885 resultados para Effective communication


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Aim: The aim of this paper is to identify best practice relating to the effective management of materials in an urban, confined construction site, using structural equation modelling.

Methodology: A literature review, case study analysis and questionnaire survey are employed, with the results scrutinised using confirmatory factor analysis in the form of structural equation modelling.

Results: The following are the leading strategies in the management of materials in a confined urban site environment; (1) Consult and review the project programme, (2) Effective communication and delivery, (3) Implement site safety management plans, and (4) Proactive spatial monitoring and control.

Implication for Practice: With the relentless expansion of urban centres and the increasing high cost of materials, any potential savings made on-site would translate into significant monetary concessions on completion of a development.

Originality/Value: As on-site project management professionals successfully identify and implement the various strategies in the management of plant and materials on a confined urban site, successful resource management in this restrictive environment is attainable.

Innovative Aspect of Paper: An empirical study of three different construction sites in three different countries (Ireland, England and USA) together with a questionnaire survey from the industry, investigating the managerial strategies in the management of plant and material in confined urban site environments


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The aim of this paper was to evaluate a 2-day critical care course (CCC) delivered to a cohort of adult branch nursing students.

In today's health care system there is an increase in the number of critically ill patients being cared for in a ward environment. As a result, nurses require the knowledge and skills to effectively manage this patient group. Skills such as prompt recognition of the sick patient, effective communication and performing basic management care skills are necessary.

The CCC was provided to final year adult branch nursing students (n = 182) within a university in the UK. On completion of the course, participants were invited to undertake a Likert scale questionnaire. The questionnaire also contained a free response section to elicit qualitative information. Quantitative data were analysed using SPSS version 17.0 and descriptive statistics produced. Qualitative responses were analysed thematically.

There was a 73.7% (n = 135) response rate. Overall, there was a positive evaluation of the course. Students (89.6%; n = 121) reported a perceived increase in confidence when caring for critically ill patients following the course and 88.2% (n = 119) felt that their knowledge and skills had improved at the end of the 2-day course.

This study supports the implementation of critical care training for undergraduate nursing students. There are implications for the development of specific modules, aiming to improve undergraduate nursing students' recognition, assessment and management of the critically ill patient.


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AIM: To review end-of-life care provided by renal healthcare professionals to hospital in-patients with chronic kidney disease, and their carers, over a 12-month period in Northern Ireland.

METHODS: Retrospective review of 100 patients.

RESULTS: Mean age at death was 72 years (19-95) and 56% were male. Eighty three percent of patients had a 'Not For Attempted Resuscitation' order during their last admission and this was implemented in 42%. Less than 20% of all patients died in a hospital ward. No patients had an advanced care plan, although 42% had commenced the Liverpool Care Pathway for the Dying Patient. Patients suffered excessive end-of-life symptoms. In addition, there was limited documentation of carer involvement and carer needs were not formally assessed.

CONCLUSION: End-of-life care for patients with advanced chronic renal disease can be enhanced. There is significant variation in the recording of discussions regarding impending death and little preparation. There is poor recording of the patients' wishes regarding death. Those with declining functional status, including those frequently admitted to hospital require holistic assessment regarding end-of-life needs. More effective communication between the patient, family and multi-professional team is required for patients who are dying and those caring for them.


