984 resultados para Predecessor Existence Problem
MSC 2010: 34A37, 34B15, 26A33, 34C25, 34K37
Недю Попиванов, Цветан Христов - Изследвани са някои тримерни аналози на задачата на Дарбу в равнината. През 1952 М. Протер формулира нови тримерни гранични задачи както за клас слабо хиперболични уравнения, така и за някои хиперболично-елиптични уравнения. За разлика от коректността на двумерната задача на Дарбу, новите задачи са некоректни. За слабо хиперболични уравнения, съдържащи младши членове, ние намираме достатъчни условия както за съществуване и единственост на обобщени решения с изолирана степенна особеност, така и за единственост на квази-регулярни решения на задачата на Протер.
AMS subject classification: 90C31, 90A09, 49K15, 49L20.
The existence of an inverse limit of an inverse system of (probability) measure spaces has been investigated since the very beginning of the birth of the modern probability theory. Results from Kolmogorov [10], Bochner [2], Choksi [5], Metivier [14], Bourbaki [3] among others have paved the way of the deep understanding of the problem under consideration. All the above results, however, call for some topological concepts, or at least ones which are closely related topological ones. In this paper we investigate purely measurable inverse systems of (probability) measure spaces, and give a sucient condition for the existence of a unique inverse limit. An example for the considered purely measurable inverse systems of (probability) measure spaces is also given.
We treat the problem of existence of a location-then-price equilibrium in the circle model with a linear quadratic type of transportation cost function which can be either convex or concave. We show the existence of a unique perfect equilibrium for the concave case when the linear and quadratic terms are equal and of a unique perfect equilibrium for the convex case when the linear term is equal to zero. Aside from these two cases, there are feasible locations by the firms for which no equilibrium in the price subgame exists. Finally, we provide a full taxonomy of the price equilibrium regions in terms of weights of the linear and quadratic terms in the cost function.
A new solution to the millionaire problem is designed on the base of two new techniques: zero test and batch equation. Zero test is a technique used to test whether one or more ciphertext contains a zero without revealing other information. Batch equation is a technique used to test equality of multiple integers. Combination of these two techniques produces the only known solution to the millionaire problem that is correct, private, publicly verifiable and efficient at the same time.