960 resultados para Industrial efficiency
The concept of sustainable manufacturing is a form of pollution prevention that integrates environmental considerations in the production of goods while focusing on efficient resource use. Taking the industrial ecology perspective, this efficiency comes from improved resource flow management. The assessment of material, energy and waste resource flows, therefore, offers a route to viewing and analysing a manufacturing system as an ecosystem using industrial ecology biological analogy and can, in turn, support the identification of improvement opportunities in the material, energy and waste flows. This application of industrial ecology at factory level is absent from the literature. This article provides a prototype methodology to apply the concepts of industrial ecology using material, energy and waste process flows to address this gap in the literature. Various modelling techniques were reviewed and candidates selected to test the prototype methodology in an industrial case. The application of the prototype methodology showed the possibility of using the material, energy and waste resource flows through the factory to link manufacturing operations and supporting facilities, and to identify potential improvements in resource use. The outcomes of the work provide a basis to build the specifications for a modelling tool that can support those analysing their manufacturing system to improve their environmental performance and move towards sustainable manufacturing. © IMechE 2012.
A high efficiency hard switching constant current LED driver is presented with high overall efficiency, high current precision, high LED efficacy, flicker-free and wide constant current dimming ratio. The high stable lighting source provides the best solution for office light, reading light and LCD backlight. © 2013 IEEE.
Micronutrients play a very important role in biological processes for wastewater treatment. Many industrial wastewaters lack in nutrients (macronutrients and micronutrients) required for microbial growth, and this is one of the main problems at many activated sludge plants treating industrial wastewater. The microbial community structure is one of the important factors controlling the pollutant-degrading capacity of biological wastewater treatment system. In this study, the concentrations of micronutrients of the textile wastewater discharged from a textile plant were determined, and the effects of micronutrients on treatment efficiency and microorganism community structure of the biological treatment system were studied. The results showed that the optimal concentrations of magnesium, molybdenum, zinc, thiamine and niacin in the textile wastewater were 5.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0 and 1.0mg/L, respectively. The COD removal rates when magnesium, molybdenum, zinc, thiamine and niacin were added individually to the wastewater in their optimal concentrations were 1.8, 1.4, 1.3, 1.6 and 2.2 times of that of the control, respectively. The improving effects of combinations of zinc and thiamine, zinc and niacin, thiamine and niacin were better than single micronutrient. The diversity of quinones (DQ) changed significantly after the micronutrient was added into the wastewater treatment system. This indicated that there was probably a feasibility of optimizing the biological treatment performances and microorganism community structure of textile wastewater treatment system through micronutrient supplement.
提出了一种用于工业机器人时间最优轨迹规划及轨迹控制的新方法,它可以确保在关节位移、速度、加速度以及二阶加速度边界值的约束下,机器人手部沿笛卡尔空间中规定路径运动的时间阳短。在这种方法中,所规划的关节轨迹都采用二次多项式加余弦函数的形式,不仅可以保证各关节运动的位移、速度 、加速度连续而且还可以保证各关节运动的二阶加速度连续。采用这种方法,既可以提高机器人的工作效率又可以延长机器人的工作寿命以PUMA560机器人为对象进行了计算机仿真和机器人实验,结果表明这种方法是正确的有效的。它为工业机器人在非线性运动学约束条件下的时间最优轨迹规划及控制问题提供了一种较好的解决方案。
An industrial scale dehydration process based on hollow fiber membranes for lowering the dew point of natural gas is described in this paper. A pilot test with the feed flux scale of 12x10(4) Nm(3)/d was carried out. Dew points of -8 degreesC-13 degreesC at a gas transport pressure in the pipeline of 4.6M Pa and methane recovery of more than 98% were attained. The water vapor content of the product gas could be maintained around 0.01 vol% during a continuous run of about 700 hours. The effects of feed flux and operation pressure on methane recovery and water vapor content were also investigated. Additionally, some auxiliary technologies, such as a full-time engine using natural gas as fuel and the utilization of vent gas in the process, are also discussed. A small amount of the vent gas from the system was used as a fuel for an engine to drive vacuum pumps, and the heat expelled from the engine was used to warm up the natural gas feed. The whole system can be operated in a self-sustainable manner from an energy point of view, and has a relatively high efficiency in the utilization of natural gas.
