approximate time of the spore release from the crops. This was in agreement with diurnal profiles of the spore concentration recorded in Worcester, UK. Spores of Alternaria, Didymella and Ganoderma revealed a regional origin, in contrast to Cladosporium, which sources were situated locally. Hence, the weather conditions registered locally did not exhibit strong statistically significant correlations with fungal spore concentrations. This has had also an impact on the performance of the forecasting models. The best model was obtained for Cladosporium with 66% of the accuracy.


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OBJECTIVE: The prevalence of ragweed allergy is increasing worldwide. Ragweed distribution and abundance is spreading in Europe in a wide area ranging from the Rhone valley in France to Hungary and Ukraine, where the rate of the prevalence can peak at as high as 12%. Low-grade ragweed colonisation was seen in Geneva and Ticino, less than two decades ago. There were fears that allergies to ragweed would increase Switzerland. The intent of this study was to assess the rate of prevalence of sensitisation and allergy to ragweed in the population living in the first rural Swiss setting where ragweed had been identified in 1996, and to evaluate indirectly the efficacy of elimination and containment strategies. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In 2009, 35 adults in a rural village in the Canton of Geneva were recruited. Data were collected by means of questionnaires and skin-prick tests were done on each participant. The study was approved by the local Ethics Committee. RESULTS: Based on questionnaires, 48.6% had rhinitis (95% confidence interval [CI] 32.9-64.4; n = 17/35) and 17.1% asthma (95% CI 8.1-32.6; n = 6/35). Atopy was diagnosed in 26.4% (95% CI 12.9-44.4) of the sample (n = 9/34). Ragweed sensitisation was found in 2.9% (95% CI 0.7-19.7; n = 1/34), mugwort sensitisation in 2.9% (95% CI 0.1-14.9; n = 1/35), alder sensitisation in 17.1% (95% CI 6.6-33.6; n = 6/35), ash sensitisation in 12.5% (95% CI 3.5-29.0; n = 4/32) and grass sensitisation in 22.9% (95% CI 10.4-40.1; n = 8/35). Ragweed (95% CI 0.1-14.9; n = 1/34) and mugwort allergies (95% CI 0.1-14.9; n = 1/35) were both found in 2.9% of the population. CONCLUSION: This study showed a surprisingly low incidence of ragweed sensitisation and allergy, of 2.9% and 2.9%, respectively, 20 years after the first ragweed detection in Geneva. The feared rise in ragweed allergy seems not to have happened in Switzerland, compared with other ragweed colonised countries. These results strongly support early field strategies against ragweed.


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Objetivo: El siguiente estudio tiene como objetivo determinar, los valores de RANTES, posterior a la exposición a ácaros, para evaluar su asociación con la escala ARIA, en el grupo de pacientes seleccionado. Diseño: Estudio descriptivo correlacional, Materiales y Métodos: Se incluyeron 17 pacientes que consultaron por Rinitis Alérgica al Hospital de la Samaritana entre el 01 Julio del 2010 y el 01 Julio del 2011, y que cumplieron los criterios de selección, de los cuales se obtuvieron 34 muestras de lavados nasales posterior a provocación intranasal con ácaros. Resultados: Los pacientes mostraron mayor tendencia a pertenecer al grupo de síntomas de mayor severidad y frecuencia según la escala ARIA. Los valores de RANTES encontrados en lavados nasales tuvieron un promedio de 8,1 pg/ml (+/- 19DS). Conclusión: Se encontró una positividad en los valores de la citoquina CCL5 en los lavados nasales del 20% de los pacientes. El coeficiente de correlación obtenido, muestra una asociación débil.


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Las infecciones respiratorias altas y bajas son una causa común de morbimortalidad infantil. Se ha propuesto el uso de los lisados bacterianos para prevenir las infecciones recurrentes sin embargo su uso aún se considera controversial. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura. La búsqueda se realizó a través de las bases de datos PUBMED, Embase, Ovid, LiLaCS y Cochrane library plus. Se incluyeron metanálisis publicados en idiomas inglés y español, entre los años 1998 y 2012. Se realizó una evaluación de calidad siguiendo la estrategia Quorum y un análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo de los resultados. Resultados: Se incluyeron 4 revisiones sistemáticas de la literatura con metanálisis. Fue apreciable la disminución de las recurrencias de las infecciones respiratorias relacionadas con el uso de los lisados bacterianos. Los lisados bacterianos disminuyen la necesidad de uso de antibióticos. No se encontró evidencia sobre el uso de los lisados sobre desenlaces como la necesidad de intervenciones adicionales, tiempo de hospitalización, costo relacionado con la atención en salud. No se reportaron eventos adversos de importancia. Conclusión: Los lisados bacterianos son eficaces en disminuir la recurrencia de las infecciones respiratorias en pacientes en edad pediátrica.


