885 resultados para Incremental Information-content
The objective of this work was to standardize a semiautomated method for genotyping soybean, based on universal tail sequence primers (UTSP), and to compare it with the conventional genotyping method that uses electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels. Thirty soybean cultivars were genotypically characterized by both methods, using 13 microsatellite loci. For the UTSP method, the number of alleles (NA) was 50 (2-7 per marker) and the polymorphic information content (PIC) ranged from 0.40 to 0.74. For the conventional method, the NA was 38 (2-5 per marker) and the PIC varied from 0.39 to 0.67. The genetic dissimilarity matrices obtained by the two methods were highly correlated with each other (0.8026), and the formed groups were coherent with the phenotypic data used for varietal registration. The 13 markers allowed the distinction of all analyzed cultivars. The low cost of the UTSP method, associated with its high accuracy, makes it ideal for the characterization of soybean cultivars and for the determination of genetic purity.
Les plantes sont essentielles pour les sociétés humaines. Notre alimentation quotidienne, les matériaux de constructions et les sources énergétiques dérivent de la biomasse végétale. En revanche, la compréhension des multiples aspects développementaux des plantes est encore peu exploitée et représente un sujet de recherche majeur pour la science. L'émergence des technologies à haut débit pour le séquençage de génome à grande échelle ou l'imagerie de haute résolution permet à présent de produire des quantités énormes d'information. L'analyse informatique est une façon d'intégrer ces données et de réduire la complexité apparente vers une échelle d'abstraction appropriée, dont la finalité est de fournir des perspectives de recherches ciblées. Ceci représente la raison première de cette thèse. En d'autres termes, nous appliquons des méthodes descriptives et prédictives combinées à des simulations numériques afin d'apporter des solutions originales à des problèmes relatifs à la morphogénèse à l'échelle de la cellule et de l'organe. Nous nous sommes fixés parmi les objectifs principaux de cette thèse d'élucider de quelle manière l'interaction croisée des phytohormones auxine et brassinosteroïdes (BRs) détermine la croissance de la cellule dans la racine du méristème apical d'Arabidopsis thaliana, l'organisme modèle de référence pour les études moléculaires en plantes. Pour reconstruire le réseau de signalement cellulaire, nous avons extrait de la littérature les informations pertinentes concernant les relations entre les protéines impliquées dans la transduction des signaux hormonaux. Le réseau a ensuite été modélisé en utilisant un formalisme logique et qualitatif pour pallier l'absence de données quantitatives. Tout d'abord, Les résultats ont permis de confirmer que l'auxine et les BRs agissent en synergie pour contrôler la croissance de la cellule, puis, d'expliquer des observations phénotypiques paradoxales et au final, de mettre à jour une interaction clef entre deux protéines dans la maintenance du méristème de la racine. Une étude ultérieure chez la plante modèle Brachypodium dystachion (Brachypo- dium) a révélé l'ajustement du réseau d'interaction croisée entre auxine et éthylène par rapport à Arabidopsis. Chez ce dernier, interférer avec la biosynthèse de l'auxine mène à la formation d'une racine courte. Néanmoins, nous avons isolé chez Brachypodium un mutant hypomorphique dans la biosynthèse de l'auxine qui affiche une racine plus longue. Nous avons alors conduit une analyse morphométrique qui a confirmé que des cellules plus anisotropique (plus fines et longues) sont à l'origine de ce phénotype racinaire. Des analyses plus approfondies ont démontré que la différence phénotypique entre Brachypodium et Arabidopsis s'explique par une inversion de la fonction régulatrice dans la relation entre le réseau de signalisation par l'éthylène et la biosynthèse de l'auxine. L'analyse morphométrique utilisée dans l'étude précédente exploite le pipeline de traitement d'image de notre méthode d'histologie quantitative. Pendant la croissance secondaire, la symétrie bilatérale de l'hypocotyle est remplacée par une symétrie radiale et une organisation concentrique des tissus constitutifs. Ces tissus sont initialement composés d'une douzaine de cellules mais peuvent aisément atteindre des dizaines de milliers dans les derniers stades du développement. Cette échelle dépasse largement le seuil d'investigation par les moyens dits 'traditionnels' comme l'imagerie directe de tissus en profondeur. L'étude de ce système pendant cette phase de développement ne peut se faire qu'en réalisant des coupes fines de l'organe, ce qui empêche une compréhension des phénomènes cellulaires dynamiques sous-jacents. Nous y avons remédié en proposant une stratégie originale nommée, histologie quantitative. De fait, nous avons extrait l'information contenue dans des images de très haute résolution de sections transverses d'hypocotyles en utilisant un pipeline d'analyse et de segmentation d'image à grande échelle. Nous l'avons ensuite combiné avec un algorithme de reconnaissance automatique des cellules. Cet outil nous a permis de réaliser une description quantitative de la progression de la croissance secondaire révélant des schémas développementales non-apparents avec une inspection visuelle classique. La formation de pôle de phloèmes en structure répétée et espacée