989 resultados para Linear topological spaces.
State-of-the-art speech recognisers are usually based on hidden Markov models (HMMs). They model a hidden symbol sequence with a Markov process, with the observations independent given that sequence. These assumptions yield efficient algorithms, but limit the power of the model. An alternative model that allows a wide range of features, including word- and phone-level features, is a log-linear model. To handle, for example, word-level variable-length features, the original feature vectors must be segmented into words. Thus, decoding must find the optimal combination of segmentation of the utterance into words and word sequence. Features must therefore be extracted for each possible segment of audio. For many types of features, this becomes slow. In this paper, long-span features are derived from the likelihoods of word HMMs. Derivatives of the log-likelihoods, which break the Markov assumption, are appended. Previously, decoding with this model took cubic time in the length of the sequence, and longer for higher-order derivatives. This paper shows how to decode in quadratic time. © 2013 IEEE.
We study electron tunneling through a planar magnetic and electric barrier on the surface of a three-dimensional topological insulator. For the double barrier structures, we find (i) a directional-dependent tunneling which is sensitive to the magnetic field configuration and the electric gate voltage, (ii) a spin rotation controlled by the magnetic field and the gate voltage, (iii) many Fabry-Perot resonances in the transmission determined by the distance between the two barriers, and (iv) the electrostatic potential can enhance the difference in the transmission between the two magnetization configurations, and consequently lead to a giant magnetoresistance. Points (i), (iii), and (iv) are alike with that in graphene stemming from the same linear-dispersion relations.
Maclean, R., Beveridge, C., Longcope, D.W., Brown, D.S. and Priest, E.R., 2005, A topological analysis of the magnetic breakout model for an eruptive solar flare, Proc. Roy. Soc., 461, 2099-2120. Sponsorship: PPARC/STFC
Hutzler, S., Saadatfar, M., van der Net, A., Weaire, D. and Cox, S.J. (2007) The dynamics of a topological change in a system of soap films. Coll. Surf. A, 323:123-131. Sponsorship: This research was supported by the European Space Agency (contracts 14914/02/NL/SH and 14308/00/NL/SH), Science Foundation Ireland. (RFP 05/REP/PHY00/6), and the EU program COST P21 (The Physics of droplets). SJC acknowledges support from EPSRC (EP/D071127/1). MS is supported by the Irish Higher Education Authority (PRTLI-IITAC).
We formulate and study analytically and computationally two families of piecewise linear degree one circle maps. These families offer the rare advantage of being non-trivial but essentially solvable models for the phenomenon of mode-locking and the quasi-periodic transition to chaos. For instance, for these families, we obtain complete solutions to several questions still largely unanswered for families of smooth circle maps. Our main results describe (1) the sets of maps in these families having some prescribed rotation interval; (2) the boundaries between zero and positive topological entropy and between zero length and non-zero length rotation interval; and (3) the structure and bifurcations of the attractors in one of these families. We discuss the interpretation of these maps as low-order spline approximations to the classic ``sine-circle'' map and examine more generally the implications of our results for the case of smooth circle maps. We also mention a possible connection to recent experiments on models of a driven Josephson junction.
We consider the problem of variable selection in regression modeling in high-dimensional spaces where there is known structure among the covariates. This is an unconventional variable selection problem for two reasons: (1) The dimension of the covariate space is comparable, and often much larger, than the number of subjects in the study, and (2) the covariate space is highly structured, and in some cases it is desirable to incorporate this structural information in to the model building process. We approach this problem through the Bayesian variable selection framework, where we assume that the covariates lie on an undirected graph and formulate an Ising prior on the model space for incorporating structural information. Certain computational and statistical problems arise that are unique to such high-dimensional, structured settings, the most interesting being the phenomenon of phase transitions. We propose theoretical and computational schemes to mitigate these problems. We illustrate our methods on two different graph structures: the linear chain and the regular graph of degree k. Finally, we use our methods to study a specific application in genomics: the modeling of transcription factor binding sites in DNA sequences. © 2010 American Statistical Association.
