977 resultados para Methyl tetra-O-acetyl-d-glucopyranuronate


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Recently the role of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) as a gasotransmitter stimulated wide interest owing to its involvement in Alzheimer's disease and ischemic stroke. Previously we demonstrated the importance of functional ionotropic glutamate receptors (GluRs) by neurons is critical for H2S-mediated dose- and time-dependent injury. Moreover N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) antagonists abolished the consequences of H2S-induced neuronal death. This study focuses on deciphering the downstream effects activation of NMDAR on H2S-mediated neuronal injury by analyzing the time-course of global gene profiling (5, 15, and 24 h) to provide a comprehensive description of the recruitment of NMDAR-mediated signaling. Microarray analyses were performed on RNA from cultured mouse primary cortical neurons treated with 200 µM sodium hydrosulphide (NaHS) or NMDA over a time-course of 5–24 h. Data were validated via real-time PCR, western blotting, and global proteomic analysis. A substantial overlap of 1649 genes, accounting for over 80% of NMDA global gene profile present in that of H2S and over 50% vice versa, was observed. Within these commonly occurring genes, the percentage of transcriptional consistency at each time-point ranged from 81 to 97%. Gene families involved included those related to cell death, endoplasmic reticulum stress, calcium homeostasis, cell cycle, heat shock proteins, and chaperones. Examination of genes exclusive to H2S-mediated injury (43%) revealed extensive dysfunction of the ubiquitin-proteasome system. These data form a foundation for the development of screening platforms and define targets for intervention in H2S neuropathologies where NMDAR-activated signaling cascades played a substantial role. J. Cell. Physiol. 226: 1308–1322, 2011.


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The glutamate system including N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) affects synaptic formation, plasticity and maintenance. Recent studies have shown a variable (GT)n polymorphism in the promoter region of the NMDA subunit gene (GRIN2A) and a length-dependent inhibition of transcriptional activity by the (GT)n repeat. In the present study, we examined whether the GRIN2A polymorphism is associated with regional brain volume especially in medial temporal lobe structures, in which the NMDA-dependent synaptic processes have been most extensively studied. Gray matter regions of interest (ROIs) for the bilateral amygdala and hippocampus were outlined manually on the magnetic resonance images of 144 healthy individuals. In addition, voxel-based morphometry (VBM) was conducted to explore the association of genotype with regional gray matter volume from everywhere in the brain in the same sample. The manually measured hippocampal and amygdala volumes were significantly larger in subjects with short allele carriers (n = 89) than in those with homozygous long alleles (n = 55) when individual differences in intracranial volume were accounted for. The VBM showed no significant association between the genotype and regional gray matter volume in any brain region. These findings suggest that the functional GRIN2A (GT)n polymorphism could weakly but significantly impact on human medial temporal lobe volume in a length-dependent manner, providing in vivo evidence of the role of the NMDA receptor in human brain development.


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Abnormalities in glutamatergic signalling are proposed in schizophrenia in light of the schizophreniform psychosis elicited by NMDA antagonists. The metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5) interacts closely with the NMDA receptor and is implicated in several behavioural endophenotypes of schizophrenia. We have demonstrated that mice lacking mGluR5 have increased sensitivity to the hyperlocomotive effects of the NMDA antagonist MK-801. Mice lacking mGluR5 also show abnormal locomotor patterns, reduced prepulse inhibition (PPI), and deficits on performance of a short-term spatial memory task on the Y-maze. Chronic administration of the antipsychotic drug clozapine ameliorated the locomotor disruption and reversed the PPI deficit, but did not improve Y-maze performance. Chronic clozapine increased NMDA receptor binding ([3H]MK-801) but did not alter dopamine D2 ([3H]YM-09151), 5-HT2A ([3H]ketanserin), or muscarinic M1/M4 receptor ([3H]pirenzepine), binding in these mice. These results demonstrate behavioural abnormalities that are relevant to schizophrenia in the mGluR5 knockout mouse and a reversal of behaviours with clozapine treatment. These results highlight both the interactions between mGluR5 and NMDA receptors in the determination of schizophreniform behaviours and the potential for the effects of clozapine to be mediated by NMDA receptor regulation.
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We analyzed the effect of the acylpolyaminetoxin JSTX-3 on the epileptogenic discharges induced by perfusion of human hippocampal slices with artificial cerebrospinal fluid lacking Mg2+ or N-methyl-D-aspartate. Hippocampi were surgically removed from patients with refractory medial temporal lobe epilepsy, sliced in the surgical room and taken to the laboratory immersed in normal artificial cerebrospinal fluid. Epileptiform activity was induced by perfusion with Mg2+-free artificial cerebrospinal fluid or by iontophoretically applied N-methyl-D-aspartate and intracellular and field recordings of CAI neurons were performed. The ictal-like discharges induced by Mg2+-free artificial cerebrospinal fluid and N-methyl-D-aspartate were blocked by incubation with JSTX-3. This effect was similar to that obtained with the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist DL(-)2-amino-5 phosphonovaleric acid. Our findings suggest that in human hippocampal neurons, the antiepileptic effect of JSTX-3 is mediated by its action on N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor.


