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Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is the greatest single cause of maternal mortality in pregnant women in developed countries. Pregnancy is a hypercoagulable state and brings about an enhanced risk of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) in otherwise healthy women. Traditionally, unfractionated heparin (UFH) has been used for treatment of DVT during pregnancy. We showed in our observational study that low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) is as effective and safe as UFH in the treatment of DVT during pregnancy. Although DVT during pregnancy is often massive, increasing the risk of developing long-term consequences, namely post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS), only 11% of all patients had confirmed PTS 3 4 years after DVT. In our studies the prevalence of PTS was not dependent on treatment (UFH vs LMWH). Low molecular weight heparin is more easily administered, few laboratory controls are required and the hospital stay is shorter, factors that lower the costs of treatment. Cervical insufficiency is defined as repeated very preterm delivery during the second or early third trimester. Infection is a well-known risk factor of preterm delivery. We found overpresentation of thrombophilic mutations (FV Leiden, prothrombin G20210A)among 42 patients with cervical insufficiency compared with controls (OR 6.7, CI 2.7 18.4). Thus, thrombophilia might be a risk factor of cervical insufficiency possibly explained by interaction of coagulation and inflammation processes. The presence of antiphospholipid (aPL) antibodies increases the risk for recurrent miscarriage (RM). Annexins are proteins which all bind to anionic phospholipids (PLs) preventing clotting on vascular phospholipid surfaces. Plasma concentrations of circulating annexin IV and V were investigated in 77 pregnancies at the beginning of pregnancy among women with a history of RM, and in connection to their aPL antibody status. Control group consisted unselected pregnant patients (n=25) without history of adverse pregnancy outcome. Plasma levels of annexin V were significantly higher at the beginning (≤5th week) of pregnancy in women with aPL antibodies compared with those without aPL antibodies (P=0.03). Levels of circulating annexin V were also higher at the 6th (P= 0.01) and 8th week of pregnancy in subjects with aPL antibodies (P=0.01). Results support the hypothesis that aPL could displace annexin from anionic phospholipid surfaces of syncytiotrophoblasts (STBs) and may exert procoagulant activities on the surfaces of STBs Recurrent miscarriage (RM) has been suggested to be caused by mutations in genes coding for various coagulation factors resulting in thrombophilia. In the last study of my thesis were investigated the prevalence of thrombomodulin (TM) and endothelial protein C receptor polymorphism EPCR among 40 couples and six women suffering RM. This study showed that mutations in the TM or EPCR genes are not a major cause of RM in Finnish patients.


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The aim of this study was to investigate educators relational moral voices in urban schools and to listen to what they told about moral professionalism and moral practices in challenging urban schools. Their relational moral voices were investigated through the following three questions: 1. What are the educators moral voices in relation to themselves and other people? 2. What are the educators moral voices in relation to their work and society? 3. What kind of interaction process lies between the educators moral voices and the urban school context? The research data of this study were gathered in four urban schools in Jyväskylä and Helsinki. The research schools were chosen for this study according to the criteria of the international Socrates Comenius project called Leading Schools Successfully in Challenging Urban Context: Strategies for Improvement. This study formed part of this project, which investigated successful urban schools as challenging learning environments in nine European countries and explored the principals success in leadership in particular. The data, which included 37 narratively constructed interviews with four principals and key informants selected by the principals, were gathered in interviews conducted in 2006. In other words, the data comprised three interviews with each of four principals, and interviews with two teachers, two parents, and two pupils from each school. In addition, the school deacon from one school was also interviewed. Furthermore, part of the data from one of the research schools included a medium report of the school deacon s work. This study combined the case study method, the