953 resultados para Diels-alder Reactions
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Synthese arenoanellierter Naphthothiete und Benzobisthiete, sowie mit der Umsetzung der aus diesen Thieten thermisch generierbaren Valenzisomeren (Thiochinonmethide). Diese Thiochinonmethide sind hochreaktive Diensysteme, die mit zahlreichen Dienophilen (homo- und hetero-Doppel- und Dreifachbindungssysteme) nach Diels-Alder abreagieren, die dabei entstehenden S-Heterocyclen können im Sechsring noch weitere Heteroatome (N, P, O, S) enthalten. Daraus resultiert ein großes Potential der Arenothiete zur Synthese neuer Thioheterocyclen. Durch die erstmals gelungene Synthese der beiden Benzobisthiete 2H,3H-Benzo[1,2-b:4,3-b']bisthiet und 1H,4H-Benzo[2,1-b:3,4-b']bisthiet mit gewinkelter Anellierungsgeometrie hat das synthetische Spektrum der aus Arenothieten darstellbaren Thioheterocyclen nochmal eine deutliche Erweiterung erfahren.
Die Darstellung der Arenothiete erfolgt in einer mehrstufigen Synthese, in deren finalem Schritt sie mittels Blitz-Vakuum-Pyrolyse aus Arylhydroxymethylthiolen gebildet werden, dabei wird das Edukt mittels molekularer Strömung in den "Reaktor" eingebracht. Da die Arylhydroxymethylthiole in der Regel nur eine sehr geringe Flüchtigkeit haben, waren die Arenothiete meist nur in geringen Mengen darstellbar. Daher wurde in dieser Arbeit sowohl die Synthese neuer Arenothiete (gewinkelte Benzobisthiete) als auch eine Optimierung der bisherigen Synthesemethode angestrebt; diese erfolgt bevorzugt durch Variation der Pyrolyseedukte in Richtung zu potentiell höherflüchtigen Verbindungen.
Im Rahmen dieser Versuche war die Darstellung zweier Arenothiete ausgehend von cyclischen O,S-Acetalen als alternative Pyrolysevorstufen erfolgreich.
Ein besonderes Interesse speziell an Benzobisthieten begründet sich in ihrer generellen Fähigkeit zum Aufbau von bandartigen Strukturen durch Oligo- und Poly-Diels-Alder-Reaktionen. Durch die Synthese einiger Modellverbindungen konnte ihre prinzipielle Eignung zum Aufbau von Bandstrukturen auch für die beiden Benzobisthiete belegt werden.
Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, ausgehend von auxiliargebundenen Piperidinderivaten, unterschiedliche chirale bi- und tricyclische Verbindungen darzustellen. Dazu wurde das 2,3,4,6-Tetra-O-pivaloyl--D-galactosylamin durch Kondensation mit Aldehyden in die entsprechenden Galactosylaldimine überführt, die in einer Lewissäure-katalysierten hochdiastereoselektiven Tandem-Mannich-Michael-Reaktionssequenz mit Danishefsky-Dien zu 2-substituierten Dehydropiperidinonen umgesetzt wurden. Die auf diese Weise zugänglichen chiralen Heterocyclen wurden diastereoselektiv in trans-konfigurierte 5-Bromverbindungen überführt. In einer Thiazolsynthese nach Hantzsch konnten die -Bromketone mit ambidenten Nukleophilen, wie Thiobenzamiden und unsymmetrischen Thioharnstoffderivaten, in niedrigen Ausbeuten zu bicyclischen Tetrahydro-thiazolo[5,4-c]pyridinen umgesetzt werden. Weitere bicyclische Heterocyclen mit einem Tetrahydro-thieno[2,3-c]pyridin-System konnten durch eine Gewald-Cyclisierung an 2-substituierten N-Galactosyl-piperidinonen erhalten werden. Durch Palladium-katalysierte Kreuzkupplungen an heterocyclischen Enoltriflaten, die ausgehend von den N-Galactosyl-dehydropiperidinonen synthetisiert wurden, gelang die Einführung von Aryl-, Alkinyl- und Alkenylsubstituenten in 4-Position des Piperidinringes. Zur Freisetzung der 2,4-disubstituierten Dehydropiperidinen wurde die N-glycosidische Bindung im sauren Milieu gespalten. Verbindungen mit einer exocyclischen Doppelbindung wurden einer Diels-Alder-Reaktion mit N-Phenylmaleinimid zum Aufbau von Isochinolinderivaten eingesetzt. Des Weiteren gelang die Synthese von 2-benzylsubstituierten N-Galactosyl-dehydropiperidinonen, wobei ortho-halogensubstituierte Phenylacetaldehyde eingesetzt wurden. Die in hohen Diastereomerenüberschüssen gebildeten Dehydropiperidinone wurden in die entsprechenden Enoltriflate überführt und einer Domino-Suzuki-Heck-Reaktion unterworfen. In dieser Kaskadenreaktion konnten tricyclische diastereomerenreine Benzomorphanderivate synthetisiert werden.
