903 resultados para Modeling Non-Verbal Behaviors Using Machine Learning


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For years, we have relied on population surveys to keep track of regional public health statistics, including the prevalence of non-communicable diseases. Because of the cost and limitations of such surveys, we often do not have the up-to-date data on health outcomes of a region. In this paper, we examined the feasibility of inferring regional health outcomes from socio-demographic data that are widely available and timely updated through national censuses and community surveys. Using data for 50 American states (excluding Washington DC) from 2007 to 2012, we constructed a machine-learning model to predict the prevalence of six non-communicable disease (NCD) outcomes (four NCDs and two major clinical risk factors), based on population socio-demographic characteristics from the American Community Survey. We found that regional prevalence estimates for non-communicable diseases can be reasonably predicted. The predictions were highly correlated with the observed data, in both the states included in the derivation model (median correlation 0.88) and those excluded from the development for use as a completely separated validation sample (median correlation 0.85), demonstrating that the model had sufficient external validity to make good predictions, based on demographics alone, for areas not included in the model development. This highlights both the utility of this sophisticated approach to model development, and the vital importance of simple socio-demographic characteristics as both indicators and determinants of chronic disease.


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This paper presents a novel design of interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems (IT2FLS) by utilizing the theory of extreme learning machine (ELM) for electricity load demand forecasting. ELM has become a popular learning algorithm for single hidden layer feed-forward neural networks (SLFN). From the functional equivalence between the SLFN and fuzzy inference system, a hybrid of fuzzy-ELM has gained attention of the researchers. This paper extends the concept of fuzzy-ELM to an IT2FLS based on ELM (IT2FELM). In the proposed design the antecedent membership function parameters of the IT2FLS are generated randomly, whereas the consequent part parameters are determined analytically by the Moore-Penrose pseudo inverse. The ELM strategy ensures fast learning of the IT2FLS as well as optimality of the parameters. Effectiveness of the proposed design of IT2FLS is demonstrated with the application of forecasting nonlinear and chaotic data sets. Nonlinear data of electricity load from the Australian National Electricity Market for the Victoria region and from the Ontario Electricity Market are considered here. The proposed model is also applied to forecast Mackey-glass chaotic time series data. Comparative analysis of the proposed model is conducted with some traditional models such as neural networks (NN) and adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). In order to verify the structure of the proposed design of IT2FLS an alternate design of IT2FLS based on Kalman filter (KF) is also utilized for the comparison purposes.


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This study presents an approach to combine uncertainties of the hydrological model outputs predicted from a number of machine learning models. The machine learning based uncertainty prediction approach is very useful for estimation of hydrological models' uncertainty in particular hydro-metrological situation in real-time application [1]. In this approach the hydrological model realizations from Monte Carlo simulations are used to build different machine learning uncertainty models to predict uncertainty (quantiles of pdf) of the a deterministic output from hydrological model . Uncertainty models are trained using antecedent precipitation and streamflows as inputs. The trained models are then employed to predict the model output uncertainty which is specific for the new input data. We used three machine learning models namely artificial neural networks, model tree, locally weighted regression to predict output uncertainties. These three models produce similar verification results, which can be improved by merging their outputs dynamically. We propose an approach to form a committee of the three models to combine their outputs. The approach is applied to estimate uncertainty of streamflows simulation from a conceptual hydrological model in the Brue catchment in UK and the Bagmati catchment in Nepal. The verification results show that merged output is better than an individual model output. [1] D. L. Shrestha, N. Kayastha, and D. P. Solomatine, and R. Price. Encapsulation of parameteric uncertainty statistics by various predictive machine learning models: MLUE method, Journal of Hydroinformatic, in press, 2013.


