995 resultados para Laser Enhanced Ionisation


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The vibrational spectra of palladium phthalocyanine (PdPc) evaporated thin solid films are reported, including the resonance Raman scattering, surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering (SERRS) and SERRS mapping of the film surface using micro-Raman spectroscopy with 633 nm laser radiation. SERRS of PdPc was obtained by evaporating an overlayer of Ag nanoparticles on to the PdPc film on glass. The SERRS enhancement factor is estimated as similar to10(4) with reference to PdPc evaporated films on glass. The molecular organization of the PdPc evaporated films was probed using transmission and reflection-absorption infrared spectra. It was established that a random molecular distribution found in PdPc evaporated films is independent of temperature. No evidence of thermal degradation due to thermal annealing was found in the films. Electronic absorption and emission spectra are also discussed. Copyright (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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A frequency upconversion process in Pr(3+) doped TeO(2)-ZnO glasses containing silver nanoparticles is studied under excitation with a nanosecond laser operating at 590 nm, in resonance with the (3)H(4)-->(1)D(2) transition. The excited Pr(3+) ions exchange energy in the presence of the nanoparticles, originating efficient conversion from orange to blue. The enhancement in the intensity of the luminescence at similar to 482 nm, corresponding to the (3)P(0)-->(3)H(4) transition, is due to the influence of the large local field on the Pr(3+) ions, which are located near the metallic nanoparticles. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Multiphonon assisted frequency upconversion was observed in a Nd3+-doped fluoroindate glass pumped at 866 nm. A near-infrared upconverted emission at 750 nm with a peculiar linear dependence with the laser intensity was observed and explained. The intensity of the upconverted emission experienced a 40-fold enhancement when the sample's temperature was varied from 298 to 498 K. A rate equation model that includes light pumping and multiphonon absorption via thermally coupled electronic excited states of Nd3+ was used, describing quite well the experimental results. © 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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We have shown the possibility of operation by the piezooptical response of PbO-GeO2 glasses doped with rare earth ions and silver nanoparticles by illumination of double frequency CO2 nanosecond laser. Substantial influence of thermoannealing on the output photoinduced elastooptical susceptibilities was established. The effect is very sensitive to temperature and to the corresponding tensor components. The effect of thermoannealing leads to enhanced long-range ordering with the occurrence of corresponding trapping levels within the forbidden gaps. The discovered effects may be used for creation of low-temperature IR laser triggers.


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We have studied the influence of SiO2 content on the spectroscopic properties and laser emission efficiency of Yb3+-Er3+ co-doped calcium aluminosilicate glasses. An increase in SiO2 content resulted in higher phonon energy, which reduced the up-conversion emission, enhanced the energy transfer efficiency up to 70 % from Yb3+ to Er3+, and enhanced the optical quality. All these results led to an increase from 20 to 30 % in the laser emission efficiency.


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Arthritis of the knee is the most common type of joint inflammatory disorder and it is associated with pain and inflammation of the joint capsule. Few studies address the effects of the 810-nm laser in such conditions. Here we investigated the effects of low-level laser therapy (LLLT; infrared, 810-nm) in experimentally induced rat knee inflammation. Thirty male Wistar rats (230-250 g) were anesthetized and injected with carrageenan by an intra-articular route. After 6 and 12 h, all animals were killed by CO(2) inhalation and the articular cavity was washed for cellular and biochemical analysis. Articular tissue was carefully removed for real-time PCR analysis in order to evaluate COX-1 and COX-2 expression. LLLT was able to significantly inhibit the total number of leukocytes, as well as the myeloperoxidase activity with 1, 3, and 6 J (Joules) of energy. This result was corroborated by cell counting showing the reduction of polymorphonuclear cells at the inflammatory site. Vascular extravasation was significantly inhibited at the higher dose of energy of 10 J. Both COX-1 and 2 gene expression were significantly enhanced by laser irradiation while PGE(2) production was inhibited. Low-level laser therapy operating at 810 nm markedly reduced inflammatory signs of inflammation but increased COX-1 and 2 gene expression. Further studies are necessary to investigate the possible production of antiinflammatory mediators by COX enzymes induced by laser irradiation in knee inflammation.