narrative approach and the critical incident technique as the methodological framework. In addition, all of these methods served as practical tools for both analyzing and reporting the data. The educators' narrations and the results of the study appear in the original articles (Hanhimäki & Tirri 2008; Hanhimäki 2008b; Hanhimäki & Tirri 2009; Hanhimäki 2008a). The educators moral voices in relation to themselves and other people emerged through the main themes of moral leadership, the development and evaluation process, moral sensitivity, gender, values, and student well-being. The educators moral voices in relation to their work and society emerged through the main themes of multiprofessional cooperation, families and parental involvement, and moral school culture. The idea of moral interaction connected moral professionalism and the methodological combination of this study, which together emphasized social interaction and the creation of understanding and meaning in this interaction. The main point of this study was to state that the educators moral voices emerged in the interaction between the educators themselves and the urban school context. In this interaction, the educators moral professionalism was constructed and shaped in relation to themselves, other people, their work and society. The loudest relational moral voices heard through the main themes were those of caring, cooperation, respect, commitment, and professionalism. When the results were compared to the codes of ethics which guided these educators moral professional work, the ethical principles and values of the codes were clearly visible in their moral practices. The loudest message from the educators narration could be summarized in the words caring, respect and cooperation: at its best, there is just a human being and a human being with caring, respect and cooperation between them. The results of this study emphasize the need for practical approaches such as case studies and the narrative approach in teacher education to encourage educators to become moral professionals capable of meeting the needs of people of varied backgrounds. In addition, opportunities for moral, religious and spiritual education should be noticed and utilized in the plural interaction of urban schools when nurturing pupils and creating a moral school culture. Furthermore, multiprofessional cooperation and parents as the school s primary cooperation partner are needed to carry out the shared duty of moral education in urban schools. Keywords: moral professionalism, educator, relational moral voice, interaction, urban school


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Istutetut kalat selviävät luonnonoloissa usein huomattavasti luonnossa kasvaneita lajikumppaneitaan heikommin. Laitosten kasvatusaltaissa kasvavilla kaloilla ei ole ennen istutusta tarvetta oppia luonnossa välttämättömiä taitoja. Jos istutuskalat ovat sukupolvi sukupolven jälkeen laitoskalojen jälkeläisiä, voi myös kalojen perimä laitostua, kun perimään kertyy luonnossa selviytymisen kannalta haitallisia ja laitosoloissa hyödyllisiä ominaisuuksia. Suomessa hyvä esimerkkilaji istutuskaloista ja niiden ongelmista on lohi (Salmo salar). Yksi istutusten tuloksellisuudelle merkityksellisistä kalojen taidoista on pedonvälttämiskäyttäytyminen eli se, kuinka hyvin kalat välttävät saaliksi jäämistä. Sekä laitosoloissa kasvamisen että perimän laitostumisen on todettu voivan muuttaa kalojen pedonvälttämiskäyttäytymiseen liittyviä käyttäytymispiirteitä. On myös saatu näyttöä perimältään laitostuneiden kalojen luonnonkantaisia kaloja suuremmasta riskistä jäädä petojen saaliiksi. Luonnonkalojen ja laitoskalojen väliset erot sopeutuvuudessa luonnonoloihin ovat poikineet runsaasti tutkimuksia, joissa on selvitetty, miten laitoskalojen pedonvälttämiskäyttäytyminen saataisiin muistuttamaan enemmän luonnonkalojen käyttäytymistä. Tärkeimpiä samankaltaistamiskeinoja ovat laitosten kasvatusaltaiden muuttaminen virikkeellisiksi eli enemmän luonnonoloja vastaaviksi ja laitoskalojen kouluttaminen ennen istutusta. Tutkin kokeissani perimän laitostumisen, virikkeellisen kasvatusympäristön ja klassisen ehdollistamisen vaikutuksia yksivuotiaiden lohenpoikasten pedonvälttämiskäyttäytymiseen. Käytössäni oli Simojoen populaation lohenpoikasia neljästä eri kanta-kasvatusympäristö-käsittelystä: perinteisissä kasvatusaltaissa kasvatettuja luonnonkannan kaloja, virikkeellisissä kasvatusaltaissa kasvatettuja luonnonkannan kaloja, perinteisissä kasvatusaltaissa kasvatettuja laitostuneen kannan kaloja ja virikkeellisissä kasvatusaltaissa kasvatettuja laitostuneen kannan kaloja. Ensimmäisessä kokeessani vertailin eri käsittelyjen kalojen poistumisnopeutta ns. lähtölaatikosta sekä uintikäyttäytymistä kaukalossa, jossa ne eivät