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Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) can be used to monitor hazardous and inaccessible areas. In these situations, the power supply (e.g. battery) of each node cannot be easily replaced. One solution to deal with the limited capacity of current power supplies is to deploy a large number of sensor nodes, since the lifetime and dependability of the network will increase through cooperation among nodes. Applications on WSN may also have other concerns, such as meeting temporal deadlines on message transmissions and maximizing the quality of information. Data fusion is a well-known technique that can be useful for the enhancement of data quality and for the maximization of WSN lifetime. In this paper, we propose an approach that allows the implementation of parallel data fusion techniques in IEEE 802.15.4 networks. One of the main advantages of the proposed approach is that it enables a trade-off between different user-defined metrics through the use of a genetic machine learning algorithm. Simulations and field experiments performed in different communication scenarios highlight significant improvements when compared with, for instance, the Gur Game approach or the implementation of conventional periodic communication techniques over IEEE 802.15.4 networks. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Different types of proteins exist with diverse functions that are essential for living organisms. An important class of proteins is represented by transmembrane proteins which are specifically designed to be inserted into biological membranes and devised to perform very important functions in the cell such as cell communication and active transport across the membrane. Transmembrane β-barrels (TMBBs) are a sub-class of membrane proteins largely under-represented in structure databases because of the extreme difficulty in experimental structure determination. For this reason, computational tools that are able to predict the structure of TMBBs are needed. In this thesis, two computational problems related to TMBBs were addressed: the detection of TMBBs in large datasets of proteins and the prediction of the topology of TMBB proteins. Firstly, a method for TMBB detection was presented based on a novel neural network framework for variable-length sequence classification. The proposed approach was validated on a non-redundant dataset of proteins. Furthermore, we carried-out genome-wide detection using the entire Escherichia coli proteome. In both experiments, the method significantly outperformed other existing state-of-the-art approaches, reaching very high PPV (92%) and MCC (0.82). Secondly, a method was also introduced for TMBB topology prediction. The proposed approach is based on grammatical modelling and probabilistic discriminative models for sequence data labeling. The method was evaluated using a newly generated dataset of 38 TMBB proteins obtained from high-resolution data in the PDB. Results have shown that the model is able to correctly predict topologies of 25 out of 38 protein chains in the dataset. When tested on previously released datasets, the performances of the proposed approach were measured as comparable or superior to the current state-of-the-art of TMBB topology prediction.


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Abstract Radiation metabolomics employing mass spectral technologies represents a plausible means of high-throughput minimally invasive radiation biodosimetry. A simplified metabolomics protocol is described that employs ubiquitous gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and open source software including random forests machine learning algorithm to uncover latent biomarkers of 3 Gy gamma radiation in rats. Urine was collected from six male Wistar rats and six sham-irradiated controls for 7 days, 4 prior to irradiation and 3 after irradiation. Water and food consumption, urine volume, body weight, and sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride, phosphate and urea excretion showed major effects from exposure to gamma radiation. The metabolomics protocol uncovered several urinary metabolites that were significantly up-regulated (glyoxylate, threonate, thymine, uracil, p-cresol) and down-regulated (citrate, 2-oxoglutarate, adipate, pimelate, suberate, azelaate) as a result of radiation exposure. Thymine and uracil were shown to derive largely from thymidine and 2'-deoxyuridine, which are known radiation biomarkers in the mouse. The radiation metabolomic phenotype in rats appeared to derive from oxidative stress and effects on kidney function. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry is a promising platform on which to develop the field of radiation metabolomics further and to assist in the design of instrumentation for use in detecting biological consequences of environmental radiation release.


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BACKGROUND: Clinical Trials (CTs) are essential for bridging the gap between experimental research on new drugs and their clinical application. Just like CTs for traditional drugs and biologics have helped accelerate the translation of biomedical findings into medical practice, CTs for nanodrugs and nanodevices could advance novel nanomaterials as agents for diagnosis and therapy. Although there is publicly available information about nanomedicine-related CTs, the online archiving of this information is carried out without adhering to criteria that discriminate between studies involving nanomaterials or nanotechnology-based processes (nano), and CTs that do not involve nanotechnology (non-nano). Finding out whether nanodrugs and nanodevices were involved in a study from CT summaries alone is a challenging task. At the time of writing, CTs archived in the well-known online registry ClinicalTrials.gov are not easily told apart as to whether they are nano or non-nano CTs-even when performed by domain experts, due to the lack of both a common definition for nanotechnology and of standards for reporting nanomedical experiments and results. METHODS: We propose a supervised learning approach for classifying CT summaries from ClinicalTrials.gov according to whether they fall into the nano or the non-nano categories. Our method involves several stages: i) extraction and manual annotation of CTs as nano vs. non-nano, ii) pre-processing and automatic classification, and iii) performance evaluation using several state-of-the-art classifiers under different transformations of the original dataset. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The performance of the best automated classifier closely matches that of experts (AUC over 0.95), suggesting that it is feasible to automatically detect the presence of nanotechnology products in CT summaries with a high degree of accuracy. This can significantly speed up the process of finding whether reports on ClinicalTrials.gov might be relevant to a particular nanoparticle or nanodevice, which is essential to discover any precedents for nanotoxicity events or advantages for targeted drug therapy.


