981 resultados para Polymorphonuclear neutrophils


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De par sa présence dans tous les vaisseaux sanguins, l'endothélium joue un rôle clef dans le processus d’hémostase, tant par sa libération de facteurs anticoagulants que par ses changements protéiques qui permettent à l’organisme de déclencher la réparation tissulaire. La fonction anticoagulante de l’endothélium peut être mise en défaut en cas d’atteinte de son intégrité, entrainant la formation de thrombus, le rejet précoce de greffes ou encore l’induction de l’athérosclérose. L’intégrité de l’endothélium est donc capitale pour la prévention de nombreuses maladies cardiovasculaires. Chez l’adulte, les cellules endothéliales (CE), normalement quiescentes, sont rapidement activées en cas d’hypoxie ou d’inflammation, leur permettant ainsi d’amorcer le processus angiogénique comme suit: Tout d’abord, l’induction de l’hyperperméabilité vasculaire permet l’extravasation des protéines plasmatiques. Ensuite, la dégradation de la lame basale par des métalloprotéases permet aux CE de se détacher, de proliférer, de migrer et de s’organiser pour former l’ébauche du futur vaisseau. La dernière étape consiste en la maturation du vaisseau, c’est-à-dire son recouvrement par des cellules murales, telles que les cellules musculaires lisses et les péricytes. Ces processus sont régulés par de nombreux facteurs angiogéniques tels que les membres de la famille Notch, du vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), du fibroblast growth factor (FGF), des angiopoïétines, et des matrix metalloproteases (MMP). L’angiogenèse pathologique, soit une insuffisance ou un excès de vascularisation, est impliquée dans les blessures chroniques, les accidents cardiovasculaires, les pathologies coronariennes artérielles, les pathologies tumorales, l’arthrite rhumatoïde, la rétinopathie diabétique, l’athérosclérose, le psoriasis et l’asthme. Ces pathologies sont souvent issues d’une dérégulation de l’activité endothéliale, fréquemment observée conjointement à l’expression continue de molécules d’adhésion leucocytaires, à l’augmentation de la perméabilité vasculaire, et aux anomalies de la vasoréactivité. L’activation non-contrôlée de l’endothélium entraîne ainsi une inflammation chronique et la formation de structures vasculaires anarchiques. Les premiers leucocytes à répondre à l’appel inflammatoire sont les neutrophiles. Equippées d’une panoplie de produits antibactériens puissants mais aussi nocifs pour les tissus qui les entourent, ces cellules polylobées participent à chaque étape du processus inflammatoire, depuis l’induction de l’hyperperméabilité vasculaire jusqu’à la résolution. En effet, grâce à leurs récepteurs, les neutrophiles détectent et interprètent les signaux biochimiques présents dans la circulation et à la surface de l’endothélium, et libèrent aussi leurs propres médiateurs tels le VEGF, les MMP, et l’interleukine-8 (IL-8), dont les effets sont à la fois paracrines et autocrines. Existent-ils d’autres modulateurs typiques de la fonction endothéliale capables d’influencer le comportement des neutrophiles? En effet, notre laboratoire a démontré que chez l’humain, une stimulation directe aux angiopoïétines incitait les neutrophiles à adhérer aux CE, à migrer, à synthétiser et à relâcher l’IL-8, voire même à vivre plus longtemps. La présence du récepteur des angiopoïétines, Tie2, à la surface des neutrophiles laisse présager que la famille possèderait d’autres fonctions leucocytaires encore non-identifiées. Par ailleurs, dans un modèle classique de l’angiogenèse in vivo (matrigel), nous avons observé que sous l’effet du FGF1 et 2, les ébauches des nouveaux vaisseaux étaient parfois accompagnées d’une infiltration de cellules granulocytaires. Ainsi, en partant de ces observations, l’objectif de nos études (présentées ci-après) était d’approfondir nos connaissances sur la relation entre neutrophiles et facteurs angiogéniques, notamment les FGF et les angiopoïétines. Par tests in vitro, nous avons confirmé que les neutrophiles humains exprimaient plusieurs récepteurs du FGF (FGFR1-4) d’une façon hétérogène, et qu’ils migraient vers un gradient des ligands FGF1 et 2. Par ailleurs, nous nous sommes intéressés aux voies de signalisation inflammatoires activées par les ligands FGF1, FGF2, Ang1 et Ang2. Grâce à une stratégie génique ciblant 84 gènes inflammatoires, nous avons identifié plusieurs cibles d’intérêt touchées par Ang1, dont certains membres de la famille de l’IL-1, alors qu’aucun des gènes testés n’avait changé de façon significative sous l’effet des FGF ou d’Ang2. Suite à des cinétiques approfondies, nous avons démontré qu’Ang1 stimulait la transcription de l’ARN messager de l’IL-1β, et augmentait simultanément la quantité de protéine immature (pro-IL-1β; inactive) et clivée (IL-1β « mature »; active). En parallèle, Ang1 augmentait la sécrétion de l’antagoniste naturel de l’IL-1β, l’IL-1RA, sans pour autant stimuler la relâche de l’IL-1β. A l’instar des endotoxines bactériennes dont les effets liés à l’IL-1 dépendaient de la kinase p38, ceux d’Ang1 découlaient presque entièrement des voies de signalisation du p42/44.