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Research on Blindsight, Neglect/Extinction and Phantom limb syndromes, as well as electrical measurements of mammalian brain activity, have suggested the dependence of vivid perception on both incoming sensory information at primary sensory cortex and reentrant information from associative cortex. Coherence between incoming and reentrant signals seems to be a necessary condition for (conscious) perception. General reticular activating system and local electrical synchronization are some of the tools used by the brain to establish coarse coherence at the sensory cortex, upon which biochemical processes are coordinated. Besides electrical synchrony and chemical modulation at the synapse, a central mechanism supporting such a coherence is the N-methyl-D-aspartate channel, working as a 'coincidence detector' for an incoming signal causing the depolarization necessary to remove Mg 2+, and reentrant information releasing the glutamate that finally prompts Ca 2+ entry. We propose that a signal transduction pathway activated by Ca 2+ entry into cortical neurons is in charge of triggering a quantum computational process that accelerates inter-neuronal communication, thus solving systemic conflict and supporting the unity of consciousness. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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A new 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-(3-nitropropanoyl)-O-β-D-glucopyranoside anomer was isolated from the roots of Heteropteris aphrodisiaca and characterized by spectroscopic methods. Activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Candida albicans, C. parapsilosis, C. krusei, and C. tropicalis was demonstrated.


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Dynamic exercise evokes sustained cardiovascular responses, which are characterized by arterial pressure and heart rate increases. Although it is well accepted that there is central nervous system mediation of cardiovascular adjustments during exercise, information on the role of neural pathways and signaling mechanisms is limited. It has been reported that glutamate, by acting on NMDA receptors, evokes the release of nitric oxide through activation of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) in the brain. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that NMDA receptors and nNOS are involved in cardiovascular responses evoked by an acute bout of exercise on a rodent treadmill. Moreover, we investigated possible central sites mediating control of responses to exercise through the NMDA receptor-nitric oxide pathway. Intraperitoneal administration of the selective NMDA glutamate receptor antagonist dizocilpine maleate (MK-801) reduced both the arterial pressure and heart rate increase evoked by dynamic exercise. Intraperitoneal treatment with the preferential nNOS inhibitor 7-nitroindazole reduced exercise-evoked tachycardiac response without affecting the pressor response. Moreover, treadmill running increased NO formation in the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC), bed nucleus of the stria teminalis (BNST) and periaqueductal gray (PAG), and this effect was inhibited by systemic pretreatment with MK-801. Our findings demonstrate that NMDA receptors and nNOS mediate the tachycardiac response to dynamic exercise, possibly through an NMDA receptor-NO signaling mechanism. However, NMDA receptors, but not nNOS, mediate the exercise-evoked pressor response. The present results also provide evidence that MPFC, BNST and PAG may modulate physiological adjustments during dynamic exercise through NMDA receptor-NO signaling. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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It has been shown that ouabain (OUA) can activate the Na,K-ATPase complex and mediate intracellular signaling in the central nervous system (CNS). Inflammatory stimulus increases glutamatergic transmission, especially at N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, which are usually coupled to the activation of nitric oxide synthase (NOS). Nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappa B) activation modulates the expression of genes involved in development, plasticity, and inflammation. The present work investigated the effects of OUA on NF-kappa B binding activity in rat hippocampus and the influence of this OUA-Na,K-ATPase signaling cascade in NMDA-mediated NF-kappa B activation. The findings presented here are the first report indicating that intrahippocampal administration of OUA, in a concentration that did not alter Na,K-ATPase or NOS activity, induced an activation of NF-kappa B, leading to increases in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (Bdnf), inducible NOS (iNos), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (Tnf-alpha), and B-cell leukemia/lymphoma 2 (Bcl2) mRNA levels. This response was not linked to any significant signs of neurodegeneration as showed via Fluoro-Jade B and Nissl stain. Intrahippocampal administration of NMDA induced NF alpha B activation and increased NOS and alpha 2/3-Na,K-ATPase activities. NMDA treatment further increased OUA-induced NF-kappa B activation, which was partially blocked by MK-801, an antagonist of NMDA receptor. These results suggest that OUA-induced NF-kappa B activation is at least in part dependent on Na,K-ATPase modulatory action of NMDA receptor in hippocampus. The interaction of these signaling pathways could be associated with biological mechanisms that may underlie the basal homeostatic state linked to the inflammatory signaling cascade in the brain. (c) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Im Zentralnervensystem der Säuger steuern N-Methyl-D-Aspartat-(NMDA)-Rezeptoren viele neuronale Prozesse, insbesondere während der Ontogenese sowie bei Lern- und Gedächtnisvorgängen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Bedeutung dieser Rezeptoren während der Kortexentwicklung und bei Lernvorgängen mittels elektrophysiologischer, molekularbiologischer, pharmakologischer, histologischer, genetischer und verhaltensbiologischer Methoden an der Maus untersucht. Oszillatorische Netzwerkaktivität ist für die gesunde Entwicklung des Kortex essentiell. Mittels gepaarter patch-clamp Experimente an neonatalen Subplattenzellen wurde festgestellt, dass diese Neurone elektrisch gekoppelt sind. Damit könnten sie einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Entstehung bzw. Verstärkung von Netzwerkoszillationen leisten. Subplattenzellen erhalten afferenten Eingang aus dem Thalamus sowie von benachbarten Subplattenzellen. Die funktionellen und molekularen Eigenschaften dieser Synapsen differierten in eingangsspezifischer Weise. Subplatteninterne Verbindungen besaßen Integrations- und Summationsfähigkeiten, wenig synaptische Ermüdung, Paarpulsfazilitierung und einen erhöhten NR2D-Anteil in ihren NMDA-Rezeptoren. CA1-Pyramidenzellen des adulten Hippocampus zeigten eine den Subplattenzellen vergleichbare eingangsspezifische Verteilung der NMDA-Rezeptor-Untereinheiten. Synapsen von Schaffer-Kollateralen besaßen einen höheren NR2B-Anteil als temporo-ammonische Verbindungen. Die Aktivierung von Dopamin-Rezeptoren potenzierte NR2B-vermittelte synaptische Ströme in CA1-Neuronen. Bei komplexen Lernvorgängen, wie der Extinktion einer traumatischen Erinnerung, spielten NMDA-Rezeptoren von hippocampalen CA1-Zellen eine entscheidende Rolle. CA1-NMDA-Rezeptor-ko-Mäuse zeigten erhebliche Extinktionsdefizite nach Angstkonditionierung. Zudem entwickelten diese Mäuse erhöhte Ängstlichkeit und Hyperaktivität. Das sind beim Menschen Symptome für psychiatrische Angststörungen. Daher könnten CA1-NMDA-Rezeptor-ko-Mäuse als neues Tiermodell für solche Störungen dienen, die durch ein traumatisches Erlebnis ausgelöst werden, wie beim Posttraumatischen Stresssyndrom (PTSD).