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Este artículo pretende realizar una revisión de la literatura vigente acerca del asma ocupacional secundaria a la exposición de los factores de riesgo identificados en peluquería. Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en las bases de datos PubMed y Cochrane de artículos de revistas indexadas con las palabras claves “Asthma occupational, hairdressers, hairdresser, work related asthma”. Aplicando los criterios de selección descritos, se revisaron 26 artículos en total donde se incluían reportes de casos, estudios de prevalencia, incidencia, corte transversa y revisiones, abarcando principalmente los temas de epidemiologia, fisiopatología, diagnóstico y prevención. Se agruparon según la metodología PRISMA para su respectiva comparación. Se concluyó que a pesar de la importancia de esta patología en el sector de peluquería, existen factores asociados como la informalidad del sector, la falta de estudios de investigación originales de cohorte o el desconocimiento de un protocolo claro de diagnóstico en este tipo de trabajadores, que limitan datos concluyentes acerca de la misma. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los autores concluye la relación entre la patología y la labor de peluquería, así falte esclarecer los mecanismos fisiopatológicos relacionados con los alérgenos identificados.


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O conhecimento dos fungos anemófilos em determinada cidade ou região é importante para o diagnóstico etiológico e o tratamento específico das manifestações alérgicas respiratórias. Várias técnicas quantitativas e qualitativas são preconizadas para coleta e identificação desses fungos na dependência do local estudado. Nesta pesquisa, sobre esporos de fungos do ar, foi utilizado o equipamento Rotorod Sampler®, que retira a amostra do ar através de um bastão de plástico preso a um motor elétrico que o faz girar rapidamente, sendo as partículas suspensas no ar recolhidas pelo bastão. As amostras foram coletadas uma vez por semana, durante 24 horas, correspondendo a um ciclo de coleta. Foram realizadas 52 coletas entre abril de 2000 e março de 2001. Os resultados mostraram prevalência de ascosporos (50,49%), Cladosporium (17,86%), Aspergillus/Penicillium (15,03%), basidiosporos (3,84%), rusts (3,82%), Helminthosporium (2,49%), Botrytis (1,22%), Alternaria (1,19%), smuts (0,90%), Curvularia (0,87%), Nigrospora (0,61%) e Fusarium (0,08%). Não foi possível identificar 1,59% dos esporos de fungos coletados no período. O maior número de esporos foi observado nos meses de verão e o menor, durante o outono. Utilizando provas in vivo e in vitro, avaliou-se a hipersensibilidade a fungos entre 39 pacientes atópicos sofrendo de rinite e ou asma brônquica. Os testes cutâneos identificaram sensibilização em 17,94% dos pacientes, enquanto as provas sorológicas caracterizaram presença de IgE específica em 12,82% dos casos avaliados. A detecção de significativo número de esporos de fungos no ar de Porto Alegre, com muitas espécies comprovadamente alergênicas, e os índices de sensibilização observados em indivíduos atópicos confirmam a importância do estudo dos fungos anemófilos nessa cidade, com vistas a aprimorar o diagnóstico e o manejo de pacientes com manifestações alérgicas respiratórias.


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Asthma is a complex disease, influenced by both environmental and genetic factors. In this study, the analysis of multiple environmental factos assessed by questionnaire and the genotyping of SNPs IL131c.144 G/A, IL41590 C/T, IL41RP2 253183, ADRB21c.16 A/G, ADAM331V4 C/G, ADAM331S1 c.710 G/A, GSDML1236 C/T and STAT6121 C/T were performed in a sample of Madeiran asthmatic patients and their families, and their association to asthma susceptibility and severity was assessed. Family, environmental, social and individual factos such as the presence of rhinitis in one of the parents,the habitation conditions, the family smoking habits, individual food habits and allergen sensitivity, were found to account for asthma severity. IL41590*T and IL41RP2*183$ alleles as well as the combined genotypes IL41590*CT/IL41590*TT and IL41 RP2*253183/IL41RP2*253183 were associated to both asthma susceptibility and severity.GSDML1236*TT was found associated only to asthma severity.Allele ADAM331 V4*C was significantly overM transmitted to asthmatic offspring being linked with the disease by TDT. These findings suggest that in addition to environmental influences, IL41 590 C/T, IL41RP2 253183, ADAM331V4 C/G and GSDML1236 C/T SNPs may constitute important genetic factos contributing to asthmasusceptibility and/or severity in Madeira population.