We present iterative algorithms for solving linear inverse problems with discrete data and compare their performances with the method of singular function expansion, in view of applications in optical imaging and particle sizing.
Let M be the Banach space of sigma-additive complex-valued measures on an abstract measurable space. We prove that any closed, with respect to absolute continuity norm-closed, linear subspace L of M is complemented and describe the unique complement, projection onto L along which has norm 1. Using this fact we prove a decomposition theorem, which includes the Jordan decomposition theorem, the generalized Radon-Nikodym theorem and the decomposition of measures into decaying and non-decaying components as particular cases. We also prove an analog of the Jessen-Wintner purity theorem for our decompositions.
We prove that under certain topological conditions on the set of universal elements of a continuous map T acting on a topological space X, that the direct sum T and M_g is universal, where M_g is multiplication by a generating element of a compact topological group. We use this result to characterize R_+-supercyclic operators and to show that whenever T is a supercyclic operator and z_1,...,z_n are pairwise different non-zero complex numbers, then the operator z_1T\oplus ... \oplus z_n T is cyclic. The latter answers affirmatively a question of Bayart and Matheron.
We construct a countable-dimensional Hausdorff locally convex topological vector space $E$ and a stratifiable closed linear subspace $F$ subset of $E$ such that any linear extension operator from $C_b(F)$ to $C_b(E)$ is unbounded (here $C_b(X)$ stands for the Banach space of continuous bounded real-valued functions on $X$).
Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH SECTION A-MATHEMATICS Volume: 131 Pages: 1257-1273 Part: Part 6 Published: 2001 Times Cited: 5 References: 23 Citation MapCitation Map beta Abstract: We show that the Banach space M of regular sigma-additive finite Borel complex-valued measures on a non-discrete locally compact Hausdorff topological Abelian group is the direct sum of two linear closed subspaces M-D and M-ND, where M-D is the set of measures mu is an element of M whose Fourier transform vanishes at infinity and M-ND is the set of measures mu is an element of M such that nu is not an element of MD for any nu is an element of M \ {0} absolutely continuous with respect to the variation \mu\. For any corresponding decomposition mu = mu(D) + mu(ND) (mu(D) is an element of M-D and mu(ND) is an element of M-ND) there exist a Borel set A = A(mu) such that mu(D) is the restriction of mu to A, therefore the measures mu(D) and mu(ND) are singular with respect to each other. The measures mu(D) and mu(ND) are real if mu is real and positive if mu is positive. In the case of singular continuous measures we have a refinement of Jordan's decomposition theorem. We provide series of examples of different behaviour of convolutions of measures from M-D and M-ND.
An example of a sigma -compact infinite-dimensional pre-Hilbert space H is constructed such that any continuous linear operator T: H --> H is of the form T = lambdaI + F for some lambda is an element of R and for a finite-dimensional continuous linear operator F. A class of simple examples of pre-Hilbert spaces nonisomorphic to their closed hyperplanes is given. A sigma -compact pre-Hilbert space H isomorphic to H x R x R and nonisomorphic to H x R is also constructed.
It is proved that for any $f$ is an element of $C^k(L,R)$, where k is a natural number and L is a closed linear subspace of a nuclear Frechet space $X$, the function $f$ can be extended to a function of class $C^{k-1}$ defined on the entire space $X$. It is also proved that for any $f$ is an element of $C^k(L, R)$, where $k$ is a natural number of infinity and L is a closed linear subspace of a dual $X$ of a nuclear Frechet space, the function $f$ can be extended to a function of class $C^k$ defined on the entire space $X$. In addition, it is proved that under these conditions, the existence of a linear extension operator is equivalent to the complementability of the subspace.
Let $E$ be a nonnormable Frechet space, and let $E'$ be the space of all continuous linear functionals on $E$ in the strong topology. A continuous mapping $f : E' \to E'$ such that for any $t_0\in R$ and $x_0\in E'$, the Cauchy problem $\dot x= f(x)$, x(t_0) = x_0$ has no solutions is constructed.
We study two-dimensional Banach spaces with polynomial numerical indices equal to zero.