985 resultados para Landau-Lifshitz differential equation
This paper deals with the study of the stability of nonautonomous retarded functional differential equations using the theory of dichotomic maps. After some preliminaries, we prove the theorems on simple and asymptotic stability. Some examples are given to illustrate the application of the method. Main results about asymptotic stability of the equation x′(t) = -b(t)x(t - r) and of its nonlinear generalization x′(t) = b(t) f (x(t - r)) are established. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Improved numerical approach for the time-independent Gross-Pitaevskii nonlinear Schrödinger equation
In the present work, we improve a numerical method, developed to solve the Gross-Pitaevkii nonlinear Schrödinger equation. A particular scaling is used in the equation, which permits us to evaluate the wave-function normalization after the numerical solution. We have a two-point boundary value problem, where the second point is taken at infinity. The differential equation is solved using the shooting method and Runge-Kutta integration method, requiring that the asymptotic constants, for the function and its derivative, be equal for large distances. In order to obtain fast convergence, the secant method is used. © 1999 The American Physical Society.
The problem of existence and uniqueness of polynomial solutions of the Lamé differential equation A(x)y″ + 2B(x)y′ + C(x)y = 0, where A(x),B(x) and C(x) are polynomials of degree p + 1,p and p - 1, is under discussion. We concentrate on the case when A(x) has only real zeros aj and, in contrast to a classical result of Heine and Stieltjes which concerns the case of positive coefficients rj in the partial fraction decomposition B(x)/A(x) = ∑j p=0 rj/(x - aj), we allow the presence of both positive and negative coefficients rj. The corresponding electrostatic interpretation of the zeros of the solution y(x) as points of equilibrium in an electrostatic field generated by charges rj at aj is given. As an application we prove that the zeros of the Gegenbauer-Laurent polynomials are the points of unique equilibrium in a field generated by two positive and two negative charges. © 2000 American Mathematical Society.
In this work, a series solution is found for the integro-differential equation y″ (t) = -(ω2 c + ω2 f sin2 ωpt)y(t) + ωf (sin ωpt) z′ (0) + ω2 fωp sin ωpt ∫t 0 (cos ωps) y(s)ds, which describes the charged particle motion for certain configurations of oscillating magnetic fields. As an interesting feature, the terms of the solution are related to distinct sequences of prime numbers.
In this work we study the periodic solutions, their stability and bifurcation for the class of Duffing differential equation mathematical equation represented where C > 0, ε > 0 and Λ are real parameter, A(t), b(t) and h(t) are continuous T periodic functions and ε is sufficiently small. Our results are proved using the averaging method of first order.
We consider a class of functional differential equations subject to perturbations, which vary in time, and we study the exponential stability of solutions of these equations using the theory of generalized ordinary differential equations and Lyapunov functionals. We introduce the concept of variational exponential stability for generalized ordinary differential equations and we develop the theory in this direction by establishing conditions for the trivial solutions of generalized ordinary differential equations to be exponentially stable. Then, we apply the results to get corresponding ones for impulsive functional differential equations. We also present an example of a delay differential equation with Perron integrable right-hand side where we apply our result.
We prove a uniqueness result related to the Germain–Lagrange dynamic plate differential equation. We consider the equation {∂2u∂t2+△2u=g⊗f,in ]0,+∞)×R2,u(0)=0,∂u∂t(0)=0, where uu stands for the transverse displacement, ff is a distribution compactly supported in space, and g∈Lloc1([0,+∞)) is a function of time such that g(0)≠0g(0)≠0 and there is a T0>0T0>0 such that g∈C1[0,T0[g∈C1[0,T0[. We prove that the knowledge of uu over an arbitrary open set of the plate for any interval of time ]0,T[]0,T[, 0
In vielen Teilgebieten der Mathematik ist es w"{u}nschenswert, die Monodromiegruppe einer homogenen linearen Differenzialgleichung zu verstehen. Es sind nur wenige analytische Methoden zur Berechnung dieser Gruppe bekannt, daher entwickeln wir im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit eine numerische Methode zur Approximation ihrer Erzeuger.rnIm zweiten Abschnitt fassen wir die Grundlagen der Theorie der Uniformisierung Riemannscher Fl"achen und die der arithmetischen Fuchsschen Gruppen zusammen. Auss erdem erkl"aren wir, wie unsere numerische Methode bei der Bestimmung von uniformisierenden Differenzialgleichungen dienlich sein kann. F"ur arithmetische Fuchssche Gruppen mit zwei Erzeugern erhalten wir lokale Daten und freie Parameter von Lam'{e} Gleichungen, welche die zugeh"origen Riemannschen Fl"achen uniformisieren. rnIm dritten Teil geben wir einen kurzen Abriss zur homologischen Spiegelsymmetrie und f"uhren die $widehat{Gamma}$-Klasse ein. Wir erkl"aren wie diese genutzt werden kann, um