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Synthese funktionalisierter Polyphenylen-Dendrimere für den Einsatz als Nanobausteine in übermolekularen 3-D Aggregaten für potentielle sensorische Anwendungen. Im ersten Teil werden zwei Konzepte zur Synthese von funktionalisierten Cyclopentadienonbausteinen vorgestellt: einer führt zu Bausteinen die zur Synthese von peripher-funktionalisierten Polyphenylen-Dendrimere geeignet sind, und ein zweiter Ansatz zielt auf Cyclopentadienonbausteine, die es erlauben Polyphenylen-Dendrimere im Inneren zu funktionalisieren. Für das erste Ziel erwies sich die Suzuki-Kreuzkupplung von Arylboronsäuren und Arylboronsäurenester mit Arylhalogeniden als ein optimales synthetisches Werkzeug. Demgegenüber wurden für das zweite Ziel -methylesterfunktionalisierten Cyclopentadienonbausteine anhand der Knoevenagel-Kondensation von bereits funktionstragenden-Partnern synthetisiert. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit werden die Synthesen von funktionalisierten Polyphenylen-Dendrimeren vorgestellt. Hierbei kamen zwei verschiedene synthetische Ansätze zum Einsatz: Einerseits wurden durch die Diels-Alder-Addition der funktionalisierten Cyclopentadienonbausteine an ethinylfunktionalisierten Polyphenylen-Grundkörper unterschiedlicher Generation die verfolgten funktionalisierten Zielverbindungen erhalten. Andererseits wurde in bestimmten Fällen die polymeranaloge Konversion von „Übergangsfunktionen“ in einem a posteriori-Funktionalisierungsschritt angewendet. Dementsprechend wurde die Einführung von funktionellen Gruppen möglich die entweder die alkalischen Bedingungen der Knoevenagel – Kondensation oder die hohen Temperaturen der Diels-Alder-Cycloaddition nicht überstehen. Die synthetischen Werkzeuge, die bei der a posteriori-Funktionalisierung zum Einsatz kamen, mussten die vollständige und nebenreaktionsfreie Konversion der Übergangsfunktionen ermöglichen. Als Reaktionen, die dieser Bedingungen genügen, wurden die Williamson –Ethersynthese und die Esterknüpfung nach der DCC-Methode in Verbindung mit hydroxyfunktionalisierten Polyphenylen-Grundkörper und die basische Esterspaltung an methyleseterfunktionalisierten Dendrimeren angewandt. Die aufgezählten Reaktionen führten zu Endprodukten, die ihre Monodispersität beibehielten und eine definierte Anzahl an Funktionalität aufwiesen. Anhand eingehenden Untersuchungen (der Aufbau von Sensorschichten für flüchtige organische Lösungsmittel, die Untersuchungen an elektrostatisch-wechselwirkenden übermolekularen Aggregaten sowie die Einlagerung von Gastmolekülen) wird es ersichtlich dass die synthetisierten Polyphenylen-Dendrimere vielseitig als Nanobausteine zur Erzeugung von funktionalen Materialien von potenzieller Bedeutung sind.
