992 resultados para Monozyten, dendritische Zellen, Makrophagen, DNA-Reparatur, ROS, Ionisierende Strahlung, Temozolomid


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As espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO) são geradas durante o metabolismo celular normal e podem produzir vários danos oxidativos no DNA, tais como lesões nas bases nitrogenadas ou sítios apurínico/apirimidínico (AP). Essas lesões podem acarretar acúmulo de sítios de mutações, caso esses danos não sejam reparados. Entretanto, as bactérias possuem vários mecanismos de defesa contra as ERO que desempenham um importante papel na manutenção da fisiologia. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de avaliar se sistemas enzimáticos, como o reparo por excisão de bases (BER), sistema SOS e SoxRS, interferem em respostas como a sensibilidade aos antibióticos, aderência das células bacterianas a superfícies bióticas ou abióticas e formação de biofilme. Os mutantes utilizados no presente estudo são todos derivados de Escherichia coli K-12 e os resultados obtidos mostraram que, dos mutantes BER testados, o único que apresentou diferença no perfil de sensibilidade aos antimicrobiamos em relação à cepa selvagem (AB1157) foi o mutante xthA- (BW9091), deficiente em exonuclease III. No teste de aderência qualitativo realizado com linhagem de células HEp-2 (originária de carcinoma de laringe humana) foi observado que onze cepas da nossa coleção, apresentaram um padrão denominando like-AA, contrastando com o que era esperado para as cepas de E. coli utilizadas como controle negativo, que apresentam aderência discreta sem padrão típico. A aderência manose-sensível via fímbria do tipo I avaliada nesse estudo mostrou que essa fimbria, possui um papel relevante na intensidade da aderência e filamentação nessas cepas estudas. A filamentação é uma resposta SOS importante para que o genoma seja reparado antes de ser partilhado pelas células filhas. Além disso, com relação à formação de biofilme, oito cepas apresentaram um biofilme forte sendo que essa resposta não foi acompanhada pelo aumento da intensidade de filamentação. Nossos resultados em conjunto sugerem o envolvimento de estresse oxidativo na definição de parâmetros como sensibilidade a antimicrobianos, padrão e intensidade de aderência, filamentação e formação de biofilme nas amostras de E. coli K-12 avaliadas neste trabalho. Sugerimos que a aderência gera estresse oxidativo causando danos no DNA, o que leva a indução do sistema SOS resultando na resposta de filamentação observada.


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Didaticamente, podemos dividir o espectro da radiação ultravioleta (UV) em três faixas: UVA (400 a 320 nm), UVB (320 a 290 nm) e UVC (290 a 100 nm). Apesar do UVC ou UV-curto ser eficientemente filtrado pela camada de ozônio da Terra e sua atmosfera, este é uma das faixas do espectro de UV mais usadas para explorar as consequências de danos causados ao DNA, já que a letalidade induzida por este agente está relacionada aos danos diretos no genoma celular, como as lesões dímero de pirimidina, que são letais se não reparadas. Contudo, demonstrou-se que a radiação UVC pode gerar espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO), como o oxigênio singleto (1O2). Embora, o radical hidroxil (OH) cause modificações oxidativas nas bases de DNA, alguns trabalhos indicam que o 1O2 também está envolvido nos danos oxidativos no DNA. Esta ERO é produzida por vários sistemas biológicos e reações fotossensibilização, quando cromóforos são expostos à luz visível ou são excitados pela luz UV, permitindo que essa energia possa ser transferida para o oxigênio sendo convertido em 1O2, que é conhecido por modificar resíduos de guanina, gerando 8-oxoG, que caso não seja reparada pode gerar uma transversão GC-TA. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de elucidar a participação de ERO nos efeitos genotóxicos e mutagênicos gerados pela radiação UVC, assim como as enzimas envolvidas no processo de reparação destas lesões em células de Escherichia coli. Nos ensaios as culturas foram irradiadas com o UVC (254 nm; 15W General Electric G15T8 germicidal lamp, USA). Nossos resultados mostram que o uso de quelantes de ferro não alterou a letalidade induzida pelo UVC. A azida sódica, um captador de 1O2, protegeu as cepas contra os danos genotóxicos gerados pelo UVC e também diminuiu a frequência de mutações induzidas no teste com rifampicina. A reversão específica GC-TA foi induzida mais de 2,5 vezes no ensaio de mutagênese. A cepa deficiente na proteína de reparo Fpg, enzima que corrige a lesão 8-oxoG, apresentou menos quebras no DNA do que a cepa selvagem no ensaio de eletroforese alcalina. A letalidade induzida pelo UVC foi aumentada nos mutantes transformados com o plasmídeo pFPG, ao mesmo tempo que representou uma redução na indução mutagênica. Houve dimuição na eficiência de transformação com plasmídeo pUC 9.1 na cepa fpg quando comparado a cepa selvagem. Assim como, um aumento da sensibilidade ao UVC na associação entre mutantes fpg e uvrA. Estes resultados mostram que o 1O2 participa dos danos induzidos pelo UVC, através da geração da lesão 8-oxoG, uma lesão mutagênica, que é reparada pela proteína Fpg


