963 resultados para Responsabilidade ambiental


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The debate around the thematic of Corporate Social Responsibility - CSR involves economic, social, cultural and symbolic aspects in the relations established between company and society. In Brazilian reality, the CSR, understood as enterprise actions, external and/or internal, that contributes to social and ambient improvement, gains greater visibility in 1990 decade. Although the significant increase of theoretical productions about CSR pertinent elements, it is still scarce the studies that treats about the relation company/society in the northeastern reality, and singularly, in Rio Grande do Norte. It was in this perspective, that, in being the salt industry one of most important in the potiguar economic history formation , the present work investigated practicies and perceptions of salt entrepreneurship about CSR. Considering all the Rio Grande do Norte salt industry history phases, since the period of the Brazil s settling, as well as the characteristics of the study object, was opted to the qualitative research, objectified in interviews half-structuralized realized with the salt segment entrepreneurs, as well as professionals of ambient management and human resources working in potiguar salt segment. The research main results indicated a coexistence between the mechanisms of management seated on personal and paternalists relations, typical of traditional salt industry, and the emergency of innovative elements typical of the modern management, like the CSR. In this context, a tension between continuity and rupture with the traditional mechanisms of management in salt entrepreneurship actions


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That work has as objective to investigate and to analyze the strategies which they were developed by companies of lodging means with ends of social responsibility in Rio Grande do Norte (RN). Therefore, it got data along with the Office of Tourism of the Municipal district of Natal , the Office of Tourism of RN and the cadasters of the firms of the lodging means in the district of Ponta Negra. In after research of field, it verified the enterprises that now develop lodging activities in that quarter in Ponta Negra. It applied Instrument of research which it was elaborated based on the set of indicators of social responsibility of Ethos Institute, structured with binary questions and some open ones. It shows as results which actions the investigated companies develop. Confronting these results with researched theoretical referencial, it points an intermediate degree of socially responsible actions. Comparing with the evaluation accomplished by Ethos Institute, the investigated firms are in incipient condition, with punctual actions, however, they already present the awakening about this thematic


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This study presents an investigation of the influence of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in customer s satisfaction and loyalty through a study with car s buyers, besides that, it aims to contribute to conceptual models of satisfaction and loyalty analysis by applying the model of Johnson et al. (2001), adapted for the introduction of variables of CSR and conscious consumption, in a car dealership in Natal / RN. The methodology has a descriptive quantitative approach and for the analysis results were applied statistical methods of simple and multiple linear regression analysis, descriptive analysis and exploratory analysis. The field research provided 90 valid forms. The results show that CSR affects the image of the company studied and is also one of the elements of the compound of satisfaction and loyalty. This study concludes that CSR should be considered in the strategic and marketing actions of firms


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As a contemporary tendency, it is been evidenced that the environmental changes theme, already admitted as a concernment to international economical and political reality, is also gaining repercussion on industrial and business sector. Firms are implementing actions on trial to minimize their own greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions impacts. However, the great majority of those actions of Corporative Social-Environmental Responsibility (CSR) are referred only to direct emissions of the main production systems. Direct emissions are those derived of an isolate process, without considering the upstream and downstream processes emissions, which respond for the majority of emissions originated because of respective firm‟s production system existence. Because the greenhouse effect occurs globally and the GHG emissions contribute to the environmental changes independently of their origin, it must be taken into account the whole productive life cycle of products and systems, since the energy invested on resources extraction and necessary materials to the final disposal. To do so, it must be investigated all relevant steps of a product/production system life cycle, tracking all activities which emit greenhouse gases, directly or indirectly. This amount of emissions consists in the firm‟s Carbon Footprint. This research purpose is to defend the Carbon Footprint relevance and its adoption viability to be used as an Environmental Indicator on measurement/assessment of CSR. It has been realized a study case on Petrobras‟s seat unity at Natal-Brazil, assessing part of its Carbon Footprint. It has been used the software GEMIS 4.6 to do the emissions quantifying. The items measured were the direct emissions of the own unity vehicles and indirect emissions of offset paper (A4), energy and disposable plastic cups consumed. To 2009, these emissions were 3.811,94 tCO2eq. We may conclude that Carbon Footprint quantification is indispensable to the knowledge of real emissions caused by a productive process existence, must serving as basis to CSR decisions about the environmental changes reversion challenge