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The first Australian palliative care nurse practitioner (NP) was endorsed in 2003. In 2009 the Victoria Department of Health funded the development of the Victorian Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner Collaborative (VPCNPC). Its aim was to promote the NP role, develop resources, and provide education and mentorship to NPs, nurse practitioner candidates (NPCs), and health service managers. Four key objectives were developed: identify the demographic profile of palliative care NPCs in Victoria; develop an education curriculum and practical resources to support the training and education of palliative care NPCs and NPs; provide mentorship to NPs, NPCs, and service managers; and ensure effective communication with all key stakeholders. An NPC survey was also conducted to explore NPC demographics, models of care, the hours of study required for the role, the mentoring process, and education needs. This paper reports on the establishment of the VPCNPC, the steps taken to achieve its objectives, and the results of the survey. The NP role in palliative care in Australia continues to evolve, and the VPCNPC provides a structure and resources to clearly articulate the benefits of the role to nursing and clinical services. The advanced clinical practice role of the nurse practitioner (NP) has been well established in North America for several decades and across a range of specialties (Ryan-Woolley et al, 2007; Poghosyan et al, 2012). The NP role in Australia and the UK is a relatively new initiative that commenced in the early 2000s (Gardner et al, 2009). There are over 1000 NPs across all states and territories of Australia, of whom approximately 130 work in the state of Victoria (Victorian Government Health Information, 2012). Australian NPs work across a range of specialties, including palliative, emergency, older person, renal, cardiac, respiratory, and mental health care. There has been increasing focus nationally and internationally on developing academic programmes specifically for nurses working toward NP status (Gardner et al, 2006). There has been less emphasis on identifying the comprehensive clinical support requirements for NPs and NP candidates (NPCs) to ensure they meet all registration requirements to achieve and/or maintain endorsement, or on articulating the ongoing requirements for NPs once endorsed. Historically in Australia there has been a lack of clarity and limited published evidence on the benefits of the NP role for patients, carers, and health services (Quaglietti et al, 2004; Gardner and Gardner, 2005; Bookbinder et al, 2011; Dyar et al, 2012). An NP is considered to be at the apex of clinical nursing practice. The NP role typically entails comprehensively assessing and managing patients, prescribing medicines, making direct referrals to other specialists and services, and ordering diagnostic investigations (Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2009). All NPs in Australia are required to meet the following generic criteria: be a registered nurse, have completed a Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia approved postgraduate university Master's (nurse practitioner) degree programme, and be able to demonstrate a minimum of 3 years' experience in an advanced practice role (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, 2011). An NPC in Victoria is a registered nurse employed by a service or organisation to work toward meeting the academic and clinical requirements for national endorsement as an NP. During the period of candidacy, which is of variable duration, NPCs consolidate their competence to work at the advanced practice level of an NP. The candidacy period is a process of learning the new role while engaging with mentors (medical and nursing) and accessing other learning opportunities both within and outside one's organisation to meet the educational requirements. Integral to the NP role is the development of a model of care that is responsive to identified service delivery gaps that can be addressed by the skills, knowledge, and expertise of an NP. These are unique to each individual service. The practice of an Australian NP is guided by national standards (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia 2014). It is defined by four overarching standards: clinical, education, research, and leadership. Following the initial endorsement of four Victorian palliative care NPs in 2005, there was a lull in recruitment. The Victoria Department of Health (DH) recognised the potential benefits of NPs for health services, and in 2008 it provided funding for Victorian public health services to scope palliative care NP models of care that could enhance service delivery and patient outcomes. The scoping strategy was effective and led to the appointment of 16 palliative care nurses to NPC positions over the ensuing 3 years. The NPCs work across a broad range of care settings, including inpatient, community, and outpatient in metropolitan, regional, and rural areas of Victoria. At the same time, the DH also funded the Centre for Palliative Care to establish the Victorian Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner Collaborative (VPCNPC) to support the NPs and NPCs. The Centre is a state-wide service that is part of St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne and a collaborative Centre of the University of Melbourne. Its primary function is to provide training and conduct research in palliative care. The purpose of the VPCNPC was to provide support and mentorship and develop resources targeted at palliative care NPs, NPCs, and health service managers. Membership of the VPCNPC is open to all NPs, NPCs, health service managers, and nurses interested in the NP role. The aim of this paper is to describe the development of the VPCNPC, its actions, and the outcomes of these actions.


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Rationale, aims and objectives: Intermediate care (IC) describes a range of services targeted at older people, aimed at preventing unnecessary hospitalisation, promoting faster recovery and maximising independence. The introduction of IC has created a new interface between primary and secondary care. Older people are known to be at an increased risk of medication-related problems when transferring between healthcare settings and pharmacists are often not included as part of IC multidisciplinary teams. This study aimed to explore community pharmacists’ (CPs) awareness of IC services and to investigate their views of and attitudes towards the medicines management aspects of such services, including the transfer of medication information.

Method: Semi-structured interviews were conducted, recorded, transcribed verbatim and analysed using a constant comparative approach with CPs practising in the vicinity of IC facilities in Northern Ireland, UK.

Results: Interviews were conducted with 16 CPs. Three themes were identified and named ‘left out of the loop’, ‘chasing things up’ and ‘closing the loop’. CPs felt that they were often ‘left out of the loop’ with regards to both their involvement with local IC services and communication across the healthcare interfaces. As a result, CPs resorted to ‘chasing things up’ as they had to proactively try to obtain information relating to patients’ medications. CPs viewed themselves as ideally placed to facilitate medicines management across the healthcare interfaces (i.e., ‘closing the loop’), but several barriers to potential services were identified.

