999 resultados para GC-24
Objective: To evaluate the performance of All Bond SE used in a one- or two-step protocol in a 24-month randomized clinical study. Methods: Thirty-three patients with two similarly sized non-carious cervical lesions participated in this study. A total of 66 restorations were placed, half using the one-step All Bond SE protocol (SE-1) and the other half using the two-step All Bond SE protocol (SE-2). The restorations were evaluated at baseline and after 6, 12 and 24 months following the modified USPHS criteria and analyzed by the McNemar`s test and Fisher`s exact test (alpha=0.05). Results: After 24 months, six SE-1 and four SE-2 restorations were rated as Bravo in marginal discoloration The retention rates for SE-1 and SE-2 were 84.8% and 90.9%, respectively, after 24 months. Compared to baseline, the retention rate for SE-1 was statistically lower. Conclusions: All Bond SE used in the one- or two-step protocol resulted in high retention rates after 24 months.
Purpose This 24-month randomized paired tooth clinical study evaluated the performance of All Bond 3 used in the simplified (2-step) and full (3-step) versions Methods 33 patients, with at least two similar sized non-carious cervical lesions participated in this study A total of 66 restorations were placed, half using the 2-step All Bond 3 (AB3-2) and the other half using 3-step All Bond 3 (AB3-3) The restorations were placed incrementally using the composite resin Aelite The restorations were evaluated at baseline and after 6, 12 and 24 months following the modified USPHS criteria Statistical differences between the adhesive were tested using with McNemar`s test and clinical performance over time for each material with the Fisher`s exact test (alpha= 0 05) Results After 24 months, six AB3-2 and four AB3-3 were rated as bravo for marginal discoloration but did not differ from each other significantly (P> 0 05) The retention rates at 24 months of AB3-2 and AB3-3 were 90 9% and 97 0%, respectively (P> 0 05) (Am J Dent 2010,23 231-236)
Objective: To provide prevalence data on several key mental health indicators for young people aged 15 to 24 years. Methods: A cross-sectional household survey, using telephone recruitment followed by a postal pencil-and-paper questionnaire. The overall response rate was 67.3%. Results: Difficulties with interpersonal relationships are common causes of distress for young people, in particular problems with parents, problems with friends and relationship break-ups. Depressive symptomatology is common among young people with approximately one in eight males and one in four females reporting current depressive symptomatology. One in three young people reported that they had had suicidal thoughts at some time in the past, 1.2% of young people reported that they had made a plan on how to kill themselves in the four-week period prior to completing the survey and 6.9% of young people reported that they had tried to kill themselves at some time during their life time (4.2% of males and 9.0% of females). Conclusions and implications: The prevalence figures for the various mental health indicators presented in this paper represent good baseline information upon which to examine the progress over time of interventions designed to improve the mental health of young people.
It has been previously observed that the intrinsically weak variant GC donor sites, in order to be recognized by the U2-type spliceosome, possess strong consensus sequences maximized for base pair formation with U1 and U5/U6 snRNAs. However, variability in signal strength is a fundamental mechanism for splice site selection in alternative splicing. Here we report human alternative GC-AG introns (for the first time from any species), and show that while constitutive GC-AG introns do possess strong signals at their donor sites, a large subset of alternative GC-AG introns possess weak consensus sequences at their donor sites. Surprisingly, this subset of alternative isoforms shows strong consensus at acceptor exon positions 1 and 2. The improved consensus at the acceptor exon can facilitate a strong interaction with U5 snRNA, which tethers the two exons for ligation during the second step of splicing. Further, these isoforms nearly always possess alternative acceptor sites and always possess alternative acceptor sites and exhibit particularly weak polypyrimidine tracts characteristic of AG-dependent introns. The acceptor exon nucleotides are part of the consensus required for the U2AF(35)-mediated recognition of AG in such introns. Such improved consensus at acceptor exons is not found in either normal or alternative GT-AG introns having weak donor sites or weak polypyrimidine,tracts. The changes probably reflect mechanisms that allow GC-AG alternative intron isoforms to cope with two conflicting requirements, namely an apparent need for differential splice strength to direct the choice of alternative sites and a need for improved donor signals to compensate for the central mismatch base pair (C-A) in the RNA duplex of U1 snRNA and the pre-mRNA. The other important findings include (i) one in every twenty alternative introns is a GC-AG intron, and (ii) three of every five observed GC-AG introns are alternative isoforms.