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Background & aims: This study investigated the influence of four commercial lipid emulsions, Ivelip, ClinOleic, Omegaven and SMOFlipid (R), on lipid body formation, fatty acid composition and eicosanoid production by cultured human peripheral blood polymorphonuclear cells (PMN) and mononuclear cells (PBMC). Methods: PMN and PBMC were exposed to emulsions at concentrations ranging from 0.01 to 0.04%. Lipid body formation was assessed by microscopy, fatty acid composition by gas chromatography and eicosanoids by ELISA. Results: Stimulation of inflammatory cells and exposure to lipid emulsions promoted the formation of lipid bodies, but there did not appear to be differential effects of the emulsions tested. In contrast, there were differential effects of lipid emulsions on eicosanoid formation, particularly with regards to LTB4 production by PMN. Omegaven dramatically increased production of eicosanoids compared with the other emulsions in a dose-dependent manner. This effect was associated with a significantly higher level of lipid peroxides in the supernatants of cells exposed to Omegaven. Conclusions: Stimulation of inflammatory cells and exposure to lipid emulsions promotes lipid body formation and eicosanoid production, although the differential effects of different emulsions appear to be largely due to lipid peroxidation of unsaturated fatty acids in some emulsions in this in vitro system. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. All rights reserved.


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Epidemics of community-acquired Staphylococcus aureus are caused by strains producing high concentrations of phenol-soluble modulins (PSMs). How neutrophils sense PSMs is revealed in this issue of Cell Host & Microbe. Such interactions are key to infection outcome and may be the basis for development of new treatment strategies.


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Short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are metabolic by products of anerobic bacteria fermentation. These fatty acids, despite being an important fuel for colonocytes, are also modulators of leukocyte function. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of SCFAs (acetate, propionate, and butyrate) on function of neutrophils, and the possible mechanisms involved. Neutrophils obtained from rats by intraperitoneal lavage 4 h after injection of oyster glycogen solution (1%) were treated with non toxic concentrations of the fatty acids. After that, the following measurements were performed: phagocytosis and destruction of Candida albicans, production of ROS (O(2)(center dot-), H(2)O(2), and HOCl) and degranulation. Gene expression (p47(phox) and p22(phox)) and protein phosphorylation (p47(phox)) were analyzed by real time reverse transcriptase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and Western blotting, respectively. Butyrate inhibited phagocytosis and killing of C. albicans. This SCFA also had an inhibitory effect on production of O(2)(center dot-), H(2)O(2), and HOCI by neutrophils stimulated with PMA or fMLP. This effect of butyrate was not caused by modulation of expression of NADPH oxidase subunits (p47(phox) and p22(phox)) but it was in part due to reduced levels of p47(phox) phosphorylation and an increase in the concentration of cyclic AMP. Acetate increased the production of O(2)(center dot-) and H(2)O(2), in the absence of stimuli but had no effect on phagocytosis and killing of C. albicans. Propionate had no effect on the parameters studied. These results suggest that butyrate can modulate neutrophil function, and thus could be important in inflammatory neutrophil-associated diseases. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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IL-1 beta, TNF-alpha, cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant-2 alpha/beta, and IL-10 measurements were performed in elicited peritoneal cells from control, diabetic, and insulin-treated diabetic rats. Production/liberation of these cytokines was decreased in elicited peritoneal cells from diabetic rats. These changes were abolished by insulin treatment of diabetic rats. The alterations observed might be involved in the impaired inflammatory response and high occurrence of apoptosis observed in neutrophils under diabetic states.


