O estudo procura identificar a influência cultural na distància entre o discurso do programa de Gestão pela Qualidade Total (GQT) e a prática gerencial de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior Caso (lESC), pois parecia haver uma incongruência entre os valores verbalmente expressos pela administração, compartilhados pelo conjunto dos colaboradores, e as práticas observadas na organização. Ou seja, havia uma lógica na articulação da prática gerencial que era incompatível com a lógica dos valores verbalmente expressos. Se acreditarmos, como Geertz (1989), que a análise do fenômeno cultural deve estar calcada sobre a observação do fluxo do comportamento, no qual cada ação é vista como uma ação simbólica, importa analisar fundamentalmente estas ações em seu contexto para compreender seu significado, e buscar então uma explicação para o fato destas práticas estarem incongruentes com o discurso. Para isto foram utilizados observações, entrevistas e questionários na instituição analisada, o que possibilitou verificar que sua relação com o ambiente legitimou práticas gerenciais convergentes com o estilo gerencial brasileiro, sendo possível constatar a intluência cultural na distància entre o discurso adotado pela lESC e sua prática gerencial
Este estudo pretende abordar os impactos que a multiculturalidade pode provocar nas relações comerciais, influenciando a qualidade das negociações e aproveitamento das oportunidades, bem como a realização de contratos mais inovadores e vantajosos para ambas as partes. Através do estudo do setor petrolífero no mundo e no Brasil e da identificação do alto grau de internacionalização desta indústria, procura-se verificar quais são as principais dificuldades que diferenças culturais podem criar na relação de confiança dos investidores estrangeiros sobre a estrutura e estilo de condução de negócios geridos por executivos brasileiros. Pretende-se verificar possíveis características específicas nas relações comerciais deste setor, observando o efeito que diferentes estilos, crenças, comportamentos e práticas venham exercer, e o grau de atenção e importância com que as empresas lidam com esta questão.
Este estudo investigou como é o processo de monitoramento e aprendizado estratégico, identificando os fatores que influenciam o alcance dos seus resultados. Realizou-se pesquisa bibliográfica, através da qual foi possível obter a descrição de como o processo deve ocorrer, quais são os resultados que deve produzir e quais são os fatores potenciais que os influenciam. Em seguida, realizou-se pesquisa documental na empresa estudada, o que permitiu descrever como o processo de monitoramento e aprendizado estratégico ocorre in loco. Para a identificação dos fatores que influenciam o alcance dos resultados do processo na empresa, realizou-se pesquisa de campo qualitativa, junto a executivos de suas áreas finalísticas. Os resultados obtidos nessas etapas de pesquisa permitiram a compreensão de que o processo se dá através da execução de dois ciclos: o de uso e o de aprendizado e que seus elementos centrais são as reuniões estratégicas. Foi possível atestar que, em Furnas, empresa selecionada como campo de análise, o processo está sendo executado dentro dos padrões prescritos pela literatura. No entanto, como a sua implantação é recente, isso somente configura-se como uma tendência. Concluiu-se ainda que a maior parte dos fatores apontados pelos executivos da empresa coincide com os mapeados na literatura. Além disso, dentre os fatores identificados em Furnas, os que mais afetam o funcionamento do processo de monitoramento e aprendizado estratégico concentram-se na dimensão organizacional “estilo gerencial”, sendo eles: “fraca cultura de desempenho”, “patrocínio da alta direção” e “interferências operacionais na pauta das reuniões estratégicas”.
