438 resultados para PATRIARCHAL MENTALITY


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Military conscription and peacetime military service were the subjects of heated political, social and cultural controversies during the early years of national independence in Finland. Both the critics and the supporters of the existing military system described it as strongly formative of young men’s physical and moral development into adult men and male citizens. The conflicts over conscription prompted the contemporaries to express their notions about what Finnish men were like, at their best and at their worst, and what should and could be done about it. This thesis studies military conscription as an arena for the “making of manhood” in peacetime Finnish society, 1918–1939. It examines a range of public images of conscripted soldiering, asking how soldiering was depicted and given gendered meanings in parliamentary debates, war hero myths, texts concerned with the military and civic education of conscripts, as well as in works of fiction and reminiscences about military training as a personal experience. Studying conscription with a focus on masculinity, the thesis explores the different cultural images of manliness, soldiering and male citizenship on offer in Finnish society. It investigates how political parties, officers, educators, journalists, writers and “ordinary” conscripts used and developed, embraced or rejected these notions, according to their political purposes or personal needs. The period between the two world wars can be described as a fast-forward into military modernity in Finland. In the process, European middle class gender ideologies clashed with Finnish agrarian masculinities. Nationalistic agendas for the militarisation of Finnish manhood stumbled against intense class conflicts and ideological resistance. Military propaganda used images of military heroism, civic virtue and individual success to persuade the conscripts into ways of thinking and acting that were shaped by bourgeois mentality, nationalistic ideology and religious morality. These images are further analysed as expressive of the personal experiences and emotions of their middle-aged, male authors. The efforts of these military educators were, however, actively resisted on many fronts, ranging from rural working class masculinities among the conscripted young men to ideological critiques of the standing army system in parliament. In narratives about military training, masculinity was depicted as both strengthened and contradicted by the harsh and even brutal practices of interwar Finnish military training. The study represents a combination of new military history and the historical study of men and masculinities. It approaches masculinity as a contested and highly political form of social and cultural knowledge that is actively and selectively used by historic actors. Instead of trying to identify a dominant or “hegemonic” form of masculinity within a pre-determined theoretical structure, this study examines how the meanings ascribed to manhood varied according to class, age, political ideology and social situation. The interwar period in Finland can be understood as a period of contest between different notions of militarised masculinity, yet to judge by the materials studied, there was no clear winning party in that contest. A gradual movement from an atmosphere of conflict surrounding conscription towards political and cultural compromises can be discerned, yet this convergence was incomplete and many division lines remained.


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Organisaatioiden siiloutuminen on monissa yhteyksissä todettu haasteeksi, jopa kansalliseksi tuottavuusongelmaksi. Organisaatiokulttuurin voimaan kiinnitetään kasvavassa määrin huomiota myös johtamistutkimuksessa. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli tutkia organisaatioteorian eri lähestymistapojen kautta organisaatiokulttuuria ja sen yhteyttä yhtiöstrategian toteuttamiseen asiantuntijaorganisaatiossa, sekä tarkentaa siiloutumista tukevia ja toisaalta yhtenäisen organisaatiokulttuurin kehittymiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä elinkeinoyhtiökontekstissa. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena tapaustutkimuksena seudullisessa elinkeinoyhtiössä. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin puolistrukturoitua teemahaastattelua. Tutkimuksessa haastateltiin kohdeorganisaation eri yksiköt huomioiden asiakasrajapinnassa toimivaa henkilöstöä, jolla on keskeinen rooli yhtiöstrategian käytännön toteutuksessa. Tutkimuksen tuloksina tunnistettiin asiantuntijaorganisaation sisäisiin rajoihin liittyviä haasteita ja siilomaiseen toimintaan johtavia organisaatiokulttuurisia syitä sekä esitettiin keinoja siilojen poistamiseen. Tutkimuksen tuloksena kiteytettiin myös organisaatiokulttuurisia aktioita, joilla voidaan edistää strategian toteuttamista asiantuntijaorganisaatiossa. Lisäksi tutkimus antoi uutta tutkimuksellista tietoa siiloista tutkimuskohteena olleen elinkeinoyhtiön toimintaympäristön kautta. Tutkimuksen perusteella elinkeinoyhtiökontekstin vaikutukset heijastuvat organisaatiokulttuurissa siiloja ja siiloutumista vahvistavana keskeisimmin kolmesta syystä, joita ovat: 1) julkiselle kehittämisorganisaatiolle asetetut laajat ja osin erisuuntaiset tehtävät, 2) kuntarahoittajien ja yritysasiakkaiden asiakkuusroolien erilaisuus sekä 3) julkisella hankerahoituksella toteutettavat projektit.


