989 resultados para Library staff
At head of title, 1963, no. 2- Institute of Science and Technology.The University of Michigan.
This Open Access (OA) Poster - ‘Destination Open Access: Getting Researchers on Board’, was devised by the Queen’s University Belfast’s OA Team. It outlines the advocacy strategy undertaken to strengthen researchers’ uptake of OA at the University. Research funders, such as the Higher Education Funding Council of England (HEFCE), are increasingly mandating that researchers make their work publically available via an institutional repository. It is therefore imperative that researchers and departments fully engage with open access to ensure future funding.
The team’s advocacy strategy centres around collaboration with the Heads of Schools, Subject Librarians, the Research and Enterprise Office and, most importantly, the researchers themselves. The team regularly organises training sessions and events, on understanding OA, funder compliance and using the institutional repository. We also run outreach activities, such as practical drop-in sessions, promotional give-aways, OA updates to library staff and direct communications to schools. Finally, the team maintain a strong online presence via LibGuides, LibAnswers, the Library Blog and Twitter. We utilise these platforms to highlight topical OA issues, to advertise events, to provide support materials and to interact with researchers.
Statistics indicate that researchers are increasingly engaging with the OA training, communications and outreach events. Since August 2014 over 1200 researchers have attended advocacy sessions. Additionally, the numbers of papers uploaded to the repository each year has steadily increased and there are now over 3, 000 full-text OA research outputs in the Queen’s Research Portal.
This reflects positively on the team’s established approach of working with researchers to develop an OA culture within the University. Whilst it is clear that an open access strategy is essential, support for the open access ethos must come from individual researchers and Schools in order for the University to reach its desired destination of maximum uptake of open access.
Dear Philip,
Thank you for adding your record to Pure. We notice that as of yet you have not uploaded your accepted manuscript for this publication.
As you may be aware HEFCE require that the accepted manuscripts of all journal articles and conference proceedings with an ISSN accepted from the 1st April 2016 are uploaded to Pure within 3 months of early online publication to ensure eligibility for the post 2014 REF.
The accepted manuscript is the final accepted version after changes from peer review have been incorporated. It is usually a Word or plain text file without publisher logos and prior to copy-editing and typesetting applied by the publisher.
If you have this version, I would be grateful if you could upload it to the record, selecting "Accepted author manuscript (post print)" from the document version drop down menu. If you have not done so already, please add your date of acceptance. Library staff will apply a copyright statement and any embargo required by the publisher.
Please contact me if you have any questions or require further information.
Kind regards,
Open Access Team
A Newsletter for Iowa library staff who work with youth and children brought to you by Iowa Library Services.
A Newsletter for Iowa library staff who work with youth and children brought to you by Iowa Library Services.
A Newsletter for Iowa library staff who work with youth and children brought to you by Iowa Library Services.
Este año la Biblioteca Infantil "Miriam Álvarez Brenes" tiene casi trece años de funcionamiento, en los cuales se ha dedicado con gran calidad y esfuerzo a servir a las comunidades aledañas al campus universitario Jardines 1 y Jardines 2. Después de tantos años se ha visto la necesidad de expandir sus servicios y productos a otras comunidades que han mostrado interés en que sus hijos(as) se vean beneficiados(as) con los servicios que ofrece.Por esta razón, en esta edición de la Revista Bibliotecas se presenta un estudio realizado por el Instituto de Estudios Sociales en Población (IDESPO), con la colaboración del personal de la Biblioteca.
Los directores de bibliotecas universitarias se enfrentan al problema estratégico de decidir cómo serán las bibliotecas universitarias en los próximos 10 años, y qué acciones deberán tomarse en los próximos cinco años si se quiere lograr ese futuro.Ha empezado a darse un cambio en el crecimiento rápido de la tecnología informativa, el acceso electrónico a la información, y el concepto de estación de servicio de los académicos. Es necesario que las bibliotecas universitarias desarrollen nuevos proyectos y servicios para que puedan realizar el cambio de un modo de producción de servicios a un modo de producción como facilitadores de información. Esto implica una reconceptualización del papel de la biblioteca universitaria, el papel del usuario, y el del personal bibliotecario. Se necesitarán nuevos perfiles para el personal y habrá una tarea prioritaria de reentrenamiento y desarrollo de los empleados, aspectos esenciales en la reformulación de la futura biblioteca.
No podemos hablar del personal bibliotecario, sin referirnos a la problemática en que este profesional se haya inserto. Por eso brevemente nos referiremos a los obstáculos que se oponen al acceso a la información, pues para suministrarla es que este profesional existe.El acceso a la información, considerado esencial para la toma de decisiones acertadas y para el avance del país en todos los campos de su actividad, se ve obstaculizado por situaciones múltiples como: El bajo nivel educativo de la población. Un gran volumen de publicaciones hechas en lenguas que el usuario no conoce.Los altos costos del papel, las publicaciones y las tarifas postales. La existencia de puntos de acceso a !a información muy centralizados y alejados de periferias en donde hay grupos de usuarios importantes. Sistemas ineficientes de control y organización de los documentos. Trabas reglamentarias y burocráticas que impiden el acceso a los libros. Actitudes individualistas de profesionales de la información cuyo interés no es el usuario.La carrera de "técnico" se enmarca dentro de un concepto de bibliotecario formado para enfrentarse a estos obstáculos y para promover cambios en nuestros sistemas tradicional de suministrar información.
Ms. Elia Maria Van Patten sends recent communication on courses you have attended and a report on the third meeting of "working group" that studies the formation of library staff in service.
Library and IT Staff presented and published many innovative works of scholarship in the past year.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.