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Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced as a consequence of normal aerobic metabolism and are able to induce DNA oxidative damage. At the cellular level, the evaluation of the protective effect of antioxidants can be achieved by examining the integrity of the DNA nucleobases using electrochemical techniques. Herein, the use of an adenine-rich oligonucleotide (dA21) adsorbed on carbon paste electrodes for the assessment of the antioxidant capacity is proposed. The method was based on the partial damage of a DNA layer adsorbed on the electrode surface by OH• radicals generated by Fenton reaction and the subsequent electrochemical oxidation of the intact adenine bases to generate an oxidation product that was able to catalyze the oxidation of NADH. The presence of antioxidant compounds scavenged hydroxyl radicals leaving more adenines unoxidized, and thus, increasing the electrocatalytic current of NADHmeasured by differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). Using ascorbic acid (AA) as a model antioxidant species, the detection of as low as 50nMof AA in aqueous solution was possible. The protection efficiency was evaluated for several antioxidant compounds. The biosensor was applied to the determination of the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) in beverages.


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In this paper, a biosensor based on a glassy carbon electrode (GCE) was used for the evaluation of the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) of flavours and flavoured waters. This biosensor was constructed by immobilising purine bases, guanine and adenine, on a GCE. Square wave voltammetry (SWV) was selected for the development of this methodology. Damage caused by the reactive oxygen species (ROS), superoxide radical (O2·−), generated by the xanthine/xanthine oxidase (XOD) system on the DNA-biosensor was evaluated. DNA-biosensor encountered with oxidative lesion when it was in contact with the O2·−. There was less oxidative damage when reactive antioxidants were added. The antioxidants used in this work were ascorbic acid, gallic acid, caffeic acid, coumaric acid and resveratrol. These antioxidants are capable of scavenging the superoxide radical and therefore protect the purine bases immobilized on the GCE surface. The results demonstrated that the DNA-based biosensor is suitable for the rapid assess of TAC in beverages.


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Mitochondria have an important role in cell metabolism, being the major site of ATP production via oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). Accumulation of mtDNA mutations have been linked to the development of respiratory dysfunction, apoptosis, and aging. Base excision repair (BER) is the major and the only certain repair pathway existing in mitochondria that is in responsible for removing and repairing various base modifications as well as abasic sites (AP sites). In this research, Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae) BER gene knockout strains, including 3 single DNA glycosylase gene knockout strains and Ap endonuclease (Apn 1 p) knockout strain were used to examine the importance of this DNA repair pathway to the maintenance of respiratory function. Here, I show that individual DNA glycosylases are nonessential in maintenance of normal function in yeast mitochondria, corroborating with previous research in mammalian experimental models. The yeast strain lacking Apn 1 p activity exhibits respiratory deficits, including inefficient and significantly low intracellular ATP level, which maybe due to partial uncoupling of OXPHOS. Growth of this yeast strain on respiratory medium is inhibited, but no evidence was found for increased ROS level in Apn 1 p mitochondria. This strain also shows an increased cell size, and this observation combined with an uncoupled OXPHOS may indicate a premature aging in the Apnlp knockout strain, but more evidence is needed to support this hypothesis. However, the BER is necessary for maintenance of mitochondrial function in respiring S.cerevisiae.