Untersuchungen zur stereokontrollierten Synthese von 3-Mercaptolysinderivaten: 3-Mercaptolysin und Peptide mit einer 3-Mercaptolysin-Einheit sind als Liganden für Nukleardiagnostika in der Kontrastmittelforschung von großem Interesse. Für das Screening Gewebe-selektiver Diagnostika sollten Mercaptolysinderivate, die sich für den Einbau in Peptide eignen, stereokontrolliert aufgebaut werden. Als Grundlage wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit eine sehr effiziente Synthese von Methoxymethyl-(4-oxo-butyl)-carbaminsäure-tert-butylester aus Pent-4-en-1-ol entwickelt. Nach Olefinierung des Aldehyds konnten Auxiliar-substituierte 6-Amino-hexensäure-derivate in guten Ausbeuten erhalten werden. Diese bildeten die Startmaterialien für auxiliargesteuerte Aziridinierungen mit anschließender Ringöffnung durch Schwefel-Nukleophile. Zudem wurden Azidierungen an Auxiliar-bewehrten Substraten, Michael-Additionen von Schwefel-Nukleophilen an Dehydroaminosäuren und viele weitere Reaktionen untersucht. Es galt dabei auf patentrechtlich geschützte Reaktionen zu verzichten, weil die Produkte ggf. in großem Maßstab kommerziell genutzt werden sollen. Dabei konnten alle vier stereoisomeren 2-Acetylamino-6-(tert-butoxycarbonyl-methoxymethyl-amino)-3-(4-methoxy-benzylsulfanyl)-hexansäurementhylester in guter Ausbeute synthetisiert werden. Nach Herstellung größerer Mengen der entsprechenden am Schwefelatom ungeschützten N-Fmoc-Aminosäurederivate sollen alle vier Stereoisomere in Peptide eingebaut und auf ihre Eignung als Liganden in Nukleardiagnostika untersucht werden. Untersuchungen zur Synthese neuartiger Ansa-Steroide: Über die Synthese von Ansa-Seco-Steroiden mittels eine Kaskade von intermolekularer Diels-Alder-Reaktion und anschließender Retro-Diels-Alder-Reaktion an 5,6,7,8-Tetradehydrosteroiden wurde erstmals 1986 von E. Winterfeldt et al. berichtet. Die damit eröffnete Möglichkeit eines völlig neuen Zugangs zu pharmakologisch interessanten Makrolid-Substraten konnte aber bislang nicht effektiv genutzt werden, weil insbesondere im Zusammenhang mit der Diels-Alder-Reaktion erhebliche präparative Probleme auftraten: Brauchbare Reaktivität nur bei sehr wenigen Dienophilen, Regioselektivitätsprobleme, etc. Hier galt es zu untersuchen, inwiefern sich diese Probleme durch die intramolekulare Reaktionsführung der Cycloaddition unterdrücken lassen können. Für die intramolekulare Diels-Alder-Reaktion zwischen der 5,7-Dien-Einheit des Steroids und einer an das Substrat gebundenen Dienophil-Einheit ist die Möglichkeit einer günstigen Anordnung der beiden Reaktanden-Gruppen entscheidend. Dafür wurden umfangreiche Untersuchungen zur alpha-konfigurierten Anbindung eines Dienophils in die 3-Position an 3-Hydroxy-5,6,7,8-Tetradehydrosteroiden durchgeführt: Mitsunobu-Reaktionen, Oxidations-Reduktions-Sequenzen, Oxidations-Ketalisierungs-Sequenzen, etc. Hierbei wurden zahlreiche neue Steroide synthetisiert. Es gelang jedoch nicht, 5,6,7,8-Tetradehydrosteroide mit axial in Position 3 eingebundenen Dienophilen in präparativ nutzbaren Mengen zu synthetisieren. Bei der Untersuchung intermolekularer Diels-Alder-Reaktionen zwischen Ergosterol und Brommaleinsäureanhydrid wurde vorzugsweise die Bildung der Addukte des 7,8,14,15-Tetradehydroisomers des Ergosterols beobachtet.
An expeditious synthesis of several 2-amino-isophthalonitriles and their biaryl compounds is described and illustrated by carbanion-induced ring transformation of functionalized 2H-pyran-2-ones with malononitrile in excellent yields. The strength of the reaction lies in the creation of an aromatic ring at room temperature from six membered-lactones under mild reaction conditions. This approach is an alternative to Diels-Alder reactions of 2H-pyran-2-ones with dienophiles, which require forcing thermal conditions to obtain benzene derivatives.