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Automatic 2D-to-3D conversion is an important application for filling the gap between the increasing number of 3D displays and the still scant 3D content. However, existing approaches have an excessive computational cost that complicates its practical application. In this paper, a fast automatic 2D-to-3D conversion technique is proposed, which uses a machine learning framework to infer the 3D structure of a query color image from a training database with color and depth images. Assuming that photometrically similar images have analogous 3D structures, a depth map is estimated by searching the most similar color images in the database, and fusing the corresponding depth maps. Large databases are desirable to achieve better results, but the computational cost also increases. A clustering-based hierarchical search using compact SURF descriptors to characterize images is proposed to drastically reduce search times. A significant computational time improvement has been obtained regarding other state-of-the-art approaches, maintaining the quality results.


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In emergency situations, where time for blood transfusion is reduced, the O negative blood type (the universal donor) is administrated. However, sometimes even the universal donor can cause transfusion reactions that can be fatal to the patient. As commercial systems do not allow fast results and are not suitable for emergency situations, this paper presents the steps considered for the development and validation of a prototype, able to determine blood type compatibilities, even in emergency situations. Thus it is possible, using the developed system, to administer a compatible blood type, since the first blood unit transfused. In order to increase the system’s reliability, this prototype uses different approaches to classify blood types, the first of which is based on Decision Trees and the second one based on support vector machines. The features used to evaluate these classifiers are the standard deviation values, histogram, Histogram of Oriented Gradients and fast Fourier transform, computed on different regions of interest. The main characteristics of the presented prototype are small size, lightweight, easy transportation, ease of use, fast results, high reliability and low cost. These features are perfectly suited for emergency scenarios, where the prototype is expected to be used.


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Specification of the non-functional requirements of applications and determining the required resources for their execution are activities that demand a great deal of technical knowledge, frequently resulting in an inefficient use of resources. Cloud computing is an alternative for provisioning of resources, which can be done using either the provider's own infrastructure or the infrastructure of one or more public clouds, or even a combination of both. It enables more flexibly/elastic use of resources, but does not solve the specification problem. In this paper we present an approach that uses models at runtime to facilitate the specification of non-functional requirements and resources, aiming to facilitate dynamic support for application execution in cloud computing environments with shared resources. © 2013 IEEE.


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With the explosive growth of the volume and complexity of document data (e.g., news, blogs, web pages), it has become a necessity to semantically understand documents and deliver meaningful information to users. Areas dealing with these problems are crossing data mining, information retrieval, and machine learning. For example, document clustering and summarization are two fundamental techniques for understanding document data and have attracted much attention in recent years. Given a collection of documents, document clustering aims to partition them into different groups to provide efficient document browsing and navigation mechanisms. One unrevealed area in document clustering is that how to generate meaningful interpretation for the each document cluster resulted from the clustering process. Document summarization is another effective technique for document understanding, which generates a summary by selecting sentences that deliver the major or topic-relevant information in the original documents. How to improve the automatic summarization performance and apply it to newly emerging problems are two valuable research directions. To assist people to capture the semantics of documents effectively and efficiently, the dissertation focuses on developing effective data mining and machine learning algorithms and systems for (1) integrating document clustering and summarization to obtain meaningful document clusters with summarized interpretation, (2) improving document summarization performance and building document understanding systems to solve real-world applications, and (3) summarizing the differences and evolution of multiple document sources.


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Spectral CT using a photon counting x-ray detector (PCXD) shows great potential for measuring material composition based on energy dependent x-ray attenuation. Spectral CT is especially suited for imaging with K-edge contrast agents to address the otherwise limited contrast in soft tissues. We have developed a micro-CT system based on a PCXD. This system enables full spectrum CT in which the energy thresholds of the PCXD are swept to sample the full energy spectrum for each detector element and projection angle. Measurements provided by the PCXD, however, are distorted due to undesirable physical eects in the detector and are very noisy due to photon starvation. In this work, we proposed two methods based on machine learning to address the spectral distortion issue and to improve the material decomposition. This rst approach is to model distortions using an articial neural network (ANN) and compensate for the distortion in a statistical reconstruction. The second approach is to directly correct for the distortion in the projections. Both technique can be done as a calibration process where the neural network can be trained using 3D printed phantoms data to learn the distortion model or the correction model of the spectral distortion. This replaces the need for synchrotron measurements required in conventional technique to derive the distortion model parametrically which could be costly and time consuming. The results demonstrate experimental feasibility and potential advantages of ANN-based distortion modeling and correction for more accurate K-edge imaging with a PCXD. Given the computational eciency with which the ANN can be applied to projection data, the proposed scheme can be readily integrated into existing CT reconstruction pipelines.