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Se ha analizado las causas de la distribución espacial de la variabilidad genética del ADN mitocondrial en poblaciones de trucha común de la cuenca del Duero y de los Pirineos Orientales. En total se han analizado de novo 49 localidades, 13 en la cuenca del río Duero y 36 en los principales ríos del Pirineo oriental. Además se analizaron las fluctuaciones temporales en 14 de las localidades del Pirineo Oriental. Estudios previos indican un marcado contraste de los patrones de diversidad entre ambos territorios. En la cuenca del río Duero los análisis confirmaron la presencia de los dos linajes matriarcales descritos previamente, el linaje Atlántico (AT) y el linaje Duero (DU). Los análisis de la varianza molecular (AMOVA) siguiendo una jerarquía hidrográfica sugirieron una alta estructuración de las poblaciones coincidente con los patrones ictiológicos observados en la cuenca. El linaje DU parece haber estado presente permanentemente en la cuenca interior del Duero, mientras que las zonas más próximas a la desembocadura han padecido diversas colonizaciones de trucha del linaje AT, que reflejarían los cambios climáticos ocurridos en el Cuaternario. Se ha detectado una discrepancia en el límite entre ambos grupos definidos por genes nucleares (alozimas) y el ADN mitocondrial. Estas discrepancias pueden ser debidas a un efecto más severo de la deriva genética en el ADN mitocondrial que en los marcadores nucleares. Sin embargo, en este trabajo se han observado evidencias a favor de selección en el ADN mitocondrial del linaje DU que también explicaría estas discrepancias. El análisis más exhaustivo en las cuencas de los Pirineos orientales, permitió detectar nuevos haplotipos mitocondriales de los linajes Adriático (AD) y Mediterráneo (ME). En esta región, los AMOVAs confirmaron que las diferencias entre poblaciones dentro de río son más importantes que las diferencias entre ríos. No obstante se observó un patrón de aislamiento por distancia en toda la zona, reflejo de la estructuración de las poblaciones en la cuenca del río Ebro. Además, aunque los AMOVAs mostraron que el componente temporal de la variación es inferior al espacial, las fluctuaciones temporales en la comparación matriarcal de las poblaciones resultaron estadísticamente significativas. Estas fluctuaciones están asociadas tanto a la deriva genética como a procesos de flujo génico entre poblaciones próximas. Dentro de las cuencas, los componentes de diferenciación entre afluentes son, en general, superiores a los obtenidos dentro de cada afluente, patrón que parece estar extendido en la trucha común. Los estudios a escala microgeográfica en la Noguera Vallferrera y Noguera Cardós (afluentes del Noguera Pallaresa) reprodujeron este patrón de diferenciación. Los tamaños efectivos y la tasa de migración entre ambos ríos fueron similares a los descritos en poblaciones noratlánticas. Los tamaños efectivos de las hembras (Nef), calculados a partir del ADN mitocondrial fueron menos de la mitad del tamaño efectivo total tanto en la Noguera Vallferrera como en el resto de localidades pirenaicas estudiadas. Estos bajos tamaños efectivos de las hembras serían también responsables de las fluctuaciones temporales observadas. Los ejemplares repoblados parecen hibridar poco con los nativos, pero su presencia podría intensificar indirectamente los procesos de deriva genética y complicar la conservación de los patrimonios genéticos nativos. Con la salvedad de la existencia de selección que favorece a los haplotipos del linaje DU, los procesos poblacionales que regulan la distribución de la variabilidad genética en la cuenca del Duero y en los Pirineos Orientales podrían ser parecidos y caracterizados por la existencia de múltiples demes interconectados a lo largo del curso fluvial.


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This paper reports on the synthesis and characterization of two new ternary copper(II) complexes: [Cu(doxy-cycline)(1,10-phenanthroline)(H(2)O)(ClO(4))](ClO(4)) (1) and [Cu(tetracycline)(1,10-phenanthroline)(H(2)O)(ClO(4))](ClO(4)) (2). These compounds exhibit a distorted tetragonal geometry around copper, which is coordinated to two bidentate ligands, 1,10-phenanthroline and tetracycline or doxycyline, a water molecule, and a perchlorate ion weakly bonded in the axial positions. In both compounds, copper(II) binds to tetracyclines`. via the oxygen of the hydroxyl group and oxygen of the amide group at ring A and to 1,10-phenanthroline via its two heterocyclic nitrogens. We have evaluated the binding of the new complexes to DNA, their capacity to cleave it, their cytotoxic activity, and uptake in tumoral cells. The complexes bind to DNA preferentially by the major groove, and then cleave its strands by an oxidative mechanism involving the generation of ROS. The cleavage of DNA was inhibited by radical inhibitors and/or trappers such as superoxide dismutase, DMSO, and the copper(I) chelator bathocuproine. The enzyme T4 DNA ligase was not able to relegate the products of DNA cleavage, which indicates that the cleavage does not occur via a hydrolytic mechanism. Both complexes present an expressive plasmid DNA cleavage activity generating single- and double-strand breaks, under mild reaction conditions, and even in the absence of any additional oxidant or reducing agent. In the same experimental conditions, [Cu(phen)(2)](2+) is approximately 100-fold less active than our complexes. These complexes are among the most potent DNA cleavage agents reported so far. Both complexes inhibit the growth of K562 cells With the IC(50) values of 1.93 and 2.59 mu mol L(-1) for compounds I and 2, respectively. The complexes are more active than the free ligands, and their cytotoxic activity correlates with intracellular copper concentration and the number of Cu-DNA adducts formed inside cells.