olleet aiemmin olleet. Toisessa kokeessa tarkkailin, miten ns. hälyaine vaikutti rohkeuskokeessa olleiden kalojen käyttäytymiseen, kun niitä uitettiin uudestaan samoissa kaukaloissa. Kolmannessa kokeessa ehdollistin molempien laitoskantaisten käsittelyjen kaloja hauen hajulle hälyaineen avulla. Ehdollistamisen jälkeen tarkkailin, kuinka poikaset käyttäytyvät kaukaloissa, joihin johdettiin hauen hajua. Tein myös selviytymiskokeen, jossa vapautin saman ehdollistamiskäsittelyn läpikäyneitä kaloja altaisiin, joissa hauet saivat saalistaa poikasia ja joihin oli kasattu poikasille suojapaikaksi kiviröykkiö. Odotin luonnonkantaisten, virikkeellisesti kasvatettujen ja ehdollistettujen kalojen olevan muita varovaisempia ja hauilta paremmin selviytyviä. Virikkeellinen kasvatus lisäsi monella käyttäytymismuuttujalla mitattuna kalojen varovaisuutta tai arkuutta. Joillain muuttujilla mitattuna virikkeellisyys vaikutti varovaisuutta tai arkuutta lisäten vain luonnonkantaisiin kaloihin Siten myös kalan kannalla oli merkitystä. Yhdessä käyttäytymismuuttujassa kannalla oli lisäksi kasvatusympäristöstä riippumatonkin vaikutus. Hälyaine vaikutti kaloihin lähinnä niiden liikkumista vähentäen. Ehdollistamisen vaikutus kaukalomuuttujiin riippui kasvatusympäristöstä: ehdollistaminen lisäsi virikkeellisissä oloissa kasvatettujen ja vähensi tavallisissa altaissa kasvatettujen uimista. Ehdollistamisella tai kasvatusympäristöllä ei ollut vaikutusta kalojen selviytymiseen haukien saalistukselta. Tulokset herättivät myös mahdollisia uusia tutkimuskysymyksiä. Tulosten perusteella voin sanoa, että kasvatuksessa käytetyt yksinkertaiset ja edulliset virikkeet ja ehdollistamismenetelmät voivat vaikuttaa kalojen käyttäytymiseen muuttamalla sitä varovaisemmaksi ja sopeutuvammaksi eli mahdollisesti joiltain osin luonnonmukaisemmaksi tai luonnossa selviytymistä auttavaksi. Erot virikkeellisen kasvatuksen vaikutuksissa luonnonkantaisiin ja laitoskantaisiin kaloihin voivat kertoa siitä, kuinka tärkeää oli, että kokeissa oli mukana molempien kantojen kaloja. Tulosten soveltamismahdollisuudet ovat lupaavat, koska tämä oli yksi ensimmäisistä koejärjestelyistä, joissa virikkeellistettyjen kasvatusaltaiden kalatiheydet olivat samaa luokkaa kuin kalankasvatuslaitoksissa tavallisesti käytetyt tiheydet.


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This thesis is concerned with the area of vector-valued Harmonic Analysis, where the central theme is to determine how results from classical Harmonic Analysis generalize to functions with values in an infinite dimensional Banach space. The work consists of three articles and an introduction. The first article studies the Rademacher maximal function that was originally defined by T. Hytönen, A. McIntosh and P. Portal in 2008 in order to prove a vector-valued version of Carleson's embedding theorem. The boundedness of the corresponding maximal operator on Lebesgue-(Bochner) -spaces defines the RMF-property of the range space. It is shown that the RMF-property is equivalent to a weak type inequality, which does not depend for instance on the integrability exponent, hence providing more flexibility for the RMF-property. The second article, which is written in collaboration with T. Hytönen, studies a vector-valued Carleson's embedding theorem with respect to filtrations. An earlier proof of the dyadic version assumed that the range space satisfies a certain geometric type condition, which this article shows to be also necessary. The third article deals with a vector-valued generalizations of tent spaces, originally defined by R. R. Coifman, Y. Meyer and E. M. Stein in the 80's, and concerns especially the ones related to square functions. A natural assumption on the range space is then the UMD-property. The main result is an atomic decomposition for tent spaces with integrability exponent one. In order to suit the stochastic integrals appearing in the vector-valued formulation, the proof is based on a geometric lemma for cones and differs essentially from the classical proof. Vector-valued tent spaces have also found applications in functional calculi for bisectorial operators. In the introduction these three themes come together when studying paraproduct operators for vector-valued functions. The Rademacher maximal function and Carleson's embedding theorem were applied already by Hytönen, McIntosh and Portal in order to prove boundedness for the dyadic paraproduct operator on Lebesgue-Bochner -spaces assuming that the range space satisfies both UMD- and RMF-properties. Whether UMD implies RMF is thus an interesting question. Tent spaces, on the other hand, provide a method to study continuous time paraproduct operators, although the RMF-property is not yet understood in the framework of tent spaces.