entre eux d'une longueur constante illustre les bénéfices de notre approche. Par ailleurs, l'exploitation approfondie de ces résultats a montré un changement de croissance anisotropique des cellules du cambium et du phloème qui semble en phase avec l'expansion du xylème. Combinant des outils génétiques et de la modélisation biomécanique, nous avons démontré que seule la croissance plus rapide des tissus internes peut produire une réorientation de l'axe de croissance anisotropique des tissus périphériques. Cette prédiction a été confirmée par le calcul du ratio des taux de croissance du xylème et du phloème au cours de développement secondaire ; des ratios élevés sont effectivement observés et concomitant à l'établissement progressif et tangentiel du cambium. Ces résultats suggèrent un mécanisme d'auto-organisation établi par un gradient de division méristématique qui génèrent une distribution de contraintes mécaniques. Ceci réoriente la croissance anisotropique des tissus périphériques pour supporter la croissance secondaire. - Plants are essential for human society, because our daily food, construction materials and sustainable energy are derived from plant biomass. Yet, despite this importance, the multiple developmental aspects of plants are still poorly understood and represent a major challenge for science. With the emergence of high throughput devices for genome sequencing and high-resolution imaging, data has never been so easy to collect, generating huge amounts of information. Computational analysis is one way to integrate those data and to decrease the apparent complexity towards an appropriate scale of abstraction with the aim to eventually provide new answers and direct further research perspectives. This is the motivation behind this thesis work, i.e. the application of descriptive and predictive analytics combined with computational modeling to answer problems that revolve around morphogenesis at the subcellular and organ scale. One of the goals of this thesis is to elucidate how the auxin-brassinosteroid phytohormone interaction determines the cell growth in the root apical meristem of Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis), the plant model of reference for molecular studies. The pertinent information about signaling protein relationships was obtained through the literature to reconstruct the entire hormonal crosstalk. Due to a lack of quantitative information, we employed a qualitative modeling formalism. This work permitted to confirm the synergistic effect of the hormonal crosstalk on cell elongation, to explain some of our paradoxical mutant phenotypes and to predict a novel interaction between the BREVIS RADIX (BRX) protein and the transcription factor MONOPTEROS (MP),which turned out to be critical for the maintenance of the root meristem. On the same subcellular scale, another study in the monocot model Brachypodium dystachion (Brachypodium) revealed an alternative wiring of auxin-ethylene crosstalk as compared to Arabidopsis. In the latter, increasing interference with auxin biosynthesis results in progressively shorter roots. By contrast, a hypomorphic Brachypodium mutant isolated in this study in an enzyme of the auxin biosynthesis pathway displayed a dramatically longer seminal root. Our morphometric analysis confirmed that more anisotropic cells (thinner and longer) are principally responsible for the mutant root phenotype. Further characterization pointed towards an inverted regulatory logic in the relation between ethylene signaling and auxin biosynthesis in Brachypodium as compared to Arabidopsis, which explains the phenotypic discrepancy. Finally, the morphometric analysis of hypocotyl secondary growth that we applied in this study was performed with the image-processing pipeline of our quantitative histology method. During its secondary growth, the hypocotyl reorganizes its primary bilateral symmetry to a radial symmetry of highly specialized tissues comprising several thousand cells, starting with a few dozens. However, such a scale only permits observations in thin cross-sections, severely hampering a comprehensive analysis of the morphodynamics involved. Our quantitative histology strategy overcomes this limitation. We acquired hypocotyl cross-sections from tiled high-resolution images and extracted their information content using custom high-throughput image processing and segmentation. Coupled with an automated cell type recognition algorithm, it allows precise quantitative characterization of vascular development and reveals developmental patterns that were not evident from visual inspection, for example the steady interspace distance of the phloem poles. Further analyses indicated a change in growth anisotropy of cambial and phloem cells, which appeared in phase with the expansion of xylem. Combining genetic tools and computational modeling, we showed that the reorientation of growth anisotropy axis of peripheral tissue layers only occurs when the growth rate of central tissue is higher than the peripheral one. This was confirmed by the calculation of the ratio of the growth rate xylem to phloem throughout secondary growth. High ratios are indeed observed and concomitant with the homogenization of cambium anisotropy. These results suggest a self-organization mechanism, promoted by a gradient of division in the cambium that generates a pattern of mechanical constraints. This, in turn, reorients the growth anisotropy of peripheral tissues to sustain the secondary growth.