The development of multi-target drugs for treating complex multifactorial diseases constitutes an active research ield. This kind of drugs has gained much importance as alternative strategy to combination therapy (“cocktail drugs”).1 A common way to design them brings together two different pharmacophores in one single molecule (so-called dyads). Following this idea and being aware that xanthones2 and 1,2,3-triazoles3 possess important pharmacological properties, we combined these two heterocycles in one molecule to create new dyads with improved therapeutic potential. In this work, new xanthone-1,2,3-triazole dyads were prepared from novel (E)-2-(4-arylbut-1-en-3-yn-1-yl)chromones by two different approaches to evaluate their eficiency and sustainability. Both methodologies involved Diels-Alder reactions to build the xanthone core, which were optimized using microwave irradiation as alternative heating method, and 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions to insert the 1,2,3-triazole moiety (Figure 1).4 All final and intermediate compounds were fully characterized by 1D and 2D NMR techniques.
A high yielding synthesis of the pentacyclic diene-dione 1 has enabled investigation of its reactivity as a double dienophile in Diels-Alder [4+2] cycloadditions with isobenzofuran, leading to novel and highly symmetrical three-sided cavitands 3 and 4.
The aim of this project was to synthesise fluorinated polymers that might act as hot material in a guest-host system for use in non-linear optical applications. These polymers would be expected to have the advantage over materials such as poly(vinylidene fluoride) which is known to be incompatible with many nlo active materials. A series of bicyclic fluorinated monomers was prepared by the reaction of fluorinated dienophiles with cyclopentadiene in a series of Diels-Alder reactions. The monomers were purified and then used in ring opening metathesis polymerisation. The materials were then characterised by gel permeation chromatography and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and cast as films for determination of their activities as nlo materials using a Nd/YAG laser system. The second harmonic intensity of each was measured relative to quartz. However no materials of significant activity were produced. In an attempt to produce polymers that might subsequently be functionalised the polymerisation of 1,2-methylenedioxybenzene and 1,4-benzodioxane was investigated.
The work described in this thesis revolves around the 1,1,n,ntetramethyl[n](2,11)teropyrenophanes, which are a series of [n]cyclophanes with a severely bent, board-shaped polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). The thesis is divided into seven Chapters. The first Chapter conatins an overview of the seminal work on [n]cyclophanes of the first two members of the “capped rylene” series of PAHs: benzene and pyrene. Three different general strategies for the synthesis of [n]cyclophanes are discussed and this leads in to a discussion of some slected syntheses of [n]paracyclopahnes and [n](2,7)pyrenophanes. The chemical, structural, spectroscopic and photophysical properties of these benzene and pyrene-derived cyclophanes are discussed with emphasis on the changes that occur with changes in the structure of the aromatic system. Chapter 1 concludes with a brief introduction to [n]cyclophanes of the fourth member of the capped rylene series of PAHs: teropyrene. The focus of the work described in Chapter 2 is the synthesis of of 1,1,n,ntetramethyl[n](2,11)teropyrenophane (n = 6 and 7) using a double-McMurry strategy. While the synthesis 1,1,7,7-tetramethyl[7](2,11)teropyrenophane was successful, the synthesis of the lower homologue 1,1,6,6-tetramethyl[6](2,11)teropyrenophane was not. The conformational behaviour of [n.2]pyrenophanes was also studied by 1H NMR spectroscopy and this provided a conformation-based rationale for the failure