Conclusion: CPs have limited involvement with IC services. There is a need for improvement of effective communication of patients’ medication information between secondary care, IC and community pharmacy. Increasing CP involvement may contribute to improving continuity of care across such healthcare interfaces, thereby increasing the person-centeredness of service provision.


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There is recognition of the need to continuously improve inter-professional relationships within clinical practice. Mutual respect, effective communication and working together are factors which will contribute to higher standards of care (Miers et al, 2005; Begley, 2008). An inter-professional education initiative, using low-fidelity simulation has been piloted and subsequently embedded within a pre-registration midwifery curriculum. The aim of the collaboration is to enhance inter-professional learning by providing an opportunity for final year midwifery students and 4th year medical students within a non-threatening environment to interact and communicate prior to obstetric clinical placements. The midwifery students are provided with an outline agenda for the workshop, but are encouraged to use creative license with regard to workshop delivery. Preliminary evaluations have been positive from both midwifery and medical students. The teaching sessions have provided an opportunity to learn about and respect each other’s roles. The midwifery students have commented on the enjoyable aspects of team working during preparation and the confidence gained from teaching medical students. The medical students felt that the sessions lowered their anxiety levels going into the labour setting. This workshop will demonstrate how low-fidelity simulation can effectively enhance the students experience promoting team working and self-confidence.


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Large construction projects create numerous hazards, making it one of the most dangerous industries in which to work. This element of risk increases in urban areas and can have a negative impact on the external stakeholders associated with the project, along with their surrounding environments. The aim of this paper is to identify and document, in an urban context, the numerous issues encountered by on-site project managers from external stakeholders and how they affect a construction project. In addressing this aim, the core objective is to identify what issues are involved in the management of these stakeholders. In order to meet this requirement, a qualitative methodology encompassing an informative literature review followed by five individual case study interviews. The data gathered is assessed qualitatively using mind mapping software. A number of issues are identified which have an impact on the external stakeholders involved, and also how they affected proceedings on site. Collectively the most commonly occurring issues are environmental, legal, health and safety and communication issues. These ranged from road closures and traffic disruption to noise, dust and vibrations from site works. It is anticipated that the results of this study will assist and aid project managers in identifying issues considering external stakeholders, particularly on urban construction projects. A wide range of issues can develop depending on the complexity and nature of each project, but this research will illustrate and reinforce to project managers, that identifying issues early, effective communication and appropriate liaising can be used to manage the issues considering external stakeholders.


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Introduction and Aims. While the role of the family in adolescent substance use has been well documented, few studies have attempted to explore in-depth youth perceptions of how these familial processes/dynamics influence teenage substance use. This paper reports the findings from a study exploring risk and protective factors for teenage substance use within the context of the family as perceived by young people with a view to informing current and future family based prevention and education interventions.
Design and Methods. Data collection took place in nine post-primary schools across Northern Ireland. Nine focus groups using participatory techniques were facilitated with a purposive sample of sixty-two young people (age 13-17 years). Data were transcribed verbatim and analysed using a content/thematic analysis.
Results. Three broad themes/aspects of the family emerged from the data, which may serve to protect or attenuate the risk of substance use among young people. Parent-child attachment was a major theme identified in protecting adolescents from substance use in addition to effective parenting particularly an authoritative style of parenting supplemented by parental monitoring and good parent-child communication to encourage child disclosure. Family substance use was deemed to impact on children’s substance use if exposed at an early age and the harms associated with PSM were discussed in detail.
Discussion and Conclusions. The qualitative approach provides insight into current understanding of youth perceptions of substance use in the context of family dynamics. A number of recommendations are outlined. Family based (preventive) interventions/parenting programmes may benefit from components on effective parenting including authoritative styles, parental monitoring, effective communication, spending time together (building attachments), parent-child conflict, adolescent development and factors which impact on parenting. Parenting programmes tailored to mothers and fathers may be beneficial. School based interventions targeting children/adolescents may be best placed to target children living with parental substance misuse.
Keywords: substance/substance related disorders, focus groups, young people/adolescent,