The control mechanisms and information content of melanin-based colourations are still debated among evolutionary biologists. Recent hypotheses contend that molecules involved in melanogenesis alter other physiological processes, thereby generating covariation between melanin-based colouration and other phenotypic attributes. Interestingly, several molecules such as agouti and glutathione that trigger the production of reddish-brown pheomelanin have an inhibitory effect on the production of black/grey eumelanin, whereas other hormones, such as melanocortins, have the opposite effect. We therefore propose the hypothesis that phenotypic traits positively correlated with the degree of eumelanin-based colouration may be negatively correlated with the degree of pheomelanin-based colouration, or vice versa. Given the role played by the melanocortin system and glutathione on melanogenesis and resistance to oxidative stress, we examined the prediction that resistance to oxidative stress is positively correlated with the degree of black colouration but negatively with the degree of reddish colouration. Using the barn owl (Tyto alba) as a model organism, we swapped eggs between randomly chosen nests to allocate genotypes randomly among environments and then we measured resistance to oxidative stress using the KRL assay in nestlings raised by foster parents. As predicted, the degree of black and reddish pigmentations was positively and negatively correlated, respectively, with resistance to oxidative stress. Our results reveal that eumelanin- and pheomelanin-based colourations can be redundant signals of resistance to oxidative stress.
For the past decade, PET and PET/CT have been widely studied for myocardial perfusion imaging. Several studies demonstrated the incremental value of PET for the diagnostic and prognostic assessment of patients with coronary artery disease. Moreover, PET allows for non-invasively quantifying myocardial blood flow and myocardial flow reserve, that both are recognized as surrogate marker of cardiac event free survival. By enabling the exploration of epicardial disease and the microvasculature, PET constitutes a unique tool to study pathophysiogical mechanisms leading to atherosclerosis genesis. The recent emergence of high-tech hybrid machines may even provide further incremental information about coronary function and morphology. By taking the best of each modality, a better assessment of patients with coronary artery disease is expected. (C) 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
The objective of this work was to assess the genetic diversity and population structure of wheat genotypes, to detect significant and stable genetic associations, as well as to evaluate the efficiency of statistical models to identify chromosome regions responsible for the expression of spike-related traits. Eight important spike characteristics were measured during five growing seasons in Serbia. A set of 30 microsatellite markers positioned near important agronomic loci was used to evaluate genetic diversity, resulting in a total of 349 alleles. The marker-trait associations were analyzed using the general linear and mixed linear models. The results obtained for number of allelic variants per locus (11.5), average polymorphic information content value (0.68), and average gene diversity (0.722) showed that the exceptional level of polymorphism in the genotypes is the main requirement for association studies. The population structure estimated by model-based clustering distributed the genotypes into six subpopulations according to log probability of data. Significant and stable associations were detected on chromosomes 1B, 2A, 2B, 2D, and 6D, which explained from 4.7 to 40.7% of total phenotypic variations. The general linear model identified a significantly larger number of marker-trait associations (192) than the mixed linear model (76). The mixed linear model identified nine markers associated to six traits.
