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This paper proposes asymptotically optimal tests for unstable parameter process under the feasible circumstance that the researcher has little information about the unstable parameter process and the error distribution, and suggests conditions under which the knowledge of those processes does not provide asymptotic power gains. I first derive a test under known error distribution, which is asymptotically equivalent to LR tests for correctly identified unstable parameter processes under suitable conditions. The conditions are weak enough to cover a wide range of unstable processes such as various types of structural breaks and time varying parameter processes. The test is then extended to semiparametric models in which the underlying distribution in unknown but treated as unknown infinite dimensional nuisance parameter. The semiparametric test is adaptive in the sense that its asymptotic power function is equivalent to the power envelope under known error distribution.


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We provide explicit families of tame automorphisms of the complex affine three-space which degenerate to wild automorphisms. This shows that the tame subgroup of the group of polynomial automorphisms of C3 is not closed, when the latter is seen as an infinite-dimensional algebraic group.


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Let E be an infinite dimensional complex Banach space. We prove the existence of an infinitely generated algebra, an infinite dimensional closed subspace and a dense subspace of entire functions on E whose non-zero elements are functions of unbounded type. We also show that the τδ topology on the space of all holomorphic functions cannot be obtained as a countable inductive limit of Fr´echet spaces. RESUMEN. Sea E un espacio de Banach complejo de dimensión infinita y sea H(E) el espacio de funciones holomorfas definidas en E. En el artículo se demuestra la existencia de un álgebra infinitamente generada en H(E), un subespacio vectorial en H(E) cerrado de dimensión infinita y un subespacio denso en H(E) cuyos elementos no nulos son funciones de tipo no acotado. También se demuestra que el espacio de funciones holomorfas con la topología ? no es un límite inductivo numberable de espacios de Fréchet.


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In this paper we prove several results on the existence of analytic functions on an infinite dimensional real Banach space which are bounded on some given collection of open sets and unbounded on others. In addition, we also obtain results on the density of some subsets of the space of all analytic functions for natural locally convex topologies on this space. RESUMEN. Los autores demuestran varios resultados de existencia de funciones analíticas en espacios de Banach reales de dimensión infinita que están acotadas en un colección de subconjuntos abiertos y no acotadas en los conjuntos de otra colección. Además, se demuestra la densidad de ciertos subconjuntos de funciones analíticas para varias topologías localmente convexas.


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The well-known Noether theorem in Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics associates symmetries in the evolution equations of a mechanical system with conserved quantities. In this work, we extend this classical idea to problems of non-equilibrium thermodynamics formulated within the GENERIC (General Equations for Non-Equilibrium Reversible-Irreversible Coupling) framework. The geometric meaning of symmetry is reviewed in this formal setting and then utilized to identify possible conserved quantities and the conditions that guarantee their strict conservation. Examples are provided that demonstrate the validity of the proposed definition in the context of finite and infinite dimensional thermoelastic problems.


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Esta tesis aborda la formulación, análisis e implementación de métodos numéricos de integración temporal para la solución de sistemas disipativos suaves de dimensión finita o infinita de manera que su estructura continua sea conservada. Se entiende por dichos sistemas aquellos que involucran acoplamiento termo-mecánico y/o efectos disipativos internos modelados por variables internas que siguen leyes continuas, de modo que su evolución es considerada suave. La dinámica de estos sistemas está gobernada por las leyes de la termodinámica y simetrías, las cuales constituyen la estructura que se pretende conservar de forma discreta. Para ello, los sistemas disipativos se describen geométricamente mediante estructuras metriplécticas que identifican claramente las partes reversible e irreversible de la evolución del sistema. Así, usando una de estas estructuras conocida por las siglas (en inglés) de GENERIC, la estructura disipativa de los sistemas es identificada del mismo modo que lo es la Hamiltoniana para sistemas conservativos. Con esto, métodos (EEM) con precisión de segundo orden que conservan la energía, producen entropía y conservan los impulsos lineal y angular son formulados mediante el uso del operador derivada discreta introducido para asegurar la conservación de la Hamiltoniana y las simetrías de sistemas conservativos. Siguiendo estas directrices, se formulan dos tipos de métodos EEM basados en el uso de la temperatura o de la entropía como variable de estado termodinámica, lo que presenta importantes implicaciones que se discuten a lo largo de esta tesis. Entre las cuales cabe destacar que las condiciones de contorno de Dirichlet son naturalmente impuestas con la formulación basada en la temperatura. Por último, se validan dichos métodos y se comprueban sus mejores prestaciones en términos de la estabilidad y robustez en comparación con métodos estándar. This dissertation is concerned with the formulation, analysis and implementation of structure-preserving time integration methods for the solution of the initial(-boundary) value problems describing the dynamics of smooth dissipative systems, either finite- or infinite-dimensional ones. Such systems are understood as those involving thermo-mechanical coupling and/or internal dissipative effects modeled by internal state variables considered to be smooth in the sense that their evolutions follow continuos laws. The dynamics of such systems are ruled by the laws of thermodynamics and symmetries which constitutes the structure meant to be preserved in the numerical setting. For that, dissipative systems are geometrically described by metriplectic structures which clearly identify the reversible and irreversible parts of their dynamical evolution. In particular, the framework known by the acronym GENERIC is used to reveal the systems' dissipative structure in the same way as the Hamiltonian is for conserving systems. Given that, energy-preserving, entropy-producing and momentum-preserving (EEM) second-order accurate methods are formulated using the discrete derivative operator that enabled the formulation of Energy-Momentum methods ensuring the preservation of the Hamiltonian and symmetries for conservative systems. Following these guidelines, two kind of EEM methods are formulated in terms of entropy and temperature as a thermodynamical state variable, involving important implications discussed throughout the dissertation. Remarkably, the formulation in temperature becomes central to accommodate Dirichlet boundary conditions. EEM methods are finally validated and proved to exhibit enhanced numerical stability and robustness properties compared to standard ones.