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The Baltic Sea is one of the largest brackish water bodies in the world. Primary production in the Baltic Sea is limited by nitrogen (N) availability with the exception of river outlets and the northernmost phosphorus limited basin. The excess human induced N load from the drainage basin has caused severe eutrophication of the sea. The excess N loads can be mitigated by microbe mediated natural N removal processes that are found in the oxic-anoxic interfaces in sediments and water column redoxclines. Such interfaces allow the close coupling between the oxic nitrification process, and anoxic denitrification and anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) processes that lead to the formation of molecular nitrogen gas. These processes are governed by various environmental parameters. The effects of these parameters on N processes were investigated in the northern Baltic Sea sediments. During summer months when the sediment organic content is at its highest, nitrification and denitrification reach their maximum rates. However, nitrification had no excess potential, which was probably because of high competition for molecular oxygen (O2) between heterotrophic and nitrification microbes. Subsequently, the limited nitrate (NO3-) availability inhibited denitrification. In fall, winter and spring, nitrification was limited by ammonium availability and denitrification limited by the availability of organic carbon and occasionally by NO3-. Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) was not an important N removal process in the northern Baltic Sea. Modeling studies suggest that when hypoxia expands in the Baltic Sea, N removal intensifies. However, the results of this study suggest the opposite because bottom water hypoxia (O2< 2 ml l-1) decreased the denitrification rates in sediments. Moreover, N was recycled by the dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) process instead of being removed from the water ecosystem. High N removal potentials were found in the anoxic water column in the deep basins of the Baltic Proper. However, the N removal in the water column appeared to be limited by low substrate availability, because the water at the depths at which the substrate producing nitrification process occurred, rarely mix with the water at the depths at which N removal processes were found. Overall, the natural N removal capacity of the northern Baltic Sea decreased compared to values measured in mid 1990s and early 2000. The reason for this appears to be increasing hypoxia.


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Resumen: El fragmento 194 (Kassel-Austin) del poeta cómico Antífanes, proveniente de su obra Safo (c. 360 a.C.), reproduce un diálogo entre la poetisa y un personaje desconocido que da cuenta de una adivinanza. La imagen propuesta de una mujer que protege a sus hijos, silenciosos, mientras lloran ante quien los quiera escuchar es, pues, resemantizada en el pasaje, a la vez, desde una dimensión política y un plano autorreferencial. Examinada inicialmente como una pólis que cobija a los demagogos corruptos, la escena familiar termina siendo decodificada en términos poéticos: se trata de una tablilla de escritura con letras que resultan sus mudos descendientes. El enigma, por tanto, supone una interesante estrategia para consolidar desde una visión cómica la polivalencia de la imagen maternal como un mecanismo metafórico eficiente para cargar las tintas sobre aquellas temáticas a las que el género concede un tratamiento privilegiado.


