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Los médicos responsables del manejo de la vía aérea en urgencias se pueden beneficiar de una capacitación específica para ese fin, como lo es el curso de Apoyo Integral Respiratorio en Emergencias (AIRE). Objetivos: Establecer si la capacitación ofrecida por el curso AIRE genera cambios en la técnica de intubación orotraqueal. Métodos: Estudio prospectivo de intervención, en el cual, antes y después del curso, se evaluó a los participantes del curso AIRE sobre conocimientos teóricos en técnica de intubación y en secuencia rápida de intubación. Se midió el número de intentos de intubación, el tiempo requerido para una intubación exitosa y el grado de laringoscopia obtenido empleando la secuencia rápida de intubación (SRI). Resultados: El tiempo de intubación final fue 28 segundos menor que el inicial (p = 0,010); el número de intubaciones en el primer intento final fue de 93,1%, en comparación con el 75% inicial (p = 0,047). El grado de laringoscopia final fue I: 75,9%, II: 24,1%, en comparación con la inicial, I: 37,2%, II: 48,3% y III: 10,3 (p = 0,000). El promedio del examen teórico final fue 1,91 mayor que en el examen teórico inicial (p = 0,000). Conclusiones: El curso AIRE mejoró significativamente la técnica del manejo de la vía aérea, y la convirtió en una herramienta útil para el personal médico de urgencias
Objective: The objective of this paper is to describe the population served in mental health institutionsfor mental illness relapse, and the process of identifying risk factors in relapsing patientsdiagnosed with severe mental illness. To this end a descriptive exploratory multicenter, multistageepidemiological study was carried out in mental health institutions of the Order of San Juan deDios Hospital (OHSJD) with hospitalized relapsing patients with a diagnosis of severe mentaldisorder. This study comes from a working network of Psychology professionals in the OHSJDnationwide. Materials and methods: The population sample was of 1005 patients diagnosed withsevere mental disorders, who had presented relapse during the last year. First, the characterizationof the general population was conducted; then, it was narrowed down to the centers, taking intoaccount similarities and differences found according to the clinical and demographic variables.Results: Major risk factors for relapse found in patients diagnosed with severe mental disorderswere: having between 38 and 58 years of age, being female, single, graduates, unemployed, witha prevalence of bipolar affective disorder diagnosis, number of hospitalizations between 2 and10, number of drugs at the time of leaving hospital 2 to 6, with severe difficulties relating withothers and difficulties in adherence to treatment. The need for a caregiver was also found, as wellas a limited number of received psychological interventions. How the system of beliefs affects thedisease and the poor adherence to treatment was identified. Conclusions: These results indicatethe requirement of a design of team intervention strategies, ranging from the assessment team(home), definition of therapeutic action plans (for) and the posthospitalizacion (egress) following.There is a poor support network and limited adherence to comprehensive treatment.
En el campo de la regeneración de piel, la ingeniería de tejidos busca superar las limitaciones asociadas con el uso de autoinjertos inmediatos, dado que la elección de una región donante en el paciente, constituye un riesgo para el mismo, además de ser insuficiente cuando la lesión es extensa. Se ha comprobado que el empleo de la submucosa del intestino delgado de cerdo (SIS) (por la sigla en inglés small intestinal submucosa), por su especial composición, como biomaterial de relleno para tratar lesiones, disminuye el dolor y la inflamación desde su primera aplicación y favorece la movilidad temprana de la región lesionada. Con el fin de determinar la utilidad de SIS, como sustituto epidérmico, en el presente estudio se desarrolló un protocolo para el cultivo primario de queratinocitos humanos, provenientes de prepucios infantiles, sobre una matriz de SIS como soporte. Se evaluó el potencial de adherencia y la capacidad de proliferación de queratinocitos sobre este sustrato.
