365 resultados para Prawns


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Foregut contents of eight commercially important species of penaied prawns namely Penaeus merguiensis, Metapenaeus affinis, M. monoceros, M. brevicornis, Parapenaeopsis stylifera, P. hardwickii, P. sculptilis and Solenocera crassicornis were investigated from inshore, nearshore and offshore fishing grounds of Mumbai. Feeding intensity and index of preponderance (IP) of the dietary items were compared statistically for the species, sexes, fishing areas and maturity condition of females. All the species except M. monoceros and P. sculptilis showed that females were better fed than males. The feeding intensity in the three depth-zones was different for M. affinis, M. brevicornis, M. monoceros, P. hardwickii and S. crassicornis, and uniform for P. merguiensis, P. stylifera and P. sculptilis. Acetes spp., prawn remains, polychaetes, benthic crustaceans, foraminifers and fish remains were the important food items of the prawns. Dietary comparison between the two sexes of the species did not show any difference, but mature females of M. monoceros and P. sculptilis had different diets. Comparison of food items for all the species together showed significant difference between the three areas. Crustacean diet was the favorite in the inshore and nearshore, and polychaetes in the offshore waters. All the species except P. hardwickii showed difference in their dietary composition in the three depth-zones. It is concluded that these coexisting species are primarily carnivorous and exhibit diverse food preferences in different depth-zones by browsing on interstitial organisms, chasing epipelagic prey, raptorial predation, scavenging on dead organisms or adopting different temporal abundance to avoid inter-specific competition for food.


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Several consignments of cooked-peeled-frozen prawns exported from India were rejected last year due to high total plate count (TPC) at 30°C. The specified temperature of incubation for TPC in our country is 37°C. Hence the effect of incubation at 30 and 37°C on TPC was studied. It is seen that the count is higher on incubation at 30°C. A method for production of cooked-peeled-frozen prawns conforming to the specification for TPC at 30°C is standardized and is reported. It consists of recooking the cooked-peeled prawns followed by packing and freezing without further contamination. The method minimizes batch to batch or sample to sample variation in TPC.


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Spoilage characteristics of different types of bacteria isolated from bacteriologically defective cans and processing factory environs were studied by inoculating pure cultures into sterile prawn meat. The pattern of spoilage, namely, production of off odour, bulging of the cans and disintegration of meat were observed. Data on spoilage under aerobic as well as anaerobic conditions are presented. Most of the cultures produced some kind of spoilage, though differences were observed in the extent of spoilage produced by different types of bacteria. Gram positive spore formers were found to be the major spoilers and the extent of spoilage was more with mixed cultures.


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Four methods were employed for the preparation of prawn (Acetes) powder in this study. The analytical characteristics and bacteriological quality of the edible powders are presented for each method.


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Studies on the cestode parasites of commercially important prawns are few. So far only four species of larval cestodes have been recorded from penaeid prawns of Florida (Woodburn et al., 1957, Sparks and Mackin, 1957, Hutton et al, 1959 and Kruse, 1959). So far there are no records of larval cestodes from prawns of India. For the first time the authors have been able to collect six forms of larval cestodes from penaeid prawns of Ratnagiri.


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Changes in physical, organoleptic and biochemical characteristics of phosphate treated prawns and frog legs during storage have been studied in detail by Mathen and Pillai, (1970). Adoption of the recommended method by the industry in the freezing of prawns made it necessary to assess the influence of such treatment on the bacterial quality. This aspect assumes more importance in view of the proposed compulsory bacterial standards for raw frozen prawns. This note gives an account of the results on the influence of phosphate treatment on bacterial quality of raw frozen shrimp meat.


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Icing is the practice for preserving prawns on board fishing boats in India. Majority of these boats need to preserve the catch only for a few hours because of the short duration of the fishing trip. However, with the anticipated introduction of a considerable number of bigger fishing vessels which can remain in the fishing ground for longer periods, more than fortnight, preservation methods, other than icing are required to retain prime quality. Freezing and cold storage of whole prawns on board followed by thawing and processing on land is a possible proposition. The extent of quality loss in prawns during these operations is one of the important points to be considered. Hence, laboratory scale studies were undertaken on double freezing of prawns and the results are dealt within this communication.


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The paper deals with the average yield of four spp of prawns viz. Metapenaeus dobsoni, Metapenaeus affinis, Parapenaeopsis stylifera and Penaeus indicus on conversion to peeled and deveined (PD), cooked and peeled (CP) and head less shell on (HL) forms in the different months of a year and the likely variations observed in the average yield.


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The effect of certain chemical agents on dopa oxidation by phenolases has been examined. Sulphur containing amino carboxylic acids are inhibitory agents for dopa oxidation. Tyrosine, a substrate for the enzyme also acts as an inhibitor for dopa oxidation by the enzyme. The possible mode of action has been discussed. The function of diethyl dithiocarbamate in suppressing the display of enzyme activity has been detailed and its behaviour has been compared to the other chemical agents studied.


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Storage study carried out with prawns processed in rotary drum dryer showed that the deteriorative changes taking place are mostly due to the presence of air and oxygen. By storing under inert atmosphere of nitrogen or carbon dioxide the original characteristics can be maintained over a considerable length of time.


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Qualitative studies on the microflora of slime and guts of prawns and of sea water off Nagapattinam showed the presence of Vibrio in the slime and sea water. They were further tested for Vibrio parahaemolyticus types and related bio-types. Evidence of its occurrence is given. This points to the need for further studies on the distribution of this organism in terms of public health significance.


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Changes occurring in carotenoid pigments of prawns during different types of processing and storage has been a matter calling for a scientific solution for which knowledge of their fundamental nature is essential. A detailed account of the methods employed in isolating the individual pigments and the results achieved in their identification are presented in this paper.


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This paper deals with an extensive study conducted to estimate the extent of weight loss in frozen prawns. The weight Joss varied from 7 to 12% in peeled and deveined (PD), 5 to 7% in headless (HL) and about 7% in cooked and peeled (CP) prawns from the date of processing to the date of inspection, normally within two weeks. To compensate the weight loss nearly 11% of excess material is being added with every frozen block resulting in an average annual loss of Rs. 2.68 crores in foreign exchange. The relevant data pertain to the period 1971 to 1973 and the annual average loss was estimated for the ten years ending 1973.


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The spatial and temporal distributions of larval prawns of penaeids and non-penaeids in the estuarine waters of Mangalore were studied. Larvae appear to be passively brought in by the incoming flood tides to the estuary, enjoy a wider distribution throughout the estuarine complex with abundance towards the mouth. The distribution of larval prawns was more in Nethravati than in the Gurupur stretch. The influence of temperature, hydrogen-ion-concentration, salinity and dissolved oxygen on the distribution of larvae in the estuaries is discussed. Inference on spawning seasons of commercially important prawns in the neighbouring waters has been arrived at based on their larval abundance.


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The native bacterial flora of ocean fresh tropical prawns, Penaeus indicus, Metapenaeus dobsoni and M. affinis was more or less similar, mainly consisting of Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, Moraxella and Arthrobacter. A definite succession of bacterial genera during iced storage was observed in these prawns. As the day of ice storage increased, the proportion of Acinetobacter and Moraxella also increased considerably and constituted 70-78% of the flora at the time of spoilage. Spoilage by Pseudomonas was very not significant in prawns under iced storage.