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Allergic asthma represents an important public health issue, most common in the paediatric population, characterized by airway inflammation that may lead to changes in volatiles secreted via the lungs. Thus, exhaled breath has potential to be a matrix with relevant metabolomic information to characterize this disease. Progress in biochemistry, health sciences and related areas depends on instrumental advances, and a high throughput and sensitive equipment such as comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography–time of flight mass spectrometry (GC × GC–ToFMS) was considered. GC × GC–ToFMS application in the analysis of the exhaled breath of 32 children with allergic asthma, from which 10 had also allergic rhinitis, and 27 control children allowed the identification of several hundreds of compounds belonging to different chemical families. Multivariate analysis, using Partial Least Squares-Discriminant Analysis in tandem with Monte Carlo Cross Validation was performed to assess the predictive power and to help the interpretation of recovered compounds possibly linked to oxidative stress, inflammation processes or other cellular processes that may characterize asthma. The results suggest that the model is robust, considering the high classification rate, sensitivity, and specificity. A pattern of six compounds belonging to the alkanes characterized the asthmatic population: nonane, 2,2,4,6,6-pentamethylheptane, decane, 3,6-dimethyldecane, dodecane, and tetradecane. To explore future clinical applications, and considering the future role of molecular-based methodologies, a compound set was established to rapid access of information from exhaled breath, reducing the time of data processing, and thus, becoming more expedite method for the clinical purposes.


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OBJETIVO: Apontar as possíveis alterações orofaciais decorrentes do sintoma obstrução nasal em pacientes portadores de doenças alérgicas de vias aéreas superiores, por meio de revisão de literatura. FONTES DE DADOS: Levantamento bibliográfico utilizando bancos de dados eletrônicos, como Medline, Ovid, SciELO e Lilacs, com as palavras-chave asthma, rhinitis e mouth breathing, abrangendo os 30 últimos anos. Foram incluídos artigos de revisão, estudos observacionais e ensaios clínicos. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: A obstrução nasal é encontrada freqüentemente em doenças alérgicas de vias aéreas, como rinite e asma. A respiração bucal decorrente da obstrução nasal pode interferir de maneira direta no desenvolvimento infantil, com alterações no crescimento do crânio e orofacial, na fala, na alimentação, na postura corporal, na qualidade do sono e no desempenho escolar. CONCLUSÕES: Devido à variedade de alterações orofaciais encontradas na criança respiradora bucal decorrente de obstrução nasal por doenças alérgicas de vias aéreas, é necessário realizar diagnóstico e tratamento precoces por uma equipe multidisciplinar, composta por médico, ortodontista e fonoaudiólogo, contemplando a visão de uma via respiratória única, que traz conseqüências ao crescimento e desenvolvimento do sistema motor oral.


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OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de asma em crianças e adolescentes e identificar fatores associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal de base populacional com 1.185 crianças e adolescentes de ambos os sexos de São Paulo, SP, de 2008 a 2009. As informações foram coletadas por meio de entrevistas domiciliares e os participantes foram selecionados a partir de amostragem probabilística, estratificada por sexo e idade, e por conglomerados em dois estágios (setores censitários e domicílios). Foi realizada regressão múltipla de Poisson na análise ajustada entre o desfecho e variáveis sociodemográficas, econômicas, estilo de vida e condições de saúde. RESULTADOS: Dos entrevistados, 9,1% (IC95% 7,0;11,7) referiram asma. Após análise ajustada, identificaram-se os seguintes fatores independentemente associados ao agravo: idade (zero a quatro anos/15 a 19) RP = 3,18 (IC95% 1,20;8,42), idade (cinco a nove anos/15 a 19) RP = 6,37 (IC95% 2,64;15,39), idade (10 a 14 anos/15 a 19) RP = 4,51 (IC95% 1,95;10,40), alergia (sim/não) RP = 2,22 (IC95% 1,24;4,00), rinite (sim/não) RP = 2,13 (IC95% 1,22;3,73), problemas de saúde nos 15 dias prévios à entrevista (sim/não) RP = 1,96 (IC95% 1,23;3,11), número de cômodos no domicílio (1 a 3/4 e mais) RP = 1,67 (IC95% 1,05;2,66), e cor da pele (preta e parda/branca) RP = 2,00 (IC95% 1,14;3,49). CONCLUSÕES: Os achados do presente estudo apontam a importância da asma associada à presença de rinite e alergia, idade entre cinco e nove anos, cor da pele preta e parda e moradia com menor número de cômodos. Os frequentes problemas de saúde podem ser considerados consequência dessa doença.