The discussions concerning the absence of a management model appropriate to the peculiarities of third sector organizations have not been impeditive to their emphasized expansion in the last decades. In the attempt of understanding this phenomenon from the perspective of those who manage social organizations, this work based on the theory of social representations to understand the notion that organization managers of the third sector - based in Fortaleza CE - have of the part that they play and how this notion influences the direction of their activities. Social representations of managers of four different categories of non-governmental organizations have been investigated, each category composed of two unities. The categories researched were: social integration through art and education, prevention and treatment of alcohol and drug abuse, children s health assistance and community action. By using Doise s Societal Approach, the role of social managers translated in intraindividual, interindividual and situational processes of their actions, has been analysed within the social representations, focusing on beliefs, values, symbols and stories that give meaning to the existence of non-governmental organizations. Analysis and discussion of data displayed the existence of diversity in the understanding of managers within their practice, in other words, the management profile is also its own manager s. The branch where an organization acts is also preponderant in the shaping of a management style. It could be deduced, from to the organizations researched, that professional formation and the manager s social insertion mainly, are determinative factors in the outlining of a management model of its own. It was concluded that, due to heterogeneity of interests and action segments, there is no systematic process for social management among organizations. Management styles are supported by their director s own perception of achievement, who model organizations according to their contingencies
The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) has been used as a communication tool and strategy monitoring, helping organizations alignment, inserting a new vision with integrated use of performance indicators nonfinancial together with some financial measures. Their proper use leads to a new management style, focused on management strategies, using for this, basically three dimensions: strategy, which should be translated as the primary responsibility for the organizational agenda, the focus that should be concentrated, and the organization with the mobilization of employees. This paper deals with theoretical considerations about strategies, strategic planning, BSC and principles of the organization focused on strategy (OFE). Describes a study of four companies that won the National Quality Award - PNQ, among which, three have adopted the BSC and adopts a particular model of strategic management. The research aimed to make an analysis of the companies regarding adherence to the five principles of OFE, proposed by the BSC, seeking to answer whether the use of BSC is a prerequisite for accession to the Principles of OFE. The results showed that the BSC is a strategic management model that promotes focus and organizational alignment and is a major facilitator in the process, however, cannot be considered a prerequisite for accession to the principles of the OFE, because the four companies studied, including the one that adopt its own model of strategic management, have great levels of adherence to such principles. Making the organization focused on strategy can be considered a natural movement essential for the strategic management, which is not necessarily conditioned by the use of BSC
Small businesses are experiencing growth scenario in emerging countries by the prospect of economic development, these countries, including Brazil, have a booming economy before the world crisis in the last five years, especially with the participation of small and medium enterprises. These factors generate increased competition and the need to expand market share through management actions in the quest for acquiring new customers. Moreover, these changes increase the need to properly use the information and organizational performance. Some national and international studies show the existence of peculiarities in small organizations, especially in environments of family management. Such particularities raise a scenario with several organizational deficiencies regarding the evaluation of their performance. In some cases, when there are static systems, traditional and focused only on the financial perspective, especially short term. Alternatively, the tools encourage strategic planning and observance of medium and long term, in many ways, whether financial, internal processes, customers, suppliers, and innovation, among others. Therefore, this study aims to identify and analyze the applicability of the system performance evaluation with emphasis on strategic and BSC - Balanced Scorecard. Regarding the research method, is classified as exploratory, with the participation of 25 companies, whose research was conducted between 2012 and 2013. Therefore, the research included the construction process and a structured questionnaire on practices and interest for the use of strategic tools, with emphasis on the Balanced Scorecard. Whose main result presented a high degree of interest in the applicability of the BSC by most of the participating institutions. Furthermore, It was observed the growing interest in using the Balanced Scorecard when it increases the company size, regardless of the area of market action. Participating companies have shown an outline of the strategic objectives and the establishment of indicators for assessing the performance due to their correlations with the BSC
