933 resultados para Incorporação Simbólica


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Trata-se da estratégia de gerenciamento da fusão de empresas com culturas diferentes, o impacto sobre as pessoas da organização e como manter o moral elevado dos empregados da empresa adquirida


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A tese visa à abordagem da obra de Murilo Rubião à luz de uma interpretação simbólica, estabelecendo diálogos com a psicologia, a filosofia, a mitologia e, sobretudo, com a antropologia. Ela tem como fio condutor da investigação do universo ficcional a teoria geral do imaginário e, mais especificamente, os regimes da imaginação de Gilbert Durand. Além disso, o trabalho faz um levantamento da recepção crítica da obra, um estudo do perfil dos contos, e um resgate, no acervo do escritor, de textos inéditos e dispersos em jornais e revistas.


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The object theme of the present study is a population of caboclos that absorbed as manual workers in the saw-mills which were mounted in the highland region of Santa Catarina since 1950. The abundance of araucaria (native kind of pine) the opening of markets, and the corroboration of other industrial exploration conditions encouraged a great crowd of small en.- trepreneurs, coming basically from the state of Rio Grande do Sul, to migrate and settle down, building up a lot of saw-mills near rich forests and fields. The saw-mills started aprosperous production of timber sawn in planks. The process of industriali zation was so intensive, the destruction of pine woods soviolent that, in less than three decades, the forests ran out of tree reserves. The caboclos, absorbed as manual workers in production of timber, lived traditionally in an system of subsistense, either from the cultivation of pine the economic their land (planter caboclo) or as labourers in cattle-growing farms (farm hand caboclos). Nevertheless, the 'advantages' that were offered them by the new-comer entrepreneurs (a salary paid in money, a new house in a village, and other favours) helped the great majority of caboclos to abandon their traditional work and enlist as "workmen" in saw-mills. The new job, besides being a novelty, was an opportunity for a change in status. Subsequently, the running out of forests of araucaria and the resultant progressive shut-down of saw-mills caused the crowd of workmen to be out of imployment and to form to form a migratory flood toward the most important town of the region, Lages. The town of Lages, however, having made of the timber i ts main economic support wi thout the implantation of an alternative industry, was unable to offer the migrantssufficient 'work places'. In this way, the 'marginal crowd' began to settle down in the suburbs of the city. This study, in the context of the object theme, analyses two main questions related to the reality 'WOlLQ' and to the economic exploitation forms: ~) the relations of production in the economic regime of subsistence and in the capitalist regime of industrial production with the consequent 'positions' of the workman in the productive processj ~~) the deriving educative effects of the productive process, either in the economic regime of subsistence, or in the capitalist industrial regime. The two questions are theoretically debated andconfro~ ted with the proposed reality, giving origin to conclusions that, in a general formulation, can be summarized as follows: a) the caboclos of the highland region of Santa Catari na, when under an economic regime of subsistence, held in fee the productive processj there was a social division of the work and aclimate of freedom which made possible the development of knowledge from their life and work experience, the production of most of their tools, and the making of necessary manufactures adapted to their own surrounding ditionsi -- - --- other con- ------ b) however, these same caboclos, when absorbed by the capitalist industrial process of production - tipified by the work in saw-mills - lost the control of the productive processj this was caused by the technologic division of the work, since each man began to perform a dull and repeti tive action, directed by the speed of the 'major-saw' j man resigned form his skill and inventive power and surrendered to an executive authority which turned him into a 'collective worker'j the new productive process, besides rnaking each rnan a copy of a pattern, put the caboclos in a situation in which the daily work experiencedidn't add anything in terrns of autogenesis of knowledgei and even the environrnental educative rneans were reduced to new forrns of adaptation to the productive process, relegating rnan's inventive power to inertia.