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For the first time in its history, the International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation migrated to a site outside of the United States. Thus the Eighteenth edition was hosted by the Mazatlán Research Unit of the Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología of the Mexican National Autonomous University (UNAM) in Mazatlán, Sinaloa (Mexico) where it was held from 3-7, March, 1998. Above all, our symposium is prominent for its dynamism and enthusiasm in bringing together specialists from the world´s sea turtle populations. In an effort to extend this philosophy, and fully aware of how fast the interest in sea turtles has grown, the organizers paid special attention to bring together as many people as possible. With the tremendous efforts of the Travel Committee and coupled with a special interest by the Latin American region´s devotees, we managed to get 653 participants from 43 countries. The number of presentations increased significantly too, reaching a total of 265 papers, ranging from cutting-edge scientific reports based on highly sophisticated methods, to the experiences and successes of community-based and environmental education programs. A priority given by this symposium was the support and encouragement for the construction of "bridges" across cultural and discipline barriers. We found success in achieving a multinational dialogue among interest groups- scientists, resource managers, decision makers, ngo's, private industry. There was a broad representation of the broad interests that stretch across these sectors, yet everyone was able to listen and offer their own best contribution towards the central theme of the Symposium: the conservation of sea turtles and the diversity of marine and coastal environments in which they develop through their complicated and protracted life cycle. Our multidisciplinary approach is highly important at the present, finding ourselves at a cross roads of significant initiatives in the international arena of environmental law, where the conservation of sea turtles has a key role to play. Many, many people worked hard over the previous 12 months, to make the symposium a success. Our sincerest thanks to all of them: Program committee: Laura Sarti (chair), Ana Barragán, Rod Mast, Heather Kalb, Jim Spotilla, Richard Reina, Sheryan Epperly, Anna Bass, Steve Morreale, Milani Chaloupka, Robert Van Dam, Lew Ehrhart, J. Nichols, David Godfrey, Larry Herbst, René Márquez, Jack Musick, Peter Dutton, Patricia Huerta, Arturo Juárez, Debora Garcia, Carlos Suárez, German Ramírez, Raquel Briseño, Alberto Abreu; Registration and Secretary: Jane Provancha (chair), Lupita Polanco; Informatics: Germán Ramírez, Carlos Suárez; Cover art: Blas Nayar; Designs: Germán Ramírez, Raquel Briseño, Alberto Abreu. Auction: Rod Mast; Workshops and special meetings: Selina Heppell; Student prizes: Anders Rhodin; Resolutions committee: Juan Carlos Cantú; Local organizing committee: Raquel Briseño, Jane Abreu; Posters: Daniel Ríos and Jeffrey Semminoff; Travel committee: Karen Eckert (chair), Marydele Donnelly, Brendan Godley, Annette Broderick, Jack Frazier; Student travel: Francisco Silva and J. Nichols; Vendors: Tom McFarland and J. Nichols; Volunteer coordination: Richard Byles; Latin American Reunión: Angeles Cruz Morelos; Nominations committee: Randall Arauz, Colleen Coogan, Laura Sarti, Donna Shaver, Frank Paladino. Once again, Ed Drane worked his usual magic with the Treasury of the Symposium Significant financial contributions were generously provided by government agencies. SEMARNAP (Mexico´s Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Fisheries) through its central office, the Mazatlán Regional Fisheries Research Center (CRIP-Mazatlán) and the National Center for Education and Capacity Building for Sustainable Development (CECADESU) contributed to the logistics and covered the costs of auditoria and audiovisual equipment for the Symposium, teachers and their hotels for the Community Development and Environmental Education workshop in the 5th Latin American Sea Turtle Specialists; DIF (Dept of Family Affairs) provided free accomodation and food for the more than 100 participants in the Latin American Reunion. In this Reunion, the British Council-Mexico sponsored the workshop on the Project Cycle. The National Chamber of the Fisheries Industry (CANAINPES) kindly sponsored the Symposium´s coffee breaks. Personnel from the local Navy (Octave Zona Naval) provided invaluable aid in transport and logistics. The Scientific Coordination Office from UNAM (CICUNAM) and the Latin American Biology Network (RELAB) also provided funding. Our most sincere recognition to all of them. In the name of this Symposium´s compilers, I would like to also express our gratitude to Wayne Witzell, Technical Editor for his guidance and insights and to Jack Frazier for his help in translating and correcting the English of contributions from some non-native English speakers. Many thanks to Angel Fiscal and Tere Martin who helped with the typing in the last, last corrections and editions for these Proceedings. To all, from around the world, who generously helped make the 18th Symposium a huge success, shared their experiences and listened to ours, our deepest gratitude! (PDF contains 316 pages)


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Students have a lot to say about their digital environment, if we listen. But behind the headline messages what they want is complex and contradictory. Different learners need different kinds of technology and technical support to succeed. These posters can be used to stimulate discussion between staff and students as a way of developing a shared understanding of the complexity of these issues. The posters have been updated from their originals to reflect the emerging findings from the FE Digital Student study as well as the HE strand.