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Some oxindole-Schiff base copper(II) complexes have already shown potential antitumor activity towards different cells, inducing apoptosis in a process modulated by the ligand, and having nuclei and mitochondria as main targets. Here, three novel copper(II) complexes with analogous ligands were isolated and characterized by spectroscopic techniques, having their reactivity compared to the so far most active complex in this class. Cytotoxicity experiments carried out toward human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells confirmed its proapoptosis property. DNA cleavage studies were then performed in the presence of these complexes, in order to verify the influence of ligand structural features in its nuclease activity. All of them were able to cause double-strand DNA scissions, giving rise to nicked circular Form II and linear Form III species, in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. Additionally, DNA Form II was also detected in the absence of peroxide when the most active complex, [Cu(isaepy)(2)](2+) 1, was used. In an effort to better elucidate their interactions with DNA, solutions of the different complexes titrated with DNA had their absorption spectra monitored. An absorbance hyperchromism observed at 260 nm pointed to the intercalation of these complexes into the DNA structure. Further, investigations of 2-deoxy-D-ribose (DR) oxidation catalyzed by each of those complexes, using 2-thiobarbituric acid reactive species (TBARS) method, and detection of reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation by spin-trapping EPR, suggested that their mechanism of action in performing efficiently DNA cleavage occurs preferentially, but not only by oxidative pathways. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Three pairs of parental (ρ+) and established mitochondrial DNA depleted (ρ0) cells, derived from bone, lung and muscle were used to verify the influence of the nuclear background and the lack of efficient mitochondrial respiratory chain on antioxidant defences and homeostasis of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS). Mitochondrial DNA depletion significantly lowered glutathione reductase activity, glutathione (GSH) content, and consistently altered the GSH2 : oxidized glutathione ratio in all of the ρ0 cell lines, albeit to differing extents, indicating the most oxidized redox state in bone ρ0 cells. Activity, as well as gene expression and protein content, of superoxide dismutase showed a decrease in bone and muscle ρ0 cell lines but not in lung ρ0 cells. GSH peroxidase activity was four times higher in all three ρ0 cell lines in comparison to the parental ρ+, suggesting that this may be a necessary adaptation for survival without a functional respiratory chain. Taken together, these data suggest that the lack of respiratory chain prompts the cells to reduce their need for antioxidant defences in a tissue-specific manner, exposing them to a major risk of oxidative injury. In fact bone-derived ρ0 cells displayed the highest steady-state level of intracellular ROS (measured directly by 2',7'-dichlorofluorescin, or indirectly by aconitase activity) compared to all the other ρ+ and ρ0 cells, both in the presence or absence of glucose. Analysis of mitochondrial and cytosolic/iron regulatory protein-1 aconitase indicated that most ROS of bone ρ0 cells originate from sources other than mitochondria.


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Despite advances in vaccine development and therapy, bacterial meningitis (BM) remains a major cause of death and long-term neurological disabilities. As part of the host inflammatory response to the invading pathogen, factors such as reactive oxygen species are generated, which may damage DNA and trigger the overactivation of DNA repair mechanisms. It is conceivable that the individual susceptibility and outcome of BM may be in part determined by non synonymous polymorphisms that may alter the function of crucial BER DNA repair enzymes as PARP-1, OGG-1 and APE-1. These enzymes, in addition to their important DNA repair function, also perform role of inflammatory regulators. In this work was investigated the non synonymous SNPs APE-1 Asn148Glu, OGG-1 Ser326Cys,PARP-1 Val762Ala, PARP-1 Pro882Leu and PARP-1 Cys908Tyr in patients with bacterial meningitis (BM), chronic meningitis (CM), aseptic meningitis (AM) and not infected (controls). As results we found increased frequency of variant alleles of PARP-1 Val762Ala (P = 0.005) and APE-1 Asn148Glu (P=0.018) in BM patients, APE-1 Asn148Glu in AM patients (P = 0.012) and decrease in the frequency of the variant allele OGG-1 Ser326Cys in patients with CM (P = 0.013), regarding the allelic frequencies in the controls. A major incidence of individuals heterozygous and/ or polymorphic homozygous in BM for PARP-1 Val762Ala (P= 0.0399, OD 4.2, 95% IC 1.213 -14.545) and PARP-1 Val762Ala/ APE-1 Asn148Glu (P = 0.0238, OD 11.111, 95% IC 1.274 - 96.914) was observed related to what was expected in a not infected population. It was also observed a major incidence of combined SNPs in the BM patients compared with the control group (P=0.0281), giving evidences that SNPs can cause some susceptibility to the disease. This combined effect of SNPs seems to regulate the principal cytokines and other factors related to BM inflammatory response and point the importance of DNA repair not only to repair activity when DNA is damaged, but to others essential functions to human organism balance.