Abstract: The objective of this work was to identify polymorphic simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers for varietal identification of cotton and evaluation of the genetic distance among the varieties. Initially, 92 SSR markers were genotyped in 20 Brazilian cotton cultivars. Of this total, 38 loci were polymorphic, two of which were amplified by one primer pair; the mean number of alleles per locus was 2.2. The values of polymorphic information content (PIC) and discrimination power (DP) were, on average, 0.374 and 0.433, respectively. The mean genetic distance was 0.397 (minimum of 0.092 and maximum of 0.641). A panel of 96 varieties originating from different regions of the world was assessed by 21 polymorphic loci derived from 17 selected primer pairs. Among these varieties, the mean genetic distance was 0.387 (minimum of 0 and maximum of 0.786). The dendrograms generated by the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic average (UPGMA) did not reflect the regions of Brazil (20 genotypes) or around the world (96 genotypes), where the varieties or lines were selected. Bootstrap resampling shows that genotype identification is viable with 19 loci. The polymorphic markers evaluated are useful to perform varietal identification in a large panel of cotton varieties and may be applied in studies of the species diversity.
We study the impact of sampling theorems on the fidelity of sparse image reconstruction on the sphere. We discuss how a reduction in the number of samples required to represent all information content of a band-limited signal acts to improve the fidelity of sparse image reconstruction, through both the dimensionality and sparsity of signals. To demonstrate this result, we consider a simple inpainting problem on the sphere and consider images sparse in the magnitude of their gradient. We develop a framework for total variation inpainting on the sphere, including fast methods to render the inpainting problem computationally feasible at high resolution. Recently a new sampling theorem on the sphere was developed, reducing the required number of samples by a factor of two for equiangular sampling schemes. Through numerical simulations, we verify the enhanced fidelity of sparse image reconstruction due to the more efficient sampling of the sphere provided by the new sampling theorem.
The purpose of this research was to study the genetic diversity and genetic relatedness of 60 genotypes of grapevines derived from the Germplasm Bank of Embrapa Semiárido, Juazeiro, BA, Brazil. Seven previously characterized microsatellite markers were used: VVS2, VVMD5, VVMD7, VVMD27, VVMD3, ssrVrZAG79 and ssrVrZAG62. The expected heterozygosity (He) and polymorphic information content (PIC) were calculated, and the cluster analysis were processed to generate a dendrogram using the algorithm UPGMA. The He ranged from 81.8% to 88.1%, with a mean of 84.8%. The loci VrZAG79 and VVMD7 were the most informative, with a PIC of 87 and 86%, respectively, while VrZAG62 was the least informative, with a PIC value of 80%. Cluster analysis by UPGMA method allowed separation of the genotypes according to their genealogy and identification of possible parentage for the cultivars 'Dominga', 'Isaura', 'CG 26916', 'CG28467' and 'Roni Redi'.
Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää reagoivatko osakemarkkinat eritavoin luottoluokituksen muutokseen eri lainsäädäntöympäristöissä. Lisäksi selvitetään myös reagoivatko pienten yhtiöiden osakekurssit erilailla luottoluokituksen muutokseen kuin suurten yhtiöiden osakekurssit. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytetään tapahtumatutkimusta ja aineiston muodostavat Moody'sin luottoluokitusilmoitukset vuosilta 2000-2007. Tutkielman kohdemaina ovat Iso-Britannia, Ranska sekä Pohjoismaat Empiiristen tulosten perusteella ainoastaan luottoluokituksen laskun yhteydessä näyttää siltä, että lainsäädäntöympäristön ja markkinareaktion suuruuden välillä on oletetunkaltainen yhteys. Yrityskokoluokista puolestaan suurten yhtiöiden osakkeet reagoivat yleisesti voimakkaammin luottoluokituksen muutokseen kuin pienten yhtiöiden osakekurssit.