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Nerve-related complications have been frequently reported in dental procedures, and a very frequent type of occurrence involves the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN). The nerve injury in humans often results in persistent pain accompanied by allodynia and hyperalgesia. In this investigation, we used an experimental IAN injury in rats, which was induced by a Crile hemostatic clamp, to evaluate the effects of laser therapy on nerve repair. We also studied the nociceptive behavior (von Frey hair test) before and after the injury and the behavioral effects of treatment with laser therapy (emitting a wavelength of 904 nm, output power of 70 Wpk, a spot area of *0.1 cm2, frequency of 9500 Hz, pulse time 60 ns and an energy density of 6 J/cm2). As neurotrophins are essential for the process of nerve regeneration, we used immunoblotting techniques to preliminarily examine the effects of laser therapy on the expression of nerve growth factor (NGF) and brainderived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). The injured animals treated with laser exhibited an improved nociceptive behavior. In irradiated animals, there was an enhanced expression of NGF (53%) and a decreased BDNF expression (40%) after laser therapy. These results indicate that BDNF plays a locally crucial role in pain-related behavior development after IAN injury, increasing after lesions (in parallel to the installation of pain behavior) and decreasing with laser therapy (in parallel to the improvement of pain behavior). On the other hand, NGF probably contributes to the repair of nerve tissue, in addition to improving the pain-related behavior.


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Calcium tantalite (CaTa2O6) single crystal fibers were obtained by the laser-heated pedestal growth method (LHPG). At room temperature, this material can present three polymorphic modifications. The rapid crystallization inherent to the LHPG method produced samples within the Pm3 space group, with some chemical disorder. In order to check for polymorphic-induced transformations, the CaTa2O6 fibers have been submitted to different thermal treatments and investigated by micro-Raman spectroscopy. For short annealing times (15 min) at 1200 °C, the cubic modification was maintained, though with an improved crystalline quality, as evidenced by the enhanced inelastic scattered intensity (by ca. 250%) and narrowing of Raman bands. The polarized Raman spectra respected very well the predicted symmetries and the selection rules for this cubic modification. On the other hand, long annealing times (24 h) at 1200 °C led to a complete (irreversible) polymorphic transformation. The Raman bands became still more intense (ca. 15 times larger than for the as-grown fibers), narrower, and several new modes appeared. Also, the spectra became unpolarized, demonstrating a polycrystalline nature of the transformed crystals. The observed Raman modes could be fully assigned to an orthorhombic modification of CaTa2O6 belonging to the Pnma space group.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte die Fähigkeit untersucht werden, Schmerzreize auf der Haut zu lokalisieren und deren Intensität zu differenzieren. Während dieser Diskriminationsaufgaben wurde die elektrische Aktivität des Gehirns gemessen.Traditionell werden dem nozizeptiven System nur geringe Diskriminationsleistungen zugeschrieben. In einer ersten Versuchsreihe sollten daher die räumlichen Diskriminationsleistungen für nozizeptive und taktile Reize verglichen werden. Auf dem Handrücken konnten schmerzhaft Laserhitzereize genauso gut lokalisiert werden wie taktile Reize (von-Frey-Haar). Nur ein mechanischer Nadelreiz, der taktiles und nozizeptives System koaktivierte, konnte noch besser lokalisiert werden. In der zweiten Versuchsreihe wurden während verschiedener Diskriminationsaufgaben (räumliche Diskrimination, Intensitätsdiskrimination) und einer Ablenkungsaufgabe (mentale Arithmetik) Laser-evozierte Potenziale von der Kopfhaut abgeleitet. Eine Dipolquellenanalyse zeigte als erstes eine Aktivierung des frontalen Operculums, entsprechend einem zur Zeit noch umstrittenen Projektionsgebiet eines nozizeptiven Thalamuskerns (VMpo), gefolgt vom primären somatosensorische Kortex (SI) und dem Gyrus cinguli. Im Gegensatz zum taktilen System wurde SI signifikant später aktiviert als SII (bzw. das Operculum). Die Diskriminationsaufgaben erhöhten die Aktivität aller Quellen im Vergleich zu der Ablenkungsbedingung. Dies konnte sogar für die früheste Quelle im Operculum gezeigt werden.Die frühe sensorisch-diskriminative Komponente der Schmerzverarbeitung im Operculum zeigte eine Hemisphärenasymmetrie, mit stärkerer Aktivierung der linken Hemisphäre unabhängig von der Stimulationsseite.