The paroxysmal upgaze deviation is a syndrome that described in infants for first time in 1988; there are just about 50 case reports worldwide ever since. Its etiology is unclear and though it prognosis is variable; most case reports indicate that during growth the episodes tend to decrease in frequency and duration until they disappear. It describes a 16-months old male child who since 11-months old presented many episodes of variable conjugate upward deviation of the eyes, compensatory neck flexion and down-beat saccades in attempted downgaze. These events are predominantly diurnal, and are exacerbated by stressful situations such as fasting or insomnia, however and improve with sleep. They have normal neurologic and ophthalmologic examination, and neuroimaging and EEG findings are not relevant.
Networks and RegionalCompetitiveness: Towards a Transaction Cost Approach of Small-Scale Cooperation
A preoccupation with competition often dominates the study of governance. A focus on competition often unnecessarily precludes the possibility that regional institutions can suspend competition in certain areas and facilitate cooperation among potential rivals, thereby potentially contributing to their mutual success. In many ways companies cooperating through these types of networks have a greater degree of flexibility than firms which are forced to rely solely on hierarchies or markets for solutions to their problems. In order to fully understand how such networks work, this article first parses out differences in definitions of networks in order to understand how the type of network mentioned above actually differs from other uses of this term. Then it develops a theory of governance that goes beyond hierarchies and markets by demonstrating how this type of network can lead to reductions in transaction costs. This claim is illustrated on hand from examples of alternative forms of organization in Germany and Italy.
The main purpose of this article is to propose a set of elements, taken from contemporary social studies, which can help to understand how and in which way the actions of the organi zations in Colombia go. The first part of the article presents a brief reflection on how speeches have been built, according to the way in which Colombian organizations are managed. The second part tackles the question about different ways to think the dynamics of organizations in Colombia. The last part of the text shows the elements pointed out as the purpose of the article. It is important to indicate that the way these elements are understood in real Colombian organizations can bring an alternative management model for the organizations in the country.
Leaders have the task of developing future strategy while being consciously engaged in executing current strategy and mapping landmarks, pathways and obstacles which they meet asthey endeavor to traverse challenging, rapidly evolving terrain. In an era in which there is a global leadership credibility crisis, business as usual is no longer an option in the pursuit of the longer-term survival of any organization. The leadership approach to complexity outlined here is based on learning to achieve results through experimentation, learning, and reflection. A case study is presented that illustrates the application of this approach. In this paper, the reader is first introduced to a brief overview of some key definitions and debates, shifting leadership boundaries, and emerging accountabilities and opportunities. This is followed by a summary of some of the key topics and issues that face current and future leaders.
In this article the author try to emphasize how the Connectivity Agenda, enacted in 2000 as the Colombian policy to move the country toward the knowledge society trough the intensive use of Information and Communication Technologies – ICT, has been a successful electronic government initiative. To achieve it, the author describes first the general policy outline and then the proposed benefits comparing them to the ones already obtained, and explaining how there is no gap between planning and execution. To complement this exposition, the author presents the results of an evaluation model applied, which focused on determining what the citizens expect from the electronic administration and how they perceive it. Finally, the author states how both approaches conclude that the Connectivity Agenda can be considered as a successful electronic government initiative.
The competitive approach to the theory of knowledge management has allowed the first decade of the twenty-first century government institutions will focus on human resources as feedstock to generate knowledge in the organization that benefits users of various government, Solving the most common conflicts and supporting the continuity of the common processes without falling into routines that lead to low utilization of resources.This work aims to show how it has improved the performance of some public agencies in the city of Guadalajara through a knowledge management model
In recent years the issue of social responsibility is becoming more important, which isreflected in the companies have incorporated it into their agenda of interests. In this sense,the article is intended to make a first approach to the level of implementation efforts, aswell as their prospects for the future. We interviewed a total of 144 people representingdifferent economic sectors. We conclude that the majority of executives do not have aclear understanding of the modern concept of RS nor of its benefits, it limits the concept tophilanthropy and actions are oriented to the community and environment.