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We combine infinite dimensional analysis (in particular a priori estimates and twist positivity) with classical geometric structures, supersymmetry, and noncommutative geometry. We establish the existence of a family of examples of two-dimensional, twist quantum fields. We evaluate the elliptic genus in these examples. We demonstrate a hidden SL(2,ℤ) symmetry of the elliptic genus, as suggested by Witten.


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In recent years, the topic of car-following has experimented an increased importance in traffic engineering and safety research. This has become a very interesting topic because of the development of driverless cars (Google driverless cars, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_driverless_car). Driving models which describe the interaction between adjacent vehicles in the same lane have a big interest in simulation modeling, such as the Quick-Thinking-Driver model. A non-linear version of it can be given using the logistic map, and then chaos appears. We show that an infinite-dimensional version of the linear model presents a chaotic behaviour using the same approach as for studying chaos of death models of cell growth.


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A classical result due to Foias and Pearcy establishes a discrete model for every quasinilpotent operator acting on a separable, infinite-dimensional complex Hilbert space HH . More precisely, given a quasinilpotent operator T on HH , there exists a compact quasinilpotent operator K in HH such that T is similar to a part of K⊕K⊕⋯⊕K⊕⋯K⊕K⊕⋯⊕K⊕⋯ acting on the direct sum of countably many copies of HH . We show that a continuous model for any quasinilpotent operator can be provided. The consequences of such a model will be discussed in the context of C0C0 -semigroups of quasinilpotent operators.


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In this paper, we prove that infinite-dimensional vector spaces of α-dense curves are generated by means of the functional equations f(x)+f(2x)+⋯+f(nx)=0, with n≥2, which are related to the partial sums of the Riemann zeta function. These curves α-densify a large class of compact sets of the plane for arbitrary small α, extending the known result that this holds for the cases n=2,3. Finally, we prove the existence of a family of solutions of such functional equation which has the property of quadrature in the compact that densifies, that is, the product of the length of the curve by the nth power of the density approaches the Jordan content of the compact set which the curve densifies.


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We address the optimization of discrete-continuous dynamic optimization problems using a disjunctive multistage modeling framework, with implicit discontinuities, which increases the problem complexity since the number of continuous phases and discrete events is not known a-priori. After setting a fixed alternative sequence of modes, we convert the infinite-dimensional continuous mixed-logic dynamic (MLDO) problem into a finite dimensional discretized GDP problem by orthogonal collocation on finite elements. We use the Logic-based Outer Approximation algorithm to fully exploit the structure of the GDP representation of the problem. This modelling framework is illustrated with an optimization problem with implicit discontinuities (diver problem).


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Studiamo l'operatore di Ornstein-Uhlenbeck e il semigruppo di Ornstein-Uhlenbeck in un sottoinsieme aperto convesso $\Omega$ di uno spazio di Banach separabile $X$ dotato di una misura Gaussiana centrata non degnere $\gamma$. In particolare dimostriamo la disuguaglianza di Sobolev logaritmica e la disuguaglianza di Poincaré, e grazie a queste disuguaglianze deduciamo le proprietà spettrali dell'operatore di Ornstein-Uhlenbeck. Inoltre studiamo l'equazione ellittica $\lambdau+L^{\Omega}u=f$ in $\Omega$, dove $L^\Omega$ è l'operatore di Ornstein-Uhlenbeck. Dimostriamo che per $\lambda>0$ e $f\in L^2(\Omega,\gamma)$ la soluzione debole $u$ appartiene allo spazio di Sobolev $W^{2,2}(\Omega,\gamma)$. Inoltre dimostriamo che $u$ soddisfa la condizione di Neumann nel senso di tracce al bordo di $\Omega$. Questo viene fatto finita approssimazione dimensionale.


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The generative topographic mapping (GTM) model was introduced by Bishop et al. (1998, Neural Comput. 10(1), 215-234) as a probabilistic re- formulation of the self-organizing map (SOM). It offers a number of advantages compared with the standard SOM, and has already been used in a variety of applications. In this paper we report on several extensions of the GTM, including an incremental version of the EM algorithm for estimating the model parameters, the use of local subspace models, extensions to mixed discrete and continuous data, semi-linear models which permit the use of high-dimensional manifolds whilst avoiding computational intractability, Bayesian inference applied to hyper-parameters, and an alternative framework for the GTM based on Gaussian processes. All of these developments directly exploit the probabilistic structure of the GTM, thereby allowing the underlying modelling assumptions to be made explicit. They also highlight the advantages of adopting a consistent probabilistic framework for the formulation of pattern recognition algorithms.


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* The authors thank the “Swiss National Science Foundation” for its support.


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Let E be an infinite dimensional separable space and for e ∈ E and X a nonempty compact convex subset of E, let qX(e) be the metric antiprojection of e on X. Let n ≥ 2 be an arbitrary integer. It is shown that for a typical (in the sence of the Baire category) compact convex set X ⊂ E the metric antiprojection qX(e) has cardinality at least n for every e in a dense subset of E.