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O Turismo apresenta-se, hoje, como uma área com imensas possibilidades de expansão na região de Viseu e mais ainda no que respeita ao termalismo, quer com a continuidade da qualidade do termalismo clássico quer com a consolidação do segmento de Saúde e Bem-estar. A comunicação, numa empresa, é muito importante, mas torna-se primordial que seja eficaz, e nisto, o recurso a línguas estrangeiras é fundamental, de modo a potenciar a competitividade internacional das empresas Portuguesas. De modo a respondermos à questão central deste estudo - o que é que as termas de Viseu estão a fazer de modo a comunicar eficazmente as suas valências aos diferentes públicos e qual a importância de iniciarem um esforço maior bem como de criarem instrumentos de comunicação mais eficazes e adequadas às aspirações de desenvolvimento económico e social – recorremos ao levantamento e à análise das fontes de informação utilizadas em termalismo, na região de Viseu, e da aplicação de questionários aos intervenientes no processo termal. Tendo em mente a questão fulcral desenvolveu-se um estudo composto por quatro capítulos, tendo um prévio, onde é apresentado o estudo. O primeiro é reservado ao enquadramento teórico, onde se cruzam as perspetivas de Linguística Sistémica Funcional, Turismo em Portugal e Comunicação de Informação. O segundo apresenta a metodologia de investigação adotada, o terceiro expõe a análise dos dados recolhidos, nos Sítios Web das estâncias termais Viseenses, nas brochuras, através dos questionários aplicados às rececionistas, à equipa médica, aos administradores das termas, aos presidentes das câmaras, aos aquistas e aos gabinetes de promoção termal. O terceiro capítulo termina com um diálogo de esclarecimento final efetuado aos presidentes camarários e aos administradores termais. No quarto e último capítulo são expostas as principais conclusões do estudo e é evidenciada a importância que as línguas estrangeiras têm na comunicação internacional dos produtos e serviços termais, bem como a necessidade do recurso a uma comunicação eficaz de modo a que as termas possam alcançar resultados mais proveitosos.


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Este projeto pretende contribuir com uma resposta para o problema da falta de conhecimento/reconhecimento da Natação Sincronizada em Portugal. A Natação Sincronizada é uma modalidade amadora e, tendo em conta os seus benefícios vários, a beleza e atratividade da modalidade e o papel que pode ter na saúde, bem-estar e entretenimento da comunidade é possível dinamizá-la, despertando o interesse dos stakeholders, através de uma Estratégia de Comunicação eficaz. As Relações Públicas no sector desportivo, embora mais habituais nas modalidades profissionais, são uma área em que urge apostar, tanto ao nível da investigação teórica como nas áreas da investigação critica sobre as suas práticas. Partindo precisamente de uma reflexão teórica sobre esta disciplina propomo-nos apresentar uma estratégia de Relações Públicas que permita dar uma maior visibilidade a esta modalidade e consequentemente leve a um aumento substancial do número de praticantes e técnicos nos próximos anos.


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Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Gestão Estratégica das Relações Públicas.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto, para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Marketing Digital, sob orientação da Prof. Sandrina Teixeira


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A comunicação é essencial nas relações interpessoais, quer ao nível das organizações em geral, quer na organização escolar em particular. As funções de administração, como planeamento, organização, liderança e controle, são levadas a cabo com sucesso, dentro de uma organização quando apoiadas num processo de comunicação eficaz. O objectivo deste estudo foi procurar soluções para a ineficácia relativa do processo de comunicação entre o Diretor e os professores no Agrupamento X. Metodologicamente desenvolveu-se um estudo de caso, de natureza qualitativa, onde se recorreu a instrumentos de recolha de dados como entrevistas e ‘focus group’. Desta forma identificou-se e descreveu-se o processo de comunicação adotado no Agrupamento X entre o Diretor e os professores, bem como se recolheram as opiniões dos docentes e do Diretor sobre a comunicação e a gestão da informação no Agrupamento. Este estudo permitiu reconhecer que a fraca internalização de alguns conceitos e mecanismos do processo comunicacional por parte dos atores contribui para ineficácia relativa deste processo. Na criação do plano de ação retomámos e valorizamos a ideia de que um modelo de comunicação assente nas principais funções da comunicação poderá ser a chave para o maior envolvimento dos docentes na consecução dos objetivos do Projeto Educativo do Agrupamento, ou seja, é dada a resposta à pergunta partida deste projeto – como melhorar o processo de comunicação entre o Diretor e os professores no Agrupamento X?