Existe un gran vacío en los estudios urbanos, en particular de economía urbana, sobre el mercado informal de terrenos en las ciudades. La importancia actual de ese mercado y las perspectivas de su crecimiento futuro relacionadas con la evidente reducción de la ocupación (invasión) de tierras urbanas, imponen la urgencia de plantearlo como un objeto de estudio prioritario. El primer esfuerzo de investigación debe ser la construcción de bancos de datos e informaciones dinámicas sobre el mercado informal de tierras y de la movilidad residencial de los pobres. La pregunta que se debe formular sobre este mercado tiene que ver con sus similitudes y diferencias con respecto al mercado formal. Nuestra respuesta a este desafío se da en dos planos. El primero, a partir de un levantamiento empírico en las favelas de la ciudad de Río de Janeiro; el segundo tomando el mercado informal de tierras y la movilidad de los pobres urbanos como un objeto conceptual que permita re-problematizar temas tradicionales de la economía urbana ortodoxa (neoclásica).
In this work we analyze the reforms carried out by the Mexican state in the nineties of the 20th century, in the items concerning the policies of housing and urban land, based on an exhaustive review of the main actions, programs and changes in the legal and institutional frame that applies for each of these fields. The nineties represent a "breaking point" in the way the State considers the satisfaction of the right to the housing and attends the offer of urbanized land for a tidy and sustainable urban development. In this period of time, the approach of direct intervention in developing and financing housing and creation of land reserves has changed into another one, ruled by the logic of the market. The balance to the first decade of the 21st century is ambiguous, as neither the housing policy has solved the housing shortage for low-income population, nor the land policy has eliminated the illegal urban growth.
The objective of the present article is to illustrate the social interstice (Las Jarretaderas) existing between the municipalities Bahía de Banderas, Nayarit and Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco. The researched community is an outstanding case-study providing an in-depth analysis of a number of social process mostly related to the chiapaneca migration. The text is divided into two sections. The first one deals with the urbanization process of the metropolitan area of Puerto Vallarta. The second and longer section defines the concept of social interstice and explains how the researched locality falls under under that previously-defined concept according to the processes analyzed.
This paper investigates a discrepancy concerning resilience. International institutions such as ISDR try to promote resilience as a notion useful for preventing disasters. And some searchers, mainly coming from ecology, such as Resilience Alliance group, found the notion relevant enough to promote it as a brand for their studies on disaster prevention. Yet, the second part of the paper will verify how other searchers are still not convinced by the relevance of the notion. Territorial managers are reluctant as well, in line with the poor number of policies trying to bring resilience to reality, be it in Columbia or in France. How can we make sense of this discrepancy? The paper will stress on various political, institutional and cultural conditionings hidden behind the notion. It will also enlighten the contradictions embedded within the notion, because resilience, as disaster, depends on the scales and the actors the analysis relies on first. Which resilience to whom and at what scale? These are critical questions that should be addressed in order to give sense to these contradictions. Resilience has no absolute meaning. However, it helps identifying trends towards future disasters. This is one of the main reasons why it may be found useful.
The growth and expansion of cities during the last century can’t be seen without taking into account the important role they have assumed in the transport infrastructure. In Bogota have passed trough streetcar, buses and automóviles was deciding for the city, because all this periods marked a drastic change in growth morphology. This article studies the planning of Mass Transit System –MTS– Transmilenio and its interaction with the urban structure, in light of the current city planning framework. It also specifies the behavior of land use in the construction of the system first phase. One of the most important findings of this study is that there is no articulation between land and transport use system, despite the decisions taken in the ordering model. Similarly, local and intermediate planning exhibits Peak articulation.The existing infrastructure of the MTS reiterates the tendency to concentrate the accessibility in one place: the center has the largest accessibility whereas periphery fails to overcome its limitations of accessibility. While the city continued with this trend the existence of a coordinated planning system for Bogota and the ability to meet expectations of planning model is questionable, however it is something that depends not only on MTS.