The nature of photon interaction and reaction pH can have significant impacts on semiconductor photocatalysis. This paper describes the effect of pH on the photonic efficiency of photocatalytic reactions in the aqueous phase using TiO2 catalysts. The reactor was irradiated using periodic illumination with UV-LEDs through control of the illumination duty cycle (γ) through a series of light and dark times (Ton/Toff). Photonic efficiencies for methyl orange degradation were found to be comparable at high γ irrespective of pH. At lower γ, pH effects on photonic efficiency were very distinct across acidic, neutral and alkaline pH indicating an effect of complementary parameters. The results suggest photonic efficiency is greatest as illumination time, Ton approaches interfacial electron-transfer characteristic time which is within the range of this study or charge-carrier lifetimes upon extrapolation and also when electrostatic attraction between surface-trapped holes, {TiIVOH}ads+ and substrate molecules is strongest.
Consumer studies and market reports show an increase in consumption of ready-to-eat (RTE) foods. Although conventional processing technologies can in most cases produce safe products, they can also lead to the degradation of nutritional compounds and negatively affect quality characteristics. Consumers strongly prefer food that is minimally processed with the maximum amount of health-promoting substances. Novel processing technologies as pre- or post-treatment decontamination methods or as substitutes of conventional technologies have the potential to produce foods that are safe, rich in nutrient content and with superior organoleptic properties. Combining novel with conventional processes can eliminate potential drawbacks of novel technologies. This review examines available scientific information and critically evaluates the suitability and efficiency of various novel thermal and nonthermal technologies in terms of microbial safety, quality as well as nutrient content on the production of RTE meals, meats and pumpable products.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Edificações
O desenvolvimento deste trabalho teve como objectivo a optimização de um sistema de climatização industrial, constituído por quatro centrais de climatização adiabáticas, que apresentam limitações de capacidade de arrefecimento, controlo e eficiência. Inicialmente foi necessária a pesquisa bibliográfica e recolha de informação relativa à indústria têxtil e ao processo de arrefecimento evaporativo. Numa fase posterior foram recolhidos e analisados os diversos dados essenciais à compreensão do binómio edifício/sistema de climatização, para a obtenção de possíveis hipóteses de optimização. Da fase de recolha de informações e dados, destaca-se, também, a realização de análises à qualidade do ar interior (QAI). As optimizações seleccionadas como passíveis de implementação, foram estudadas e analisadas com o auxílio do software de simulação energética dinâmica DesignBuilder e os resultados obtidos foram devidamente trabalhados e ajustados de modo a permitir uma assimilação amigável e de fácil interpretação das suas vantagens e desvantagens, tendo ainda sido objecto de estudo de viabilidade económica. A optimização proposta reflecte uma melhoria substancial das condições interiores ao nível da temperatura e humidade relativa, resultando, ainda assim, numa redução de consumos energéticos na ordem dos 23 % (490.337 kWh), isto é, uma poupança anual de 42.169 € aos custos de exploração e com um período de retorno de 1 ano e 11 meses.
Dissertação para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Energia/Automação e Eletrónica Industrial
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Manutenção
In this study, an attempt was made in order to measure and evaluate the eco-efficiency performance of a pultruded composite processing company. For this purpose the recommendations of World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WCSD) and the directives of ISO 14301 standard were followed and applied. The main general indicators of eco-efficiency, as well as the specific indicators, were defined and determined. With basis on indicators’ figures, the value profile, the environmental profile, and the pertinent eco-efficiency ratios were established and analyzed. In order to evaluate potential improvements on company eco-performance, new indicators values and eco-efficiency ratios were estimated taking into account the implementation of new proceedings and procedures, at both upstream and downstream of the production process, namely: i) Adoption of a new heating system for pultrusion die-tool in the manufacturing process, more effective and with minor heat losses; ii) Recycling approach, with partial waste reuse of scrap material derived from manufacturing, cutting and assembly processes of GFRP profiles. These features lead to significant improvements on the sequent assessed eco-efficiency ratios of the present case study, yielding to a more sustainable product and manufacturing process of pultruded GFRP profiles.