1. An elevation in blood pressure has been consistently observed 24 h after adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) administration and is caused by increased ACTH-stimulated cortisol secretion, in association with increased cardiac output. The aim of the present study was to investigate the previously undefined time of onset of this increase in blood pressure in normal humans. 2. Ten normal healthy volunteers received 250 mug ACTH-[1-24], in 500 mL normal saline, infused at a constant rate over 8 h. Six subjects also received a placebo infusion (normal saline only). Blood pressure, heart rate and cortisol levels were determined hourly. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH-[1-24] plus native ACTH) was measured at 0, 1, 7 and 8 h. 3. Infusion of ACTH-[1-24] produced maximal secretion rates of cortisol, resulting in a mean peak plasma level of 985 +/- 46 nmol/L at 8 h. In response, blood pressure and heart rate rose significantly by 2 h and remained generally elevated for the duration of the infusion. 4. The early onset of haemodynamic responses is consistent with classical steroid receptor-mediated genomic mechanisms, but could be due non-genomic mechanisms. 5. The cardiovascular consequences of therapeutic use of ACTH are well recognized. This results of the present study suggest that even diagnostic administration of ACTH, delivered over a few hours, may raise blood pressure.
Human V alpha 24 natural killer T (V alpha 24NKT) cells are activated by -glycosylceramide-pulsed dendritic cells (DCs) in a CDld-dependent and T-cell receptor-mediated manner. There are two major subpopulations of V alpha 24NKT cells, CD4(-) CD8(-) V alpha 24NKT and CD4(+) V alpha 24NKT cells. We have recently shown that activated CD4(-) CD8 V alpha 24NKT cells have cytotoxic activity against DCs, but knowledge of the molecules responsible for cytotoxicity of V alpha 24NKT cells is currently limited. We aimed to investigate whether CD4(+) V alpha 24NKT cells also have cytotoxic activity against DCs and to determine the mechanisms underlying any observed cytotoxic activity. We demonstrated that activated CD4(+) V alpha 24NKT cells [CD40 ligand (CD40L) -positive] have cytotoxic activity against DCs (strongly CD40-positive), but not against monocytes (weakly CD40-positive) or phytohaemagglutinin blast T cells (CD40-negative), and that apoptosis of DCs significantly contributes to the observed cytotoxicity. The apoptosis of DCs following culture with activated CD4(+) V alpha 24NKT cells, but not with resting CD4(+) V alpha 24NKT cells (CD40L-negative), was partially inhibited by anti-CD40L mAb, Direct ligation of CD40 on the DCs by the anti-CD40 antibody also induced apoptosis of DCs. Our results suggest that CD40-CD40L interaction plays an important role in the induction of apoptosis of DCs following culture with activated CD4+ Va24NKT cells. The apoptosis of DCs from normal donors. triggered by the CD40-CD40L interaction, may contribute to the homeostatic regulation of the normal human immune system, preventing the interminable activation of activated CD4(+) V alpha 24NKT cells by virtue of apoptosis of DCs.
Background and Objectives We have undertaken the first clinical trial involving the administration of alpha-GalactosylCeramine (alpha-GalCer)-pulsed dendritic cells (DCs) to human subjects, to determine safety, optimal dose, optimal administration route and immunological effects. Materials and Methods Subjects (n = 4) with metastatic malignancy received two infusions of alpha-GalCer-pulsed DCs intravenously, and two infusions intradermally. The percentages of Valpha24 Vbeta11 NKT cells in peripheral blood (PB) were determined by three-colour flow cytometry and the PB NKT cell numbers were calculated using the total number of PB lymphocytes/ml determined by automated full-blood counts. Results No serious treatment related adverse events were observed during the study period. Administration of alpha-GalCer-pulsed DCs in vivo can significantly (P < 0.03) increase PB Valpha24(+) Vbeta11(+) NKT cell numbers above pretreatment baseline levels after the transient fall in the NKT numbers within 48 h. Conclusions Administration of alpha-GalCer-pulsed DCs is well tolerated, modulates PB Valpha24(+) Vbeta11(+) NKT cells and may have a role in the therapy of malignancies sensitive to activities of Valpha24(+) Vbeta11(+) NKT cells, or for autoimmune diseases.
Depois da grande crise dos anos 80 o momento ?? de reconstru????o do Estado na Am??rica Latina. Na verdade, em todo o mundo, porque em maior ou menor grau a crise foi universal. E para isto ?? preciso pensar qual ser?? a natureza do capitalismo e do Estado, da sociedade civil e da sociedade pol??tica, no s??culo 21 que se avizinha. No s??culo 19 tivemos um capitalismo competitivo e um Estado liberal, no s??culo 20, um capitalismo monopolista e, em diversas medidas, um Estado social- burocr??tico
Entre as decis??es mais importantes para o ??xito da implementa????o da gest??o do conhecimento (GC) nas organiza????es, encontram-se as escolhas do modelo, do m??todo de implementa????o e das pr??ticas mais adequadas para alcan??ar os resultados esperados com a iniciativa. Organiza????es p??blicas brasileiras v??m adotando modelos distintos no momento de implementar GC (BARBOSA, 2011 e ALVARENGA NETO e VIEIRA, 2011). O objetivo deste artigo ?? analisar como o Instituto de Pesquisa Econ??mica Aplicada (Ipea) implementou de forma alinhada um modelo, um m??todo e uma pr??tica de gest??o do conhecimento (GC). O referencial te??rico utilizado ?? o Modelo de Gest??o do Conhecimento para a Administra????o P??blica Brasileira, constru??do por um dos autores deste trabalho ap??s a realiza????o de uma revis??o sistem??tica da literatura sobre modelos de GC na administra????o p??blica (BATISTA, 2012)
A Resolu????o n?? 5, de 24 de setembro de 2010 disciplina o incentivo de servidores em exerc??cio na ENAP para participar dos cursos de especializa????o oferecidos pela Escola. Adicionalmente, s??o publicados editais espec??ficos para a sele????o de servidores para o Programa de Capacita????o em Idiomas, na ocasi??o de disponibilidade de vagas.