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Cette recherche s’intéresse aux processus communicationnels utilisés dans les comités d’éthique clinique (CEC) en Amérique du nord dans leur fonction de consultation. Selon la littérature, les CEC bénéficieraient de «pay closer attention to group process [as an] effective communication in a HEC is essential to a committee’s function» (Berchelmann and Blechner 2002 p.143). Or, très peu de données sur les dynamiques de groupe et les modes de communication en CEC sont disponibles. Ce travail cherche à savoir si l’approche dialogique peut être utile au soutien des discussions de groupe des CEC. Dans un premier temps, une revue de littérature rend compte, à partir de son historique, de l’état actuel des CEC. Sont ensuite explorées et analysées, dans leurs avantages et leurs limites, les diverses méthodes utilisées afin de mener les discussions dans le cadre des consultations. Dans un deuxième temps, les barrières communicationnelles qui affectent potentiellement les CEC sont identifiées. Par la suite, afin d’améliorer le processus de communication (et diminuer l’effet des barrières), une nouvelle piste de solution est proposée : le dialogue tel que développé par le milieu organisationnel. Le dialogue est alors conceptualisé et mis en lien avec les besoins des CEC en matière de communication. Bien que le dialogue propose plusieurs contributions avantageuses pour les CEC et leurs membres, certaines contraintes réduisent sa faisabilité d’une façon globale dans le contexte particulier des CEC. Par contre, en l’utilisant comme formation complémentaire, le dialogue permet le développement de l’individu et du groupe et demeure une approche intéressante et utile pour les CEC qui éprouvent des difficultés systémiques et comprennent les implications de sa démarche.


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En 2006, un hôpital universitaire de la région de Montréal a décidé d’implanter le projet « Hôpital Promoteur de Santé » dans un contexte où les conditions de travail des infirmières étaient particulièrement difficiles. Une étude de cas a été menée dans le CHU, afin de mieux comprendre le contexte interne d’implantation du sous-projet ‘milieu de travail promoteur de santé’. Des entrevues ont été menées auprès de 7 acteurs-clés du niveau stratégique et 18 infirmières-chefs pour examiner leurs perceptions relativement à l’implantation du projet HPS, et plus particulièrement d’un ‘milieu de travail promoteur de santé’ pour les infirmières. Un questionnaire a aussi été administré par entrevue à quatre acteurs-clés stratégiques du CHU afin d’évaluer la compatibilité des pratiques organisationnelles avec les critères d’une des dimensions du projet HPS, le milieu de travail promoteur de santé. Les résultats montrent des similitudes et des différences parmi les perceptions des acteurs stratégiques au sujet du contexte interne d’implantation. Les similitudes portent sur l’utilité, la compatibilité du sous-projet ‘milieu de travail promoteur de santé’ avec les valeurs de l’organisation, la nécessité d’une implantation graduelle ainsi que sur l’existence d’obstacles à l’implantation. Les différences ont mené à cinq discours d'acteurs stratégiques aux niveaux d’engagement différents, en fonction de facteurs d'intelligibilité (i.e. compréhension du concept HPS, rôle perçu dans l'implantation, stratégie d'implantation, vision des implications du concept HPS). Les résultats révèlent aussi que toutes les infirmières-chefs perçoivent l’utilité et la compatibilité du sous-projet ‘milieu de travail promoteur de santé’ avec les valeurs, normes, stratégies et buts organisationnels, ainsi que les mêmes obstacles à son implantation perçus par les acteurs stratégiques. Ils montrent aussi l’existence de deux groupes différents chez les infirmières-chefs quant aux stratégies proposées et utilisées pour implanter un ‘milieu de travail promoteur de santé’. Ainsi, les stratégies des infirmières-chefs du groupe 1 peuvent être assimilées à celles de leaders transactionnels, tandis que les infirmières-chefs du groupe 2 peuvent être assimilées à celles de leaders transformationnels. Finalement, les résultats de l’analyse des données du questionnaire indiquent divers niveaux de compatibilité des pratiques de l’hôpital par rapport aux critères d’un ‘milieu de travail promoteur de santé’. Ainsi, la compatibilité est élevée pour les critères portant sur l'organisation apprenante et performante, les stratégies pour un milieu de travail sain et sécuritaire, les activités liées à la promotion de saines habitudes de vie ainsi que les modifications de l'environnement physique et social. Cependant, elle est faible pour les critères portant sur la politique de promotion de la santé et la participation des infirmières. Notre étude a souligné l’importance de l’état de préparation d’une organisation de santé à l’implantation d’une innovation, un concept peu étudié dans les études sur l’implantation efficace d’innovations dans les services de santé, plus particulièrement du projet HPS. Nos résultats ont également mis en évidence l’importance, pour un hôpital souhaitant implanter un milieu de travail promoteur de santé, de former son personnel et ses gestionnaires au sujet du projet HPS, de disposer d’un plan de communication efficace, et de réaliser un état des lieux préalablement à l’implantation.