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The Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT) convened a workshop, sponsored by the Hawaii-Pacific and Alaska Regional Partners, entitled Underwater Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Remote Regions at the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology from February 7-9, 2007. The workshop was designed to summarize existing passive acoustic technologies and their uses, as well as to make strategic recommendations for future development and collaborative programs that use passive acoustic tools for scientific investigation and resource management. The workshop was attended by 29 people representing three sectors: research scientists, resource managers, and technology developers. The majority of passive acoustic tools are being developed by individual scientists for specific applications and few tools are available commercially. Most scientists are developing hydrophone-based systems to listen for species-specific information on fish or cetaceans; a few scientists are listening for biological indicators of ecosystem health. Resource managers are interested in passive acoustics primarily for vessel detection in remote protected areas and secondarily to obtain biological and ecological information. The military has been monitoring with hydrophones for decades;however, data and signal processing software has not been readily available to the scientific community, and future collaboration is greatly needed. The challenges that impede future development of passive acoustics are surmountable with greater collaboration. Hardware exists and is accessible; the limits are in the software and in the interpretation of sounds and their correlation with ecological events. Collaboration with the military and the private companies it contracts will assist scientists and managers with obtaining and developing software and data analysis tools. Collaborative proposals among scientists to receive larger pools of money for exploratory acoustic science will further develop the ability to correlate noise with ecological activities. The existing technologies and data analysis are adequate to meet resource managers' needs for vessel detection. However, collaboration is needed among resource managers to prepare large-scale programs that include centralized processing in an effort to address the lack of local capacity within management agencies to analyze and interpret the data. Workshop participants suggested that ACT might facilitate such collaborations through its website and by providing recommendations to key agencies and programs, such as DOD, NOAA, and I00s. There is a need to standardize data formats and archive acoustic environmental data at the national and international levels. Specifically, there is a need for local training and primers for public education, as well as by pilot demonstration projects, perhaps in conjunction with National Marine Sanctuaries. Passive acoustic technologies should be implemented immediately to address vessel monitoring needs. Ecological and health monitoring applications should be developed as vessel monitoring programs provide additional data and opportunities for more exploratory research. Passive acoustic monitoring should also be correlated with water quality monitoring to ease integration into long-term monitoring programs, such as the ocean observing systems. [PDF contains 52 pages]


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James Joyce’s Ulysses celebrates all facets of daily life in its refusal to censor raw human emotions and emissions. He adopts a critically medical perspective to portray this honest, unfiltered narrative. In doing so, he reveals the ineffectiveness of the physician-patient relationship due to doctors’ paternalistic attitudes that hinder nonjudgmental, open listening of this unfiltered narrative. His exploration of the doctor’s moral scrutiny, cultural prejudices, and authoritative estrangement from the patient underscore the importance in remembering that physicians and patients alike are ultimately just fellow human beings. Wryly, he drives this point to literal nausea, as his narrative proudly asserts the revulsive details of public health, digestion, and death. In his gritty ruminations on the human body’s material reality, Joyce mocks the physician’s highbrow paternalism by forcing him to identify with the farting, vomiting, decaying bodies around him. In celebrating the uncensored human narrative, Joyce challenges physician and patient alike to openly listen to the stories of others.


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Uma criança que não desenvolve a linguagem oral é privada de um dos instrumentos mais fundamentais para atingir o amadurecimento completo como ser humano. O emprego dos recursos da Comunicação Alternativa, envolvendo gestos manuais, expressões faciais e corporais, símbolos gráficos e voz digitalizada ou sintetizada, possibilita a comunicação face a face desta criança. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo geral verificar os efeitos da introdução da Comunicação Alternativa nas interações entre alunos, professores e profissionais de uma escola especial destinada a indivíduos com deficiência mental e deficiência múltipla. A pesquisa, com duração de um ano letivo, composta por três estudos, teve como participantes oito alunos, a professora da turma, que era também a pesquisadora, e uma merendeira. Foram utilizados os sistemas gráficos de Comunicação Alternativa, fundamentados nos procedimentos do ensino naturalístico de Warren e Rogers-Warren. Os três estudos, conduzidos por um delineamento quase experimental de sujeito como seu próprio controle, foram compostos por três fases cada um: linha de base, ensino e follow-up. Todas as sessões foram gravadas em vídeo tape para posterior transcrição. No primeiro estudo, conduzido em 11 sessões experimentais, os alunos foram ensinados a empregar os cartões pictográficos para solicitar permissão para satisfazer necessidades básicas, como ir ao refeitório, ao banheiro, beber água, ouvir música, etc., ou para desempenhar determinadas atividades na sala de aula. No segundo, desenvolvido em 56 sessões experimentais, eles foram ensinados a usar o sistema pictográfico para selecionar os itens de sua refeição, que, anteriormente, eram-lhes oferecidos sem possibilidade de escolha. Neste estudo, a merendeira também foi ensinada a favorecer o uso do sistema pelos alunos. Finalmente, no terceiro estudo, conduzido em 10 sessões experimentais, o sistema pictográfico foi utilizado pelos alunos para favorecer a participação ativa na contagem de histórias pela professora, assim como responder perguntas de compreensão destas histórias. Com efeito, os alunos passaram a fazer uso do sistema de Comunicação Alternativa Ampliada (CAA) para comunicar seus desejos e pensamentos a seus próprios colegas, assim como aos professores, diretores e funcionários da instituição escolar. A possibilidade de se comunicar por meio do sistema pareceu encorajá-los a se expressarem intencionalmente também com vocalizações e verbalizações. A análise dos dados indicou a eficácia do ensino naturalístico para instalação e manutenção do emprego do sistema pictográfico associado a outras modalidades de comunicação a gestual, a vocal e a verbal nas atividades propostas.