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beta-Glucans (BGs) are polysaccharides that are found in the cell walls of organisms such as bacteria, fungi, and some cereals. The objective of the present study was to investigate the genotoxic and antigenotoxic effects of BG extracted from the mushroom Agaricus brasiliensis (=Agaricus blazei Murrill ss. Heinemann). The mutagenic activity of BG was tested in single-cell gel electrophoresis assays with human peripheral lymphocytes. In addition, the protective effects against the cooked food mutagen 3-amino-1-methyl-5H-pyrido[4,3-b]indole (Trp-P-2) and (+/-)-anti-B[a]P-7,8-dihydrodiol-9,10-epoxide (BPDE), which is the main metabolite of B[a]P, and against ROS (H2O2)-induced DNA damage, were studied. The results showed that the compound itself was devoid of mutagenic activity, and that a significant dose-dependent protective effect against damage induced by hydrogen peroxide and Trp-P-2 occurred in the dose range 20-80 mu g/ml. To investigate the prevention of Trp-P-2-induced DNA damage, a binding assay was carried out to determine whether BG inactivates the amine via direct binding. Since no such interactions were observed, it is likely that BG interacts with enzymes involved in the metabolism of the amine.


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4-Methylesculetin (4-ME) is a synthetic derivative of coumarin that displays a potent reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenger and metal chelating agent and therefore has been produced to help reduce the risk of human disease. The main objective of this study was to investigate the in vivo genotoxicity of 4-ME and initially to verify its potential antigenotoxicity on doxorubicin (DXR)-induced DNA damage. Different doses of 4-ME (500, 1000 and 2000mgkg -1 body weight) were administered by gavage only or with a simultaneous intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of DXR (80mgkg -1). The following endpoints were analyzed: DNA damage in peripheral blood, liver, bone marrow, brain and testicle cells according to an alkaline (pH>13) comet assay and micronucleus induction in bone marrow cells. Cytotoxicity was assessed by scoring polychromatic (PCE) and normochromatic (NCE) erythrocytes (PCE/NCE ratio). No differences were observed between the negative control and the groups treated with a 4-ME dose for any of the endpoints analyzed, indicating that it lacks genotoxic and cytotoxic effects. Moreover, 4-ME demonstrated protective effects against DXR-induced DNA damage at all tested doses and in all analyzed cell types, which ranged from 34.1% to 93.3% in the comet assay and 54.4% to 65.9% in the micronucleus test.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objectives: This report highlights phytoconstituents present in Cissus quadrangularis (CQ) extract and examines biphasic (proliferative and anti-proliferative) effects of its extract on bone cell proliferation, differentiation, mineralization, ROS generation, cell cycle progression and Runx2 gene expression in primary rat osteoblasts. Materials and methods: Phytoconstituents were identified using gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS). Osteoblasts were exposed to different concentrations (10-100g/ml) of CQ extract and cell proliferation and cell differentiation were investigated at different periods of time. Subsequently, intracellular ROS intensity, apoptosis and matrix mineralization of osteoblasts were evaluated. We performed flow cytometry for DNA content and real-time PCR for Runx2 gene expression analysis.Results: CQ extract's approximately 40 bioactive compounds of fatty acids, hydrocarbons, vitamins and steroidal derivatives were identified. Osteoblasts exposed to varying concentrations of extract exhibited biphasic variation in cell proliferation and differentiation as a function of dose and time. Moreover, lower concentrations (10-50g/ml) of extract slightly reduced ROS intensity, although they enhanced matrix mineralization, DNA content in S phase of the cell cycle, and levels of Runx2 expression. However, higher concentrations (75-100g/ml) considerably induced the ROS intensity and nuclear condensation in osteoblasts, while it reduced mineralization level, proportion of cells in S phase and Runx2 level of the osteogenic gene.Conclusions: These findings suggest that CQ extract revealed concentration-dependent biphasic effects, which would contribute notably to future assessment of pre-clinical efficacy and safety studies.