907 resultados para Fruit juices - Encapsulation
The Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) was asked by the Department of Health and the Food Standards Agency to examine the latest evidence on the links between consumption of carbohydrates, sugars, starch and fibre and a range of health outcomes (such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, bowel health and tooth decay) to ensure the government’s position on consumption was up-to-date. In addition to the main report, you can read the SACN press release In its review of the evidence, SACN found that: High levels of sugar consumption are associated with a greater risk of tooth decay. The higher the proportion of sugar in the diet, the greater the risk of high energy intake. Drinking high-sugar beverages results in weight gain and increases in BMI in teenagers and children. Consuming too many high-sugar beverages increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. In light of these findings, SACN recommends that: Free sugars should account for no more than 5% daily dietary energy intake. The term free sugars is adopted, replacing the terms Non Milk Extrinsic Sugars (NMES) and added sugars. Free sugars are those added to food or those naturally present in honey, syrups and unsweetened fruit juices, but exclude lactose in milk and milk products. The consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (e.g. fizzy drinks, soft drinks and squash) should be minimised by both children and adults.
A concentração de seis elementos: Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni, Zn e Fe foi medida em sessenta e sete amostras de sumos de fruta 100 %, duas amostras de refrigerantes, dez amostras de concentrados de sumos e sete amostras de águas de diluição utilizadas no processamento dos sumos. As amostras de sumos representam numa prespectiva bastante abrangente o mercado Português de sumos de fruta 100 %. Os refrigerantes concentrados e águas de diluição foram cedidos por duas empresas fabricantes de sumos Portuguesas. As concentrações elementares foram medidas pelas técnicas de FAAS e GFAAS e foi medido também o grau Brix dos sumos. Os factores: fruta, percentagem de fruta, origem, agricultura, tratamento, embalagem, conservação e processo foram obtidos por informação do fabricante nos rótulos dos produtos e por contacto directo. Caracterizou-se o mercado em termos da concentração desses elementos e
caracterizou-se a sua diluição comparando-a com valores de referência do mercado Europeu. Mediu-se o grau de associação entre os diversos parâmetros e a concentração final elementar dos sumos e utilizou-se a análise de agrupamentos, a análise de correspondência múltipla e a análise factorial para reestruturar a matriz de dados. Dos resultados obtidos, os sumos de fruta apresentam a seguinte ordem de grandeza nas suas concentrações elementares: Cd
BACKGROUND:Tackling inequalities in overweight, obesity and related determinants has become a top priority for the European research and policy agendas. Although it has been established that such inequalities accumulate from early childhood onward, they have not been studied extensively in children. The current article discusses the results of an explorative analysis for the identification of inequalities in behaviours and their determinants between groups with high and low socio-economic status. METHODS: This study is part of the Epode for the Promotion of Health Equity (EPHE) evaluation study, the overall aim of which is to assess the impact and sustainability of EPODE methodology to diminish inequalities in childhood obesity and overweight. Seven community-based programmes from different European countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Greece, Portugal, Romania, The Netherlands) participate in the EPHE study. In each of the communities, children aged 6-8 years participated, resulting in a total sample of 1266 children and their families. A parental self-administrated questionnaire was disseminated in order to assess the socio-economic status of the household, selected energy balance-related behaviours (1. fruit and vegetable consumption; 2. soft drink/ fruit juices and water consumption; 3. screen time and 4. sleep duration) of the children and associated family environmental determinants. The Mann-Whitney U test and Pearson's chi-square test were used to test differences between the low and high education groups. The country-specific median was chosen as the cut-off point to determine the educational level, given the different average educational level in every country. RESULTS: Children with mothers of relatively high educational level consumed fruits and vegetables more frequently than their peers of low socio-economic status. The latter group of children had a higher intake of fruit juices and/or soft drinks and had higher screen time. Parental rules and home availability were consistently different between the two socio-economic groups in our study in all countries. However we did not find a common pattern for all behaviours and the variability across the countries was large. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings are indicative of socio-economic inequalities in our samples, although the variability across the countries was large. The effectiveness of interventions aimed at chancing parental rules and behaviour on health inequalities should be studied.
Introduction: Type and quantity of beverages intake among adolescents may influence their hydration status. Objective: To evaluate the association between hydration status assessed by Free Water Reserve (FWR) and consumption of 5 types of beverages (water, milk, soft drinks, fruit juices and hot beverages). Conclusions: In this sample of participants, euhydrated adolescents ingest more water and hot beverages than those at risk of hypo-hydration.