of the synthesis of 1,1,6,6-tetramethyl[6](2,11)teropyrenophane. Chapter 3 contains details of the synthesis of 1,1,n,n-tetramethyl[n](2,11)teropyrenophanes (n = 7-9) using a Wurtz / McMurry strategy, which proved to be more general than the double McMurry strategy. The three teropyrenophanes were obtained in ca. 10 milligram quantities. Trends in the spectroscopic properties that accompany changes in the structure of the teropyrene system are discussed. A violation of Kasha’s rule was observed when the teropyrenophanes were irradiated at 260 nm. The work described in the fourth Chapter concentrates on the development of gram-scale syntheses of 1,1,n,n-tetramethyl[n](2,11)teropyrenophanes (n = 7–10) using the Wurtz / McMurry strategy. Several major modifications to the orginal synthetic pathway had to be made to enable the first several steps to be performed comfortably on tens of grams of material. Solubility problems severely limited the amount of material that could be produced at a late stage of the synthetic pathways leading to the evennumbered members of the series (n = 8, 10). Ultimately, only 1,1,9,9- tetramethyl[9](2,11)teropyrenophane was synthesized on a multi-gram scale. In the final step in the synthesis, a valence isomerization / dehydrogenation (VID) reaction, the teropyrenophane was observed to become unstable under the conditions of its formation at n = 8. The synthesis of 1,1,10,10-tetramethyl[10](2,11)teropyrenophane was achieved for the first time, but only on a few hundred milligram scale. In Chapter 5, the results of an investigation of the electrophilic aromatic bromination of the 1,1,n,n-tetramethyl[n](2,11)teropyrenophanes (n = 7–10) are presented. Being the most abundant cyclophane, most of the work was performed on 1,1,9,9-tetramethyl[9](2,11)teropyrenophane. Reaction of this compound with varying amounts of of bromine revealed that bromination occurs most rapidly at the symmetryrelated 4, 9, 13 and 18 positions (teropyrene numbering) and that the 4,9,13,18- tetrabromide could be formed exclusively. Subsequent bromination occurs selectively on the symmetry-related 6, 7, 15 and 16 positions (teropyrene numbering), but considerably more slowly. Only mixtures of penta-, hexa-, hepta and octabromides could be formed. Bromination reactions of the higher and lower homologues (n = 7, 8 and 10) revealed that the reactivity of the teropyrene system increased with the degree of bend. Crystal structures of some tetra-, hexa-, hepta- and octa-brominated products were obtained. The goal of the work described in Chapter 6 is to use 1,1,9,9- tetramethyl[9](2,11)teropyrenophane as a starting material for the synthesis of warped nanographenophanes. A bromination, Suzuki-Miyaura, cyclodehydrogenation sequence was unsuccessful, as was a C–H arylation / cyclodehydrogenation approach. Itami’s recently-developed K-region-selective annulative -extension (APEX) reaction proved to be successful, affording a giant [n]cyclophane with a C84 PAH. Attempted bay-region Diels-Alder reactions and some cursory host-guest chemistry of teropyrenophanes are also discussed. In Chapter 7 a synthetic approach toward a planar model compound, 2,11-di-tbutylteropyrene, is described. The synthesis could not be completed owing to solubility problems at the end of the synthetic pathway.
A series of bis(oxazoline) metal(II) complexes has been supported on silica and carbon supports by non-covalent immobilisation using an ionic liquid. The catalytic performance of these solids was compared for the enantioselective Diels-Alder reaction between N-acryloyloxazolidinone and cyclopentadiene and the Mukaiyama-aldol reaction between methyl pyruvate and 1-methoxy-1-trimethylsilyloxy-propene. In both reactions the enantioselectivity was strongly influenced by the choice of support displaying enantioselectivies (ee values) up to 40% higher than those conducted under homogeneous reaction conditions.