Statistics show that the expanding service sector accounts already for three quarters of GDP in the developed economies. Moreover, there is abundant evidence on high variation in productive performance across the service industries. This suggests divergent technological and institutional trajectories within the tertiary sector. While conceptual knowledge on services and their performance has accumulated substantially, the overall landscape on productivity and competitiveness is still inconclusive. As noted by number of authors the research on service productivity is still in its infancy. The purpose of this paper is to develop further the analytical framework of service productivity. The approach is based on the notion that service definitions, classifications and performance measurement are strongly interdependent. Given the ongoing restructuring of businesses activities with higher information content, it is argued that the dichotomy between manufacturing and services should not be taken too far. Industrial evolution also suggests that the official industry classifications are increasingly outdated and new taxonomies for empirical research are therefore needed. Based on the previous analyses and new insights the paper clarifies the debated concept of service productivity and identifies the critical dimensions by which the service industries cluster. It is also demonstrated that the dimensions enable to construct new service taxonomies which bear essentially on productivity opportunities at the business level. Needles to say the key determinant explaining the development and potential of productivity growth is innovation activity. As an extensive topic of research, however, service innovation is tackled here only in a cursory way. The paper is constructed as follows: the first section focuses on the conceptual issues and evolving nature of service activities. A workable definition of service should capture the diversity of service activities, as well as the aspects of service processes, comprehensively. The distinctions and similarities between services and manufacturing are discussed, too. Section 2 deals with the service productivity, a persistent and controversial issue in academic literature and policy. With the assessments of strengths and weaknesses of the main schools new insights based on value creation will be brought in. Industry classifications and taxonomies are discussed in Section 3. It begins with a short analysis of the official classifications and their evaluation from the perspective of empirical research. Using well-known examples it is shown that the taxonomies on the manufacturing industries have a clear analogy with the business services. As there is a growing interest to regroup services too, the work to date, has been less systematic and inherently qualitative. Based on the earlier contributions threedimensional service taxonomy is constructed which highlight the key dimensions of productive performance. The main findings and implications are summed up in Section 4.
Conservation laws in physics are numerical invariants of the dynamics of a system. In cellular automata (CA), a similar concept has already been defined and studied. To each local pattern of cell states a real value is associated, interpreted as the “energy” (or “mass”, or . . . ) of that pattern.The overall “energy” of a configuration is simply the sum of the energy of the local patterns appearing on different positions in the configuration. We have a conservation law for that energy, if the total energy of each configuration remains constant during the evolution of the CA. For a given conservation law, it is desirable to find microscopic explanations for the dynamics of the conserved energy in terms of flows of energy from one region toward another. Often, it happens that the energy values are from non-negative integers, and are interpreted as the number of “particles” distributed on a configuration. In such cases, it is conjectured that one can always provide a microscopic explanation for the conservation laws by prescribing rules for the local movement of the particles. The onedimensional case has already been solved by Fuk´s and Pivato. We extend this to two-dimensional cellular automata with radius-0,5 neighborhood on the square lattice. We then consider conservation laws in which the energy values are chosen from a commutative group or semigroup. In this case, the class of all conservation laws for a CA form a partially ordered hierarchy. We study the structure of this hierarchy and prove some basic facts about it. Although the local properties of this hierarchy (at least in the group-valued case) are tractable, its global properties turn out to be algorithmically inaccessible. In particular, we prove that it is undecidable whether this hierarchy is trivial (i.e., if the CA has any non-trivial conservation law at all) or unbounded. We point out some interconnections between the structure of this hierarchy and the dynamical properties of the CA. We show that positively expansive CA do not have non-trivial conservation laws. We also investigate a curious relationship between conservation laws and invariant Gibbs measures in reversible and surjective CA. Gibbs measures are known to coincide with the equilibrium states of a lattice system defined in terms of a Hamiltonian. For reversible cellular automata, each conserved quantity may play the role of a Hamiltonian, and provides a Gibbs measure (or a set of Gibbs measures, in case of phase multiplicity) that is invariant. Conversely, every invariant Gibbs measure provides a conservation law for the CA. For surjective CA, the former statement also follows (in a slightly different form) from the variational characterization of the Gibbs measures. For one-dimensional surjective CA, we show that each invariant Gibbs measure provides a conservation law. We also prove that surjective CA almost surely preserve the average information content per cell with respect to any probability measure.
We survey a number of papers that have focused on the construction of cross-country data sets on average years of schooling. We discuss the construction of the different series, compare their profiles and construct indicators of their information content. The discussion focuses on a sample of OECD countries but we also provide some results for a large non-OECD sample.