eine Hodge-theoretische Version der Spiegelsymmetrie f"ur torische Varit"aten zu beweisen. Daraus gewinnen wir Vermutungen "uber die Monodromiegruppe $M$ von Picard-Fuchs Gleichungen von gewissen Familien $f:mathcal{X}rightarrow bbp^1$ von $n$-dimensionalen Calabi-Yau Variet"aten. Diese besagen erstens, dass bez"uglich einer nat"urlichen Basis die Monodromiematrizen in $M$ Eintr"age aus dem K"orper $bbq(zeta(2j+1)/(2 pi i)^{2j+1},j=1,ldots,lfloor (n-1)/2 rfloor)$ haben. Und zweitens, dass sich topologische Invarianten des Spiegelpartners einer generischen Faser von $f:mathcal{X}rightarrow bbp^1$ aus einem speziellen Element von $M$ rekonstruieren lassen. Schliess lich benutzen wir die im ersten Teil entwickelten Methoden zur Verifizierung dieser Vermutungen, vornehmlich in Hinblick auf Dimension drei. Dar"uber hinaus erstellen wir eine Liste von Kandidaten topologischer Invarianten von vermutlich existierenden dreidimensionalen Calabi-Yau Variet"aten mit $h^{1,1}=1$.
We investigate numerically the excitation of nonlinear magnetic interactions in a ferrite material by an energetic pump pulse of terahertz (THz) radiation. The calculations are performed by solving the coupled Maxwell and Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert differential equations. In a time-resolved THz pump/THz probe scheme, it is demonstrated that Faraday rotation of a delayed THz probe pulse can be used to map these interactions. Our study is motivated by the ability of soft x-ray free electron lasers to perform time-resolved imaging of the magnetization process at the submicrometer and subpicosecond length and time scales.
We study the effects of finite temperature on the dynamics of non-planar vortices in the classical, two-dimensional anisotropic Heisenberg model with XY- or easy-plane symmetry. To this end, we analyze a generalized Landau-Lifshitz equation including additive white noise and Gilbert damping. Using a collective variable theory with no adjustable parameters we derive an equation of motion for the vortices with stochastic forces which are shown to represent white noise with an effective diffusion constant linearly dependent on temperature. We solve these stochastic equations of motion by means of a Green's function formalism and obtain the mean vortex trajectory and its variance. We find a non-standard time dependence for the variance of the components perpendicular to the driving force. We compare the analytical results with Langevin dynamics simulations and find a good agreement up to temperatures of the order of 25% of the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition temperature. Finally, we discuss the reasons why our approach is not appropriate for higher temperatures as well as the discreteness effects observed in the numerical simulations.
"Presented at the Differential Equation Workshop, Center for Interdisciplinary Research (Zif), University of Bielefeld, West Germany, April 21, 1980."
We overview our recent developments in the theory of dispersion-managed (DM) solitons within the context of optical applications. First, we present a class of localized solutions with a period multiple to that of the standard DM soliton in the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with periodic variations of the dispersion. In the framework of a reduced ordinary differential equation-based model, we discuss the key features of these structures, such as a smaller energy compared to traditional DM solitons with the same temporal width. Next, we present new results on dissipative DM solitons, which occur in the context of mode-locked lasers. By means of numerical simulations and a reduced variational model of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation, we analyze the influence of the different dissipative processes that take place in a laser.
This work introduces a Gaussian variational mean-field approximation for inference in dynamical systems which can be modeled by ordinary stochastic differential equations. This new approach allows one to express the variational free energy as a functional of the marginal moments of the approximating Gaussian process. A restriction of the moment equations to piecewise polynomial functions, over time, dramatically reduces the complexity of approximate inference for stochastic differential equation models and makes it comparable to that of discrete time hidden Markov models. The algorithm is demonstrated on state and parameter estimation for nonlinear problems with up to 1000 dimensional state vectors and compares the results empirically with various well-known inference methodologies.
Some oscillation criteria for solutions of a general perturbed second order ordinary differential equation with damping (r(t)x′ (t))′ + h(t)f (x)x′ (t) + ψ(t, x) = H(t, x(t), x′ (t)) with alternating coefficients are given. The results obtained improve and extend some existing results in the literature.
Oscillation criteria are given for the second order sublinear non-autonomous differential equation. (r(t) (x)x′(t))′ + q(t)g(x(t)) = (t). These criteria extends and improves earlier oscillation criteria of Kamenev, Kura, Philos and Wong. Oscillation criteria are also given for second order sublinear damped non-autonomous differential equations.