Scope Diets low in fruits and vegetables (FV) are responsible for 2.7 million deaths from cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and certain cancers annually. Many FV and their juices contain flavonoids, some of which increase endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) activity. A single nucleotide polymorphism in the eNOS gene, where thymine (T) replaces guanine (G) at position 894 predicting substitution of glutamate for aspartate at codon 298 (Glu298Asp), has been associated with increased CVD risk due to effects on nitric oxide synthesis and subsequently vascular reactivity. Individuals can be homozygous for guanine (GG), thymine (TT) or heterozygous (GT). Methods and results We investigated the effects of acute ingestion of a FV-puree-based-drink (FVPD) on vasodilation and antioxidant status in subjects retrospectively genotyped for this polymorphism. Healthy volunteers (n = 24; 11 GG, 11 GT, 2 TT) aged 30–70 were recruited to a randomized, controlled, crossover, acute study. We showed that acute consumption of 400 mL FVPD differentially affected individuals depending on their genotype. There was a significant genotype interaction for endothelium-dependent vasodilation measured by laser Doppler imaging with iontophoresis (P < 0.05) and ex vivo low-density lipoproteins (LDL) oxidation (P = 0.002). GG subjects had increased endothelium-dependent vasodilation 180 min (P = 0.028) and reduced ex vivo LDL oxidation (P = 0.013) after 60 min after FVPD compared with control, no differences were observed in GT subjects. Conclusion eNOS Glu298Asp genotype differentially affects vasodilation and ex vivo LDL oxidation after consumption of FV in the form of a puree-based drink.
Drying of fruit pulps in spouted beds of inert particles has been indicated as a viable technique to produce fruit powders. Most of the processes employed to produce dried fruit pulps and juices, such as Foam Mat, encapsulation by co-crystallization and spray drying utilize adjuvant and additives (such as thickeners, coating materials, emulsifiers, acidulants, flavors and dyes), which is not always desirable. The fruit pulp composition exerts an important effect on the fruit powder production using a spouted bed. In the study by Medeiros (2001) it was concluded that lipids, starch and pectin contents play an important role on the process performance, enhancing the powder production; however, the drying of fruit pulps containing high content of reducing sugars (glucose and fructose) is practically unviable. This work has the objective of expanding the studies on drying of fruit pulps in spouted bed with aid of adjuvant (lipids, starch and pectin) aiming to enhance the dryer performance without jeopardizing the sensorial quality of the product. The optimum composition obtained by Medeiros (2001) was the basis for preparing the mixtures of pulps. The mixture formulations included pulps of mango (Mangifera indica), umbu (Spondias tuberosa) and red mombin (Spondia purpurea) with addition of cornstarch, pectin and lipids. Different products were used as lipids source: olive and Brazil nut oils, coconut milk, heavy milk, powder of palm fat and palm olein. First of all, experiments were conducted to define the best formulation of the fruit pulps mixture. This definition was based on the drying performance obtained for each mixture and on the sensorial characteristics of the dry powder. The mixture formulations were submitted to drying at fixed operating conditions of drying and atomizing air flow rate, load of inert particles, temperature and flow rate of the mixture. The best results were obtained with the compositions having powder of palm fat and palm olein in terms of the drying performance and sensorial analysis. Physical and physicochemical characteristics were determined for the dry powders obtained from the mixtures formulations. Solubility and reconstitution time as well as the properties of the product after reconstitution were also evaluated. According to these analyses, the powder from the mixtures formulations presented similar characteristics and compatible quality to those produced in other types of dryers. Considering that the palm olein is produced in Brazil and that it has been used in the food industry substituting the palm fat powder, further studies on drying performance were conducted with the composition that included the palm olein. A complete factorial design of experiments 23, with three repetitions at the central point was conducted to evaluate the effects of the air temperature, feeding flow rate and intermittence time on the responses related to the process performance (powder collection efficiency, material retained in the bed and angle of repose of the inert particles after the process) and to the product quality (mean moisture content, loss of vitamin C and solubility). Powder production was uniform for the majority of the experiments and the higher efficiency with lower retention in the bed (59.2% and 1.8g, respectively) were obtained for the air temperature of 80°C, mixture feed rate of 5ml/min in intervals of 10 min. The statistical analysis of the results showed that the process variables had individual or combined significant influences on the powder collection efficiency, material retention in the bed, powder moisture content and loss of vitamin C. At the experimental ranges of this work, the angle of repose and solubility were not influenced by the operating variables. From the results of the experimental design, statistical models were obtained for the powder moisture content and loss of vitamin C