The [2+2+2] cycloaddition reaction involves the formation of three carbon-carbon bonds in one single step using alkynes, alkenes, nitriles, carbonyls and other unsaturated reagents as reactants. This is one of the most elegant methods for the construction of polycyclic aromatic compounds and heteroaromatic, which have important academic and industrial uses. The thesis is divided into ten chapters including six related publications. The first study based on the Wilkinson’s catalyst, RhCl(PPh3)3, compares the reaction mechanism of the [2+2+2] cycloaddition process of acetylene with the cycloaddition obtained for the model of the complex, RhCl(PH3)3. In an attempt to reduce computational costs in DFT studies, this research project aimed to substitute PPh3 ligands for PH3, despite the electronic and steric effects produced by PPh3 ligands being significantly different to those created by PH3 ones. In this first study, detailed theoretical calculations were performed to determine the reaction mechanism of the two complexes. Despite some differences being detected, it was found that modelling PPh3 by PH3 in the catalyst helps to reduce the computational cost significantly while at the same time providing qualitatively acceptable results. Taking into account the results obtained in this earlier study, the model of the Wilkinson’s catalyst, RhCl(PH3)3, was applied to study different [2+2+2] cycloaddition reactions with unsaturated systems conducted in the laboratory. Our research group found that in the case of totally closed systems, specifically 15- and 25-membered azamacrocycles can afford benzenic compounds, except in the case of 20-membered azamacrocycle (20-MAA) which was inactive with the Wilkinson’s catalyst. In this study, theoretical calculations allowed to determine the origin of the different reactivity of the 20-MAA, where it was found that the activation barrier of the oxidative addition of two alkynes is higher than those obtained for the 15- and 25-membered macrocycles. This barrier was attributed primarily to the interaction energy, which corresponds to the energy that is released when the two deformed reagents interact in the transition state. The main factor that helped to provide an explanation to the different reactivity observed was that the 20-MAA had a more stable and delocalized HOMO orbital in the oxidative addition step. Moreover, we observed that the formation of a strained ten-membered ring during the cycloaddition of 20-MAA presents significant steric hindrance. Furthermore, in Chapter 5, an electrochemical study is presented in collaboration with Prof. Anny Jutand from Paris. This work allowed studying the main steps of the catalytic cycle of the [2+2+2] cycloaddition reaction between diynes with a monoalkyne. First kinetic data were obtained of the [2+2+2] cycloaddition process catalyzed by the Wilkinson’s catalyst, where it was observed that the rate-determining step of the reaction can change depending on the structure of the starting reagents. In the case of the [2+2+2] cycloaddition reaction involving two alkynes and one alkene in the same molecule (enediynes), it is well known that the oxidative coupling may occur between two alkynes giving the corresponding metallacyclopentadiene, or between one alkyne and the alkene affording the metallacyclopentene complex. Wilkinson’s model was used in DFT calculations to analyze the different factors that may influence in the reaction mechanism. Here it was observed that the cyclic enediynes always prefer the oxidative coupling between two alkynes moieties, while the acyclic cases have different preferences depending on the linker and the substituents used in the alkynes. Moreover, the Wilkinson’s model was used to explain the experimental results achieved in Chapter 7 where the [2+2+2] cycloaddition reaction of enediynes is studied varying the position of the double bond in the starting reagent. It was observed that enediynes type yne-ene-yne preferred the standard [2+2+2] cycloaddition reaction, while enediynes type yne-yne-ene suffered β-hydride elimination followed a reductive elimination of Wilkinson’s catalyst giving cyclohexadiene compounds, which are isomers from those that would be obtained through standard [2+2+2] cycloaddition reactions. Finally, the last chapter of this thesis is based on the use of DFT calculations to determine the reaction mechanism when the macrocycles are treated with transition metals that are inactive to the [2+2+2] cycloaddition reaction, but which are thermally active leading to new polycyclic compounds. Thus, a domino process was described combining an ene reaction and a Diels-Alder cycloaddition.