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The work objective was to investigate the influence of social practices social in the choise decision of a tourist destination. For in such a way, a survey with the aid of a questionnaire, was used as being the research instrument. The study used a simple random sample without replacement, due to elements of the population had a equal probability different of zero, to be selected for forming part of the sample. The used collection method of data was personal interview. The data was collected at Augusto Severo International Airport at the moment in which tourists were embarking in return to the residence place or another tourist destination. For determination of sample size, it was considered the tourist who had visited Natal in November and December, 2004, supplied by the Secretariat of Tourism in the RN. The sample for the research was of 403 people. Results showed that the interviewed express the existence of high level of competitiveness in the tourism industry. It was observed that 42.5% of the interviewed believes to exist a very aggressive competition, and 47.5% believed that the competition is aggressive in the tourism industry. 10.4% of the interviewed expressed much interest in knowing about social practices in the tourism industry and 2.8% had not presented any interest in knowing about social practices in the tourism industry. For the interviewed, the travel agency image is a significant item in the choice for a tourist package, because of 35.6% believed that this factor is very important in the choice. 5% of the interviewed only find that little important or that sometimes the travel agency image can be seen as s decisive factor in the tourist package choice


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This research aims to focus on the education problem, since its source of development is the Research Base: Teachers Training and Qualification of UFRN. Therefore, we seek guidance in the beliefs in sustainability to propose plausible alternatives to promote the education process of UFRN administration undergraduates in order to meet the demands of a market-oriented society, since the market trend is to evolve from environmental guided activities, and future administrators should be trained to meet those conditions. The need to develop an instrument capable of understanding the beliefs of undergraduates on the sustainability problem becomes the object of analysis. This research aims to develop a normative questionnaire to study administration students beliefs in sustainability. The complexity and sensitivity of this research required the integration of various methodological procedures. These proposals were made as follows: analysis and selection of literature, expert validation procedures and psychometric methods and statistics. As for the literature, types of sustainability were identified and categorized, such as: political, social, economic and environmental sustainability. However, it is understood that the educational type, although included in all of those, needed to be converted into another type to fit the theme, since education is believed to be the best way to raise awareness about sustainability. Thus, it was required the categorization of the types, which was defined using criteria such as: contexts, objectives, goals, pathways and hypotheses. The normative questionnaire was the guiding instrument to investigate the role of administration students, regarding the level of knowledge established and regulated by social educational context, especially by becoming a basic condition for carrying out research on beliefs. The study confirmed that the types of sustainability - political, social, economic, environmental and educational - for having institutionalized literatures as sources, in international and national levels, are representative in the identification of future administrators. Therefore, it is believed that the types of sustainability categorized to provide a characterization of sustainability include the structuring of knowledge for undergraduates. The economic and political types, however, were not as representative with respect to their typicality and polarity indices as the educational, environmental and social ones. Although the beliefs of the undergraduates show how much they share ideas on all types, they present more identification with the educational and environmental types. Finally, it is expected that this instrument be subject to application in similar contexts so that it can ascertain whether such statements are part of the knowledge structure of future administrators from other institutions. Therefore, it is expected this strategy to strengthen the validation of the normative questionnaire


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Neste artigo discute-se o trabalho com valores em Educação Ambiental, o que exige uma fundamentação e posicionamento adequados. Diante do impasse entre posições relativistas e universalistas para a educação em valores, aponta-se para a necessidade de explicitar nossa posição e ação em favor dos valores ambientalmente desejáveis, considerando que as questões envolvidas com o meio ambiente dizem respeito à vida e à sobrevivência de todos os seres do planeta. Estes valores podem ser identificados junto aos princípios presentes no Tratado de educação global para sociedades sustentáveis e responsabilidade global, apresentado pela sociedade civil na ECO-92. Por fim, ressalta-se a necessidade de se desenvolverem estratégias educativas que envolvam as dimensões aqui denominadas de cognição, afetividade e ação, resultando em um trabalho abrangente, que amplie as possibilidades de o indivíduo apreender, de maneira mais efetiva, um dado valor, tendo, então, melhores condições de construí-lo em sua vida.