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Time-of-flight photoemission spectromicroscopy was used to measure and compare the two-photon photoemission (2PPE) spectra of Cu and Ag nanoparticles with linear dimensions ranging between 40 nm and several 100 nm, with those of the corresponding homogeneous surfaces. 2PPE was induced employing femtosecond laser radiation from a frequency-doubled Ti:sapphire laser in the spectral range between 375 nm and 425 nm with a pulse width of 200 fs and a repetition rate of 80 MHz. The use of a pulsed radiation source allowed us to use a high-resolution photoemission electron microscope as imaging time-of-flight spectrometer, and thus to obtain spectroscopic information about the laterally resolved electron signal. Ag nanoparticle films have been deposited on Si(111) by electron-beam evaporation, a technique leading to hemispherically-shaped Ag clusters. Isolated Cu nanoparticles have been generated by prolonged heating of a polycrystalline Cu sample. If compared to the spectra of the corresponding homogeneous surfaces, the Cu and Ag nanoparticle spectra are characterized by a strongly enhanced total 2PPE yield (enhancement factor up to 70), by a shift (about 0.1 eV) of the Fermi level onset towards lower final state energies, by a reduction of the work function (typically by 0.2 eV) and by a much steeper increase of the 2PPE yield towards lower final state energies. The shift of the Fermi level onset in the nanoparticle spectra has been explained by a positive unit charge (localized photohole) residing on the particle during the time-scale relevant for the 2PPE process (few femtoseconds). The total 2PPE yield enhancement and the different overall shape of the spectra have been explained by considering that the laser frequency was close to the localized surface plasmon resonance of the Cu and Ag nanoparticles. The synchronous oscillations induced by the laser in the metal electrons enhance the near-zone (NZ) field, defined as the linear superposition of the laser field and the field produced in the vicinity of the particles by the forced charge oscillations. From the present measurements it is clear that the NZ field behavior is responsible for the 2PPE enhancement and affects the 2PPE spatial and energy distribution and its dynamics. In particular, its strong spatial dependence allows indirect transitions through real intermediate states to take place in the metal clusters. Such transitions are forbidden by momentum conservation arguments and are thus experimentally much less probable on homogeneous surfaces. Further, we investigated specially tailored moon-shaped small metal nanostructures, whose NZ field was theoretically predicted, and compared the calculation with the laterally resolved 2PPE signal. We could show that the 2PPE signal gives a clear fingerprint of the theoretically predicted spatial dependence of the NZ field. This potential of our method is highly attractive in the novel field of plasmonics.


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The research interest of this study is to investigate surface immobilization strategies for proteins and other biomolecules by the surface plasmon field-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy (SPFS) technique. The recrystallization features of the S-layer proteins and the possibility of combining the S-layer lattice arrays with other functional molecules make this protein a prime candidate for supramolecular architectures. The recrystallization behavior on gold or on the secondary cell wall polymer (SCWP) was recorded by SPR. The optical thicknesses and surface densities for different protein layers were calculated. In DNA hybridization tests performed in order to discriminate different mismatches, recombinant S-layer-streptavidin fusion protein matrices showed their potential for new microarrays. Moreover, SCWPs coated gold chips, covered with a controlled and oriented assembly of S-layer fusion proteins, represent an even more sensitive fluorescence testing platform. Additionally, S-layer fusion proteins as the matrix for LHCII immobilization strongly demonstrate superiority over routine approaches, proving the possibility of utilizing them as a new strategy for biomolecular coupling. In the study of the SPFS hCG immunoassay, the biophysical and immunological characteristics of this glycoprotein hormone were presented first. After the investigation of the effect of the biotin thiol dilution on the coupling efficiently, the interfacial binding model including the appropriate binary SAM structure and the versatile streptavidin-biotin interaction was chosen as the basic supramolecular architecture for the fabrication of a SPFS-based immunoassay. Next, the affinity characteristics between different antibodies and hCG were measured via an equilibrium binding analysis, which is the first example for the titration of such a high affinity interaction by SPFS. The results agree very well with the constants derived from the literature. Finally, a sandwich assay and a competitive assay were selected as templates for SPFS-based hCG detection, and an excellent LOD of 0.15 mIU/ml was attained via the “one step” sandwich method. Such high sensitivity not only fulfills clinical requirements, but is also better than most other biosensors. Fully understanding how LHCII complexes transfer the sunlight energy directionally and efficiently to the reaction center is potentially useful for constructing biomimetic devices as solar cells. After the introduction of the structural and the spectroscopic features of LHCII, different surface immobilization strategies of LHCII were summarized next. Among them the strategy based on the His-tag and the immobilized metal (ion) affinity chromatography (IMAC) technique were of great interest and resulted in different kinds of home-fabricated His-tag chelating chips. Their substantial protein coupling capacity, maintenance of high biological activity and a remarkably repeatable binding ability on the same chip after regeneration was demonstrated. Moreover, different parameters related to the stability of surface coupled reconstituted complexes, including sucrose, detergent, lipid, oligomerization, temperature and circulation rate, were evaluated in order to standardize the most effective immobilization conditions. In addition, partial lipid bilayers obtained from LHCII contained proteo-liposomes fusion on the surface were observed by the QCM technique. Finally, the inter-complex energy transfer between neighboring LHCIIs on a gold protected silver surface by excitation with a blue laser (λ = 473nm) was recorded for the first time, and the factors influencing the energy transfer efficiency were evaluated.