A cess??o de uso de im??veis residenciais funcionais de propriedade da ENAP ?? regulamentada por meio da Resolu????o n?? 2, de 24 de fevereiro de 2011.
As altera????es introduzidas pela Lei n?? 11.890, de 24 de dezembro de 2008, as mais significativas e relevantes e avaliam-se seus efeitos sobre a carreira de Especialista em Pol??ticas Publicas e Gest??o Governamental. Levantam-se quest??es de interpreta????o sistem??tica desses novos dispositivos legais aplic??veis ?? carreira e suas poss??veis implica????es sobre as regulamenta????es por elaborar conforme a previs??o legal. Apresenta-se, ainda, um instrumento para realizar proje????es e simula????es sobre como os limites quantitativos por classe estabelecidos na nova Lei tender??o a afetar as promo????es dos integrantes da carreira nos pr??ximos anos. Sua aplica????o, com o horizonte no ano 2021, indicou a tend??ncia de falha na tentativa do legislador de moldar a carreira em formato piramidal, mas, outrossim, significativo e inquestion??vel avan??o em tal dire????o na compara????o com o cen??rio sem as altera????es legais, em que poderia haver uma concentra????o superior a 80% do contingente na Classe Especial. O instrumento de proje????es poder?? ser facilmente aplicado ??s demais carreiras abrangidas na Lei em foco, bastando aplicar seus dados e premissas espec??ficos.
Introdução: A concentração da creatinina no plasma é usada para avaliar a função renal, mas a depuração da creatinina plasmática (DCP) constitui método mais sensível para essa finalidade. Objetivo: Correlacionar a DCP em coleta urinária de 12 horas noturna com a de 24 horas. Métodos: Noventa e cinco voluntários (34-64 anos) coletaram urina durante 24 horas em dois frascos: diurno (das 7h às 19h) e noturno (das 19h às 7h do dia seguinte). A coleta de sangue se deu em jejum para medidas bioquímicas. A correlação entre as variáveis foi feita pelo teste Pearson (r) e a concordância de medidas, pelo teste de Bland-Altman. Resultados: Urinas de quatro indivíduos foram recusadas por erro de coleta. Na amostra final (n = 91; 42 homens), havia 23 hipertensos e cinco diabéticos. A DCP (mL/min/1,73 m2) foi menor no período noturno em mulheres (77,8 ± 22,7 versus 88,4 ± 23,6; p < 0,05) e similar em homens (91,2 ± 22,9 versus 97,3 ± 30,9; p > 0,05). As correlações entre a DCP na urina de 12 horas noturna ou diurna e a de 24 horas foram fortes (r = 0,85 e 0,83, respectivamente). Em 85 e 83 dos 91 indivíduos, a medida da DCP noturna e diurna, respectivamente, foi concordante com a de 24 horas. Conclusão: A urina de 12 horas, sobretudo quando coletada à noite, fornece valores de DCP similares àqueles obtidos em coleta de 24 horas. Como essa coleta é mais fácil de ser feita em pacientes ambulatoriais à noite, esse período deveria ser preferido para a medida da filtração glomerular.
This article has as main objective to evaluate the role of information and communication technologies (ICTs), in particular the eHealth (electronic health), in the implementation of the directive 2011/24/EU, of the European Parliament and of the Council of March 9th, on the exercise of patients' rights in cross-border healthcare within Member States of European Union. Being currently underway the deadline for transposition of the Directive, it is important to analyze the probable results for national health systems. Innovatively, the Directive specifically proposes the implementation of a European network of eHealth in the provision of cross-border healthcare. Within ICT, we focus on telemedicine as a key tool for the implementation, on a context of public budgets constrains. In this context, it is assumed that the EU will support and promote cooperation and the exchange of scientific information between member states within the framework of a voluntary network composed by the national authorities responsible for health (or eHealth). We apply the S.W.O.T. (strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis to forecast the main points that should be focused on deeper research. We discuss the technological, economic and social aspects of the use of ICT on the implementation of the directive. It is thus important to evaluate the context of ICT by S.W.O.T. tool to define strategies to sensitize policy-makers, health managers, and citizens, in order to be able to turn threats into opportunities and mitigating the weaknesses in the implementation of the Directive and to promote a better healthcare access for citizens, ensuring safe, effective healthcare and with different quality.