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Unir produção de conhecimentos à ação educativa é a grande responsabilidade da pesquisa em educação ambiental na perspectiva crítica e emancipatória. Percepções e conhecimentos coletivos são essenciais na construção desse novo saber ambiental. Neste artigo, a qualidade de vida é colocada no centro da discussão, mais do que para reivindicar melhorias para o ambiente, mas buscando demonstrar como a participação é seu fundamento e constrói os mecanismos necessários para a ação educativa ambiental.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O estudo representa uma contribuição para enriquecer o patrimônio do Ensino de Ciências, a partir de experiências profissionais e pessoas com a teoria nos campos da saúde, meio ambiente e educação ambiental, em meio ambiente escolar. Este estudo representa também uma responsabilidade no sentido de colaborar com a construção de uma educação formal que possa desvendar uma visão crítica da realidade social. Duas questões de pesquisa (Como alunos de 5 série do ensino fundamental expressam em suas idéias os conceitos de saúde, meio ambiente e educação ambienta e, Por que a saúde de uma pessoa está relacionada com o meio ambiente onde ela vive e, com a educação ambiental que ela tem) foram propostas com o intuito de buscar um entendimento melhor da forma como estudantes do ensino fundamental mostram em suas idéias a enunciação dos conceitos de saúde, meio ambiente e educação ambiental e a relação entre eles. O marco metodológico aponta o estudo de caso como o conhecimento utilizado para a sustentação e materialização da investigação e, a observação e a entrevista como conhecimento complementar necessário à realização do planejamento, da coleta e da análise dos dados. O delineamento metodológico descreve do contexto no qual os sujeitos da pesquisa estão inseridos, o ambiente da pesquisa, a construção dos dados, o encontro pesquisador-sujeitos e os conceitos utilizados no estudo. Os resultados são mostrados em duas seções. A primeira mostra como os sujeitos da pesquisa se manifestaram em relação aos conceitos de saúde, meio ambiente e educação ambiental. A segunda mostra o porquê a saúde de uma pessoa está relacionada com o meio ambiente onde ela vive e com a educação ambiental que ela tem, segundo as manifestações dos sujeitos da pesquisa. O estudo mostra uma reflexão sobre o tema em pauta (conhecimento total) e a sala de aula (conhecimento local) e. aponta que é possível construir uma educação escolar, significativa, a partir dos conhecimentos, interesses e necessidades locais sem perder a dimensão macro da escola, da sociedade e do mundo.


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Esta dissertação aborda a temática Educação Ambiental para Sustentabilidade, procurando analisar na construção do Programa de Educação Ambiental para Belém (PEAMB), do período de 1997 a 2004, relações, processos e conteúdos que caracterizem o desdobramento de políticas públicas educacionais em relação às políticas internacionais, nacionais e estaduais. A investigação sociológica procurou seguir uma postura interdisciplinar e uma perspectiva dialética para apreender o objeto investigado por meio de revisão bibliográfica e pesquisa documental. Nessa perspectiva, foram contextualizadas, definidas e qualificadas categorias de referência para análise, a saber: Estado ampliado, políticas públicas, Educação Ambiental transformadora e emancipatória; sustentabilidade socioambiental. A Pesquisa documental envolveu o levantamento, a seleção, a coleta, o tratamento e a análise de tratados, legislações, planos, programas, projetos e relatórios construídos no âmbito internacional, nacional (do Brasil), estadual (do Pará) e municipal (de Belém-PA). Os dados constantes nos documentos foram investigados por meio da técnica da análise do discurso, considerando aspectos lingüísticos, sociológicos, políticos e psicológicos do dito e do não dito pelos sujeitos, facilitando a compreensão sobre o teor de conteúdos, intenções e ideologias. Os resultados da pesquisa foram organizados em quatro capítulos: 1. Introdução; 2. A Educação Ambiental no contexto das reformas; 3. Configurando a Educação Ambiental em Belém: ação e emoção; 4. Considerações finais: horizontes e perspectivas da Educação Ambiental em Belém. A análise leva a perceber que em Belém o processo de definição do Sistema Municipal de Educação Ambiental e do PEAMB, indica uma preocupação com os problemas atuais de insustentabilidade e procura concretizar acordos internacionais, bem como determinações nacionais, estaduais e locais que orientem ações de forma qualificadas e comprometidas com a sustentabilidade socioambiental, tendo como referência central o Tratado de Educação Ambiental para Sociedades Sustentáveis e Responsabilidade Global, proposto por Sociedades Civis Organizadas de vários países durante a ECO/92 e reafirmado pelo Governo Federal brasileiro, no Programa Nacional de Educação Ambiental, em 2005. Integração, participação popular e controle social foram elementos centrais identificados no complexo processo de construção do PEAMB, que envolveu acúmulos, confrontos e consensos entre a sociedade política e a sociedade civil, tornando peculiar e importante a experiência analisada, durante a gestão de um Governo de esquerda.