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O látex está sendo considerado o alergênico do ano 2000, tendo em vista que inúmeros indivíduos, principalmente profissionais da área de saúde e pacientes submetidos a várias intervenções diagnósticas e terapêuticas, estão freqüentemente expostos aos alérgenos do látex, presentes em produtos de borracha natural. As manifestações clínicas conseqüentes às reações alérgicas de hipersensibilidade imediata vão desde rinite, urticária, conjuntivite, angioedema, asma, até anafilaxia. Estudos recentes estão demonstrando que pacientes alérgicos ao látex desenvolvem concomitantemente sensibilização a certos alimentos de origem vegetal, especialmente frutas como papaia, figo, banana, abacate, kiwi, pêssego, abacaxi, melão e castanha, acreditando-se numa provável ocorrência de reações cruzadas entre os alérgenos do látex e destas frutas. Faz-se, então, uma revisão sobre a alergia ao látex, em particular sobre os grupos de risco, incluindo a presença de reatividade cruzada entre o látex e as frutas.


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This trial was conducted to evaluate the effect of Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSv) on a subsequent challenge with Pasteurella multocida in pigs. Sixteen, 3-4 week-old piglets, from a PRRSv and Aujeszky disease virus (ADV) free herd were used. Animals were equally and randomly allocated in four groups which were treated according the following schedule: Group I: negative controls; Group II: inoculation with only PRRSV; Group III: inoculation with PRRSV and P. multocida; Group IV: inoculation with ADV and multocida (positive controls), PRRSV and ADV were inoculated intranasally, at the doses of 10(4.6) and 10(4.5) TCID50/ml, respectively. Five days later, pigs from groups III and IV were inoculated intranasally, with two ml of a 10(9) CFU/mL suspension of equal parts of P. multocida, strains A52 and A24. No lesions were observed in piglets of group I. Microscopically, interstitial pneumonia was identified in all piglets of groups II and III and 3/4 piglets from group IV. Bronchopneumonia was detected in 3/4 of the piglets from group III and in all animals of group TV which, additionally, showed meningo-encephalitis and purulent rhinitis. Macroscopically, only piglets of groups III and IV had lung consolidation. However, much lower pneumonic scores (2.3%) were observed in group III, where 3 of 4 piglets were affected. on the other hand, all piglets of group IV showed some degree of pulmonary consolidation, with a mean score of 13.7%. Based on these results, it appears that the role of PRRSV as a initiator of secondary diseases is still undefined, but is probably mild, There was no clear interaction between PRRSV and Pasteurella multocida under the conditions and strains tested here. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V. B.V.


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Rhinoliths are rares and, in general, develop in response to foreign body lodged in the nose. This study briefly comments the clinics features of one case of rhinolithiasis that occurred during two years period. The etiology of rinoliths, differencial diagnosis and a review of the literature are also included. The authors concluded that the presence of calcified stones must be considered in cases of sinusitis or rhinitis not responding to medical therapy.


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Two auxiliary methods of diagnosing nasopharyngeal airway obstruction were compared. Cephalometric radiography and nasopharyngeal videoendoscopy were evaluated for efficacy in terms of reproducibility and validity. Thirty orthodontic patients (7 to 12 years of age) seeking otorhinolaryngologic treatment for mouth breathing, or mouth and nose breathing, had nasopharyngeal endoscopy and radiographic examinations performed on the same day. Two otorhinolaryngologists analyzed the results. Nasopharyngeal endoscopy was more reliable in identifying all the obstructive nasopharyngeal processes. Endoscopy obtained kappa index scores of almost perfect agreement for diagnosis of posterior nasal septum deviation, of substantial agreement for anterior nasal septum deviation and lower turbinate hypertrophy, and of moderate agreement for middle turbinate hypertrophy. Lateral cephalometric radiography obtained scores of perfect agreement for imaging hypertrophy of the middle turbinate, of almost perfect agreement for imaging hypertrophy of the posterior portion of the inferior turbinate, and of substantial agreement for imaging hypertrophy of the inferior turbinate. Radiographic diagnoses of hypertrophy of the middle and lower turbinates exhibited high sensitivity and low specificity when compared with diagnoses by nasopharyngeal endoscopy.