This work deals with organizational support perception-OSP. This is done considering staff global beliefs, value of their contributions, care and well being related of individuals in an organization. These issues has been have been present in many researches since the 80s. It is important to analyze this matter considering all the changes that occurred nationally and internationally in the academic environment, characterized as being diversified in academic and managerial level. This occurs especially in Brazil since Federal Universities and their agents have suffered impact and restructuring. The research has emphasized the technical-managerial as well as professor staff level at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte aiming to deal with their unsatisfaction upon social political support. Thus, there was participation of 259 staff that were admitted from 2003 to 2005 in many sectors and units of the university. These subjects were submitted to a social and demographical query through an application of a scale of organizational support perception-OSP. Descriptive and multivariate analysis was done considering factors (management style of higher command), material support, wages, work overload, social support at work and ascending levels). Results show that there a hierarchy of the analyzed factors, the factor social support at work as being the first one with 3,31%, the factor management style of the higher command in second with 3,30%, then followed by the factor social support at work with 2,92%, in a sequence the factor material support, factor overload with 2,49% in the fourth position, and in the fifth place, the factor ascending with an average of 2,33% and in last the factor wages with 2,20%. It is concluded that the factors related to the more positive attributions of the OSP (social support at work), in a sequence material support opposing from the most negative factors of the OSP (wages, overload, ascending) reveal a reality that points out that the OSP is very much related to the individualized actions of the members of the organization (leader-member-group) rather than on structure and institutionalized actions carried out at UFRN
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBRC
The aim of this article is to provide guidance to family doctors on how to tutor students about effective screening and primary prevention. Family doctors know their patients and adapt national and international guidelines to their specific context, risk profile, sex and age as well as to the prevalence of the disorders under consideration. Three cases are presented to illustrate guideline use according to the level of evidence (for a 19-year-old man, a 60-year-old woman, and an 80-year-old man). A particular strength of family medicine is that doctors see their patients over the years. Thus they can progressively go through the various prevention strategies, screening, counselling and immunisation, accompanying their patients with precious advice for their health throughout their lifetime.
The purpose of this research was two-fold; to investigate the effect of institutionalization on death and CD4 decline in a cohort of 325 HIV-infected Romanian children, and to investigate the effect of disclosure of the child's own HIV status in this cohort. All children were treated with Kaletra-based highly active antiretroviral therapy, and were followed from November, 2001 through October, 2004. The mean age of the children included in the cohort is 13. The study found that children in biological families were more likely to experience disease progression through either death or CD4 decline than children in institutions (p=0.04). The family home-style institution may prove to be a replicable model for the safe and appropriate care of HIV-infected orphaned and abandoned children and teens. The study also found that children who do not know their own HIV infection status were more likely to experience disease progression through either death or CD4 decline than children who know their HIV diagnosis (p=0.03). This evidence suggests that, in the context of highly active anti retroviral therapy, knowledge of one's own HIV infection status is associated with delayed HIV disease progression. ^
Objectives. The central objective of this study was to systematically examine the internal structure of multihospital systems, determining the management principles used and the performance levels achieved in medical care and administrative areas.^ The Universe. The study universe consisted of short-term general American hospitals owned and operated by multihospital corporations. Corporations compared were the investor-owned (for-profit) and the voluntary multihospital systems. The individual hospital was the unit of analysis for the study.^ Theoretical Considerations. The contingency theory, using selected aspects of the classical and human relations schools of thought, seemed well suited to describe multihospital organization and was used in this research.^ The Study Hypotheses. The main null hypotheses generated were that there are no significant differences between the voluntary and the investor-owned multihospital sectors in their (1) hospital structures and (2) patient care and administrative performance levels.^ The Sample. A stratified random sample of 212 hospitals owned by multihospital systems was selected to equally represent the two study sectors. Of the sampled hospitals approached, 90.1% responded.