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The in vitro effect of testosterone on human neutrophil function was investigated. Blood neutrophils from healthy male subjects were isolated and treated with 10 nM, 0.1 and 10 mu M testosterone for 24 h. As compared with untreated cells, the testosterone treatment produced a significant decrease of superoxide production as indicated by the measurement of extra- and intracellular superoxide content. An increment in the production of nitric oxide was observed at 0.1 and 10 mu M testosterone concentrations, whereas no effect was found for 10 nM. Intracellular calcium mobilization was significantly increased at 10 nM, whereas it was reduced at 10 mu M testosterone. There was an increase in phagocytic capacity at 10 nM and a decrease of microbicidal activity in neutrophils treated with testosterone at 10 mu M. Glutathione reductase activity was increased by testosterone treatment, whereas no effect was observed in other antioxidant enzyme activities. An increase in the content of thiol groups was observed at all testosterone concentrations. Lipid peroxidation in neutrophils evaluated by levels of TBARS was decreased at 10 nM and 0.1 mu M testosterone. These results indicate the antioxidant properties of testosterone in neutrophils as suggested by reduction of superoxide anion production, and lipid peroxidation, and by the increase in nitric oxide production, glutathione reductase activity and the content of thiol groups. Therefore, the plasma levels of testosterone are important regulators of neutrophil function and so of the inflammatory response. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are fermentation products of anaerobic bacteria. More than just being an important energy source for intestinal epithelial cells, these compounds are modulators of leukocyte function and potential targets for the development of new drugs. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of SCFAs (acetate, propionate and butyrate) on production of nitric oxide (NO) and proinflammatory cytokines [tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) and cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant-2 (CINC-2 alpha beta)] by rat neutrophils. The involvement of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) and histone deacetylase (HDAC) was examined. The effect of butyrate was also investigated in vivo after oral administration of tributyrin (a pro-drug of butyrate). Propionate and butyrate diminished TNF-alpha, CINC-2 alpha beta and NO production by LPS-stimulated neutrophils. We also observed that these fatty acids inhibit HDAC activity and NF-kappa B activation, which might be involved in the attenuation of the LPS response. Products of cyclooxygenase and 5-lipoxygenase are not involved in the effects of SCFAs as indicated by the results obtained with the inhibitors of these enzymes. The recruitment of neutrophils to the peritonium after intraperitoneal administration of a glycogen solution (1%) and the ex vivo production of cytokines and NO by neutrophils were attenuated in rats that previously received tributyrin. These results argue that this triglyceride may be effective in the treatment of inflammatory conditions. Crown Copyright (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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SCFAs (short-chain fatty acids) are produced by anaerobic bacterial fermentation. Increased concentrations of these fatty acids are observed in inflammatory conditions, such as periodontal disease, and at sites of anaerobic infection. In the present study, the effect of the SCFAs acetate, propionate and butyrate on neutrophil chemotaxis and migration was investigated. Experiments were carried out in rats and in vitro. The following parameters were measured: rolling, adherence, expression of adhesion molecules in neutrophils (L-selectin and beta 2 integrin), transmigration, air pouch influx of neutrophils and production of cytokines [CINC-2 alpha beta (cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant-2 alpha beta), IL-1 beta (interleukin-1 beta), MIP-1 alpha (macrophage inflammatory protein-1 alpha) and TNF-alpha (tumour necrosis factor-alpha)]. SCFAs induced in vivo neutrophil migration and increased the release of CINC-2 alpha beta into the air pouch. These fatty acids increased the number of rolling and adhered cells as evaluated by intravital microscopy. SCFA treatment increased L-selectin expression on the neutrophil surface and L-selectin mRNA levels, but had no effect on the expression of beta 2 integrin. Propionate and butyrate also increased in vitro transmigration of neutrophils. These results indicate that SCFAs produced by anaerobic bacteria raise neutrophil migration through increased L-selectin expression on neutrophils and CINC-2 alpha beta release.