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Tutkimus kuvaa tiedon, osaamisen ja teknologian siirtoa Suomesta ja Itävallasta Puolaan, Romaniaan ja Slovakiaan hajautetussa puupohjaisessa sähkö- ja lämpöenergian tuotannossa. Metsävaroiltaan rikas ja bioenergia-asioissa toimintatavoiltaan edistynyt Suomi toimi Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen (nykyisin Luonnonvarakeskus) johdolla tutkimuksen empiirisen aineiston tuottaneen kehittäjäverkostohankkeen pääkoordinaattorina vuosina 2011-2014. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin hankkeen dokumentaation sisällönanalyysiä. Itävalta on tunnettu edistyksellisistä bioenergia-alan tuki- ja ohjausjärjestelmistä. Suomi ja Itävalta kuuluvat EU:n viiden edistyneimmän maan joukkoon uusiutuvien energialähteiden hyödyntämisessä. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten Suomessa ja Itävallassa hyvin toimivia liiketoimintamalleja voidaan siirtää kohdemaihin puupohjaisen uusiutuvan energian tuotannossa hyödynnettäviksi. Työssä kuvataan tiedonsiirtäjämaiden eli Suomen ja Itävallan ydinosaaminen kiinteän biomassan energiantuotannossa politiikkatasolta käytännön liiketoiminnan tasolle. Lisäksi työssä analysoidaan poliittisen ohjauksen merkitystä alan kehittämisessä, missä käydään läpi maakohtaiset uusiutuvan energian toimintasuunnitelmat vuodelta 2010. Lopuksi arvioidaan tiedonsiirtäjä- ja tiedonhyödyntäjämaiden välisiä eroavaisuuksia kyseisellä liiketoiminta-alueella, ja onko olemassa sellaisia tekijöitä, mitkä estävät tiedonsiirtoa tai hyväksi todettujen liiketoimintamallien soveltamista kohdemaissa. Kussakin maassa metsänomistusolosuhteet ratkaisevat kiinteän biomassan tarjonnan toimivuuden eli tilanteen toimitusketjun alkupäässä. Tuotannon ohjauksen pyrkimys on myös hyödyntää mekaanisen puunjalostuksen sivutuotevirrat mahdollisimman tarkoin energiantuotannon tarpeisiin. Yleiset taloudelliset suhdanteet vaikuttavat ketjun toimivuuteen ja tehokkuuteen. Yksin energiantuotannon tarpeisiin puunkorjuuta ei kannata suunnitella, koska se harvemmin erikseen toteutettuna on kannattavaa liiketoimintaa. Puun käyttö energiantuotantoon tarvitsee hyvin suunniteltua tuki- ja ohjausjärjestelmää, joista kansalliset hallitukset vastaavat. Suomalainen tuotannon suunnittelun ja ohjauksen ajattelutapa sekä itävaltalainen energiapuun varastointi biomassan logistiikkakeskuksiin koettiin kohdemaiden yrittäjäkunnassa varteenotettavimpina liiketoiminnan kehittämisvaihtoehtoina paikallisissa toimintaympäristöissä. Lean-tuotantoajatteluun kuuluva hukan poistaminen toimitusketjusta liittyy mm. varastonhallinnan järjestelyihin ja sivutuotevirtojen hyödyntämiseen. Näitä piirteitä oli myös löydettävissä tiedonhyödyntäjämaiden yritysten toiminnassa hankkeen toteutuksen aikana.