^ The Analysis. Sixteen scales were constructed in conjunction with 16 structural variables developed from the major questions and sub-items of the questionnaire. This was followed by analysis of an additional 7 structural and 24 effectiveness (performance) measures, using frequency distributions. Finally, summary statistics and statistical testing for each variable and sub-items were completed and recorded in 38 tables.^ Study Findings. While it has been argued that there are great differences between the two sectors, this study found that with a few exceptions the null hypotheses of no difference in organizational and operational characteristics of non-profit and for-profit hospitals was accepted. However, there were several significant differences found in the structural variables: functional specialization, and autonomy were significantly higher in the voluntary sector. Only centralization was significantly different in the investor owned. Among the effectiveness measures, occupancy rate, cost of data processing, total manhours worked, F.T.E. ratios, and personnel per occupied bed were significantly higher in the voluntary sector. The findings indicated that both voluntary and for-profit systems were converging toward a common hierarchical corporate management approach. Factors of size and management style may be better descriptors to characterize a specific multihospital group than its profit or nonprofit status. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.) ^
La debacle estructural del modelo económico implementado en los años 90 y desatada a partir de la crisis de 2001, generó el surgimiento de nuevas prácticas de acción colectiva y diferentes formas de intervención del Estado en la cuestión social. Una de las propuestas más novedosas en este sentido, es el enfoque en las políticas públicas de la denominada "Economía Social" que engloba diversas maneras de organización alternativas en torno a la producción, la reproducción del trabajo y de la vida y la gestión de recursos. En este marco se plantea el análisis de un caso de una herramienta de política pública provincial: el Consorcio de Gestión Compartida para el Desarrollo Local de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, creado en el 2007 a partir de la adhesión a la Ley Nacional de Microcrédito. Proyecto que tuvo alcance provincial y que será estudiado en su fase inicial comprendida entre el mes de noviembre de 2007 y finales del 2009. Se planteará como objetivo mostrar, a través del análisis de este caso de cierta proporción, el posible surgimiento de nuevas lógicas de intervención en políticas sociales: un cambio de rumbo que habría tomado el Estado junto con las organizaciones frente a la realidad social en la segunda mitad de esta década. Esta tesina abordará la investigación desde dos ejes de análisis a través de los cuales se busca interpretar el caso. Estos son: la gestión compartida del Estado junto con las organizaciones sociales y la Economía Social como práctica económica alternativa. Intentando dilucidar el proceso donde la acción del Estado y las políticas públicas son permeadas por nuevas prácticas y saberes provenientes de la sociedad civil. Se utilizará una metodología de investigación cualitativa. Se realizarán entrevistas en profundidad y semiestructuradas a integrantes de las organizaciones que forman parte del Consorcio de Gestión Compartida, así como también a los técnicos del Estado provincial que trabajaron en la implementación del proyecto. A su vez, ésta estará complementada con registros obtenidos y fuentes propias del Consorcio de Gestión Compartida, sumado a observaciones participantes en diversas reuniones de dicha organización, además de documentos y material recolectado en diferentes instancias de la investigación
La debacle estructural del modelo económico implementado en los años 90 y desatada a partir de la crisis de 2001, generó el surgimiento de nuevas prácticas de acción colectiva y diferentes formas de intervención del Estado en la cuestión social. Una de las propuestas más novedosas en este sentido, es el enfoque en las políticas públicas de la denominada "Economía Social" que engloba diversas maneras de organización alternativas en torno a la producción, la reproducción del trabajo y de la vida y la gestión de recursos. En este marco se plantea el análisis de un caso de una herramienta de política pública provincial: el Consorcio de Gestión Compartida para el Desarrollo Local de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, creado en el 2007 a partir de la adhesión a la Ley Nacional de Microcrédito. Proyecto que tuvo alcance provincial y que será estudiado en su fase inicial comprendida entre el mes de noviembre de 2007 y finales del 2009. Se planteará como objetivo mostrar, a través del análisis de este caso de cierta proporción, el posible surgimiento de nuevas lógicas de intervención en políticas sociales: un cambio de rumbo que habría tomado el Estado junto con las organizaciones frente a la realidad social en la segunda mitad de esta década. Esta tesina abordará la investigación desde dos ejes de análisis a través de los cuales se busca interpretar el caso. Estos son: la gestión compartida del Estado junto con las organizaciones sociales y la Economía Social como práctica económica alternativa. Intentando dilucidar el proceso donde la acción del Estado y las políticas públicas son permeadas por nuevas prácticas y saberes provenientes de la sociedad civil. Se utilizará una metodología de investigación cualitativa. Se realizarán entrevistas en profundidad y semiestructuradas a integrantes de las organizaciones que forman parte del Consorcio de Gestión Compartida, así como también a los técnicos del Estado provincial que trabajaron en la implementación del proyecto. A su vez, ésta estará complementada con registros obtenidos y fuentes propias del Consorcio de Gestión Compartida, sumado a observaciones participantes en diversas reuniones de dicha organización, además de documentos y material recolectado en diferentes instancias de la investigación