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The uptake, metabolism, and metabolic effects of the antitumor tricyclic nucleoside (TCN, NSC-154020) were studied in vitro. Uptake of TCN by human erythrocytes was concentrative, resulting mainly from the rapid intracellular phosphorylation of TCN. At high TCN doses, however, unchanged TCN was also concentrated within the erythrocytes. The initial linear rate of TCN uptake was saturable and obeyed Michaelis-Menten kinetics. TCN was metabolized chiefly to its 5'-monophosphate not only by human erythrocytes but also by wild-type Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. In addition, three other metabolites were detected by means of high-performance liquid chromatography. The structures of these metabolites were elucidated by ultraviolet spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and further confirmed by incubations with catabolic enzymes and intact wild-type or variant CHO cells. All were novel types of oxidative degradation products of TCN. Two are proposed to be (alpha) and (beta) anomers of a D-ribofuranosyl nucleoside with a pyrimido{4,5-c}pyridazine-4-one base structure. The third metabolite is most likely the 5'-monophosphate of the (beta) anomer. A CHO cell line deficient in adenosine kinase activity failed to phosphorylate either TCN or the (beta) anomer. No further phosphorylation of the 5'-monophosphates by normal cells occurred. Although the pathways leading to the formation of these TCN metabolites have not been proven, a mechanism is proposed to account for the above observations. The same adenosine kinase-deficient CHO cells were resistant to 500 (mu)M TCN, while wild-type cells could not clone in the presence of 20 (mu)M TCN. Simultaneous addition of purines, pyrimidines, and purine precursors failed to reverse this toxicity. TCN-treatment strongly inhibited formate or glycine incorporation into ATP and GTP of wild-type CHO cells. Hypoxanthine incorporation inhibited to a lesser degree, with the inhibition of incorporation into GTP being more pronounced. Although precursor incorporation into GTP was inhibited, GTP concentrations were elevated rather than reduced after 4-hr incubations with 20 (mu)M or 50 (mu)M TCN. These results suggested an impairment of GTP utilization. TCN (50 (mu)M) inhibited leucine and thymidine incorporation into HClO(,4)-insoluble material to 30-35% of control throughout 5-hr incubations. Incorporation of five other amino acids was inhibited to the same extent as leucine. Pulse-labeling assays (45 min) with uridine, leucine, and thymidine failed to reveal selective inhibition of DNA or protein synthesis by 0.05-50 (mu)M TCN; however, the patterns of inhibition were similar to those of known protein synthesis inhibitors. TCN 5'-monophosphate inhibited leucine incorporation by rabbit reticulocyte lysates; the inhibition was 2000 times less potent than that of cycloheximide. The 5'-monophosphate failed to inhibit a crude nuclear DNA-synthesizing system. Although TCN 5'-monophosphate apparently inhibits purine synthesis de novo, its cytotoxicity is not reversed by exogenous purines. Consequently, another mechanism such as direct inhibition of protein synthesis is probably a primary mechanism of toxicity. ^