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Esta pesquisa de mestrado analisa, através de um estudo experimental, o comportamento mecânico de misturas em concreto asfáltico, utilizando agregados siderúrgicos (Escória de Aciaria) e Resíduo Areia de Fundição (R.A.F) em combinação com agregados minerais (Basalto). A reutilização destes resíduos industriais traz benefícios ambientais, pois auxilia a questão de deposição destes rejeitos, além de diminuir a degradação ambiental em áreas de extração de agregados pétreos. Foi realizada a dosagem de quatro misturas através da Metodologia Marshall, sendo uma mistura de Referência composta de agregados minerais. Para caracterização e verificação do desempenho das misturas asfálticas foi realizada a moldagem dos corpos-de-prova através da Metodologia Marshall, com uso de CAP 50/60, sendo determinado, além das propriedades Marshall, ensaios de módulo de resiliência à compressão diametral (Mr), resistência à tração (Rt), resistência à fadiga (tensão controlada), deformação permanente sob carga repetida, abrasão (Cântabro) e adesividade (Metodologia Lottman Modificada) das quatro misturas estudadas. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a adição dos resíduos industriais estudados ao concreto asfáltico aumenta o consumo de ligante da mistura. A incorporação de escória de aciaria à mistura em concreto asfáltico apresentou desempenho superior ao da mistura com agregados convencionais nas propriedades mecânicas e de durabilidade. A adição de Resíduo Areia de Fundição (R.A.F) em combinação com escória de aciaria não apresentou desempenho satisfatório neste estudo, uma vez que apresentou consumo de ligante elevado e propriedades mecânicas com desempenho inferior. Através do estudo ficou evidente a viabilidade da incorporação da escória de aciaria em misturas asfálticas apresentando melhora nas características mecânicas e de adesividade.


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Neste livro, a proposta é aprofundar a análise da atuação do Poder Judiciário Brasileiro e a utilização por este Poder dos meios legais na proteção dos direitos fundamentais, em especial com a Corte Interamericana da Organização dos Estados Americanos (OEA), como órgão jurídico que se pronuncia e julga violações aos Direitos Humanos, cometidas dentro das fronteiras do grupo de países americanos, que aceitaram e reconhecem a jurisdição obrigatória desse Tribunal Internacional.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a operação de incorporação de ações, prevista no artigo 252 da Lei nº 6.404/76 (Lei das Sociedades por Ações) e sua utilização como meio para promover o fechamento de capital. A incorporação de ações é operação societária mediante a qual a totalidade de ações de determinada companhia é incorporada ao patrimônio de outra companhia, obrigatoriamente constituída de acordo com as leis brasileiras. Eventualmente, a operação de incorporação de ações pode levar ao fechamento de capital da companhia “alvo”. Diante desta possível consequência, controladores e minoritários têm discutido acerca da legitimidade do fechamento de capital mediante a incorporação de ações, e da necessidade de realização de oferta pública para aquisição de ações como condição à operação. São analisadas as diferentes posições doutrinárias e principais precedentes julgados pela Comissão de Valores Mobiliários sobre essa questão, a fim de concluir acerca da legitimidade da operação e da necessidade ou não de realização de oferta pública para aquisição de ações como condição para promover o fechamento de capital.


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As instituições financeiras brasileiras, desde 1995, utilizam intensamente a Internet em benefício de seus negócios. Neste relatório apresentamos os resultados do trabalho de exploração do processo pelo qual a utilização da tecnologia da Internet tornou-se uma realidade para um banco brasileiro e sua evolução nesta instituição; examinando o processo à luz de uma perspectiva teórica não-difusionista, a abordagem da Teoria Ator-Rede. Identificou-se que diversos atores estiveram envolvidos com a incorporação da Internet pelo banco e estão envolvidos com a sua manutenção como uma tecnologia importante para a instituição; e várias estratégias foram, e são, adotadas para sustentar esta situação.