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The article provides a broad view of Celso Furtado's interpretation of the political development of Brazil, spread over his several writings. Furtado's approach was dominated by his analytical effort to understand the effects of the distinct socioeconomic foundations of the United States and Brazil on the development of their respective structures of power. The persistent influence of the Brazilian colonial patriarchal regime was reflected on the fragility of democracy as a political arrangement throughout most of Brazilian history, including the oligarchic republic before 1930. The mismatch between the industrialization process and the inertia of the political system led to unstable populism and eventually to the attempt of military arbitration in 1964.


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This thesis examines Death of a Ghost (1934), Flowers for the Judge (1935), Dancers in Mourning (1937), and The Fashion in Shrouds (1938), a group of detective novels by Margery Allingham that are differentiated from her other work by their generic hybridity. The thesis argues that the hybrid nature of this group of Campion novels enabled a highly skilled and insightful writer such as Allingham to negotiate the contradictory notions about the place of women that characterized the 1930s, and that in dOing so, she revealed the potential of one of the most popular and accessible genres, the detective novel of manners, to engage its readers in a serious cultural dialogue. The thesis also suggests that there is a connection between Allingham's exploration of modernity and femininity within these four novels and her personal circumstances. This argument is predicated upon the assumption that during the interwar period in England several social and cultural attitudes converged to challenge long-held beliefs about gender roles and class structure; that the real impact of this convergence was felt during the 1930s by the generation that had come of age in the previous decade-Margery Allingham's generation; and that that generation's ambivalence and confusion were reflected in the popular fiction of the decade. These attitudes were those of twentieth-century modernity--contradiction, discontinuity, fragmentation, contingency-and in the context of this study they are incorporated in a literary hybrid. Allingham uses this combination of the classical detective story and the novel of manners to examine the notion of femininity by juxtaposing the narrative of a longstanding patriarchal and hierarchical culture, embodied in the image of the Angel in the House, with that of the relatively recent rights and freedoms represented by the New Woman of the late nineteenth-century. Pierre Bourdieu's theory of social difference forms the theoretical foundation of the thesis's argument that through these conflicting narratives, as well as through the lives of her female characters, Allingham questioned the Hsocial myth" of the time, a prevailing view that, since the First World War, attitudes toward the appropriate role and sphere of women had changed.


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Based on a critical analysis of recent Canadian and British media, academic, and political representations of rave, in conjunction with the author's and ten female interviewees' past experiences as active rave participants, the purpose of this thesis is to show the ways that rave can be understood as political. Drawing on a post-structural understanding of politics, which understands macro social issues and micro personal experiences as intimately linked and inseparable, this thesis fills a gap in the existing rave literature by explicitly drawing out (a) the ways that active rave participation is entangled in dominant understandings of age and gender-appropriate activities, and (b) the implications that these entanglements have on the ways that some women experience and construct their past active rave participation. Specifically, the author examines the ways that age and gender intersect and inform the discourses on which research participants drew to describe and rationalize their experiences of becoming, being, and ceasing to be active rave participants in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. At the same time that the majority of research participants' introductions to rave followed heterosexualized and heternormative patterns, they also constructed active rave participation as a way to challenge popular representations of rave as an inappropriate activity, especially for young women. When rationalizing the cessation of their active rave participation, however, these women reproduced depictions of rave participation as a transitory and juvenile phase where older women are particularly misplaced. The various ways that these women simultaneously challenged, experienced, and facilitated dominant ageist and patriarchal discourses about who does and does belong in rave are interpreted as evidence that micro rave experiences cannot be divorced from macro discriminatory discourses, and that "the personal is political."