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O escopo desta tese é a relação entre a prosa-poética da escritora norte-americana Gertrude Stein, através de seus retratos e peças, e traduções intersemióticas para dança contemporânea. O corpus analítico articula os retratos Orta or One Dancing, If I Told Him: A Completed Portrait of Picasso, A Valentine to Sherwood Anderson, e as peças Four Saints in Three Acts, Listen to Me e Three Sisters Who Are Not Sisters de Gertrude Stein e os espetáculos de dança [5.sobre.o.mesmo], Shutters Shut, Always Now Slowly, ,e[dez episódios sobre a prosa topovisual de gertrude stein]. A natureza dos campos colocados em comparação literatura & dança demandou a conjugação de duas vertentes de estudo ligadas às especificidades performática e tradutória dos objetos selecionados: de um lado, seguimos encaminhamentos surgidos de uma derivação específica da Comparatística tradicional, os Estudos Interartes ou Artes Comparativas; de outro, os Estudos de Intermidialidade, relacionados aos Estudos das Mídias. A abordagem dos exemplos analisados sob a perspectiva comparativa baseia-se em Estudos de Tradução, com especial referência à noção de transcriação de Haroldo de Campos, e na semiótica de Charles S.Peirce. No primeiro capítulo, definimos nossa abordagem teórica; a seguir, apresentamos a obra de Gertrude Stein e as principais propriedades que transformaram sua obra em uma das principais referências literárias e estéticas do século XX; e, para finalizar, analisamos as traduções, com especial atenção para a transcriação da percepção do tempo e da construção sintática steineanas. Concluímos sugerindo que as traduções para dança são modos de interpretação e leitura dos textos literários, bem como formas radicais de crítica de arte ou literária


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A articulação entre a psicanálise e a música, mais especificamente a produzida a partir do paradigma de Arnold Schönberg, renovado por John Cage, se mostra emblemática para pensar a constituição do sujeito em Sigmund Freud e Jacques Lacan, bem como para refletir sobre a escuta clínica, o ato analítico enquanto poético, e a escrita pulsional do sujeito como resposta à invocação da voz. O momento de estruturação do sujeito implica a dimensão de musicalidade da linguagem que permite o ato da fala. O sujeito nasce em um ponto em que o significante (simbólico) escreve no real do corpo um possível, um começo, uma marca que invoca uma nota e uma letra, sendo estes os dois aspectos da linguagem: a musicalidade (continuidade) e a fala (descontinuidade em movimento). Este ponto escreve e cria um vazio no sujeito que está e estará sempre em pulsação. Se o real grita caoticamente, é possível que se cante e se musique a vida com a criação de notas singulares, efeito do movimento desejante e de uma escrita pelo circuito da pulsão invocante na partitura já dada pelo Outro e face aos encontros com pedaços de real. A música tem a capacidade de retirar o sujeito de uma surdez de seu próprio desejo, o convocando a recriar a linguagem por seus atos. O paradigma de Schönberg, bem como a música criada a partir deste momento, nos dá a ouvir um saber-fazer com a voz no qual a dimensão equivocante (de equivoco e de invocação) da linguagem pode ressurgir por uma via nova. A transmissão de um saber-fazer com o objeto voz por ele efetuado se apresenta como uma radicalização do efeito de verdade do real, ressoando borromeanamente sobre o simbólico e o imaginário, invocando o momento originário do sujeito, de um começo sempre a recomeçar, que se faz ouvir como uma invocação de musicar a vida de uma maneira ética, estética e poética. É através dos eixos acima expostos que nos é possível sustentar, com Lacan, uma prática clínica orientada para além da repetição em direção a um significante novo. Trata-se de uma orientação que parte dos encontros com o real aos quais o sujeito é confrontado ao acaso visando o movimento renascente pelo qual ele pode re-escutar o inaudito do real contínuo perdido, o que faz com que seu ritmo singular possa ser, uma vez mais e de modo inédito, reinventado. A psicanálise pode ser, portanto, entendida como uma prática invocante, como uma abertura para que o sujeito possa, com entusiasmo, musicar a vida.