La debacle estructural del modelo económico implementado en los años 90 y desatada a partir de la crisis de 2001, generó el surgimiento de nuevas prácticas de acción colectiva y diferentes formas de intervención del Estado en la cuestión social. Una de las propuestas más novedosas en este sentido, es el enfoque en las políticas públicas de la denominada "Economía Social" que engloba diversas maneras de organización alternativas en torno a la producción, la reproducción del trabajo y de la vida y la gestión de recursos. En este marco se plantea el análisis de un caso de una herramienta de política pública provincial: el Consorcio de Gestión Compartida para el Desarrollo Local de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, creado en el 2007 a partir de la adhesión a la Ley Nacional de Microcrédito. Proyecto que tuvo alcance provincial y que será estudiado en su fase inicial comprendida entre el mes de noviembre de 2007 y finales del 2009. Se planteará como objetivo mostrar, a través del análisis de este caso de cierta proporción, el posible surgimiento de nuevas lógicas de intervención en políticas sociales: un cambio de rumbo que habría tomado el Estado junto con las organizaciones frente a la realidad social en la segunda mitad de esta década. Esta tesina abordará la investigación desde dos ejes de análisis a través de los cuales se busca interpretar el caso. Estos son: la gestión compartida del Estado junto con las organizaciones sociales y la Economía Social como práctica económica alternativa. Intentando dilucidar el proceso donde la acción del Estado y las políticas públicas son permeadas por nuevas prácticas y saberes provenientes de la sociedad civil. Se utilizará una metodología de investigación cualitativa. Se realizarán entrevistas en profundidad y semiestructuradas a integrantes de las organizaciones que forman parte del Consorcio de Gestión Compartida, así como también a los técnicos del Estado provincial que trabajaron en la implementación del proyecto. A su vez, ésta estará complementada con registros obtenidos y fuentes propias del Consorcio de Gestión Compartida, sumado a observaciones participantes en diversas reuniones de dicha organización, además de documentos y material recolectado en diferentes instancias de la investigación
During the last century many researches on the business, marketing and technology fields have developed the innovation research line and large amount of knowledge can be found in the literature. Currently, the importance of systematic and openness approaches to manage the available innovation sources is well established in many knowledge fields. Also in the software engineering sector, where the organizations need to absorb and to exploit as much innovative ideas as possible to get success in the current competitive environment. This Master Thesis presents an study related with the innovation sources in the software engineering eld. The main research goals of this work are the identication and the relevance assessment of the available innovation sources and the understanding of the trends on the innovation sources usage. Firstly, a general review of the literature have been conducted in order to define the research area and to identify research gaps. Secondly, the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) has been proposed as the research method in this work to report reliable conclusions collecting systematically quality evidences about the innovation sources in software engineering field. This contribution provides resources, built-on empirical studies included in the SLR, to support a systematic identication and an adequate exploitation of the innovation sources most suitable in the software engineering field. Several artefacts such as lists, taxonomies and relevance assessments of the innovation sources most suitable for software engineering have been built, and their usage trends in the last decades and their particularities on some countries and knowledge fields, especially on the software engineering, have been researched. This work can facilitate to researchers, managers and practitioners of innovative software organizations the systematization of critical activities on innovation processes like the identication and exploitation of the most suitable opportunities. Innovation researchers can use the results of this work to conduct research studies involving the innovation sources research area. Whereas, organization managers and software practitioners can use the provided outcomes in a systematic way to improve their innovation capability, increasing consequently the value creation in the processes that they run to provide products and services useful to their environment. In summary, this Master Thesis research the innovation sources in the software engineering field, providing useful resources to support an effective innovation sources management. Moreover, several aspects should be deeply study to increase the accuracy of the presented results and to obtain more resources built-on empirical knowledge. It can be supported by the INno- vation SOurces MAnagement (InSoMa) framework, which is introduced in this work in order to encourage openness and systematic approaches to identify and to exploit the innovation sources in the software engineering field.