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It has bee1l said that feminism is dead, but in fact feminism is alive in popular cultural fonlls that offer pleasure, style, fUll and advice, as well as political messages that are internalized alld continuously enacted in the lives of North American female youth. This thesis discusses popular feminism with respect to mainstream girls' cultural discourses in music alld magazine reading. Specifically this thesis examines the importance of Madonna, Gwen Stefani, and the Spice Girls, in addition to the numerous girl magazines available on the market today, such as Seventeen and YM. Focusing on the issue of the feminine versus feminist polarity and its importance to girls' culture, this thesis attempts to demonstrate how popular feminism can be used as a mode of empowerment and illustrates the mode of consumption of popular feminist texts that frames female selfimage, attitude, behaviour and speech. Through the employment of popular feminist theories and a discourse alld semiotic analysis of musical lyrics, performance and style, in addition to magazine reading and advertisements, this thesis highlights the use of active media reading and being by girls to gaill an understanding with regards to social positioning and postmodern political identity. More fundamentally, this thesis questions how popular feminism disables, questions and critiques popular ideologies ill a patriarchal society.


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This critical analysis explores the conflicted position of women as ''trailing spouses" and the effects on families who relocate globally under the auspices of a multinational corporation, by utilizing a discursive analysis of two contemporary films and available literature. Current portrayals of women and children in contemporary media provide emotional yet conflicting images of the perfect woman, wife, mother, child and family. The basic tenets of a North American patriarchal economic system are being televised around the world. Technological advancements have made it possible to advertise political agendas on a global television screen. Much of what we see is propaganda couched in films and advertisements that are designed to romantic~e the practice of deriving profits from the unpaid labor of woman and invisibility of children and child rearing. I intend to show that the materiality of trailing a spouse globally conflicts with these romanticized images and supports feminist literature that asserts the notion that mothers and children are oppressed and managed for the benefit of capital.


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This heuristic inquiry examined if the foundations of social justice knowledge and beliefs were developed as a result of participation in a wilderness program and what knowledge and beliefs were developed. There were six participants in this study. Data collection involved participants completing pre- and post- program interviews and daily journals during the program. Through inductive analysis six themes emerged. Three of these were related to the development of certain foundations of social justice: (a) experienced conflict development and resolution; (b) experienced relationship change and development; and (c) shift from “me” to “we” mentality. The remaining three themes were included as additional findings: (a) experienced personal change and development; (b) identification of specific factors of the program responsible for changes; and (c) bringing learning back to everyday life. Results highlight wilderness program impacts on participants’ social justice knowledges and beliefs and inform wilderness program providers and social justice educators.


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This qualitative case study explored 10 young female Shi’i Muslim Arabic-Canadian students’ experiences associated with wearing the Hijab (headscarf) within their home, community, and predominantly White Canadian public elementary school environments. The study integrated several bodies of scholarly theories in order to examine the data under a set of comprehensive lenses that more fully articulates and theorizes on the diversity of female Shi’i Muslim Canadian students’ experiences. These theories are: identity theories with a focus on religious identity and negative stereotypes associated with Muslims; feminism and the Hijab discourses; research pertaining to Muslims in school settings; and critical race theory. In order to readdress the dearth of information about Shi’is’ experiences in schools, this study provides an in-depth case study analysis in which the methodology strategies included 10 semi-structured in-depth interviews, 2 focus-group meetings, and the incorporation of the researcher’s fieldnotes. Data analysis revealed the following themes corresponding to participants’ experiences and values in their social worlds of home, community, and schools: (a) martyrdom and self-sacrifice as a means for social justice; (b) transformational meaning of the Hijab; (c) intersectionality between culture, religion, and gender; and (d) effects of visits “back home” on participants’ religious identities. Additional themes related to participants’ school experiences included: (a) “us versus them” mentality; (b) religious and complex secular dialogues; (c) absence of Muslim representations in monocultural schools; (d) discrimination; (e) remaining silent versus speaking out; and (f) participants’ strategies for preserving their identities. Recommendations are made to integrate Shi’i Muslim females’ identity within the context of Islam and the West, most notably in relation to: (a) the role of Muslim community in nondiverse settings as a space that advances and nurtures Shi’i Muslim identity; and (b) holistic and culturally responsive teaching that fosters respect of others’ religiosity and spirituality. This study makes new inroads into feminist theorizing by drawing conceptual links between these previously unknown connections such as the impact of the historical female exemplary role model and the ritual stories on the experiences of Muslim females wearing the Hijab.