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Admitindo a produção estética como uma importante condição da existência humana, não é difícil entender a importância de se dar voz à juventude que tem uma produção poética rica, ainda desconhecida e pouco explorada à seu favor. Dar voz, aqui, sobretudo às suas imagens visuais, criar oportunidades de explorar a eloquência e as significações dessa literacia visual específica (Gil, 2011) e dar ouvidos ao que nos gritam tais imagens. A pagada aqui defendida se estende aos gadgets, às telas de celular, computadores, videoclipes, games, mangás, entre tantas outras fontes visuais e comportamentais. Assim, no permanente processo de ressignificação da escola, nos parece promissor o máximo aproveitamento das imagens que constituem a cultura visual que envolve o cotidiano dos estudantes. Esperamos que esta pesquisa mostre um pouco da riqueza, força ou energia cultural que existe no universo da pichação e a pertinência de sua reflexão em sala de aula como um caminho de elucidação não apenas dos seus aspectos estéticos e plásticos mas, também redefinir o papel político da afirmação de padrões estético-culturais e assim fortalecer o diálogo com os jovens estudantes periferizados


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O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar os efeitos do programa de educação não formal Jovem Aprendiz, desenvolvido na Costa do Sol do Estado do Rio deJaneiro, a partir da perspectiva dos jovens egressos e dos educadores. A investigação contempla a análise do Programa Jovem Aprendiz mediante a contextualização da Lei de Aprendizagem n 10.097/00 e uma discussão teórico-conceitual acerca da educação não formal, de acordo com Gohn (2003, 2005a, 2005b, 2006, 2009, 2010) e Trilla (1993; 2008), autores que contribuem com a caracterização desse tipo de educação. No que tange à abordagem das políticas públicas para a juventude, Sposito e Carrano (2003) e Corrochano (2002; 2008a; 2008b) fundamentaram a análise do objeto da pesquisa e, com base nos estudos de Sennett (2006; 2009), são analisadas as características e a heterogeneidade do mercado de trabalho na atualidade. Os resultados revelam que os jovens egressos possuem sentimento de saudosismo e uma ampliação da visão pessoal de si e agradecimento pela passagem no Programa. Os impactos do Programa foram em torno das aprendizagens para a formação humana, dentre as quais destacamos a social (GOHN, 2010), englobando valores, ética, escolhas, o aprender a ser que envolveu postura comportamental, aprender a trabalhar em grupo, saber conviver, ouvir, comunicar-se, sugerir (liberdade), proatividade; incentivou os participantes a ter objetivos, comprometimento e amadurecimento. Os educadores pontuaram as aprendizagens teórica, cultural (GOHN, 2010) e o impacto por trabalhar com a(s) juventude(s) como descobrindo na prática do dia a dia a ser educador, aprendendo a lidar com as incertezas, o processo de humanização, socialização e a singularização, o processo de escuta e acolhimento, o aprofundamento na legislação que embasa o Programa, a importância do treinamento adequado e de ter um pedagogo gerindo a equipe multidisciplinar, o aprender a otimizar o tempo. Dessa forma, a pesquisa vai ao encontro das abordagens sobre a educação não formal que a contemplam como um processo sociopolítico, cultural e pedagógico de formação para a cidadania.