Drying of fruit pulps in spouted beds of inert particles has been indicated as a viable technique to produce fruit powders. Most of the processes employed to produce dried fruit pulps and juices, such as Foam Mat, encapsulation by co-crystallization and spray drying utilize adjuvant and additives (such as thickeners, coating materials, emulsifiers, acidulants, flavors and dyes), which is not always desirable. The fruit pulp composition exerts an important effect on the fruit powder production using a spouted bed. In the study by Medeiros (2001) it was concluded that lipids, starch and pectin contents play an important role on the process performance, enhancing the powder production; however, the drying of fruit pulps containing high content of reducing sugars (glucose and fructose) is practically unviable. This work has the objective of expanding the studies on drying of fruit pulps in spouted bed with aid of adjuvant (lipids, starch and pectin) aiming to enhance the dryer performance without jeopardizing the sensorial quality of the product. The optimum composition obtained by Medeiros (2001) was the basis for preparing the mixtures of pulps. The mixture formulations included pulps of mango (Mangifera indica), umbu (Spondias tuberosa) and red mombin (Spondia purpurea) with addition of cornstarch, pectin and lipids. Different products were used as lipids source: olive and Brazil nut oils, coconut milk, heavy milk, powder of palm fat and palm olein. First of all, experiments were conducted to define the best formulation of the fruit pulps mixture. This definition was based on the drying performance obtained for each mixture and on the sensorial characteristics of the dry powder. The mixture formulations were submitted to drying at fixed operating conditions of drying and atomizing air flow rate, load of inert particles, temperature and flow rate of the mixture. The best results were obtained with the compositions having powder of palm fat and palm olein in terms of the drying performance and sensorial analysis. Physical and physicochemical characteristics were determined for the dry powders obtained from the mixtures formulations. Solubility and reconstitution time as well as the properties of the product after reconstitution were also evaluated. According to these analyses, the powder from the mixtures formulations presented similar characteristics and compatible quality to those produced in other types of dryers. Considering that the palm olein is produced in Brazil and that it has been used in the food industry substituting the palm fat powder, further studies on drying performance were conducted with the composition that included the palm olein. A complete factorial design of experiments 23, with three repetitions at the central point was conducted to evaluate the effects of the air temperature, feeding flow rate and intermittence time on the responses related to the process performance (powder collection efficiency, material retained in the bed and angle of repose of the inert particles after the process) and to the product quality (mean moisture content, loss of vitamin C and solubility). Powder production was uniform for the majority of the experiments and the higher efficiency with lower retention in the bed (59.2% and 1.8g, respectively) were obtained for the air temperature of 80°C, mixture feed rate of 5ml/min in intervals of 10 min. The statistical analysis of the results showed that the process variables had individual or combined significant influences on the powder collection efficiency, material retention in the bed, powder moisture content and loss of vitamin C. At the experimental ranges of this work, the angle of repose and solubility were not influenced by the operating variables. From the results of the experimental design, statistical models were obtained for the powder moisture content and loss of vitamin C
The patient's diet has been considered an important etiological factor of dentin hypersensitivity. The frequent ingestion of acidic substances can promote the loss of dental structure or remove the smear layer. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the degree of smear layer removal and dentinal tubules exposure by different natural orange juices. Extracted human teeth were submitted to manual scaling in order to develop the smear layer. Seventy dentin samples were obtained and distributed into the following groups: Control, lime orange, lime, valência orange, navel orange, mandarin, and tangerine. Each group included 2 methods of application: Topical and topical + friction. After preparation for SEM analysis, photomicrographs were assessed by a blind calibrated examiner using an index system. The Kruskal-Wallis test indicated a significant influence of the orange juices on smear layer removal. Significant difference was observed between navel orange, valência orange, mandarin and the control group (p < 0.05). These orange juices resulted in greater removal of the smear layer and greater opening of dentinal tubules. The comparison between the application methods for each group using the Mann-Whitney test showed that friction increased smear layer removal significantly only for lime orange and lime. The data suggest that certain natural orange juices are more effective in terms of smear layer removal and dentinal tubules exposure than others.
Purpose: This in vitro study aimed to evaluate the effect of different fruit juice drinks available in the Brazilian market on smear layer removal and dentinal tubules opening, as well as to verify the effect of toothbrushing subsequently to the juices exposure. Methods: Dentin specimens were prepared and randomly distributed into the control group (distilled water) and twelve types of fruit juice drinks (cashew, orange, mandarin, apple, passion fruit, guava, strawberry, grape, mango, pear, peach, pineapple). The following treatments were applied: immersion or immersion + brushing. After preparation for SEM, photomicrographs were assessed using an index of smear layer removal. Results: No significant differences regarding smear layer removal and dentinal tubules exposure could be observed between the groups after both treatments (Kruskal-Wallis, post-hoc paired comparisons, P>0.05). The control solution and the fruit juice drinks were not able to remove smear layer and to open dentinal tubules. Significant difference between the applied treatments was detected only for the mango juice group (Mann-Whitney, P<0.05). Conclusion: Under the experimental conditions, the different fruit juice drinks did not promote significant alterations on human radicular dentin morphology regardless of the subsequent application of brushing procedures. Copyright: © 2011 Zandim et al.