1-甲基-2-甲氧羰基-3, 6, 8-三羟基-7-甲氧基蒽醌是从唐菖蒲干球茎中分离到的具有环氧化酶-2选择性抑制活性的多取代蒽醌类化合物。本文试图合成该化合物,实现了其类似物的合成,同时发现了几个未见报道的反应。 1.通过Diels-Alder 反应合成了关键中间体——3-甲基-5-羟基-1, 2, 4-苯三甲酸三甲酯,1-COOMe选择性水解产物与1, 2, 3-三甲氧基苯进行分子间Friedel-Crafts反应的产物再进行分子内Friedel-Crafts反应得到了目标产物的类似物1-甲基-2-甲氧羰基-3-羟基-6,7,8-三甲氧基蒽醌(路线1)。目标产物及其它类似物的合成正在进行中。 2.以乙酰乙酸甲酯和巴豆醛为原料,经过Michael加成、分子内的Aldol反应、芳香化、选择性甲酰化和还原反应,得到关键中间体2-甲基-3-羟甲基-6-甲氧基苯甲酸甲酯及其衍生物。通过该化合物与3,4,5-三甲氧基苯甲酸甲酯进行Friedel-Crafts烷基化反应得到了多取代的二苯基甲烷衍生物,拟进一步关环合成目标化合物(路线2)。 3.发现邻甲氧基苯甲酸甲酯中酯甲基可以被正丁基锂和仲丁基锂中烷基交换生成相应的酯,反应的机理不明确。当使用叔丁基锂时,得到的是邻甲氧基苯基叔丁酮,这个方法可以用来合成芳基叔丁酮类化合物。 4.以2-苄氧基-6-甲基苯甲酸甲酯为原料进行氯甲基化反应时,以苯和二氯乙烷作溶剂,发生了苄基的迁移和芳环的偶联,分别得到2,2'-二甲基-3,3'-二甲氧羰基-4,4'-二羟基联苯和2,2'-二甲基-3,3'-二甲氧羰基-4,4'-二羟基-5,5'-二苄基联苯。这是对称联苯合成的新方法。 5.水杨酸羟基邻对位的选择性甲酰化可以分别通过水杨酸和水杨酸甲酯用HMTA/CF3COOH来实现。 6.Lewis酸催化3,4,5-三甲氧基苄醇环化成1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13-nonamethoxyl-10,15-dihydro-5H-trbibenzo [a, d, g] cyclononene (NDTC),产率(54%)高于已有方法(12%)。 Methyl 3,6,8-trihydroxy-7-methoxy-1-methylanthraquinone-2-carboxylate is a new COX-2 selective inhibitor isolated from Gladiolus gandavensis. Two strategies were investigated to synthesis this compound, in which some important reactions were discovered. 1. The key intermediate 5-hydroxy-3-methylbenzene-1,2,4-tricarboxylic acid 2,4-dimethyl ester was prepared via Diels-Alder reaction followed by selective hydrolysis of 1-COOMe. This compound was coupled with 1,2,3-trimethoxybenzene and the product undergo intramolecular Friedel-Crafts reaction to give methyl 3-hydroxy-5,6,7-trimethoxy-1-methylanthraquinone-2-carboxylate (1st route). The target compound and other analogues are being prepared with the same procedure. 2. The key intermediates methyl 3-hydroxymethyl-6-methoxy-2-methylbenzoate and its derivatives were prepared starting from crotonaldehyde and methyl acetoacetate via Michael addition, intramolecular aldol reaction, aromatization, formylation and reduction. The intermediates were coupled respectively with derivatives of gallic acid to give polysubstituted diphenylmethane. However, attempts to cyclize these compounds to the target compounds and analogues were not successful (2nd route). 3. In the process for ortho-lithiation of methyl 2-methoxybenzoate, the substrate converted respectively to n-butyl 2-methoxybenzoate and sec-butyl 2-methoxybenzoate when n-BuLi and sec-BuLi were used. However, tert-BuLi reacted with methyl 2-methoxybenzoate afford 2-methoxyphenyl tert-butyl ketone, which could be used to synthesize aryl tert-butyl ketones. 4. The transformtion of methyl 2-benzoxy-6-methylbenzoate to dimethyl 4,4'-dihydroxy-2,2'-dimethylbiphenyl-3,3'-dicarboxylate in benzene, and dimethyl 5,5'-dibenzyl-4,4'-dihydroxy-2,2'-dimethylbiphenyl-3,3'-dicarboxylate in 1,2-dichloroethane in the presence of ZnCl2 provides a new method for the synthesis of symmetric biphenyl. 5. The formylation of salicylic acid at C-5 and methyl 2-hydroxybenzoate at C-3 could be regioselectively realized by using HMTA/CF3COOH. 6. Racemic 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13-nonamethoxyl-10, 15-dihydro-5H-trbibenzo [a, d, g] cyclononene was prepared via Lewis acids catalyzed trimerization of 3, 4, 5-trimethoxylbenzyl alcohol with yield (54%) higher than the reported procesure (12%).