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The present work is to study the characteristics and technological properties of soil-cement bricks made from binary and ternary mixtures of Portland cement, sand, water, with or without addition of gravel from the drilling of oil wells, which could be used by industry, aiming to improve its performance and reduce cost by using the residue and, consequently, increasing its useful life. The soil-cement bricks are one of the alternatives to masonry construction. These elements, after a short curing period, provide compressive strength similar to that of solid bricks and ceramic blocks, and the higher the resistance the higher the amount of cement used. We used the soil from the city of São José do Mipibu / RN, the banks of the River Baldun, cement CPIIZ-32 and residue of drill cuttings from oil wells drilling onshore wells in the town of Mossley, RN, provided Petrobras. To determine the optimum mix, we studied the inclusion of different residues (100%, 80%, 70%, 60% and 50%) where 15 bodies were made of the test piece. The assessment was made of bricks made from simple compression tests, mass loss by immersion and water absorption. The experimental results proved the efficiency and high utilization of the waste from the drilling of oil wells, making the brick-cement-soil residue with a higher strength and lower water absorption. The best result in terms of mechanical strength and water absorption for the ternary mixture was 10% soil, 14% cement and 80% residue. In terms of binary mixtures, we obtained the best result for the mix-cement residue, which was 14% cement incorporated in the residue


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The use of binders in the soil for the production of solid bricks is an old construction technique that has been used by several civilizations over time. At the same time, the need for environmental preservation and the tendency of scarcity of natural resources make the construction invest in researching new concepts, methods and materials for building systems for the sustainability of their economic activities. Thus arises the need to obtain building materials with low power consumption, capable of reducing the growing housing shortage of rural and urban population. Currently, research has been conducted on this topic to better understand the cementitious and pozzolanic reactions that occur in the formation of the microstructure of the soil-cement when added to other materials such as, for example, lime, and the relationship between microstructure and formed interfaces with the physical, mechanical and chemical analysis in compounds made from these ternary compositions. In this context, this study aimed to analyze the results of the influence of the incorporation of lime to the soil-cement to form a ternary mixture to produce soil-cement bricks and mortar without structural purposes. From the inclusion of contents of 6 %, 8 %, 10% and 12% lime to the soil, and soil-cement mixes in amounts of 2 %, 3 %, 4 % and 5 % were shaped-bodies of -cylindrical specimens to determine the optimum moisture content and maximum dry apparent specific weight. Then they were cured, and subjected to the tests of compressive strength, absorption and durability modified. Compositions obtained the best results in the tests performed on the bodies-of-proof cylindrical served as a parameter for molding of solid bricks, which underwent the same experimental methodology previously cited. The raw materials used, as well as compositions in which the bricks were molded solid, were characterized by physical and chemical tests, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The results obtained in the study indicate that the compositions studied, that showed the best results in terms of compressive strength, water absorption and durability ternary composition was soil, 10 % cement and 2 % lime


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Lightweight oilwell cement slurries have been recently studied as a mean to improve zonal isolation and sheath-porous formation adherence. Foamed slurries consisting of Portland cement and air-entraining admixtures have become an interesting option for this application. The loss in hydrostatic pressure as a consequence of cement hydration results in the expansion of the air bubbles entrapped in the cement matrix, thus improving the sheath-porous formation contact. Consequently, slurries are able to better retain their water to complete the hydration process. The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the addition of an air-entraining admixture on the density, stability and permeability of composite slurries containing Portland cement and diatomite as light mineral load. Successful formulations are potential cementing materials for low fracture gradient oilwells. The experimental procedures used for slurry preparation and characterization were based on the American Petroleum Institute and ABNT guidelines Slurries containing a pre-established concentration of the air-entraining admixture and different contents of diatomite were prepared aiming at final densities of 13 to 15 lb/gal. The results revealed that the reduction of 15 to 25% of the density of the slurries did not significantly affect their strength. The addition of both diatomite and the air-entraining admixture increased the viscosity of the slurry providing better air-bubble retention in the volume of the slurry. Stable slurries depicted bottom to top density variation of less than 1.0 lb/gal and length reduction of the stability sample of 5.86 mm. Finally, permeability coefficient values between 0.617 and 0.406 mD were obtained. Therefore, lightweight oilwell cement slurries depicting a satisfactory set of physicochemical and mechanical properties can be formulated using a combination of diatomite and air-entraining admixtures for low fracture gradient oilwells