The goal of this research was to make an overall sight to VIX® and how it can be used as a stock market indicator. Volatility index often referred as the fear index, measures how much it costs for investor to protect his/her S&P 500 position from fluctuations with options. Over the relatively short history of VIX it has been a successful timing coordinator and it has given incremental information about the market state adding its own psychological view of the amount of fear and greed. Correctly utilized VIX information gives a considerable advantage in timing market actions. In this paper we test how VIX works as a leading indicator of broad stock market index such as S&P 500 (SPX). The purpose of this paper is to find a working way to interpret VIX. The various tests are made on time series data ranging from the year 1990 to the year 2010. The 10-day simple moving average strategy gave significant profits from the whole time when VIX data is available. Strategy was able to utilize the increases of SPX in example portfolio value and was able to step aside when SPX was declining. At the times when portfolio was aside of S it was on safety fund like on treasury bills getting an annual yield of 3 percent. On the other side just a static number’s of VIX did not work as indicators in a profit making way.
The drug discovery process is facing new challenges in the evaluation process of the lead compounds as the number of new compounds synthesized is increasing. The potentiality of test compounds is most frequently assayed through the binding of the test compound to the target molecule or receptor, or measuring functional secondary effects caused by the test compound in the target model cells, tissues or organism. Modern homogeneous high-throughput-screening (HTS) assays for purified estrogen receptors (ER) utilize various luminescence based detection methods. Fluorescence polarization (FP) is a standard method for ER ligand binding assay. It was used to demonstrate the performance of two-photon excitation of fluorescence (TPFE) vs. the conventional one-photon excitation method. As result, the TPFE method showed improved dynamics and was found to be comparable with the conventional method. It also held potential for efficient miniaturization. Other luminescence based ER assays utilize energy transfer from a long-lifetime luminescent label e.g. lanthanide chelates (Eu, Tb) to a prompt luminescent label, the signal being read in a time-resolved mode. As an alternative to this method, a new single-label (Eu) time-resolved detection method was developed, based on the quenching of the label by a soluble quencher molecule when displaced from the receptor to the solution phase by an unlabeled competing ligand. The new method was paralleled with the standard FP method. It was shown to yield comparable results with the FP method and found to hold a significantly higher signal-tobackground ratio than FP. Cell-based functional assays for determining the extent of cell surface adhesion molecule (CAM) expression combined with microscopy analysis of the target molecules would provide improved information content, compared to an expression level assay alone. In this work, immune response was simulated by exposing endothelial cells to cytokine stimulation and the resulting increase in the level of adhesion molecule expression was analyzed on fixed cells by means of immunocytochemistry utilizing specific long-lifetime luminophore labeled antibodies against chosen adhesion molecules. Results showed that the method was capable of use in amulti-parametric assay for protein expression levels of several CAMs simultaneously, combined with analysis of the cellular localization of the chosen adhesion molecules through time-resolved luminescence microscopy inspection.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the genetic polymorphism of fifteen microsatellites loci in Brazilian (blue-egg Caipira) chickens. Samples were collected from 100 blue eggs of Caipira chickens from rural properties in the city of Dois Lajeados, RS. After DNA extraction, the fragments related to molecular markers LEI0248, LEI0221, LEI0214, LEI0192, LEI0217, LEI0254, LEI0194, LEI0212, MCW0371, ADL0278, LEI0234, MCW0183, MCW0216, MCW0330 and MCW0081 were obtained by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The statistical analysis were carried out with the softwares ARLEQUIN 3.5 version and CERVUS 3.0.3 version. The allelic and genotypic frequencies, deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, estimates of observed (HO) and expected (HE) heterozygosity and polymorphic information content (PIC) were obtained for each marker locus. A total of 186 alleles from 15 loci were obtained, with sizes ranging of 83 to 490 base pairs. The medium number of alleles was 12.4, the HE was 0.76±0.14 and HO was 0.49±0.21 and PIC was 0.706. The first conclusion is that the microsatellites used are polymorphic and can be used to genetic studies in chickens. The second is that the "Caipira" chicken (blue eggs) population investigated has a great genic variability, which makes than an important source of genetic resources for future animal breeding programs.