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Allergy to components of the diet is followed by gut inflammation which in children, sometimes progress to mucosal lesions and anaphylaxis. In newborns suffering of cow`s milk allergy, bloody stools, rectal. bleeding and ulcerations are found. The rat systemic anaphylaxis is a suitable model to study the intestinal lesions associated to allergy. In the present study we used this model to investigate some mechanisms involved. We found that 15 min after antigen challenge of sensitized rats, hemorrhagic lesions develop in the small intestine. The lesions were more severe in jejunum and ileum compared to duodenum. Pretreatment of the rats with a platelet-activating factor-receptor antagonist (WEB-2170) reduced the lesions whereas inhibition of endogenous nitric oxide by L-NAME, greatly increased the hemorrhagic lesions and mortality. Both, lesions and mortality were reversed by L-arginine. The hemorrhagic lesions were also significantly reduced by the mast cell stabilizers, disodium cromoglycate and ketotifen as well as by neutrophils depletion (with anti-PMN antibodies) or inhibition of selectin binding (by treatment with fucoidan). Thus, the intestinal hemorrhagic lesions in this model are dependent on ptatelet-activating factor, mast cell granule-derived mediators and neutrophils. Endogenous nitric oxide and supplementation with L-arginine has a protective role, reducing the lesions and preventing mortality. These results contributed to elucidate mechanisms involved in intestinal lesions which could be of relevance to human small bowel injury associated to allergy. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The clearance of apoptotic cells by phagocytes is a fundamental process during tissue remodeling and resolution of inflammation. In turn, the phagocytosis of apoptotic cells generates signals that suppress pro-inflammatory activation of macrophages. These events occur during the resolution phase of inflammation and therefore the malfunctioning of this process may lead to inflammation-related tissue damage. Here, we demonstrate that the calcium-binding protein S100A9, normally abundant in the cytoplasm of neutrophils and also released by apoptotic neutrophils, is involved in the suppression of macrophages after the uptake of apoptotic neutrophils. Both, spontaneous and induced production of inflammatory species (nitric oxide, hydrogen peroxide and TNF-alpha) as well as the phagocytic activity were inhibited when macrophages were in presence of apoptotic neutrophils, conditioned medium from neutrophil cultures or a peptide corresponding to the C-terminal region of S100A9 protein. On the other hand, macrophages kept in the conditioned medium of neutrophils that was previously depleted of S100A9 were shown to resume the activated status. Finally, we demonstrate that the calcium-binding property of S100A9 might play a role in the suppression process, since the stimulation of intracellular calcium release with ionomycin significantly reversed the effects of the uptake of apoptotic neutrophils in macrophages. In conclusion, we propose that S100A9 is a novel component of the regulatory mechanisms of inflammation, acting side-by-side with other suppressor factors generated upon ingestion of apoptotic cells. (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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The antioxidant activity of methanol extracts from Passiflora edulis and Passiflora alata pulp, and P. edulis rinds, healthy or infected with the passion fruit woodiness virus (PWV), was investigated using the oxidant activities of the neutrophil and the neutrophil granule enzyme myeloperoxidase (MPO), both playing key roles in inflammation. The reactive oxygen species produced by stimulated neutrophils were evaluated by lucigenin-enhanced chemiluminescence (CL) and the activity of purified MPO was measured by SIEFED (Specific Immunological Extraction Followed by Enzymatic Detection), a technique for studying the direct interaction of a compound with the enzyme. The rind extracts of P. edulis possessed higher and dose-dependent inhibitory effects on CL response and on the peroxidase activity of MPO than total pulp extracts from both passion fruit species. The quantification of isoorientin in the extracts showed a correlation with their antioxidant activity, suggesting the potential of P. edulis rinds as functional food or as a possible source of natural flavonoids. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The role of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1 and ERK2 in the neutrophil chemotactic response remains to be identified since a previously used specific inhibitor of MEK1 and MEK2, PD98059, that was used to provide evidence for a role of ERK1 and ERK2 in regulating chemotaxis, has recently been reported to also inhibit MEK5. This issue is made more critical by our present finding that human neutrophils express mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase/ERK kinase (MEK)5 and ERK5 (Big MAP kinase), and that their activities were stimulated by the bacterial tripeptide, formyl methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLP). Dose response studies demonstrated a bell-shaped profile of fMLP-stimulated MEK5 and ERK5 activation, but this was left-shifted when compared with the profile of fMLP-stimulated chemotaxis. Kinetics studies demonstrated increases in kinase activity within 2 min, peaking at 3–5 min, and MEK5 activation was more persistent than that of ERK5. There were some similarities as well as differences in the pattern of activation between fMLP-stimulated ERK1 and ERK2, and MEK5-ERK5 activation. The up-regulation of MEK5-ERK5 activities was dependent on phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. Studies with the recently described specific MEK inhibitor, PD184352, at concentrations that inhibited ERK1 and ERK2 but not ERK5 activity demonstrate that the ERK1 and ERK2 modules were involved in regulating fMLP-stimulated chemotaxis and chemokinesis. Our data suggest that the MEK5-ERK5 module is likely to regulate neutrophil responses at very low chemoattractant concentrations whereas at higher concentrations, a shift to the ERK1/ERK2 and p38 modules is apparent.