Esta dissertação foi realizada em colaboração com o grupo empresarial Monteiro, Ribas e teve como principais objetivos efetuar uma avaliação das melhores técnicas disponíveis relativas à refrigeração industrial e às emissões resultantes da armazenagem. O primeiro objetivo teve como alvo todas as instalações da Monteiro, Ribas enquanto que o segundo objetivo se debruçou sobre Monteiro, Ribas, Embalagens Flexíveis, S.A.. Para cumprir estes objetivos, inicialmente efetuou-se um levantamento das melhores técnicas disponíveis apresentadas nos respetivos documentos de referência. Em seguida selecionaram-se as técnicas que se adequavam às condições e às instalações em estudo e procedeu-se a uma avaliação de forma a verificar o grau de implementação das medidas sugeridas no BREF (Best Available Techniques Reference Document). Relativamente aos sistemas de refrigeração industrial verificou-se que estão implementadas quase todas as medidas referenciadas no respetivo documento de referência. Isto prende-se com o facto dos sistemas de refrigeração existentes no complexo industrial Monteiro, Ribas serem relativamente recentes. Foram implementados no ano de 2012, e são caracterizados por apresentarem uma conceção moderna com elevada eficiência. No que diz respeito à armazenagem de produtos químicos perigosos, a instalação em estudo, apresenta algumas inconformidades, uma vez que a maioria das técnicas mencionadas no BREF não se encontram implementadas, pelo que foi necessário efetuar uma avaliação de riscos ambientais, com recurso à metodologia proposta pela Norma Espanhola UNE 150008:2008 – Análise e Avaliação do Risco Ambiental. Para isso procedeu-se então à formulação de vários cenários de riscos e à quantificação de riscos para à Monteiro, Ribas Embalagens Flexíveis S.A., tendo-se apurado que os riscos estavam avaliados como moderados a altos. Por fim foram sugeridas algumas medidas de prevenção e de minimização do risco que a instalação deve aplicar, como por exemplo, o parque de resíduos perigosos deve ser equipado com kits de contenção de derrames (material absorvente), procedimentos a realizar em caso de emergência, fichas de dados de segurança e o extintor deve ser colocado num local de fácil visualização. No transporte de resíduos perigosos, para o respetivo parque, é aconselhável utilizar bacias de contenção de derrames portáteis e kits de contenção de derrames. Relativamente ao armazém de produtos químicos perigosos é recomendado que se proceda a sua reformulação tendo em conta as MTD apresentadas no subcapítulo 5.2.3 desta dissertação.
In the present study made an attempt to analyse the structure, performance and growth of women industrial cooperatives in kannur district, Kerala. The study encompasses all women industrial cooperatives registered at the district industries center, kannur and that currently exist. The women industrial cooperatives are classified into two ie; group with network and another group without network. In Kannur there are 54 units working as women industrial cooperatives. One of the main problems the women cooperatives face is the lack of working capital followed marketing problem. The competition between cooperatives and private traders is very high. The variables examined to analyse the performance of women industrial cooperatives in Kannur showed that there exists inter unit differences in almost all the variables. The financial structure structure shows that the short term liquidity of women cooperatives in Kannur favour more the units which have political networks; but the long term financial coverage is seen to be highly geared in this group, not because of a decline is net worth but due to highly proportionate increase in financial liabilities in the form of borrowings. The encouragement given by the government through financial stake and other incentives has been the major factor in the formation and growth of women cooperatives. As a result both productivity and efficiency improves in the cooperatives. In short the present study helped to capture the impact, role and dynamics of networking in general and socio political network in particular in relation to intra and inter unit differences on the structure, growth and performance of women industrial cooperatives societies in Kannur district
It examine the aspects of Madhya Pradesh’s industrial structure which throw light on the development, viability and the efficiency of not only the over all industrial sector but also some of the selected industries of the state. The major objectives of are to examine the nature and characteristics of economic backwardness in Madhya Pradesh in an inter-state comparative framework and to analyse the pace and pattern of industrial growth in Madhya Pradesh against the backdrop of liberalization. To explore the industrial structure of Madhya Pradesh using the major structural ratios and industry mix. This study has underlined some structural as well as region specific constraints to the accelerated growth of the manufacturing industry in Madhya Pradesh. The industrial structure of Madhya Pradesh is concentrated and lop-sided. This is evidenced by the dominancy of single industry, basic metal and alloys. A diversified industrial structure is essential for promoting interdependent growth of the manufacturing industry based on the inter-industry linkages and agglomeration. The thesis gives a broad spectrum of regional disparities in development and evidence for Madhya Pradesh’s backwardness also portrayed and reflects the changing industrial structure of the state.