The reaction of nitrone, N-methyl nitrone, and their hydroxylamine tautomers (vinyl-hydroxylamine and N-methyl vinyl-hydroxylamine) on the reconstructed Si(100)-2 x 1 surface has been investigated by means of hybrid density functional theory (B3LYP) and Moller-Plesset second-order perturbation (MP2) methods. The calculations predicted that both of the nitrones should react with the surface dimer via facile concerted 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition leading to 5-member-ring compounds. The reaction of hydroxylamine tautomers on the Si(100) surface follows pi-complex (intermediate) mechanism. For the reaction of N-methyl vinyl-hydroxylamine, the pi-complex intermediate undergoes [2+2] cycloaddition leading to a 4-member-ring compound. But in the reaction of vinyl-hydroxylamine, the intermediate undergoes H-migration reaction ("ene" reaction) resulting in the oxime-terminated Si surface. All the surface reactions result in the hydroxyl-terminated silicon surfaces, which are very useful for the further modification of the semiconductor.
Development of novel synthetic methodology for selective transformation of organic compounds is a central element underpinning organic synthesis with control of chemo-, regio- and stereoselectivity a very high priority. Reactions which can be conducted under mild reaction conditions and, ideally in an environmentally attractive manner, are particularly advantageous. The principal objective of this thesis was to explore the synthesis, reactivity and synthetic utility of a series of α,β-thio-β-chloroenones. The stereochemical features of these transformations and the potential of this novel series of compounds in the synthesis of bioactive compounds were of particular interest. In exploring the reactivity of these compounds, the key transformations included nucleophilic additions and Stille cross-coupling at the β-carbon. Chapter 1 reviews the literature relevant to the research conducted, and focuses in particular on the synthesis of β-chloroenones and related unsaturated carbonyl compounds. The synthesis of chalcone compounds from various precursors is also discussed, with particular emphasis on the use of palladium cross-coupling reactions in the preparation of these compounds. The biological activity of chalcones is also summarised in this chapter. The second chapter delineates the stereoselective synthesis of the novel α-thio-β-chloroenones from the corresponding α-thioketones in a multistep reaction cascade initiated by a NCS-mediated chlorination. A range of both alkyl and aryl β-chloroenones were prepared in this work and the oxidation of these compounds to the corresponding sulfoxides and sulfones is also outlined. The electrophilicity of the β-carbon of the enones was examined in nucleophilic addition/substitution reactions with successful access to a variety of synthetically useful novel adducts including acetals and enaminoketones. Investigation of the synthetic potential of the Stille cross-coupling reaction with the novel α-thio-β-chloroenones was explored and provided an efficient route for the synthesis of a novel series of chalcones. Most importantly this new methodology provided a new and synthetically powerful approach for carbon-carbon bond formation at the β-carbon under mild neutral conditions. A preliminary investigation into the use of these β-chloroenones as dienophiles in Diels-Alder cycloaddition reactions is also discussed in this chapter. Chapter 2 also reports the nucleophilic addition of N, O, S and C nucleophiles to previously described β-chloroacrylamides and their corresponding sulfoxide derivatives. This work builds on previous research carried out in this programme and the reactivity of these β-chloroacrylamides at the sulfide and sulfoxide level is compared. Comparison of the reactivity of the β-chloroacrylamides, in nucleophilic substitution and Stille-coupling, with that of the novel β-chloroenones is of interest. Finally, the biological activity of both the β-chloroenones and the β-chloroacrylamides in terms of cytotoxicity is summarised in Chapter 2. The final chapter, Chapter 3, details the full experimental procedures, including spectroscopic and analytical data for the compounds prepared during this research.
The asymmetric Diels-Alder reaction between N-acryloyloxazolidinone and cyclopentadiene and the Mukaiyama-aldol reaction between methylpyruvate and 1-phenyl-1-trimethylsilyloxyethene have been catalysed by heterogeneous copper(II)-bis(oxazoline)-based polymer immobilised ionic liquid phase (PIILP) systems generated from a range of linear and cross linked ionic polymers. In both reactions selectivity and ee were strongly influenced by the choice of polymer. A comparison of the performance of a range of Cu(II)-bis(oxazoline)-PIILP catalyst systems against analogous supported ionic liquid phase (SILP) heterogeneous catalysts as well as their homogeneous counterparts has been undertaken and their relative merits evaluated.