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Exploring the new science of emergence allows us to create a very different classroom than how the modern classroom has been conceptualised under the mentality of efficiency and output. Working on the whole person, and not just the mind, we see a shift from the epistemic pillars of truth to more ontological concerns as regards student achievement in our post-Modern and critical discourses. It is important to understand these shifts and how we are to transition our own perception and mentality not only in our research methodologies but also our approach to conceptualisations of issues in education and sustainability. We can no longer think linearly to approach complex problems or advocate for education and disregard our interconnectedness insofar as it enhances our children’s education. We must, therefore, contemplate and transition to a world that is ecological and not mechanical, complex and not complicated—in essence, we must work to link mind-body with self-environment and transcend these in order to bring about an integration toward a sustainable future. A fundamental shift in consciousness and perception may implicate our nature of creating dichotomous entities in our own microcosms, yet postmodern theorists assume, a priori, that these dualities can be bridged in naturalism alone. I, on the other hand, embrace metaphysics to understand the implicated modern classroom in a hierarchical context and ask: is not the very omission of metaphysics in postmodern discourse a symptom from an education whose foundation was built in its absence? The very dereliction of ancient wisdom in education is very peculiar indeed. Western mindfulness may play a vital component in consummating pragmatic idealism, but only under circumstances admitting metaphysics can we truly transcend our limitations, thereby placing Eastern Mindfulness not as an ecological component, but as an ecological and metaphysical foundation.


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"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître en droit (LL.M.)"


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Le thème de cette thèse est le droit des femmes à la fin du dix-huitième siècle dans les romans de l’auteure britannique Jane Austen. L’abus psychologique (et parfois physique) entre femmes est omniprésent au moment où le sujet de l’égalité entre hommes et femmes est à son apogée. Depuis la publication du volume Jane Austen and the War of Ideas de Marilyn Butler, on ne limite plus nos interprétations aux significations littéraires des romans, au contraire, elles se multiplient dans les champs culturels, sociaux, économiques... Ceci permet de mieux comprendre l’époque reflétée dans ses oeuvres. Les interactions humaines se compliquent: les mères essayent à tout prix de « vendre » leurs filles à l’homme le plus riche. Pour ce faire, ces mères résistent aux normes patriarcales. De plus, les femmes veuves sont problématiques car leur statut social ne peut pas être défini. Austen peint et critique les veuves autonomes qui essayent vigoureusement d’exercer leurs pouvoirs à travers leur sexualité et en manipulant leur vocabulaire dans le but de monter dans l’échelon social. En fait, les femmes de tous âges et toutes classes essayent de manipuler les autres pour leurs gains personnels. L’obtention de pouvoir fait en sorte que ces femmes compétitives ne créent pas une société inclusive: elles se marginalisent encore plus. Ce combat interne permet d’autant plus aux hommes d’injurier les femmes. Finalement, avec la montée du cinéma de nos jours, les oeuvres d’Austen sont traduites pour atteindre un grand nombre de spectateurs. Parmi la panoplie de films, l’abus est traduit et interprété à différents degrés.


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Depuis plus de cent ans, les Mossi du Burkina Faso évoluent avec les migrations de travail. Entre les travaux forcés de l’ère coloniale et les flux migratoires actuels, la migration est devenue une institution centrale chez les Mossi. Elle s’est imposée comme une solution aux bouleversements engendrés par de l’économie de marché, la dégradation de leur environnement et les tensions internes. Il s’est développé un système normatif qui soutient et qui perpétue ces comportements migratoires. Cette intégration institutionnelle a cependant engendré un affaiblissement de la gérontocratie et du patriarcat ce qui a déséquilibré l’organisation sociale « traditionnelle ». À partir de la méthode de l’anthropologie du changement social, ce mémoire propose une étude locale et diachronique des transformations générées par le processus migratoire. Il explique comment la migration s’est institutionnalisée, quelles sont les conséquences sur les rapports de pouvoir et quels sont les innovations, les résistances et les métissages qui en découlent. Ainsi, les migrations de travail devaient être une réponse à la crise socioéconomique vécue par les Mossi, mais par son institutionnalisation, elles sont également apparues être l’une des principales causes de cette crise.